Diagon Alley and St Mungo's

Since they were rather quick with the Lovegoods, Harry though about checking out Diagon Alley. 

The auror also mentioned to Harry that they sent someone to tell Petunia that he will no longer return for the time being. Once the paper work is done for the muggle and wizarding world side, they will send another person to get them to sign the papers if any need signing. 

Petunia realized she never even got to properly say farewell to the boy but then she remembered how horrible they treated him. It just finally sunk in that she had been horrible to her sisters only son. After all these years, it reminded her of Lily so she was quite sad for a bit. She will now need to live with the idea of how she was to Lily's son. 


Harry wore his hat again and hood over it. The auror also did some minor glamour charms to change how He looked a bit. He also transfigured the glasses to be a different shape.

Harry walked around the Alley to check for items being sold, he didn't buy anything for Hogwarts just yet. But he did buy a trunk with extended compartments and with charms like shrink or feather weight and some anti theft charms. He chose the one that might have been the most expensive, having several rooms inside.

It was quite expensive for a first purchase but Harry knew it was a good investment. And its not like he was still poor. 

After buying the trunk, he went to Flourish & Blotts to check some books though he has not bought anything yet, thinking the books he needed to learn might be available at the Bones mansion.

Harry browsed entertainment books and while there where a lot, most of it felt lacking compared to the entertainment muggles had, and even more so compared to his previous life's earth.

Most of the heroes or notable figures that witches and wizards look up to, happen to be mostly, old or dead people. So it was logically so that most of the fiction or entertainment references either them or imaginary characters. Only he was a young boy so he figured his popularity might be more drastic than he thought. 

He can imagine how many witches would look to him and see his title than the real him.

Maybe if he got bored one day, he might write some of his previous worlds entertainment and maybe publish. As he expected, the only thing of note was the fraud Gilderoy Lockhart who published his books as if they were real instead of fiction. 

Harry then checked a few more stores just to check general prices including those of food. 

Harry was also disappointed that most food available in the Leaky Cauldron where rather simple and lacked variety. He asked the auror and was told that the food selection was more or less the same with Great Britain but they didn't have much of foreign food. So he thought to himself, it was Great Britain centuries ago.

Harry wanted to change this. He knew he would miss foreign foods and get bored of british food. He for some reason pictured in his mind some guy named Gordon shouting 'It's Bland!' or 'Where's the Lamb Sauce?!'. So he made a mental note to consider opening a food eatery of some sort somewhere to introduce foreign food. 

After finishing his 'research' on food, he made his way to Madam Malkin's. 

"Hello dear, aren't you a few months early for Hogwarts?" Madam Malkin asked.

"Hello Madam. I'm not actually here for Hogwarts robes and clothes but I may be back for that when I do get my letter." Harry replied.

"So what can I do for you dear?" She asked.

"I was wondering what charms you normally do for casual clothes, of if you accept doing charms for clothes not made here." He asked. "Oh and if you do custom design clothing."

"We do have quite a bit of selection of charms but mostly for dueling robes or quiddich robes. Nothing too fancy just some for sizing, comfort, or cleanliness. If you wanted more than that, you might look into runes and enchantments for quiddich gear or armors and such." She explained. "As for casual clothing, we do accept custom orders but we don't accept charm orders for those not purchased here." 

"Thank you madam." Then bought a few samples with each robe with a different charm so he can study them all later. Harry then simply left. He was greatly disappointed. It turns out even fanfics had better ideas regarding charms on clothing. 

He decided then and there that he would either buy muggle clothes for casuals or design his own and have them custom made.

After a few more stores, he finally decided to meet Amelia and have his check up with St Mungo's.


"Oh dear!" The healer exclaimed.

"What is it?" Asked Amelia. They were now in St Mungo's Hospital getting a full check on Harry.

"Lets start with the minor issues and go from there. First, he has a case of being malnourished so he needs a few potions to supply his body of the nutrients he needed to properly grow up." Said the Healer.

That angered Amelia as she understood that Harry was being starved but it was sadly not unexpected anymore.

