The Following morning, several aurors were found surrounding the Burrow while Amelia and two others where with her to knock on the front door.
Arthur opened the door as he was just about leave for the ministry. He was surprised the the head of the DMLE was here personally.
"Madam Bones! What can I do for you?" He asked.
Amelia made a quick glance to ensure the suspect was not nearby. Then she created a quick privacy charm and spoke.
"We have reason to believe that an animagus is hiding in your house. It is said that the person in question is in the form of a rat. Please cooperate and we will be out of your house as quick as possible." Amelia told him.
Arthur was shocked and worried. How could there be an animagus living in their house without them knowing?
Then it came to him.
A rat animagus. His son Percy had one. For years, longer than a normal rat should live.
He was not here at the moment since most of the children were at Hogwarts. But they were not needed since the rat in question was passed on to their youngest son Ronald.
Amelia and the aurors quickly barged in, they followed as Arthur showed them the way to Ron's room.
Since it was early morning, the rat in question was sleeping inside its cage since Ron was still asleep. The aurors quickly stunned the rat and took it out of the cage.
Ronald was woken up with the commotion and was disoriented.
"Wh-wha?" he asked.
"Its fine Ron, these are aurors. I'll explain later." Arthur told him.
Just then the auror finished inspecting the rat and chucked it inside a cage they brought. One that was enchanted to be rather sturdy not to break in case an animagus reverts to human form. Not that it could since it was also preventing it.
"Madam Bones, its definitely an animagus. and its missing a toe." One auror said.
"Take him back to a holding cell. No one approaches him other than you two or me. Not even the minister. Is that understood?" She asked the auror.
"Yes Madam!" Then they quickly left as fast as they came.
Meanwhile Amelia spoke a bit with Arthur.
"Sorry about this Arthur. But that rat was possibly a death eater animagus who has hidden here for years. I cant speak of the details just yet as this is an extremely fragile situation. You will know the details after the wizengamot trial. For now I don't want this getting out. Keep this to yourselves or I will have your job." Amelia then left and recalled all the aurors and went back to the ministry.
Arthur was confused and extremely worried but there was nothing he could do but tell his family not to speak of this or they will be kicked out of the family.
Molly was also surprised and afraid. It was an animagus, a stranger living among them for years. Luckily only Ron and Ginny where there. The rest were still in Hogwarts and Bill was working for Gringotts.
Only Ron was awake so Arthur talked to him to keep it to himself or he could loose his job.
Meanwhile, Harry was arriving at the Lovegoods and knocked on the door. The auror stayed outside to keep watch since Harry's talk with the Lovegoods was private.
"Good morning young man, How can I help you?" Asked a beautiful blonde woman.
"Hello, Is this the house of the Lovegoods? My name is Harry Potter. I would like to talk to you and your husband please." Said Harry.
"Oh my! Of course, come inside. I'm Pandora Lovegood by the way. You're quite early. Would you like to join us for breakfast?" She said with a bright smile.
"That would be lovely, thank you!" Harry replied with a pun and a smirk.
"I see what you did there!" Giggled a young child near Harry's age as they went to the Dining area. "Hello, my name is Luna! Its nice to meet you!" She said brightly.
"It's nice to meet you too!" Harry smiled.
Harry ate for a bit with them while having a bit of small talk before he spoke to Xenophilus and told him about the statements he wanted published. He already coordinated with Andrew about what to publish so it was just a matter of giving a copy to the papers and when.
Harry explained the situation but not before asking them this talk was off the record. He then explained regarding Sirius illegal imprisonment and his desire to do this 'anonymously'.
Xeno readily agreed since this could boost sales either way.
Harry then proposed to Xeno that he could exclusively give statements to the Quibbler if his statements are published without alterations. He explained he knew of the Daily Prophet's habit of exaggerating and lies spread by the ministry. So he wanted to release his side of whatever comes up that is related to him as long as it is published without altering or twisting his words.
