CHAPTER FIVE: Finally I got my freedom.
(Melisa getting other office found alisha,Joshua and a little girl around ten years of age).
MELISA:(walks in).
JOSHUA:(Runs towards her and hugs her)Aunt good afternoon.
MELISA:(Hugging him) afternoon dear,how have you been?
JOSHUA:(Smiling)I am fine and aunt, I got someone to introduce to you,(To zoe)Come here.
ZOE:(Standing in front of joe).
JOSHUA:(His hands around zoe shoulder)aunt, this is my sister zoe and zoe this is my aunt ,friend and doctor I have been talking about.
MELISA:Hi, zoe!it's nice to meet you,(spreads her hands for a hug).
ZOE:(Accept her hug and hugs her back)it's my pleasure, joe has said a lot about youand even without knowing you I liked and admired you and meeting you I feel in love with you ,you really beautiful, I like you.
MELISA:(Smiling)I am happy you like me but how come you never checked on your brother throughout his stay in the hospital?
ZOE:I was in holiday with my aunt and my mom stopped me from coming because she knows I won't stop crying till he is very fine, I won't eat or talk to anyone which will make me fall ill so my mom said it is better I don't see him but I call my mom every time to check on him.
MELISA:I see .(To lisha)what brings you ?I wasn't expecting you the here.
ALISHA:(Standing up)That is not how to welcome a friend.
MELISA:Sorry, my bad,(Spreads her hand for a hug).
ALISHA:(Hugs her)That is more like it.
MELISA:(Sits down,and picks up her phone)So Ahm,lisha I am really sorry but I got something at hand that needs attention right away,so if you don't mind can you make it to my place with Joe and zoe this saturday?(Phone rings)Sorry, let me answer this call(Answers the call)hi dear! How is work? I was about calling you when you called.
AMELIA:Work is fine how about yours?
MELISA:(Sadly)mine is kinda fine.
AMELIA:(Concertedly curios) what's up ,what happened are you alright?
MELISA:(Sadly)kinda fine.
AMELIA:(Quickly) I am on my way to your office, don't go anywhere (hangs up).
ALISHA:(Worriedly curious) Is everything okay with you?
MELISA:(Sadly ) I am fine ,no need to worry.
ALISHA:(Calmly)Lisa, don't say that, you are my friend and friends are to be there for each other, make each other feel better when one is distressed but as for you you are more like a sister than a friend so tell me what's up.
MELISA:(Sighs) Okay, a woman by the name Jane was rushed to my hospital this morning,she was in ruins,so pale, shattered, tired and she lacked energy and strength, also there was handprints all over face and injuries all over her body ,she looked like someone that went for a war and was defeated, I felt for her, imagining the kind of pain or situation that was into that made her looked so haggard, I just couldn't bear it so i inquired from her son who was among those yhat rushed her here then he told me his dada was the one that dealt with his mom mercilessly,he beats her like he is fighting wirh his mate,he scolds her ilike shse weteva child, he irder her around, insults her, cheats on her, brings ladies into their matrimonial home.Lisha , Jane's husband is the perfect definition of a devil incarnate ,even the devil won't be so heartless, inhumane,and merciless.i felt like strangling the man with my bare hands, I couldn't do such;not like if I do kill him anything will happen since we are in Nigeria where bribery and corruption is the order of the day but I can't have an evils man blood on my hands that will only stain my integrity.
ALISHA:(Touched) honestly I feel for her but how could he be so mean?
MELISA:(Sadly) That is not all, Jane literally made him m who he is today, she was the one that talked to her uncle who is based abroad to help him which he did not only did she talk to her uncle she sponsored his trip to US to see her uncle and on getting back he requested her to resign from her job, daying that his wife can't be working that he will take good care of her ,now we can see how much he had taken care of her in the past five years.
Now she wants divorce and half of her wealth back ,if I were here I would spend sometime regaining my sanity and then make sure to go through what he made go through if possible worst but she is too kind for my liking ,I am waiting for her to get well before a discussing with her although we had talked but that is not enough.
