Chapter 68

"Raptor-One, comms-check, over."

"Raptor-Two, comms-check, over."

"Seer-Central, copy both of you loud and clear. Raptor-One, Raptor-Two, you are on interception course. Do not respond. Do not respond. I repeat: Raptor-One, Raptor-Two, you are on interception course. Do not respond."

Kassandora swung Joyeuse from side to side as she took a step forwards. Her mind became a spiderweb of decisions and choices. Each move with its dozens of outcomes as her eyes scanned the sight of a shattered Olympiada. Iniri's felled great oak had cascaded onto two palaces. Alkom was still in the air, Zerus was recovering from the hit but Elassa was being shielded by her mages. That blade throw was the best decision, taking the Goddess of Magic out of the fight had removed the queen in this game. "Kavaa." Kassandora said slowly, she knew Of Health would hear her. "I need your men."