The battle between Kevin,Loyd and Takehiko vs the three Trinity beasts came to an end and after the battle Mash was taken by the military for research purposes and they put him behind cages. After the battle the 'order of peace' was formed but at sector 8 a secret meeting had been held by the Triquilas.
The next day Kevin went to school and he reached there before the school bell had rang so he stayed and talked with his friends. Within a blink of an eye the school bell rang and everybody went inside of their classrooms to learn.
"Class I have an announcement to make," Kevin's class teacher excitedly said. "We have a new student that's joining our class".
A new student?Everybody wondered.
In a jiffy a beautiful girl who had an average height with long falling hair and beautiful pink eyes entered the class.
Wow! Dazzled the entire classroom as she introduced herself.
"My name is Amelia and I'm your new classmate," she introduced herself with a beautiful voice and charming attitude. The whole class couldn't help but notice her confidence and her friendly attitude after she had introduced herself she made her way to seat down and surprisingly she sat on a desk that was next to Kevin's desk.
"Uhm hi my name is Kevin it's nice to meet you Amelia." Kevin said in a friendly tone as he took out his hand in other to shake hands with Amelia.
"It's nice to meet you Kevin." Amelia responded while taking her hand out to shake with Kevin.
The moment Kevin's hand made contact with Amelia's hand he immediately felt a strong amount of Trinergy that Amelia has been compressing.
Wait what is this Trinergy? Kevin wondered.
The four swords master, I found my target, Amelia thought.
"Class listen up at the 20th of March we are going to have a school trip and once we return you will start on your exams." Kevin's class teacher announced. The entire class shouted in excitement and everybody except Kevin was happy.
Shit why now if I go there than who's going to be left to guard the city, Kevin thought in worry.
Jack who was sitting next to Kevin couldn't help to notice that Kevin was worried and decided to ask him "Hey Kevin". "Why don't you seem like you're excited about going to the school trip, if you're worried about something you still have about 20 days to plan it out cause today is the first of March."
The school day ended and Kevin went to train at Maki's place and when he got there he heard Takehiko busy talking to old man Maki about a mysterious new male student in his classroom 9B called Stark who had a weird Trinergy that he was compressing.
"Wait really me too at class 9D a weird mysterious girl called Amelia also just came into our classroom as well," Kevin said while he charged inside the house like a tank.
"Wait really and you're sure that it was neither the Trinergy of that of a Trinity human or Trinity beasts?" Maki asked.
"Nope." both Kevin and Takehiko answered.
Could it be them those Triquilas what could they be up to, Maki wondered.
"Ok we'll figure it out later but in the meantime for today's training Loyd will guide you into your training." Maki said.
"Ok!" L Loyd excitedly yelled. "Ok guys for today's training it will be Takehiko vs Kevin and at that way you'll learn to battle a real person so if you have any new tricks use whatever you can and also the battle will be in my pocket space ok."
Trinergy control+ability: different space.
Both Kevin and Takehiko were immediately transported into Loyd's pocket space.
Kevin and Takehiko trained together for several hours.
Loyd declared the day's training to have came to an end. "I'm leaving now," Kevin said while he was on his way to the door. "Oh wait before I forget our class is going on a school trip and I was wondering if you guys can handle everything while I'm gone."
"Sure we can kid." Maki said.
"Thanks." Kevin quickly answered.
It was night time and the streets were empty and Kevin was afraid that his mother was going to beat the living crap out of him for coming back home late so he decided to hurry up.
Kevin stopped as he felt as if something was lurking within the shadows.
Came a sword slash attack from behind Kevin but he was able to block it by quickly taking out his sword, booster.
"Who are you?" Kevin asked to the stranger who just attacked him.
"You're really good I have to say considering the fact that I attacked at sonic speed, I guess Maki is doing a great job with you." the stranger who just attacked Kevin said. "You want to know who I am I'll tell you I am Stark."
"Wait you're the new student Takehiko was talking about." Kevin asked.
"It doesn't matter whether or not you've heard of me but what matters is that we're here to kill you." Stark said.
"Wait what the hell do you mean when you say we?" Kevin asked as he was curious.
"He obviously mean the two of us you idiot." Amelia answered as she appeared.
Kevin was shocked to see Amelia here. You!.
"Of course it's me you idiot." Amelia said.
Kevin got angry and so he jumped away and then he said, "come at me then."
Without wasting time Stark quickly drew out his sword and attacked Kevin but he blocked it before he could counter Amelia used her powers 'Trinergy control destruction: injuring blasts' and many blasts appeared but Kevin managed to avoid them all and went to attack Amelia but Stark attacked him, surprisingly he still managed to block the attack and Amelia also used her injuring blasts to attack him but he was still able to avoid the blasts.
Despite being outmatched Kevin managed to fight against the two of them with their combined might and even somewhat being able to counter.
Both Stark and Amelia were surprised that Kevin was able to hold his own against them. Stark quickly attacked Kevin but then Kevin boosted his own attack potency and quickly countered and injured Stark but in a turn of events Stark's injury disappeared.
What the hell?Is he regenerating?
Without wasting time Kevin quickly rushed to attack Stark but then Stark swinged his sword and the entire road and everything in it got destroyed and Kevin got blown away and started bleeding in his forehead.
He landed in a building and without wasting time he jumped up into the air and started charging up all of his Trinergy into his sword then a yellow aura surrounded the sword and he used his technique 'Trinergy control destruction: Yellow divine slash' as he swinged his sword a giant colossal slash covered the entire sky as it headed towards Stark's direction.
Exploded the whole area and as Kevin reached the ground he then smiled but then before he could react Stark appeared behind him and pressed his sword at Kevin's neck and said, "Hahahahaha you're not bad at all I wish I had the chance to fight you in a one on one fight, but there's no reason for us to do anything to you now that we have all the information we needed so we'll see each other tomorrow at school sweet dreams." Stark said as he and Amelia vanished into the night.
With both of them gone Kevin was left with a lot of questions but then the police appeared and he quickly made his escape.