ALISHA:(Surprised) She is a kind person indeed , if I were her I would take the most important companies to make sure he goes done and what is the devil's name?
MELISA:(With disgust)Chief hudson.
ALISHA:(Surprised) so the hudson is a pretender,he acts all perfect in front of people but behind close doors he is a devil, nice trick though.So the divorce is the reason you called for your lawyer right?
MELISA:Yes(amelia walks in).
AMELIA:(Walks in and hugs lisa) good morning love.
MELISA: Good morning dear.
AMELIA:(To lisha) good morning , I am amelia (stretches her hands for a handshake).
ALISHA:(Shakes her) It's my pleasure.
AMELIA: (Sits down) I heard you two talking of divorce, (Curiously)who is getting divorced?
MELISA:(Narrated everything's to her).
AMELIA:(Sad and angry)I feel for her , I am happy to help her fight for right.
AMELIA:It's nothing, Ahm, apart from helping her get divorced what did you intend to do for her?
MELISA:(Face brightens)I don't intend to do anything because I already did something.
LISHA AND LEAH: ( in Chorous).What did you do?
MELISA:(Smiling) I gave her nine hundred million dolars and a million each to joe and zoe , they are her kids.
ALISHA:(Shocked)Lisa, not nine hundred million dollars, is that not to much to give out plus extra twin million naira.
LEAH:(Surprised)Same here too.
MELISA:(Smiling ) It is just nine hundred million dollars,moreover I am more than that and she needs the money more than I do.
LUSHA AND LEAH:(Nodds in agreement),that was huge but you are a unique lady , not everyone can let go of such amount).
MELISA:(Smiling) I know right,I did it because I wanted to help after all God didn't bless me for myself use only he blessed me so I could help other people and that is what I am doing.
AMELIA:(Smiling) That is my baby girl. But I do have a question that I couldn't or should I say I haven't gotten an answer for yet.
MELISA:We are all ears.
AMELIA:You know I usually wonder why men would marry a woman and then turn the woman into a slave?
MELISA:To me there is one question and answer in that question you just asked.
MELISA:Let me explain, men does that because of one thing .
ALISHA:(Curiously)Which is ?
MELISA:What else if not hatred for we women In the name of we are the reason God caused us and they are suffering today, forgetting that their punishment is no where compared to ours. And since God gave them the power to rule over us made things worst, because of that power they feel they own you,they feel they own your life,body, freedom, lifestyle or any other thing.They behave the way they do because since they are the head as God told them, they can do to you as they please not minding if they hurt your feelings or not , not my minding if their brutality kills you or not all they want is to make sure they maintain their position as the head,as far as their pride and ego is in place they got no nothing to worry about,that is why most men hate it when their wives are working class ladies,they feel like if their wives work and earn their own money they won't be able to control you since they don't provide you ,you do it yourself,so they can't threaten you with anything other than physical power which is to bully you ,most men who sees that their wives insist on working they bully them knowing fully well you are a woman so you can't standup for yourself ,and again even if you agree not to work you still go through hell because you are to obedient , too submissive to him,yes, I know God said wives should be submissive to their husbands but you must have heard of the saying"too much of everything is bad"isn't it?so if you are two obedient and submissive they will look down on you, they will see like a fool; like you don't have sense an decide to play with your intelligence and again God also said men should be submissive to their wives right?but tell me how many men are submissive and obedient in Nigeria today?so tell me if you are not submissive, respectful or obedient to me why should i be obedience and the rest to you?after all the same bible said the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violence taketh it by force right so why are some women killing themselves and blaming the men for their deaths,when you could have stand up for yourself, when you could have told "what a man can do a woman can do better",when you could have told him enough is enough I can't tolerate you bully me anymore ,when you could have showed him the power of a woman,when you would have standup and cry to your God to give you the strength to pull through and to keep and protect you and your kids you were busy being scared, busy sitting and watch your fellow human play with your destiny, life and future and at the end when he hits you and you die in the process the man is being blamed ,yes the man should be blamed but in the Nigeria of today women have died and are dying in marriages everyday ,what happened to the men ,he sort out police or give one convincing lie and he is let free and the next day the man will get married again and live happily there after and you are ten feet below the ground weeping so you tell me who is to be blamed? Why don't you face your fear ,why don't you kill the fear before it kills you, because after you die the same fear will tell you you should have faced me because that is the only way you can conquer me. That is the answer to your question.
