"Questions like this has always been hard to answer..."
"I feel certain pressure to plan my life earlier and to achieve everything I planned."
"But to answer the question, I would simply say what is 100% certain at this point. In 10 years I want to be someone who has learned and done lots of new things. I want to be someone who followed her heart on these issues."
"That's an interesting answer, typically people have more ambitions when they answer such questions. Do you not have anything like that?"
"It's not that I have no ambitions, I like to keep it in my mind, so that it's not embarrasing if I can't achieve it."
"I see...Anyways thank you so much for your time! I truly appreciate coming here for this interview."
"The pleasure is mine too! Please write the article well!"
We connected and added each other's numbers and went on our ways.
Reporter Hwang was not someone I expected her to be yet.
That lady with the iron will is not born yet. However she seemed like a reporter with an integrity, so it is not bad to have an article written by her.
I heard that they might add a few special episodes if the last 10 episodes get a good response from the audience.
At the end of the day it depends on the last few episodes.
I have only a couple of scenes left, one with Jang Hye-jin and Song Tae-hyeon, and another one simply with Tae-hyeon.
It was nothing complicated, it'll probably be a quick filming. Unless we get the special episodes and I will have to be in it, my scenes are basically done.
Thus, I decided to take a walk around town today.
I don't know why I suddenly wanted to do this, but I decided to go to the area where the car crash happened in the future.
In 201X the whole place is different.
That building will be the last convenient store I went to in 201X, but right now it's a used bookstore.
I decided to enter the store and take a look around.
The shopkeeper wasn't there, but I figured that he wouldn't be anywhere far.
It looks tacky, humble and old-fashioned, but I liked the place.
I've passed through this area a lot, but I've never been here before. I have never been fond of books after all.
Other than script books I avoid everything else like the plague.
It's almost a shame that it will be some random convenience store in 10 years.
But I guess that is life isn't it?
The old replaced by the new. The tradition replaced by innovation.
I walked among the tightly-knitted bookshelf carefully.
One wrong shove and everything might just come tumbling down.
Among the row of books, an elegant and plain book caught my eye.
I pulled it from the shelf.
The book had a classic look. Leather covers, yellow pages, a ribbon bookmark.
The title of the book was 'Between' , it seemed to be a foreign book.
On the plain black cover there was nothing else other than the title.
I opened the book and...
The patient is losing more blood!
"Wake up!"
I went on a coughing fit.
What happened? What was that?
"Student! Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine."
I got up from the ground.
"Students like you need to take care of yourself. Don't overwork yourself."
"Ah, yes of course. I will."
"It's good that you're alright."
"Excuse me sir, are you the shopkeeper?"
"Yes, that's me. Do you need something?"
"Yes, I'm buying this book."
I pointed to the book that is on the ground.
"Ohh that.... Just take that for free. We are closing soon. I'm planning to donate these books anyways, for the ones that could be donated at least."
"I see, then I'll just take this if you really don't mind."
"Yeah don't worry about it, it's basically trash anyways."
I left the store with the book in hand.
I was confused.
I didn't know what was happening.
I wasn't even completely sure why I was compelled to take this book.
Something was drawing me to it.
That's all I can say for now.
Today was my shoot with Jang Hye-jin and Song Tae-hyeon. The mood in set was light, like the feeling you have before a long holiday.
Maybe it's also because Jang Hye-jin had a nice personality.
As a fellow actor at least.
"Ah! Eonnie!"
Oh, that Song Tae-hyeon is here too.
"Good morning Jang Hye-jin seonbae*-nim!"
"Oh yes! Hello Tae-hyeon-ah."
"Good morning to you too Ha-na-ssi."
"Yes, good morning."
"What's with you two? So awkward?"
The scene that would be shot today was Yeon-gyeong winning the regional archery competition. She would be celebrating with her sister and Ki-beom.
If things go smoothly, we could finish really quickly.
"Everyone! Let's be on standby!"
Wait a second, what in the world is that guy doing?