Chapter 1 The four sword master

It was 15:00 pm in the evening and the schools were closed for the day and every student went to their homes. The sun was blazing with too much heat that made everybody get bored and tired.

Two students at a school called Purple High School wearing purple uniform made their way back to their homes.

"Hey Jack did we have any homeworks for today," a teenage boy called Kevin asked his friend Jack.

"Yeah we did I think it was a maths homework." Jack said answering Kevin's question.

Kevin sighed and said, "man maths is the worst".

"Hey there's then store we're looking for," Jack said ignoring Kevin's comment and pointing at a shop at the left side of the street.

At the same street an old man with a white long and big moustache that reached to his waist, wearing a black t-shirt and a black Jean saw kevin and got an odd feeling. "Uhh what is this presence I sense there could be no doubt, about it that kid over there, is he the new four swords master it isn't possible." Said a mysterious old man doubtfully while looking at Kevin.

"I should examine him."

When Kevin and Jack finally reached the shop Kevin saw a poor old man who was asking for money but people ignored him.

"Yo Jack I'll be back," Kevin said as he approached the old man and when he reached the old man he gave the him all of his money and said, "here take this and go buy yourself something to eat."

The old man started to hesitate but then kevin kept on insisting and the old man hesitantly took Kevin's money.

"Thank you for this may God bless you for your kindness."

Kevin took of and went back to Jack once he entered the shop with his friend the old man hid in a corner and transformed into the same old man that was spying on Kevin and Jack.

"Bro you are so kind hearted, as your friend I can't eat while you are just staring so we'll share the food," Jack said to Kevin.

"Thanks bro but you can eat on your own I'll go eat at home," Kevin said as he left Jack.

After leaving with Jack, Kevin reached to his home.

"Mom I'm back!" He shouted while entering the house and going to the dining room.

"Ohh you're back Kevin how was school?" Kevin's mother Hikifune asked as she turned her head to Kevin's direction.

"School was fine but I'm so hungry."

Hikifune quickly went into the kitchen and fetched food for Kevin.

After he had eaten the food he thanked his mother and went to his room in order to do his maths homework.

The next morning Kevin woke up and headed off to school but on his way to school he saw smoke in the air so he ran to its direction and he saw a house engulfed in flames.

When he arrived at the scene panic was in the air as a crowd of people said that there's a person stuck inside that burning house. Without hesitating Kevin rushed inside the house without even fully understanding the situation put his life in emanate danger in order to save the person inside.

Everybody was shocked when Kevin entered the house and some even tried to stop him but failed.

Everybody had thought that Kevin was also going to die but then he shocked everyone when he returned from the house with barely a scratch on him and nothing he was wearing had been burned and he was also holding a woman in his arms.

The people quickly called an ambulance and when it arrived the woman was took to the hospital for treatment.

"Look at that kid he's a hero!" The people shouted as they praised Kevin.

He quickly remembered that it was late so he ran as fast as light itself to get to the school on time.

When Kevin reached the school he saw his friend Jack waiting for him.

"Bro where were you? Why are you panting? Why do you smell like smoke? What happened to you?" Jack asked as soon as he saw Kevin.

Kevin quickly explained to Jack about everything and he quickly understood. After he had explained he headed towards his locker and placed his things inside but then two bullies quickly arrived infront Kevin and Jack.

"Well well if it isn't the nerds themselves Kevin and Jack, give us your lunch money before you get hurt," one of the bullies said and warned.

 Kevin decided to mock the bullies by saying, "if you're hungry why not just say so I could give you my money in peace there's no need for all of this."

One of the bully's face turned red and he smashed Kevin's locker shut with the back of his hand and a crowd started forming then one of the bullies said, "After school the two of you versus us and better not run you stupid nerds". The crowd made noise and wanted Kevin to accept the challenge, due to the amount pressure he decided to accept the challenge.

The afterschool hit faster than usual. "Dude what's your plan, what are we going to do now?" Jack asked in fear cause he had known that the bullies are really good at fighting.

"Relax bro stop freaking out," Kevin said answering Jack's question.

At the school's front gate many students were waiting on Kevin, Jack and the bullies to arrive, but then Kevin and Jack exited the school using the gate at the back.

When they exited the school they were surprised when they found the bullies waiting for them on the same gate.

"Huh we knew you would try to run away you weakling cowards," one of the bullies said to them.

Instead of being worried and scared Kevin smirked and continued to mock the bullies by saying, "huh you think that we were trying to run huh don't make me laugh we all know that you guys were trying to get away."

"Why you!"

"Uhm Kevin maybe you should stop mocking them." Jack whispered to Kevin.

The bullies got super angry ran towards Jack and Kevin to hit them, and then Kevin said, "hey Jack you wanted me to tell you what my plan is well here it comes. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!".


After shouting Kevin and Jack began to run away and the bullies chased after them.

Suddenly Kevin stopped running away and sensed as if something was calling for him, shouting his name but as he tried to go towards it Jack grabbed him and told him to run away.

After managing to escape from the bullies Kevin and Jack separated from each other. Kevin quickly reached to his home after getting inside he told his mother that he was going to his room.

When Kevin opened the door to his room and entered he saw an old man with a white long and big moustache that reached to his waist and wearing a big black jacket seating down on the floor and carrying four swords wrapped with cloth.

Upon seeing the oldman Kevin opened his mouth widely in order to start screaming but then the oldman quickly closed his mouth before he could scream and then said:

"Relax kid I come in peace ain't gonna do anything to you I just want to have a chit chat so don't worry, plus I'm completely harmless."