Hopeful Wish

May 1st 2014 (present day), Chugach mountains

A man black hair and brown eyes wearing half broken glasses with only one of the len's remaining and a patched long sleeved coat with each patch coming from a different material and black pants, the man had stood in the middle of the lake that was near the foothold of a mountain.


After listening to Camila, Emma would have thought that Camila was simply trying to get her to join her pity party, But reading Luna's diary Emma had gained a better understanding of Luna. it would make sense if Luna had actually felt sorry for what she'd done.

Emma didn't know how to respond to the loads of info that Camila had dropped. It was somewhat heartbreaking for Emma.

'Of course she wanted forgiveness when I had finally killed her, Stupid damn wishing box I wish that never found you in the first place!'

In a short fit of quiet rage an idea came to her as she mentioned the wishing box.

'I got it! What if I just wish her back to life, if I can wish her to die I surely can wish her to live again.'

With Camila still waiting for a response Emma had announced in clear voice " It's Fine, we can ask Luna herself later"

Emma had walked away and Camila began asking with a confused and worried expression. "You do know that she's dead right?"

Emma had ignored her and continued to walk back home with a smile on her face.

"Haha I sure am dumb, I could've just wished her back this whole time" Emma had celebrated.

By the time she had reached her home it was already noon, Emma acted as if she were free as a bird. Spending her time as she pleased, in a park going for a walk and getting snacks. By the time she had the thought of going home the sun had already begun to fall.

Noticing this Emma had realized that she had still not made the wish.

She began rushing back home on the way she noticed an ice cream shop. The part of Luna's diary where she had said that chocolate ice cream was her favorite resurfaced from her memories.

'Might as well give her a sorry that I accidently killed you present' Emma had thought to herself and chuckled.

The walk back had been rather peaceful, Emma didn't feel this relieved ever since before all this stuff had happened to her

Her mother had yet to come back from work. Leaving Emma alone to do as she pleased.

'Huh she must be working overtime'

She had headed towards her room where all of her stuff is, this time the wishing box was underneath her bed.

Grabbing it without having a care of how it ended up there Emma had taken a deep breath and begun to think about the wish she had wanted to make.

Emma had closed her eyes tightly and began saying " I wish for Luna to live again"

After waiting for a few seconds Emma had opened her eyes and sighed,

"I guess it would make sense that Luna had not just popped up in front of me, like how the money just ended up in my wallet"

Not knowing what to do at the moment. Emma had just decided to go to sleep early today, right after she had put the chocolate ice cream in the fridge For Luna tomorrow.

After doing that Emma had fallen fast to sleep.

By the time she had woken up it was already nearly time for school which came as a bit of a surprise to Emma. Had she really been that exhausted.

Getting out of her bed Emma's mom had still not woken. She was fast asleep, probably dreaming of something good.

Emma had already gotten ready for school, and was about to head out when she realized that Luna was supposed to come to school today.

Emma had quickly grabbed the frozen chocolate ice cream and stuffed it into a lunch box that she had found inside the small kitchen. She had already begun walking towards her school smiling, hoping to apologize to Luna for doing what she had.

On second thought, Emma had been a bit afraid of how Luna's gonna react. Is she going to want to kill her and revive again like Emma had. Just the thought of it had made shiver, 'Oh well, if that does happen at least it'll be fair.'