AMELIA:(Dumbfounded) you are too much, I pity the man that will marry you because if he do anything stupid thunder will strike him, honestly sis, where did you get this knowledge from?I need some too because I am not married but will soon.
MELISA:This is not what you call knowledge, there is a difference between knowledge and common sense ,what I just told you wasn't learnt from anyone, I made use of my head so you too do the same thing.
ALISHA:(Dumbfounded)You are indeed unique in your way,your husband to be is sure to take you seriously.
AMELIA:You can say that again.
MELISA: My husband to be is a devil incarnate ,a sheep in wolves clothing.
ALISHA: Why would you say such about your man?
AMELIA:Who is this devil you are talking about?
MELISA:Chief clinton.
LEAH AND LISHA:(Surprised)Sir clinton!
MELISA:(Sadly) yes, sir clinton.
AMELIA:But we all know that sir clinton is an awesome man.
ALISHA:Sir clinton is a good man so what are you saying?
MELISA:(Almost shouting)Can you two stop already, his name makes my head aches, when I first met him, he seem to be a good guy but my instinct never accepted him, but when he decided to be friends I agreed because my mom was on my neck and will not let me be till I get her a son in-law so I accepted,he treated me well, he is so loving , kind, amazing,and unique but when I ever I feel like I should give him my heart my mind and instincts know cked against it ,inwas confused ,why will my instinct keep telling me i am about making a huge mistake so i decided to ask the his maid about him and it turned out Sarah has been working for the alexander's family since clinton came into this world, she told me clinton use to be a womanizer ,he cannon do without a woman but his baby sister linda whom he holds dearly after his parents death talked to him and she managed to get him to stop womanizing but on a second thought a character that is a part of you can't be changed overnight, although you can if you want to but according to sarah she said my instinct were right,she doesn't think clinton changed ,she the nks he is just pretending,since I wasn't sure I decide not to dwell on what she said but my instinct kept telling me i told you,so i think a week ago,tge day sarah told me about him i went out with my sis tilfa and i got back home by six,when u got home clinton was already in the sitting room waiting for my return ,he started interviewing me asked ng me where I went, who I went out with, is the person a male or female, do i know the person,i got angry and asked him why he is interviewing me ?he said it's because he is my fiancee ,I told him he doesn't have the right to do that and told him that i went out with my boyfriend ,he was mad and asked me if I am not afraid of him strangling me there and then , I told to try and see who will end up ten feet below the ground and wirh the loikbon his face he wasn't expecting me to be so bold, ge was shocked and surprised at my behavior,and to end the so called drama I walked out on him and went to my room. Babes, he doubted me when I told him I was out with tilda ,he thought I was with a man,he was jealous and angry at same time ,girls I am in in for the worst nightmare if my life ,but I know I will cope.
AMELIA:Okay, he is indeed a wolf in sheep clothing.
ALISHA:Yeah! I agree with you.
MELISA:(Standing up) It's time I go check up on Jane.
AMELIA:I will go with you so I can talk things out with her.
MELISA:(Carries her sethethoscope and puts it on her neck) then let's go.
ALISHA:I will come over to your place on Saturday with your babies .
MELISA:No problem (Stepping out of the office)joe, zoe ,be good keep ds alright, don't disturb mommy okay.
ZOE AND JOE:Okay, we will.
MELISA:(Hugs them) see you on Saturday (exit Lisa and leah).
Melisa walked in with leah to see lCHAPTER FIVE: Finally I gained my freedom.
(Melisa getting other office found alisha,Joshua and a little girl around ten years of age).
MELISA:(walks in).
