
When Emma had gotten to her school she had frantically searched for Luna hoping to bump into her on her way to school or while in there.

What she hadn't expected to happen was that Luna had not come at all. When you think about it kinda makes sense, why would someone go to school when they had just died and came back.

Giving up on her search Emma had just continued on her with day waiting for school to be finished so that she can deliver the chocolate ice cream to Luna.

By the time school had finished Emma had walked out of school, and head towards the spot where Scarlett had been usually waiting for her,

This time though Scarlett wasn't here to talk to her about whatever animal she had liked at the moment.

Emma didn't really mind that could always talk tomorrow or even sometime before that. She had begun walking towards Luna's house.

On her walk there she had spotted someone who she had exempted to bump into. Camaila had greeted Emma as they walked downtown.

"Camalia, how's Luna doing? I figured I'd asked since your her best friend," Emma had asked.

"She's died, I thought you already knew that" Camila had answered with a stern face.

'Huh Luna's family must have not told her yet'

Their conversation had continued, but it had been less… entraining. It was like Camila had wanted to leave as fast as she could politely.

Noticing this Emma had just stopped talking and wished farewell to each other. Emma didn't why Camaila had acted like that, If she didn't like she could've just said so.

The journey back home alone had been a bit lonely, considering how she had usually walked her way home with one of her friends all the time. Near Luna's place Emma had remembered the ice cream she had stuffed in her bag. Emma had wanted to apologize at this moment to Luna if she could.

Emma had reached the townhomes and knocked and rang the bell on the door. It had taken someone a whole minute to open the door.

The person who had opened the door was none other than Luna's grandma. She had a joyfull smile and said.

"I didn't know you were going to be the one who wanted to talk first," Luna grandma had said,

Emma hadn't really raced too much for that and immediately asked.

"Do you know where Luna is? I wanted to give her some chocolate ice cream."

"Oh dear, I'm sorry but she is dead, " Luna's grandma had answered

Dead? How could she be dead if Emma already wished for her to come back to life shouldn't the wish work? In disbelief Emma had asked.

"Are you sure though"

"Yes I'm sure sweetie, I'd think I would know if my own granddaughter was alive" Luna's Grandma responded.

Emma had been in pure disbelief how could Luna not be alive. Couldn't the wishing box grant wishes, was my wish not earnest enough? No, that was the most earnest wish Emma had before. So why wasnt it working, did the wishing box simply refuse to grant her wish.

In a dazed state Emma had walked home trying to find out why Luna wasn't coming back when she had wished back herself.

The wishing box couldn't just grant life when it had killed Luna, How was that fair? Why doesn't Luna get to come back even though I killed her with the wishing box.

Thirty minutes had passed and Emma had remained the same but now she was questioning the wishing box in her.

Emma had been genuinely sorry for what she'd done. She wanted to repay her back by wishing her back to life and some ice cream. But now she realized that she couldn't even do that. Emma had felt like an utter failure that had murder someone who had struggled to, Probably because she was that, a murder, a monster.

She knew that she was a bad person. She didn't want to be a bad person though. All that she had wanted was revenge.

Emma suddenly had an idea, What if she took her own life as a trade for Luna's. Emma had felt like she had finally come to a conclusion where she could repay Luna for what she did.