This was happily accepted by Xeno and gave his word that if any situation arises that needs Harry to make a statement, he would publish it without falsehoods.
This prompted a new section in the publication called lightning watch, inspired by Harry's lightning shaped scar.
After a wonderful breakfast, Harry requested a private word with Pandora and Xenophilus so they sent Luna to her room for the time being. Though she did give Harry a kiss on the cheek with a giggle before going upstairs and saying goodbye to him in case he doesn't catch her when he leaves.
This got a few knowing smiles and giggles from the both Lovegoods.
Harry then did a fake cough and started his serious talk.
"First of all, I am no seer and I cannot tell you how I know of this so you have no reason to believe me but I still hope you do anyway." Harry started.
This made both Lovegoods sit up straight and focus on his next words.
"There is an accident that will happen soon. The event will happen between the timeframe now and before Luna goes to Hogwarts." Harry looked straight into Pandora's eyes and said firmly. "That accident will happen as you are experimenting with some spells which will take your life. Said event will happen in front of Luna so it will deeply scar her and bring great pain to both Xeno and Luna. They will be broken for years. I come here in hopes of giving you a warning to either prepare or prevent it entirely. I was hoping to save Luna that future of pain and loneliness."
Harry let this sink in. Both Lovegoods were shocked and confused at first. Then they were worried. While the boy did say he was not a seer, it is of no doubt that the information he mentioned leads people to believe he is indeed one. They were both too stunned to speak so they remained silent looking at the boy.
"I cannot tell you the precise day when this happens, I can only tell you it will happen before Luna goes to Hogwarts. Like I said, you don't have to believe, but I hope you will take great care if you indeed experiment with spells, charms or enchantments. If anything, at least use this warning to ensure your safety when doing so." Then Harry looked down silent. He didnt know how to explain this anyway.
After a short while, Pandora moved to hug Harry who was surprised.
"Thank you." Pandora whispered. "For caring enough to warn us. For trying no matter how absurd this sounds. Whether this happens or not, I promise we will take our safety into account."
Xenophilus nodded and said thanks as well. If he lost his Pandora, he knew it would indeed break him.
"We will make sure this never even happens if we can. And ensure protective equipment in case it does. Thank you Mr Potter. My Pandora is everything to me. We will not ask how you have this knowledge. We will simply say Thank you."
And with this, Harry bid farewell to the Lovegoods and gave a casual wave of goodbye to Luna who he can see in the window. Just for the heck of it, Harry did a flying kiss gesture to her which made her giggle.
Luna POV
As Harry left, Luna felt like she was among the clouds. She had met the boy who saved them all from the dark lord. He wasn't like she imagined. She had heard a lot about him from her friend Ginny. Though most of what she heard where mostly from the books being sold about him.
He was very different from his 'character'. She thought he was rather nice and polite. He was quite nice looking as well. He was not arrogant or overbearing like the books portray.
After a nice breakfast with them, she got to get a glimpse of Harry Potter, not the boy-who-lived but the boy. They didn't talk about anything important but simple things like food, quiddich, maybe possible subjects he is looking forward to learning. But it was enough to show who he really is apart from his titles.
She thought like her heart was going to burst when she attempted to give him a kiss on the cheek before she went up. She was glad he didn't seem put off by it.
She felt sorry for Ginny since the red head liked the boy of the stories. But Luna liked the boy himself and not the fictional character the books portray him as. She didn't know how Ginny would take it if she realized how different Harry actually was but she was hoping her friend would eventually get over it.
When Harry was leaving, she saw him do a flying kiss gesture which made her giggle. The boy was sweet and by Merlin she liked him already. He wasn't like the red haired mean boy that called him names. No, he wasn't like Ginny's brother.
While she does not fully understand romantic love just yet being so young, she knew she wanted to see him again.
Luna thought about how they are both going to Hogwarts someday and she realized she cant wait.
She started to hope that he would visit again sometime.
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