Leaving the Dursleys

"We have a lot to talk about don't we?" Harry asked as he looked straight into Petunia's eyes.

They were all properly seated at the dining room since it was dinner time.

One look at Harry and Petunia knew. She knew that somehow, her freakish nephew had somehow learned about magic. She became a bit more nervous about the conversation about to take place.

"What are you on about boy?!" Asked Vernon. But Petunia gave him a look so he waited. Dudley was merely silent since the anger at his fathers voice told him it would not be okay to speak.

"I know what I am. I've known for a while. And while I'm still way too young, eventually the time will come that I would get my letter." Harry spoke. He tried to be as calm as he could and clear.

Petunia felt her stomach turn. All those feelings when Lily left them came rushing back.

"You will not be going! We swore when we took you in, we'd put an end to all this rubbish!" Vernon shouted. 

"I will not allow you to go to that school of freaks!" Petunia said firmly. 

"We can talk about that in a bit. But first I want to know, Why?" Harry asked.

"Why what?" Asked the confused Petunia.

"Why would you prefer that I remain here when you could send me off where I don't have to Hogwarts and you'd never have to see me again for barely a few months a year?" Replied Harry.

"Lets face it, you all have made it abundantly clear you don't even want me here." Continued Harry. "You only provide the bare minimum of what is needed for me to survive. But you've never given me more than anything else. Children are supposed to be taught a lot, guided, given proper punishment and rewards to learn what is right and wrong. Yet all I've ever felt here are punishments whilst your Dudley only ever got rewards."

"Is that what this is about? You want what was my Dudley's?" Asked Petunia.

"No, Maybe a long time ago, I would have appreciated even an ounce of concern. But let me tell you that your actions are doing long term damage to not only me but also your own son." Replied Harry.

"Don't you tell us how to raise our own son boy!" Vernon spat.

"I'm not. Merely telling you that your spoiling of him and constant abuse to me is doing long term damage to our psychological development. Your son would grow up to be a spoilt brat too arrogant to deem anything worth respecting and will cause him to alienate potential friends and continue to bring him harm because of his warped personality." Harry explained.

"If you continue to spoil him, he will never truly learn to follow authority and law. He will never learn what is right and wrong, only what he can get away with. Sooner or later, this will push him to the wrong crowd and might eventually land him in proper legal trouble."

At this, Petunia and Vernon suddenly felt angry but also silent and unable to refute. What the boy said made sense. They loved Dudley dearly and didn't want him hurt. While they believed in showing him as much love and care, they suddenly realized that IF Harrys words held even a sliver of truth, it would mean their son could potentially end up in jail if he wasn't careful.

"And not that you'd even be interested, but for me, the constant punishments made me shy and meek. The lack of confidence would have seriously hindered any potential development and achievements I may have been able to normally accomplish. At best case scenario, if I was normal, I would have been an extremely socially awkward introvert who would have had trouble with any jobs requiring social interaction." Harry said.

At this, the Dursleys didn't mind as much since they never cared for him. But his next words put a serious chill in their spines.

"At worst case scenario, if I broke down from the abuse and couldn't take it, I would have either ended up as a suicidal or even worse, a murderer who would have stopped at nothing but end the lives of my tormentors, namely, you all." Harry said with coldness in his voice.

"I mean look at the news, I'm sure you've heard of an alarming rate of gun violence not only locally here in the UK but also in America. I heard some of them were related to victims of extreme bullying. Much like how your son does to me on a daily basis." Harry said.

Dudley wanted to try and refute to hide his bullying but for some reason he felt that if he opened his mouth, he would not be able to defend his actions. So he simply stared in anger at his cousin.

Vernon and Petunia knew their son was bullying Harry and allowed it to happen so they felt very scared at Harry's words. They did hear on the news from the telly that there were a lot of school shootings reported that stemmed from bullying. They finally realized how much danger they are putting themselves in by being horrible to Harry. Not just because of gun violence, but because of magic. They finally understood that they were potentially amassing as much hatred as they could on a boy who might as well have a deadly weapon born with him called magic.

"B-but you wouldn't do what would you? W-We're your family, W-we took you in and raised you out of the goodness of our hearts!" Vernon said though with uncertainty in his voice.

"Come now uncle Vernon, even you wouldn't be that thick to think I wouldn't, after YOUR family has been treating me. As I've told you. Not only are you harming me on a daily basis with your abuse, you are also harming my future since you warped my mind and subjected me to such a horrible childhood. You should know, there's only so much a person can take. The only thing stopping me is realizing I don't want to go to jail or Juvie. But push me too hard and it may end up like that." Harry spoke with coldness.

Realizing they don't want this to escalate to that, Vernon and Petunia had a look in their eyes that had all but agreed to stop antagonizing the boy at least.

"S-so what is it that you want?" Petunia asked.

"Simple really, for the time being, you will try to ignore me as much as possible and ensure Dudley does not bully me anymore. He needs to stop with all this 'Harry hunting' and slander against me for starters."

"Meanwhile, I want you to take me to the entrance to the wizarding world and I would start looking into what I can do to arrange my future lodgings. I will find a way to look for a place to live." Harry continued.

Petunia thought that she should refuse this so she would not loose Lily's child. But after thinking about it, she may have already did with their actions for years. So she remained silent.

"After I have done sufficient research of what I will be doing in the future, I will arrange for papers and any documentation needed for you to sign in order to be rid of my guardianship legally. Once we are both free of each other, you can simply tell whoever asks that I was sent off to other relatives and you will never have to see me again." Harry said.

Petunia understood that this was indeed Harry trying to cut off ties to them. This wasn't just him going away for a bit. This was him permanently leaving. Then she realized how horrible she'd been to her sisters son. While she finally started to feel regret, she knew it was already too late. Besides, its not like she will suddenly be able to feel love and care for a person she disregarded for years. Though it didn't take away the horrible regret that she felt, reminding of when Lily left them.

Vernon meanwhile thought it was a good idea to be rid of the freaky boy permanently and finally have the financial freedom to follow his own plans. 

Dudley on the other hand, barely understood the conversation as he only wanted to make sure he wasn't in any trouble. Other than that, he ignored most of what is said. Since he wasn't that smart to begin with, all the magic related talk went over his head.

After quite a bit of awkward silence, both Vernon and Petunia agreed to allow the boy do his research about the wizarding world and make his own arrangements. They would sign any papers the boy gave them to release them of him legally. Once the boy is gone, they thought they can finally live as they wished.

"And what about those freaks who dropped you off here? What do we tell them if they come looking?" Vernon asked.

"That I left of my own free will and that you signed for it. If this is all done legally, in both worlds, they won't be able to do anything but accept it." Harry then replied. He really didn't want to return here ever again not leave any possibility of being sent here due to a technicality. 

After the Dursleys agreed, Harry then went to his cupboard one final time. Hopefully. Excited of what the future may bring as he finally begins his new life in the wizarding world.



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