JOSHUA:(Runs towards her and hugs her)Aunt good afternoon.
MELISA:(Hugging him) afternoon dear,how have you been?
JOSHUA:(Smiling)I am fine and aunt, I got someone to introduce to you,(To zoe)Come here.
ZOE:(Standing in front of joe).
JOSHUA:(His hands around zoe shoulder)aunt, this is my sister zoe and zoe this is my aunt ,friend and doctor I have been talking about.
MELISA:Hi, zoe!it's nice to meet you,(spreads her hands for a hug).
ZOE:(Accept her hug and hugs her back)it's my pleasure, joe has said a lot about youand even without knowing you I liked and admired you and meeting you I feel in love with you ,you really beautiful, I like you.
MELISA:(Smiling)I am happy you like me but how come you never checked on your brother throughout his stay in the hospital?
ZOE:I was in holiday with my aunt and my mom stopped me from coming because she knows I won't stop crying till he is very fine, I won't eat or talk to anyone which will make me fall ill so my mom said it is better I don't see him but I call my mom every time to check on him.
MELISA:I see .(To lisha)what brings you ?I wasn't expecting you the here.
ALISHA:(Standing up)That is not how to welcome a friend.
MELISA:Sorry, my bad,(Spreads her hand for a hug).
ALISHA:(Hugs her)That is more like it.
MELISA:(Sits down,and picks up her phone)So Ahm,lisha I am really sorry but I got something at hand that needs attention right away,so if you don't mind can you make it to my place with Joe and zoe this saturday?(Phone rings)Sorry, let me answer this call(Answers the call)hi dear! How is work? I was about calling you when you called.
AMELIA:Work is fine how about yours?
MELISA:(Sadly)mine is kinda fine.
AMELIA:(Concertedly curios) what's up ,what happened are you alright?
MELISA:(Sadly)kinda fine.
AMELIA:(Quickly) I am on my way to your office, don't go anywhere (hangs up).
ALISHA:(Worriedly curious) Is everything okay with you?
MELISA:(Sadly ) I am fine ,no need to worry.
ALISHA:(Calmly)Lisa, don't say that, you are my friend and friends are to be there for each other, make each other feel better when one is distressed but as for you you are more like a sister than a friend so tell me what's up.
MELISA:(Sighs) Okay, a woman by the name Jane was rushed to my hospital this morning,she was in ruins,so pale, shattered, tired and she lacked energy and strength, also there was handprints all over face and injuries all over her body ,she looked like someone that went for a war and was defeated, I felt for her, imagining the kind of pain or situation that was into that made her looked so haggard, I just couldn't bear it so i inquired from her son who was among those yhat rushed her here then he told me his dada was the one that dealt with his mom mercilessly,he beats her like he is fighting wirh his mate,he scolds her ilike shse weteva child, he irder her around, insults her, cheats on her, brings ladies into their matrimonial home.Lisha , Jane's husband is the perfect definition of a devil incarnate ,even the devil won't be so heartless, inhumane,and merciless.i felt like strangling the man with my bare hands, I couldn't do such;not like if I do kill him anything will happen since we are in Nigeria where bribery and corruption is the order of the day but I can't have an evils man blood on my hands that will only stain my integrity.
ALISHA:(Touched) honestly I feel for her but how could he be so mean?
MELISA:(Sadly) That is not all, Jane literally made him m who he is today, she was the one that talked to her uncle who is based abroad to help him which he did not only did she talk to her uncle she sponsored his trip to US to see her uncle and on getting back he requested her to resign from her job, daying that his wife can't be working that he will take good care of her ,now we can see how much he had taken care of her in the past five years.
Now she wants divorce and half of her wealth back ,if I were here I would spend sometime regaining my sanity and then make sure to go through what he made go through if possible worst but she is too kind for my liking ,I am waiting for her to get well before a discussing with her although we had talked but that is not enough.
ALISHA:(Surprised) She is a kind person indeed , if I were her I would take the most important companies to make sure he goes done and what is the devil's name?
