The following morning, after Dudley was sent off to school, they advised the principal to let Harry skip for today due to family matters.
Harry wore a cap to hide his face and scar better. He also had a hood on to obscure his looks as much as possible. Though he was wearing oversized clothes from Dudley, it had to do for now.
He took one look at the house then nullified the blood wards. Whatever happens next, he'll just have to deal with as it comes.
They drove Harry to the Leaky Cauldron. Petunia still knew where it was as she remembered where Lily disappeared to whenever she bought her school supplies. Petunia went with Harry for now since he was just a child and it could get them in trouble if he was left alone.
Vernon went to wait at the car and Petunia went with Harry just until he got to the bank. As they entered the Pub, it was fairly simple to request Tom, the owner, to let them through to Diagon Alley despite the boy being too young for Hogwarts or Petunia being a muggle. All they had to do was tell the owner they need to go to Gringotts.
As they were walking along the relatively peaceful alley, Petunia felt the loss of her sister once more. She remembered begging the magical people to let her join Lily and being rejected. She remembered the sadness of watching her leave to another world and their diminishing relationship after that.
As she looked at the witch and wizards going about their day, and marveling at the wonderous sights, it came with so much sadness for her.
As they reached the bank, Petunia turned around as this was Harry's business now. No matter how nostalgic she felt or regret for Lily, this couldn't change her hatred of the world that denied her.
Harry proceeded to find an empty counter.
"What do you want wizard?". The goblin asked.
"I would like to ask for an inheritance test and if you can arrange for a solicitor please." Replied Harry. "Preferably one who deals with muggle-born or half-bloods. I would also prefer to have my business here kept private and no one notified, including any who declare themselves my magical or legal guardian."
"Very well, we will start with the Inheritance ritual as the solicitor will take time to get here." The goblin said with a knowing look as he ushered Harry to another room and guided by another goblin.
After dropping his blood, the ritual went fairly quickly and soon a parchment copy was handed to him. The goblin also held one for their official records of what the boy could access.
Inheritance Ritual Results
Harry James Potter
Father: James Fleamont Potter *Deceased*
Mother: Lily Jane Potter née Evans *Deceased*
Godfather: Sirius Orion Black
Ancient and Noble house of Potter
James Fleamont Potter
Ancient and Noble house of Peverell
Ignotus Peverell line
Ancient and Noble house of Slytherin
By Conquest - Tom Marvolo Riddle October 31, 1981
Vaults :
Potter Vault -Limited access before maturity
Peverell Vault -upon Maturity
Slytherin Vault -If accepted by ring, full access immediately
Vaults currently accessible:
Potter Trust
List of properties.....
Just as Harry had expected, there was vaults he had access to. And he did consider the possibility that he would have more than one and he wasn't mistaken. He skipped the list of properties for now and tucked the parchment in his pocket.
It turns out the goblins inheritance ritual does not in fact show any potions or blocks on his body as that would be covered in a proper healer check up rather than properties or inheritance ritual. So if he wanted to check anything related to his body beyond what he legally owns, he needs to check with a healer instead.
Just as he was studying the results, he was guided to a private room and the solicitor was guided in. They were given some time before the goblin in charge of his accounts came in.
"Hello Mr Potter. My name is Andrew Holland." The man said.
"Well met Mr Holland. Before we begin I do hope anything discussed between us shall remain a secret." Harry asked
"Of course Mr Potter as is standard." Then he readily raised his wand and spoke of an oath by magic to keep what they will discuss a secret and shall not be discussed with anyone without Harry's consent.
After discussing fees, Harry then proceeded to state the main topics.
"First order of business is my legal and magical guardianship. At the moment, I live with my muggle relatives. My Magic hating relatives. So I wish to be removed from their care to one of my choosing if possible. Next would be my magical guardian who I believe declared himself as such without my knowledge or consent, nor the consent of my parents for all I know. I wish for it to be changed to someone of my designation. But all of it will need to follow after we somehow obtain access to my parents wills as I believe it was ignored or sealed."
Andrew was surprised that the will was not followed.
"Why do you believe so?" he asked.
"Because if it was followed, I would not be with my muggle relatives. My aunt is the sister of Lily Potter and I think she would definitely know about her magic hating sister and would most likely not designate her as my guardian."
"I see. I think its best if we consider this after you read the will first. Even if it is indeed sealed, There would normally be a copy inside their vaults which would have been transferred into the main family vault after their deaths. While you would not be able to take anything from the main vault, as long as you gain heirship, you would be legally able to 'inspect' its contents. So it should be possible to at least read the wills, and make a copy." Andrew advised.
"While the copy of the will cannot be submitted as proper evidence of the actual will, it can be used to jumpstart the investigation and allow the ministry to declare the opening of the legal copy of the will either from the ministry or in this case, the one from the vault."
Andrew then mentioned to call the goblin and have Harry claim his heirships first.
A few moments later, Harry was able to obtain the Potter heirship ring as it readily accepted him. The same was with the Peverell ring.
As for the Slytherin ring, unlike fanfics he read in his past life, he was told that if the ring did not accept him, it will simply not be possible to wear so he made an attempt to wear it anyway.
After a few seconds, the ring resized like the other rings which signified its acceptance.
"Congratulations Mr Potter, you are now the heir of Potter, Peverell and Slytherin." The goblin claimed. "As you do not have the key for your trust, we can either recall the current key or produce a new one for a fee."
"Thank you sir. Now I would like to have me and my solicitor brought to the Potter main vault to inspect it please. I was already advised I cannot take anything from inside it just yet. And I would like to produce a new key and pay the fee."
"Of course. Follow me."
A few minutes later, after the long roller coaster like ride, they arrived at the Potter main vault where the goblin opened the Potter main Vault. The key for the main vault was not provided to Harry as he is not of age just yet.
Harry and Andrew found the will immediately and Andrew proceeded to make a magical copy of said will before quickly ensuring the rest of the Vaults contents were in order.
Harry saw a huge pile of galleons that it may as well be a bloody mountain of gold. Apart from that, there were also some antiques and furniture, magical artifacts and books. He merely glanced at them for now before going out of the vault. Not before recording the inside with his focus. This way, in an emergency, he could Jump here and empty it, at a moments notice.
For good measure, he also cast a magic nullified area in a small corner of the vault. That way he can Jump to that exact spot where no magic exists nor can get in. Except him anyway. He figured his Jump ability wasn't rooted in magic but a scientific phenomenon.
They then proceeded to withdraw a bit of money from his trust vault and paid for a small bag with an extended space charm and security protections that tied to his blood.
Before going back to the lobby though, Harry went to inspect the Slytherin Vault and left another magic null area and recorded it in the Focus as well.
He didn't fully understand why, but just assumed that due to it being from conquest and not inheritance per se, he had immediate access to the full vault.
Once done in Gringotts, Harry and Andrew then traveled to Madam Amelia Bones office in the ministry.
Meanwhile, in the headmaster's office, Dumbledore was busy with his usual scheming and plans for manipulations instead of his actual responsibilities for any of his three titles. He was so busy with his schemes that he did not even notice all his trinkets meant to monitor Harry all had gone silent. Since the connections were all cut, the artifacts stopped working.
Unless Dumbledore looked at them specifically, he would not notice anything wrong.
Little did he know, this was the beginning of his constant headaches.
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