Atherion could only stare at Camelia, who was all dressed up, without being able to say anything. Similarly, Camelia looked at Atherion in his formal attire, so handsome.
They both stared at each other without speaking for a few moments until a clearing throat sound from Butler Edward broke the silence.
"Ahem. It's time for you to leave, my Lady, Sir Atherion," Edward said. "Duke Valois is waiting for you in the carriage."
They both laughed, and then Atherion offered his hand for Camelia to hold, and they walked down the stairs together towards the carriage waiting in front of the estate.
"You look beautiful tonight," Atherion said, though his face remained expressionless as usual.
Camelia turned to Atherion and said, "Thank you. You look very handsome tonight too."
Atherion simply replied, "Hmm."
Camelia giggled. Atherion turned to her. "Why are you laughing?" he asked.