MELISA:(With disgust)Chief hudson.
ALISHA:(Surprised) so the hudson is a pretender,he acts all perfect in front of people but behind close doors he is a devil, nice trick though.So the divorce is the reason you called for your lawyer right?
MELISA:Yes(amelia walks in).
AMELIA:(Walks in and hugs lisa) good morning love.
MELISA: Good morning dear.
AMELIA:(To lisha) good morning , I am amelia (stretches her hands for a handshake).
ALISHA:(Shakes her) It's my pleasure.
AMELIA: (Sits down) I heard you two talking of divorce, (Curiously)who is getting divorced?
MELISA:(Narrated everything's to her).
AMELIA:(Sad and angry)I feel for her , I am happy to help her fight for right.
AMELIA:It's nothing, Ahm, apart from helping her get divorced what did you intend to do for her?
MELISA:(Face brightens)I don't intend to do anything because I already did something.
LISHA AND LEAH: ( in Chorous).What did you do?
MELISA:(Smiling) I gave her nine hundred million dolars and a million each to joe and zoe , they are her kids.
ALISHA:(Shocked)Lisa, not nine hundred million dollars, is that not to much to give out plus extra twin million naira.
LEAH:(Surprised)Same here too.
MELISA:(Smiling ) It is just nine hundred million dollars,moreover I am more than that and she needs the money more than I do.
LUSHA AND LEAH:(Nodds in agreement),that was huge but you are a unique lady , not everyone can let go of such amount).
MELISA:(Smiling) I know right,I did it because I wanted to help after all God didn't bless me for myself use only he blessed me so I could help other people and that is what I am doing.
AMELIA:(Smiling) That is my baby girl. But I do have a question that I couldn't or should I say I haven't gotten an answer for yet.
MELISA:We are all ears.
AMELIA:You know I usually wonder why men would marry a woman and then turn the woman into a slave?
MELISA:To me there is one question and answer in that question you just asked.
MELISA:Let me explain, men does that because of one thing .
ALISHA:(Curiously)Which is ?
MELISA:What else if not hatred for we women In the name of we are the reason God caused us and they are suffering today, forgetting that their punishment is no where compared to ours. And since God gave them the power to rule over us made things worst, because of that power they feel they own you,they feel they own your life,body, freedom, lifestyle or any other thing.They behave the way they do because since they are the head as God told them, they can do to you as they please not minding if they hurt your feelings or not , not my minding if their brutality kills you or not all they want is to make sure they maintain their position as the head,as far as their pride and ego is in place they got no nothing to worry about,that is why most men hate it when their wives are working class ladies,they feel like if their wives work and earn their own money they won't be able to control you since they don't provide you ,you do it yourself,so they can't threaten you with anything other than physical power which is to bully you ,most men who sees that their wives insist on working they bully them knowing fully well you are a woman so you can't standup for yourself ,and again even if you agree not to work you still go through hell because you are to obedient , too submissive to him,yes, I know God said wives should be submissive to their husbands but you must have heard of the saying"too much of everything is bad"isn't it?so if you are two obedient and submissive they will look down on you, they will see like a fool; like you don't have sense an decide to play with your intelligence and again God also said men should be submissive to their wives right?but tell me how many men are submissive and obedient in Nigeria today?so tell me if you are not submissive, respectful or obedient to me why should i be obedience and the rest to you?after all the same bible said the kingdom of God suffers violence and the violence taketh it by force right so why are some women killing themselves and blaming the men for their deaths,when you could have stand up for yourself, when you could have told "what a man can do a woman can do better",when you could have told him enough is enough I can't tolerate you bully me anymore ,when you could have showed him the power of a woman,when you would have standup and cry to your God to give you the strength to pull through and to keep and protect you and your kids you were busy being scared, busy sitting and watch your fellow human play with your destiny, life and future and at the end when he hits you and you die in the process the man is being blamed ,yes the man should be blamed but in the Nigeria of today women have died and are dying in marriages everyday ,what happened to the men ,he sort out police or give one convincing lie and he is let free and the next day the man will get married again and live happily there after and you are ten feet below the ground weeping so you tell me who is to be blamed? Why don't you face your fear ,why don't you kill the fear before it kills you, because after you die the same fear will tell you you should have faced me because that is the only way you can conquer me. That is the answer to your question.
