Chapter 7 Kevin vs Miko, a new ally joins

Kevin went on a date with Elaine but Jack saw that as an opportunity to find out what Kevin had been hiding from him because he was still troubled.

Jack had been secretly spying on Kevin when he left to go to train and now he knew where Kevin trained and went there to confront Maki.

KNOCK! KNOCK! Jack knocked at Maki's house.

"Who knocks on other people's doors at seven in the middle of the night," Maki asked talking more to himself while going to open the door.

After opening the door Maki saw Jack and to Jack's surprise Maki knew who he was and invited him to the house and offered him tea but Jack rejected the offer.

"Look old man this isn't a friendly visit." Jack said.

"So what do you want?" The old man asked.

"Hey old man can I ask you a question and don't lie to me, why does Kevin train here and for what reason?" Jack asked.

Jack's question was expected by Maki and so he replied, "You want to know why Kevin trains here and for what reason well you see that is a question you should be asking your friend Kevin."

"Dammit old man! Look I know that you have the answer to my question so just answer me and leave all of wisdom out of this."

"I may know the answer but I'm in no position to tell you, you see if Kevin wanted you to know than wouldn't he have already told you himself but he didn't which means if I told you I would be overstepping my boundaries, do if you want to know why Kevin trains here than you gonna have to ask him yourself, but answer me this why do you want to know?" Maki asked.

"Answering that question won't make a difference but if you must know it's because I'm worried, in the boys washroom after he had returned from hospital I saw so many scars on his body and with scars like that it actually seemed like Kevin was fighting that monster and if that was the case than I'm scared, scared for my friend."

"I see but alas I still cannot tell you anything." Maki said.

After hearing the answer Jack got angry and decided to leave.

Meanwhile at the same time in the carnivals Kevin and Elaine were about to undergo a difficult time since another Trinity beast has emerged from an explosion.

Panic was in the air, "It's a monster! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" the people shouted making their way out of the carnivals.

"What's going on?" Elaine asked somebody in the crowd.

"A monster appeared it's most likely the same one that appeared at Purple High last week," the random stranger running away replied.

This aura I'm feeling there can be no doubt about it, it's a Trinity beast and a really strong one also Kevin thought as he was walking towards the danger but suddenly Elaine grabbed him and said "Ohhh no you don't, you're not going anywhere except evacuating with me and if you're worried about the people you can relax there are many securities here they'll protect and help the people evacuate".

Kevin knew that even the guards themselves stood no chance against that Trinity beast but since he was Elaine's date it was he's responsibility to protect Elaine so he evacuated with her.

"Quickly get in the car my driver will take us to safety," Elaine said.

When Kevin got inside the car he looked outside and saw the Trinity beast walking towards them, the car started and went at the speed of 150 km/ph.

But as the car was going the Trinity beast intentionally ignored every other person or car and only went after Kevin and Elaine.

With the speed the car's going at in just a couple of seconds they were already away from the carnivals but as they thought that they had escaped they didn't notice that the Trinity beast had already caught up to them.

When Kevin looked at the window of the car he saw the Trinity beast but before he could say anything the Trinity beast kicked the car 500m away.

Kevin quickly noticed that there was no way to avoid the car crash and decided to use his power boost and boosted his, Elaine's and the driver's physical strength by 50 muscle strength.

The car crashed into a deserted area of district 12 and it exploded. After the car's crash the Trinity beast lunged and jumped into the direction of the car's crash.

Meanwhile Kevin came out of the explosion holding the unconscious driver and Elaine in his arms and tried to quickly take them to a hospital since they were badly injured but alive. But then Kevin felt the Trinity beast's presence and so he quickly hid Elaine and the driver behind a giant rock.

When the Trinity beast landed Kevin telepathically grabbed his sword 'booster' from his house to his hands did his fighting stance.

"I would like to introduce myself I am the Trinity beast Miko," he introduced.

"Miko huh tell me why are you after me?" Kevin asked.

"Isn't it obvious I'm after your swords once we have all four swords we can finally break the seal plus if I can kill you right here then most of our problems would be solved." Miko answered simply.

