Premise and Cheats

Please note this will be changed later on once i figure out a good excuse to give mc cheats. In other words, this will be changed into a proper prologue later on.

Cheats :

Item : Horizon Forbidden West Focus

 : Contains all knowledge and technology existing by the end of Forbidden west.

 : Includes Far Zenith Tech

Abilities :

 1 Chronicle (2012 film) Telekinetic Abilities (TK)

 : Can do everything the characters can do by the climax and end of movie.

 2 Jumper (2008 film) Teleportation

 3 Magic Nullification

Concept : MC is reborn as Harry Potter with cheats. Mostly a wish fulfilment type thing or SI of some sort. 


Harry X Hermione and Luna

A bit of Ron Bashing and Dumbledore bashing

MC is Obviously OP

MC will introduce possibly tech or new spells or charms in the wizarding world.

Summary, MC has cheats, and is OP. I dont have an excuse yet how he gets these cheats but there you go LOL. I'll figure it out later.

I kind of want to start with the body of the story first and may eventually revisit the prologue to write an excuse once i figure it out


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Please send donations to my Paypal 

