Chapter 3 Kevin's path

After hearing the cruel tale of Trinity beasts, Trinity humans and the four swords master, Kevin decided to train with Maki to become the eight four swords master. After Kevin's decision Maki left the swords with Kevin and then he turned into a fly and exited the house.

The following day wasn't a school day but rather it was a Saturday and Kevin took the chance to go and train with Maki and so he went out and looked for Maki's home at the directions he gave him before he left, and after a while he found the house and when he got there he started training with Maki.

Kevin was a lost cause the first session was slashing power but he didn't even know how to wield a sword.

"You're doing it wrong hold your sword straight, maintain your stance and then strike," Maki said scolding Kevin.

He jumped back,held his sword straight and then he attacked Maki but his attack was dodged and the session was stopped.

Kevin started wondering as to why Maki had stopped the training session and decided to ask him.

"Your attacks are too weak, shallow, they carry no strength behind them and they speak no tale, as a swordsman your attacks should tell a story but I feel no story but you're incredibly agile and flexible and that counts for something and its your first time using a sword so I can't blame you, instead you'll start up with the simple basics," Maki said showing Kevin his mistakes.

They trained endlessly and Kevin struggled to lift 5 pounds of weight and ended up farting. After the weights Maki trained Kevin how to use a sword and fight dummies but Kevin lost to a dummy that wasn't even moving. After being humiliated by a dummy Kevin started to doubt himself and asked Maki if he made the right decision to choose.

"Kevin you were not chosen by me you were chosen by the swords don't lose hope by just a quick loss, always remember that there is a beginning for everything."

Maki decided to put Kevin back to weight lifts and with a new resolve Kevin was more dedicated and so finally managed to lift 5 pounds of weight and got super excited.

Maki was impressed and he saw Kevin's potential for growth and even he was frightened, Kevin realised that he had to go back home or else his mom would be angry at him and so he told Maki that he will be back tommorow but before he left he remembered something and asked Maki a question"Hey old man you once said something about Trinergy and to be honest I'm quite curious, what is Trinergy?"

"Huh for a person who can only lift a 5 pounder you really want to know a lot don't you, I'll tell you about that once you've proved yourself." Maki said answering Kevin's question.

The next day Kevin went to train with old man Maki again the whole day and surprisingly Kevin improved a bit, it turned out that Kevin didn't sleep yesterday but rather he was training.

Monday came and Kevin went to school and when he got there the two bullies arrived to them and started to harass them.

"If it isn't Kevin who ran away from us last week Friday the coward in the flash".

At Kevin, Jack and the bullies location a crowd of people started forming and the school kids started laughing at Kevin for running away from the bullies at Friday, Kevin felt really embarrassed and pissed off and to add fuel on fire one of the bullies grabbed Kevin by his clothes.

At that moment Kevin's rage reached a point to where he could barely hold himself back plus he was already angry about the fact that he didn't sleep much yesterday so he harshly removed the bully's hand than he said, "Enough!! I'm not in the mood to deal with you two so you better get out of my sight now."

"Or what."

"Or this," Kevin said as he crushed the bully's wrist.

AAHHH!! The bully screamed in pain and longed for Kevin to release him and as if Kevin felt his cry he released him and walked away.

Being worried Jack followed Kevin and asked him why he was so angry but Kevin decided to ignore Jack's question.

After school ended for the day Jack told Kevin that they should hurry if they want to quickly arrive at their favourite food shop but instead of going to the food shop with Jack, Kevin decided Jack to leave him.

"Hey Uhm Jack sorry but I got somewhere important I need to go to so we'll just hangout later and I hope that you don't get any hard feelings about this." Kevin said as he started to walk away.

"Okay then how about I escort you to where you're going and we can you know chat on the way there," Jack suggested to Kevin.

"Sorry bro but this is something only concerning me so later," Kevin responded as he left.

This didn't bother Jack at all cause nobody understood Kevin more than he did, but as this kept on continuing gradually Jack started feeling lonely and had thoughts that Kevin had found new friends and is planning on ditching him.

After three whole weeks of training with Maki Kevin's body started to show changes, it became visible that he was training. Jack didn't mind any of this but what really bothered him was the fact that his best friend in whole world choose not to tell him that he was training.

This bothered Jack cause what is there to hide when you training your body, was he embarrassed to tell me about it? Is he trying to impress some girl? Or there's another motive behind all of this? These are all the questions that Jack asked himself and had no answers to them but beyond all else he was happy for his friend.