AMELIA:(Dumbfounded) you are too much, I pity the man that will marry you because if he do anything stupid thunder will strike him, honestly sis, where did you get this knowledge from?I need some too because I am not married but will soon.
MELISA:This is not what you call knowledge, there is a difference between knowledge and common sense ,what I just told you wasn't learnt from anyone, I made use of my head so you too do the same thing.
ALISHA:(Dumbfounded)You are indeed unique in your way,your husband to be is sure to take you seriously.
AMELIA:You can say that again.
MELISA: My husband to be is a devil incarnate ,a sheep in wolves clothing.
ALISHA: Why would you say such about your man?
AMELIA:Who is this devil you are talking about?
MELISA:Chief clinton.
LEAH AND LISHA:(Surprised)Sir clinton!
MELISA:(Sadly) yes, sir clinton.
AMELIA:But we all know that sir clinton is an awesome man.
ALISHA:Sir clinton is a good man so what are you saying?
MELISA:(Almost shouting)Can you two stop already, his name makes my head aches, when I first met him, he seem to be a good guy but my instinct never accepted him, but when he decided to be friends I agreed because my mom was on my neck and will not let me be till I get her a son in-law so I accepted,he treated me well, he is so loving , kind, amazing,and unique but when I ever I feel like I should give him my heart my mind and instincts know cked against it ,inwas confused ,why will my instinct keep telling me i am about making a huge mistake so i decided to ask the his maid about him and it turned out Sarah has been working for the alexander's family since clinton came into this world, she told me clinton use to be a womanizer ,he cannon do without a woman but his baby sister linda whom he holds dearly after his parents death talked to him and she managed to get him to stop womanizing but on a second thought a character that is a part of you can't be changed overnight, although you can if you want to but according to sarah she said my instinct were right,she doesn't think clinton changed ,she the nks he is just pretending,since I wasn't sure I decide not to dwell on what she said but my instinct kept telling me i told you,so i think a week ago,tge day sarah told me about him i went out with my sis tilfa and i got back home by six,when u got home clinton was already in the sitting room waiting for my return ,he started interviewing me asked ng me where I went, who I went out with, is the person a male or female, do i know the person,i got angry and asked him why he is interviewing me ?he said it's because he is my fiancee ,I told him he doesn't have the right to do that and told him that i went out with my boyfriend ,he was mad and asked me if I am not afraid of him strangling me there and then , I told to try and see who will end up ten feet below the ground and wirh the loikbon his face he wasn't expecting me to be so bold, ge was shocked and surprised at my behavior,and to end the so called drama I walked out on him and went to my room. Babes, he doubted me when I told him I was out with tilda ,he thought I was with a man,he was jealous and angry at same time ,girls I am in in for the worst nightmare if my life ,but I know I will cope.
AMELIA:Okay, he is indeed a wolf in sheep clothing.
ALISHA:Yeah! I agree with you.
MELISA:(Standing up) It's time I go check up on Jane.
AMELIA:I will go with you so I can talk things out with her.
MELISA:(Carries her sethethoscope and puts it on her neck) then let's go.
ALISHA:I will come over to your place on Saturday with your babies .
MELISA:No problem (Stepping out of the office)joe, zoe ,be good keep ds alright, don't disturb mommy okay.
ZOE AND JOE:Okay, we will.
MELISA:(Hugs them) see you on Saturday (exit Lisa and leah).
Melisa walked in with leah to see mike and mia, playing ba game of ludo with their mom.
MELISA AND LEAH:(Walks in) how are you both doing?
MIKE AND MIA:(Smiling) We are fine.
MELISA:You all have eaten right?
JANE:Yes,we have.
MELISA:So how are you feeling today?
