Bones Manor
After a weeks worth of being under potion treatments, Harry stood in front of a mirror looking at his new self.
He was now a bit taller. He finally matched the proper height he should have had if he wasn't malnourished. For a kid his age, he was now among the taller ones. He also no longer needed his glasses and he had a bit of muscle on him as a boy his age should have.
Now that he was living in the wizarding world, he now had access to proper magic. While not himself personally just yet, it was now all around him.
So he finally reactivated his Focus. He used it to scan anything and everything that had magic and collect as much data as it could. Sometimes he even asked Amelia to show him some spells when they were having dinner. Nothing too big, just some everyday ones like leviosa or scourgify. He even asked some elves to show theirs.
After compiling much data, his Focus was able to isolate and determine how magic relates to its surroundings. His Focus can now visually show him the magics around him in a form of visual representation through colors and holograms.
He temporarily labeled magic particles as magicules and thought of them as if they were a sort of computer code or LEGO's equivalent to re-writing the reality of the world or its rules. So by manipulating the magicules to act in a certain way, his focus would be able to help imitate effects of certain artifacts by showing him how the magicules should appear for his intended result.
In order to test it out, he used the focus to record Amelia using leviosa to float a simple object like a cup.
After visually showing how magicules react or move while the spell is being used, he tried to copy how the magicules are shaped and moved with his own magic wandlessly.
In other words, its like he was trying to copy someone else' sand art and making his own sand shape like that. He was doing all sorts of things to move the magicules he could see by doing different gestures or intent, then shaping them like the target spell.
Suffice to say, he was using his Focus as a cheat code to copy the magicule structure of the final result and he would copy it by moving his magic.
After several tries, he was able to imitate the effect of wingardium leviosa and float a single piece of paper. Which means in the future, if he can record a spell or charm being used, he can potentially imitate it with his own magic by copying how the magicules are shaped and move even without knowing the incantations. He figured incantations are more like key words or titles made as a shortcut record of magicule shape and movement. Another way of looking at it was if he was using his Focus to project a drawing or an artwork and he would use his hands to merely trace over the image and copy the result. To an outside perspective, it was like he was drawing it but to him it was like tracing it.
Next he tried it with reparo and was able to repair simple objects, not by casting the charm but by copying how magicules move and interact.
Playing around with simple spells, he can now use it wandlessly. He also made sure to remember how to do these as much as possible so he isn't too dependent on visually seeing the spells everytime he uses them. After all, he needed to memorize the feeling and intent so he can do it eventually without help.
Magic has always been largely intent based. The difference between him and everyone else is that he knows how the magicules move not just the intent so he has a lot more control as compared to a normal wizard who uses wandless entirely based on intent. With the intent-only based one, the energy is expended through intent so it takes up more energy but his method is like using intent as a guide only and using the magicule control to power through. So other wandless wizards use a lot more energy than he does.
After getting the hang of it, he moved on to the next experiment.
He had a self ink refilling quill in front of him. And another normal quill next to it. He then tried to analyze all the magic embedded on the charmed quill and did his best to copy it onto the other quill.
While he knew nothing of the runes on the artifact, he could still copy it onto the other item.
It took him a few tries but after fully copying it, the normal quill had become a self ink refilling quill. This proved his theory that he can copy functions of other enchanted objects by copying how the magicules were arranged with his own.
Though he suspects that more complicated artifacts would be harder to copy, it should still be somewhat possible.
For the time being, he was limited to copying 1:1 but someday maybe he can understand what each charm or enchantment does and maybe tweak and make changes eventually.
He recorded the magicule shapes of the enchanted robes so he had a record of which one did which.
Then he thought of the Marauders Map. If he can analyze it, he can probably copy the enchantments and functions onto another parchment. Further than that, if he can understand which enchantment does which, maybe he can even copy some of it onto his Focus and hopefully create a mini map only he can see.
That was his priority plan for when he meets the twin pranksters.
After pondering for a while, Harry decided to check out his special trunk. He recorded all the enchantments on it for now. He initially wanted this so he can put a lot of supplies in it but it was out of necessity. However if he can copy the enchantments, maybe he can pick a few more cheaper trunks and copy the enchantments to all of them.
Since it has been a while since he used his abilities, he decided to sneak out with teleport real quick and buy a few cheap, unlabeled but sturdy trunks, ones that most muggle-born students generally buy. After getting a few, he teleported back home with his Jumper ability.
After a few hours, he got the hang of copying enchantments onto the cheaper trunks. He not only copied the magicules, he also copied all the invisible runes and everything that made it more expensive. It did take a while to get right considering how the magicules looked layered. Possibly due to the several enchantments on it.
He now had a few extra trunks that he would probably sell to muggle-born students for a few pounds instead of galleons so that he had more muggle money to spare.
Most muggle-born or muggle raised were limited on how much they could exchange in Gringotts so Harry thought he could sell a few items to them in muggle currency. Even he as a technically considered a pureblood was limited in converting to muggle currency in order to avoid messing with the economy. So he would rather make items and sell it with muggle currency instead.
He did however, run into a roadblock. It turns out, charms and enchantments are generally used on more natural products or items with close to natural materials such as wood, leather or parchment. If more artificial items were used, the enchantments tend to expire quicker.
That's probably why these wizards use older items as they are usually made from animals or plants. This means if he used magic to enchant a parchment and a modern sheet of paper, the parchment would last longer as it was less processed and a lot closer to natural materials and paper usually goes through several chemicals.
In order to make enchantments last, they use runes to lock the magic intent in place. So if he wanted to have modern muggle clothing with enchantments, either he would have to add the enchantments regularly or mark them with runes of the equivalent function.
As Harry does not know anything about runes, he can only add the enchantments regularly for now. He prioritized some anti-bacterial/cleanliness ones and temperature control.
Since he was mostly recovered now from all the treatments for his malnourished body and eye correction, Harry was scheduled for being inspected by an Unspeakable who focuses on curses.
Harry also asked Amelia for some time to buy his daily clothing necessities which he preferred to get from the muggle side.
4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, England, Great Britain
The Dursleys were unceremoniously woken up in the middle of one night by some loud banging on the front door.
After Vernon open the door with Petunia in tow, they were both tackled and pressed against the walls and hand cuffed.
"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THE MEANING OF THIS! I DEMAND YOU STOP THIS AT ONCE!!" Vernon yelled. Petunia however was still barely awake and can hardly register what was happening.
"Vernon and Petunia Dursley, you are both under arrest for child abuse, neglect and attempted murder!"
They both paled at that. They knew this was a possibility but they tried their best to hide the signs.
Before they could say anything else, the bobbies were barging in, found the cupboard and took photos of everything. Some of them were even looking sick with what they saw. How anyone could do such harm to a child was beyond understanding for them.
They sent some men upstairs to wake up their son as he also had charges against him. Though he would be tried as a minor, he was most likely going to be sent to a correctional facility as well.
"NO!! WHAT'S GOING ON???! MUMMY!!!!! The fat child yelled.
On the other side of the street, an auror was watching as two bobbies apprehended Arabella Figg and surrendered custody to the auror. She was then taken to a holding facility for her part in child neglect. While she was not a guardian, she knew what was going on in the house and allowed it to happen so she was to be tried as an accessory. The muggles arranged for animal control to take her cats.
In all likely, she will not be sent to Azkaban but she will be locked up in a holding cell for possibly a few years for her part in this.
By capturing Arabella Figg, Dumbledore just lost any warning he may have gotten that his plans have gone amuck.
He would have had his trinkets to warn him if he didn't knowingly ignored them out of his arrogance and belief that he could make no mistake.
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