Atherion sat on the tree branch for a long time, not moving until the sun began to set.
His thoughts drifted to his childhood, where his family abandoned him.
He was born in a village on the outskirts of Valthoria, right on the border between Valthoria and Calonia.
His family was poor, and for food, his father and mother worked hard for neighbors who were willing to pay them for cleaning horse stables.
First, his father left when he found out his mother gave birth to a child with black scales, leaving Atherion and his mother behind.
Then, no one from his mother's family was willing to accept him.
And the saddest part was that his own mother, who had once been determined and vowed to raise him, eventually gave up and began to treat him harshly and beat him.
No one wanted to be near him. They all considered him a monster because sometimes he showed his uncontrolled strength when he fought back against other children who bullied him.