Miko then quickly attacked Kevin, but his attack was blocked by using the sword but then a really powerful impact was exacted and Kevin got blown away and smashed up with many stones.

"I'm sure you're wondering what happened since you completely nullified my attack but you see my ability is called 'hard impact' and what it does is simple every time I attack another impact appears and it's strength increases by the amount of resistance that is being put on it so the more you block my attack the more you'll get hurt, in other words the concept of blocking my attacks does not exist." Miko said.

Hard Impact huh I bet he used that ability to crash Elaine's car here and there's no way to defend against it since everything has resistance to impact so the only way is to dodge his attacks, Kevin thought while running around Miko.

He then swooped and attacked him but Miko quickly dodged the attack and countered with a direct hit at then used hard Impact and blew Kevin away.

He quickly got up but then he noticed that smoke was starting to come out of his cheeks but before he could do anything Miko quickly attacked him again.

The attack came at him with tremendous speed and force to the point that he could only see Miko when he was in front of him, as Miko was attacking Kevin saw nothing except for Miko in front of him who was prepping to punch him with the full force of his power, at that moment time seemed to slow down and he could only see Miko's attack but had no way of dodging it.

Due to his desperation he resorted to boosting his left arms physical strength to its current limit '100 muscle strength' and paired up Miko's attack. The collision of these attacks created a huge explosion but due to hard Impact 'since Kevin had already put up too much resistance' his left arm was crushed and he was blown away again and when he crashed a big hole in the ground was created and he was lying in the middle of the hole, bleeding everywhere.

"You're really thought that attack was going to nullify my hard Impact how naive must you be, I guess there really is no cure for idiocy." Miko said as he laughed.

"Hahaha come on cut me some slack now will you it was worth to try anyway," Kevin replied while standing back up.

"So you can still stand how impressive but I hardly doubt that you can still attack nor defend yourself against my attacks." Miko stated.

I hate to admit it but he's right at the state I'm in I don't think that I can hold my own against him any more, Kevin thought.

But just as he was thinking Miko wasted no time and quickly attacked him but this time he was helpless and defenceless and just when he thought all was lost a powerful wind blew Miko away from him.

What the? What just happened? He questioned himself but then he heard a voice behind him say "Wow FSM you're really in a pitiful state now aren't you."

When Kevin turned his head he saw the mysterious dude from his school and then he thought, Uhh so I was right about this guy he's something different from others he also has powers I mean this powerful wind that blew Miko away came from him but what is he and what does FSM stand for.

Driven by curiosity Kevin asked the dude who he was and what FSM stands for.

"Seriously! Are you an idiot FSM stands for 'Four swords master' and as for who I am I'll tell you I am Takehiko and I am the last Trinity human in existence," Takehiko stated.

"The last Trinity human huh you're not the last one in existence," Kevin said.

"Wait what! There's another Trinity human other than me wow and I really thought that I was the last one you'll have to introduce me to him/her some day ok." Takehiko said and Kevin nodded.

While Kevin and Takehiko were busy chit chatting Miko ended up getting angry and jumped to attack Takehiko but then he unleashed his second ability earth and created a stone wall that Miko crashed into.

Kevin was amazed by Takehiko. Miko quickly got up and attacked Takehiko without hesitating but then he used a new power that Kevin had never seen or heard of before 'Trinergy control creation: Orb of protection', and a barrier that surrounded Takehiko was created.

"Huh you think that this can protect you a Trinergy control." Miko said as he attacked but as soon as his attack landed it had zero effect on Takehiko's barrier and it even took the full force of hard Impact without receiving any damage.

Miko attempted to attack Takehiko again but then Takehiko used another ability that Kevin had never seen before 'Trinergy control destruction + ability:wind compressed ball of the end', this ability compressed all the wind in the area into a tiny wind ball that Takehiko used to blast Miko with.

Driven by his ego and pride Miko chose not to even try to avoid the attack but rather he tried to take it head on with his Hard Impact but the tables turned for him as Takehiko's ability was too powerful that Miko's entire body was crushed to nothingness.

After Miko's death Kevin was left speechless and shocked but then he quickly realised that he had to get Elaine and the driver to the hospital and so rushed to fetch them and Takehiko helped Kevin rush them to the hospital.