"Then we have a few broken bones that have not healed correctly so we will need to remove those and regrow them to avoid long term damage. That's unfortunately going to be painful." 

"Oh..." Harry expected it but when it was being put in front of him now, he knew he was for some painful night.

"Harry, how did these bones come to be like this?" Amelia asked Harry.

"Harry hunting together with the occasional beatings from Vernon I guess. Harry hunting is when my cousin ran after me and beat me up after school. He does it often so I can't always avoid it. Some come from beatings from uncle Vernon using his cricket bat or Aunt Petunia's frying pan."

The adults can barely contain their anger after hearing that.

"Before we do any healing, I want photos and documentation copies for the case." Amelia told the healer. The healer understood. And since they were under oath anyway, she would not be able to tell anyone without permission.

"Next we have an issue with his Magic being weakened by the blood wards. They not only protected him from malicious wizards. Sure that was their intended effect. But from the information I received from your aurors, the blood wards were warped to also weaken him. Since we discovered it this early, we can properly correct this and free his magic. But if he stayed there longer, it could have potentially made him several levels weaker than he should. If we are using Hogwarts levels, its as if he should be as strong as his peers but the wards made him 4 or 5 years below his actual level."

At this point Amelia could only grit her teeth. The crimes of Albus just keep piling up.

"Finally, his scar. I don't understand why this was not looked at from the night it happened but this should have been properly checked. This contains very dark magic and needs to be looked at by a proper curse breaker. This should have been looked at years ago. Whoever was in charge of this boy needs to be sent to Azkaban if you ask me." The healer was livid at how horrible their savior was left to suffer.

"Thank you Andromeda. Don't worry, we intend to ensure the offender pays for this." Amelia said.

While Harry was being treated with potions, Amelia took Andromeda aside to talk to her.

"Andy, I need to tell you something. But I want you to keep this between us. You can tell your family but no one beyond that." Amelia started.

Andromeda was surprised but she gave her word and agreed.

"Sirius Black may be innocent. We have received information that he might not have been the what we were led to believe. We have gathered evidence and will be getting him a trial soon. It turns out he never got a trial."

Andromeda's thoughts stopped working. She was completely stunned. Sirius had been published in the Prophet as a traitor and imprisoned all these years and now she learns he could have been innocent and never even gotten a trial. She was shocked and upset that she believed the Prophet and dismissed him. He had been in Azkaban for years now. 

She thought he was a traitor and she along with everyone else turned their backs on him. How could they all face him now, knowing he was left there to rot?

"Oh Sirius... what have we done...."

"We all have a lot to apologize to him for. So I suggest you get your thoughts together and be ready to make it up to him as well. We all made a mistake of leaving him alone without fighting to clear his name. We can only make amends when he gets out." Amelia said sadly.

Amelia was also hurt. She was at one point, in a possibly romantic relationship with Sirius back then. But the Potter Massacre happened before it could actually take off. They have only gone on a few dates at that point. So it wasn't she had an obligation to defend him yet. And it didn't help that it was an extremely tense situation in the middle of a war. But she felt she could have at least cast some doubts on his favor. But it was too late now, Sirius had been in Azkaban for years.

They talked more for a bit before she sent Harry home to rest. Since he was not supposed to be seen, they needed to get him home and Andromeda would personally visit to regrow his bones. A lot of treatments were scheduled for Harry to correct his improper growth including correcting his eyesight. 

His father was allergic to the potions needed for eye correcting so he never took them. But Harry wasn't so he could have his eyesight corrected later on.

Since all of this can be done at home, they got him back to Bones Manor.

They scheduled the scar inspection some other day. 

For the next few days, Harry did nothing but read books on wizarding culture and society while he was bed ridden to regrow bones or take several potions to heal his body. 

He started studying about being an heir, his seat in wizengamot and all that pureblood nonsense. 

Susan was there with him whenever he had questions so it became a bit easier for him. The prolonged time with Susan made them closer. They were both orphans and did not have any brothers or sisters so they started to see each other as siblings.



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