While Amelia Bones is normally busy with her responsibilities as head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement or DMLE, because the Dark Lord was reportedly vanquished for a few years ago, there was a relative moment of peace so there wasn't as much Death eater activity. Today was a relatively slow day of mostly internal investigations and paperwork.
After her secretary told her there was a solicitor and a child asking to see her, she readily accepted as it wasn't a particularly busy day.
"Madam Bones, Andrew Holland, a solicitor and this is my client, I would like to talk to you about a few sensitive matters. If possible, would you please erect privacy wards as well." Andrew said.
This made Amelia wake up from her previously sleepy state. She led them to a secure room in her office and raised the privacy charms.
"Madam Bones, Let me start by introducing my client. Mr Harry Potter." Andrew started.
This surprised Amelia a lot. It has been a few years since the death of the Potters. Since then, Albus Dumbledore has declared that the child is safe and hidden for his own protection. No one has heard or seen the boy until now. It was also curious that there were dozens of practically fiction books in his name but that's another matter.
"Good afternoon Mr Potter. It has been years since we last heard of news regarding you. Welcome back to the wizarding world." Amelia greeted him.
"Good afternoon Madam Bones. I'm afraid we have quite a bit to discuss." Harry said as he greeted her back.
Andrew then gave her a copy of the will.
"This is a copy of the potters will to which this discussion is centered upon."
Andrew and Harry read it earlier so they already knew what it said. But as for Amelia, it was very shocking.
It clearly states that Sirius Black was Harry's godfather and that the secret keeper was Peter Pettigrew. It also stated that Harry was to be raised by the people listed as their preferred guardian.
In the wizarding world, a godfather oath could have dire consequences if broken as it is bound by a magical contract. This alone would have cleared him of the charges as killing Harry's parents would also be treated as harming the boy as it will greatly affect his future.
If this was true, it would mean they locked up an innocent man for years in Azkaban. This greatly troubled Amelia. Not only will this be a huge blow to the ministry, but also possibly cause chaos due to what it implies. If a member of an Ancient and Noble house like Black was thrown in jail for a crime he did not commit, it would be seen by other houses as a possible threat that they too can be thrown in Azkaban.
"So this is regarding Sirius Black then I take it?" Amelia asked with a sigh.
"That's one of the reasons but there are more issues. First of all, my client would like to remove himself from his current legal guardians and would like to designate a magical guardian of his own choosing as well. He claims he is currently living with his muggle relatives who are rather unkind towards witches and wizards." said Andrew.
This shocked Amelia again. She read back to the will and found that there was a list to be named guardian for Harry. Her name was even among said list. And at the end of the list, it explicitly stated that Harry was under no circumstance to be left to the Dursleys and her sister Petunia.
"How is this possible?! the will clearly states that he is not to be brought there of all places!" Amelia asked with a bit of anger in her voice.
"That's just it Madam. The will was never read much less followed. It was sealed and ignored for years." Andrew replied.
Amelia stood up and said.
"Stay here for a bit, let me get my secretary on this." Then she proceeded to get her secretary look up the proper paperwork regarding Harry Potter.
After a few minutes, the secretary gave her a few documents which showed that Albus Dumbledore sealed the will and took guardianship of the boy. This made her angry at the old man.
She returned to the office and proceeded to tell them what she found.
"So it was indeed him after all. There's a lot to unpack here but we would like to start with his guardianship first madam." said Andrew.
"Very well. For now, as head of DMLE, I Amelia Bones declare temporary legal and magical guardianship of Harry Potter until the investigation is completed and sorted out. So mote it be. I'll have the paper work done by the end of the day. Do you have any personal belongings and clothing that need to be moved?" She asked.
"I'm afraid only what I have on my person Madam." Harry replied. "I was being kept in a cupboard for as long as I remember, and only had my cousin's old hand-me-downs for clothes. Nothing really that I would consider mine."
"WHAT?! A bloody cupboard?! Surely not?!" Exclaimed Amelia.
Andrew was also startled. He was not aware it was that bad.
"Might I suggest sending a few aurors to take pictures of his living conditions as evidence?" Andrew advised.
Amelia agreed, but before Amelia could call aurors, Harry had told her about Mrs Figg who lived across them. He told Amelia that she was possibly from the wizarding world keeping an eye on him but ignoring his plight.
Amelia called a few trusted aurors to take Mrs Figg into custody for child neglect. And the others to take photos of Harry's room and living conditions. She told them to be in and out quickly.
Harry expressed he didn't want to do anything more than to simply leave them, so Amelia chose not to do anything first and merely take photographs. The aurors apparated to the house, and they got in and out before Petunia even got back home.
The aurors got back and told Amelia of the highly illegal blood wards were on the house. But for some reason they were no longer active nor emitting any magic, only faint traces left.
The moment Amelia saw the cupboard and the photo of the child writing on the wall saying it was Harrys room, tears formed in her eyes and she felt unbelievable anger. How could people do this to a child, especially of their own blood she thought.
"You will stay with me and my niece until this is all sorted. I will not have the boy-who-lived suffer any longer." She exclaimed.
