
Waking up as Harry Potter isn't as fun as one would normally think. It would be if you had a skip button to avoid the bullying and down right child abuse parts. 

Fortunately his consciousness only truly awakened at age 5. Before that, his brain was still developing so he didn't really grasp how horrible his life was. After reaching his 5th birthday, all the memories before this life came rushing back.

Just like Neo from the Matrix downloading memories in a few seconds, his brain went overload to adjust for the new memories and mentality. 

It took him a few minutes to stabilize himself and sync with his current existence. After all, it would be very weird for anyone to be used to an older body, only to wake up a child again with a very different center of gravity and height. 

After getting used to his new body, he started to accept that he is now Harry and everything that comes with that identity. Destiny, manipulations, horcrux and bad publicity.

But before he could start planning, a loud banging could be heard from the door of the small cupboard he called his room.

He was ordered by his aunt and uncle to start cooking breakfast. 

As he was cooking, the first thing he started focusing on was trying out his Telekinetic abilities or (TK). As he was cooking, he was trying to nudge the edge of the pancakes just a little bit to see if it will move and it did. 

Just like how he remembered it went in the movie from his past life Chronicle, he cant do much yet so he needed to train it like a muscle.

"Hurry up boy!" His morbidly obese uncle shouted.

"Yes uncle Vernon." Harry replied.

For the next couple of weeks, he had no choice but to endure all the abuse and bullying while training his TK. Starting from paper or small objects, he eventually moved on to heavier objects.

Enduring the horrible treatment did not mean he was just going to take it though. He wasn't as much of a pushover since he was an older mind already. 

Whenever they went to school, Harry always chose very public areas to ensure he has witnesses. Sometimes he also stayed near areas with adults, teachers or at least older students. 

At first he couldn't avoid the 'Harry hunting' but eventually he got all the routes and areas down enough to know how to place himself. 

He still didn't try to make friends since he knew he wouldn't stay in muggle school for long anyway. So he focused on TK training. Whenever no one was looking, he would concentrate on nearby objects and move it a bit. He always tried to match the wind to make it seem like a normal thing.

After being capable of carrying objects around 5kgs, he moved back to smaller objects but did multiple small ones and manipulated those and focused on finesse and accuracy. Most of this type of training was done alone though. 

Harry had gotten used to his routine of enduring bullying at home, avoiding beatings at school and keeping his grades down lest he gets beaten by his uncle again for doing better than his cousin Dudley. 

Weeks passed and he got to the point of producing an invisible shield all over his body so he can better endure beatings. Just like when the characters of Chronicle tried stabbing their own hands with fork, he can now protect his physical body. 

It was progressing quite nicely but now he needed to start practicing his teleporting ability from Jumper. 

After the school bell rang, Harry quickly went out of the room as usual to avoid being alone with Dudley's gang. He had already remembered the parks nearby at this point so he had a target to 'Jump' to and from.

After reaching his relatively low population spot, he started concentrating on jumping only a few meters away from his current spot. His first successful jump got him 20 meters in front. 

Harry did his best to remember the feeling of the jump ability and started regularly practicing until it became more natural. Truthfully, his jumping was easier to master than the TK which needed a lot of control and focus. So his jumping was a lot faster to get used to. 

After a few days of getting used to it, Harry got braver and braver to stretch the distance. Of course he still chose hidden areas to avoid scaring muggles. And since the movie didn't seem to express any distance limits to the jumping, he figured all he needed to do was visit a place once and make sure to remember the location. 

Harry thought it would be easier to keep pictures like the main character did for jumping sites but as he was still a kid, he couldn't buy a camera just yet. 

That was until he remembered his Focus from Horizon video game. He closed his eyes and spoke in his mind the words 'receive item' and the small triangle object appeared at the palm of his hands. He immediately stuck it to his right temple near his ear.

He accessed his interface and looked for any function that could record images or videos. After figuring it out, he was able to take photos and store it so he would have several jump sites. Technically the Focus recorded his immediate surroundings so its not taking a normal photo per se but like getting a 360 image or file. Which works fine for Jumper abilities. 

Harry also found out he had access to the internet though it was still very early phase and not very public yet. From the looks of things, it was still very private and early stages so there's not much just yet and very few servers. 

Harry ignored this for now and focused on the features his focus had. He was able to see a map function of all areas he had already explored. The map also showed the living beings and moving objects so he knew this could be very useful. 

After getting the hang of it, he hid the Focus with his hair since it was long enough to hide it a bit. He also made sure he had the 'invisible shield' active at all times since he was now mentally strong enough to keep it always on. 

After a few more days of getting used to all his 'cheats', he knew it was time to start planning his proper escape for the Dursleys. 

Using his Magic nullification, he started feeling out the wards existing in the house. Normally, a magical that young would not be able to feel magic, much less the wards in place but since he had a cheat called magic nullification, he can somewhat tell the magic surrounding him. 

He needed to start feeling out which are wards and which are tracking charms placed on him or tracking his blood. If he wanted to leave Dumbledore's control, he had to make sure he can't be tracked.

Closing his eyes, he somewhat felt some sort of magic connecting the blood ward that goes outwards to somewhere. Presumably Albus and whatever trinket he is using to monitor the blood wards.

So Harry set his nullification on those in order to check if anyone comes.

A few days later, still no one, so Harry was under the assumption those monitoring him are just lying around and Dumbassdore is not paying attention and only assuming everything is the same.

So Harry properly started removing those that he felt were tracking him. He nullified the magics until only the ward was left. He intended to leave that for last before he properly leaves.


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