Arascus smiled as he reclined to turn on the news. There was some unnatural storm on the news today. He didn't care so much. Kassandora had called. She apologized for the quick message and asked for Fer and Neneria! Of course he would help her.
Kavaa watched as Kassandora returned with Iliyal over her shoulder. It was a longer wait this time, almost an hour. They must have discussed something in secret. Kavaa clicked her tongue, she hated being left out like that, but then she left Kassandora out of most of her own planning too. The elf was dropped onto the ground, he took a few wobbly steps and stretched. "That is one thing I'll never get used to." He said, Kassandora was already away from him and walking towards Kavaa.
The black armour disappeared from around her as she shouted another demand. "What's the endurance of your powers? And where is Helenna?"