"Beyond my clients guardianship and and living situation, we can finally move on to our secondary topic, the Will." Andrew started. "If the will was sealed, how then was Dumbledore able to take the child to them at all, would imply that he in fact kidnapped my client. So we would like to form a case for Child kidnapping, endangerment and neglect. We might also look into abuse of his positions in the ministry for sealing the will."
"But this also ties in with the third topic which is Sirius Black. If indeed he is innocent of the charges, that would mean Dumbledore deliberately allowed him to be imprisoned. After all, if he could simply 'vouch' for a death eater, he could have done the same to someone who was known to be James Potter's best friend." Andrew added.
Amelia felt a headache coming. Dumbledore sure crossed a lot of lines.
"We will need to be careful with this so we would not want to make any moves to alert Dumbledore just yet. We want this air tight. So for now, it's best to handle these topics separately and under the radar. We would also like to make it as if Mr Black's case is unrelated to my client for now and focus on getting him an actual trial."
"Pardon-? What do you mean?" Asked Amelia.
"Based on my quick inquiries, Sirius Black never got one Madam." Andrew stated.
"BLOODY HELL!!!" Now Amelia was really upset.
"Before we wrap this up though, I have some information where we can obtain proof to get Sirius out." Harry Spoke. "Though I would not be able to speak how I obtained said information."
Amelia raised an eyebrow at this but if the information is credible, they might be able to use it to free the former auror sooner. She signaled Harry to go on.
"Peter Pettigrew, the actual secret keeper who betrayed my parents, is alive and well. He framed my godfather that night, cut off a finger and reverted to his animagus form of a rat. I even know where said rat is right now. If you can arrange trusted aurors, you can catch him tomorrow." Said Harry.
Amelia was stunned once more. Not only is this information important, it might even be vital. Not only do they get possible proof of Blacks innocence, but also possibly catch the traitor who sold out the Potters.
A few hours later, the paperwork for Harry's guardianship was properly filed in the ministry though it was properly kept quiet and no announcements. They merely corrected the paperwork and hid it back in the records for anyone to find if they knew to search for it. It was also noted in the paperwork that Albus Dumbledore was not allowed to make direct contact with Harry Potter unless it is related to his grades or performance at school and must be through his official capacity as headmaster. Though he would not know of this until much much later when Harry does go to Hogwarts.
For the time being, they made it as if Andrew was a solicitor hired by an anonymous member of the house of Black to get him a proper trial.
While it may hurt the image of the ministry, Amelia agreed that this should be prominently announced to all papers and news outlets for the wizarding world so that the current minister Fudge would not be able to cover it up.
So they prepared statements to be sent and published the same time the next Wizengamot meeting. They timed it so the issue would come out that day.
As the day ended, Harry was taken to the Bones mansion and the raid to catch the rat was set the following day.
Amelia told her elf to call Susan, her niece to the living room so she can introduce Harry.
"Hi Aunt Amelia, whos this?" Asked the young Susan.
"Susan this is Harry Potter." Amelia replied with a knowing smile.
Susan was shocked to hear it was the boy-who-lived right there in their living room.
"THE Harry Potter?"
"He will be living with us for the foreseeable future until I sort out his guardianship. For now I am his temporary guardian and thus he will remain here." Amelia told her.
Susan, still stunned was unable to speak. She was not able to come to terms just yet since it was too surprising. All she could say was hello.
"Harry's situation is a bit problematic so his stay here is strictly confidential. In case he needs to go out, he would need to continue wearing a proper disguise and escort." Amelia then looked to Harry and continued. "If you do need to sort some stuff out, make sure you notify me so I can at least get an auror or two as escort. And call me Aunt Amelia as well."
"Alright Aunt Amelia. Please note that I wish to visit the Lovegoods for a private matter though I suppose we could let them get the copy for our statements regarding Sirius early on and simply advise them when it could be published." said Harry. "And maybe shop for some change of clothes that actually fit me for once."
Amelia thought for a bit as she knew Xenophilus Lovegood was the editor of the Quibbler. While it does not have the same reach as the Daily prophet, they might as well since they had planned to have the statements sent to other publications as well, including those overseas.
Again, Amelia thought it sad that this would hurt the reputation of the ministry but it needed to be done to avoid more injustice.
"Alright, I'll have an auror come with you but make sure you are in proper disguise. That hat and hood works fine to hide your scar though we might need to get you a different pair of glasses later on. I also want you to keep the afternoon free as I want to get you to a complete health check in St mungos."
Harry nodded but also though he would eventually need to talk to Amelia about the horcrux in his head. But he would have to think of it tomorrow.
"Also maybe not tomorrow but soon I would like to have access to a library if you have one. I have not been taught anything related to magic at all so I have a lot to catch up on, including our customs and laws. While I have claimed my heirships, I still have no idea what those entail."
"Susan can help you there so after your talk with the Lovegoods, you can ask her." Amelia noted.
Susan finally catching up to her surprise spoke as well. "Um...right. I can help you get started when you get back after your trip."
"Thanks." Replied Harry.
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