Premier-General Abakwa looked through his reports. Whatever it was, it was approaching them. He started writing a report to the Epan governments, to the UNN, to Guguo.
At the end, he almost forgot, he scrawled a quick letter to Olympiada. It was worth a shot.
It was Hell from when it began. There was no gradual increase of pressure, the moment Kavaa stepped into the Jungle behind Fer and Kassandora, it started to flood onto them. Branches swung like swords, trees became massive clubs, vines became vipers, even the leaves became tiny razor-sharp rain that pelted at them from above.
Kavaa watched Fer and Kassandora plough through the Jungle. Kavaa only had to swing her sword every now and then to cut vines that were attempting to snag at her legs. They moved quickly, too quickly for mortals, but none of them were mortals here.