JANE: Awesome ,I am feeling good.
MELISA:Okay then. (Pointing at leah)This is amelia,she is my lawyer, the one I told you about.
JANE:(To leah)Nice to meet you.
AMELIA:(With a bright smile)It's my pleasure.
MIA AND MIKE:Good day aunt amelia.
AMELIA:(With a smile)Good day cuties, what are your names ?
MIA:I am mia(pointing at mike)he is micheal but we call him mike.
AMELIA:(Smiling) Your names are cute like you both.
MICHEAL:(Stands-up from his sit)You may sit down.
MICHEAL:It is nothing.
AMELIA:(Sits)Mrs Jane ,my friend here told me everything there is to know about you. But it is important I hear from the horses mouth,so if you don't mind I will ask you some few questions and you will have to give me honest answers.
AMELIA:Okay,(Brings out her phone and put it on recording)So miss Jane what are your complaints about Mr hudson?
JANE:(Sadly)He treats me awfully, he does all manner of of nonsense to me, he maltreated me, he beats me up , he cheats on me, he brings women to our matrimonial home and our matrimonial bed,he insults me and gave me limited freedom.
(Melisa, even though she had heard those words before, Jane saying it again still make her heartaches , wondering why men don't have conscience).
AMELIA:(Sadly) that is really awful,so how long have you been married to him?
JANE:Five years, we have been married for five years.
AMELIA:okay,has always been like this?
JANE:No, he hasn't, he changed after two years into our marriage.
AMELIA:Did in anyway wronged him, like did you do anything to upset him?
JANE :No, I did nothing to him.
AMELIA:Are you sure?
JANE:Yes, I am sure.
AMELIA:You married him court right?
JANE:Yes, I did.
AMELIA;Any evidence or witness?
JANE:The only witness I got are my kids and as for evidence.
MICHEAL:(Gives Leah his phone).
AMELIA:(Collects it and put on the video to see it).
(After watching the video she couldn't help but got really angry and blurted out)Can someone be this inhumane?
Since you got evidence and witness you are all set to appear in court.But I need to interview your husband as well, where is he?and mike send the video to me right now.
MICHEAL: Okay (did as instructed) I have send it.
AMELIA:(Goes through her phone)I received it .Back to my question can I see Chief hudson?
MELISA:Yes you can.(To tom)get that bastard for me he is at ward 15.
TOM:(Nods)Okay ma(exit tom).
AMELIA AND JANE:(Curiously)What is he doing here?
MELISA:He came earlier to take mia and mike home to teach them a lesson according to him but I refused to let him get the kids since they wanted to stay,he was furious at my guts and raised his hands to hit me but I stopped him and out of anger I told my bodyguards tom and jack to treat his fuckup.
AMELIA:(Smiling)That was good of you.
JANE:You just made matters worst.
MELISA:If you had stoodup for yourself you won't be here and even if someone was to end up in the hospital it will be him but because you refused to face your since that is the only way of conquering it.look Jane everyone life is about chanllenges,but what makes the difference is how you face those challenges,fear is what leads to a woman being mistreated by the man she calls her husband and shevwilk sit and watch till he kill her if possible and if you actually didn't survive ,it won't even get to a month after your death before he married tgat same one he killed you for ,when you could stop them. But was too scared to stand up for yourself ,and do you that fear will also call you a coward for not having the courage to tell it to live you alone.So stop being scared of your fellow human ,fear only one person that is God,no one else .
TOM:(Walks in with hudson).
MELISA:(To mia) stand up for him to sit.
MIA:(Firmly)No, I won't.
MELISA:(Calmly)I understand you but just do it for my sake.
MIA:For your sake I will do it(stands up and toms help him to sit).
AMELIA: Goodday Mr hudson, I am barrister amelia, a report got to me by your wife saying she wants a divorce,so I have listened to her own part of the story ,soni have to listen tonyour own side of the story.
HUDSON:(Shocked) Divorce!
MELISA:(Not surprised)Yes, divorce.
HUDSON:(To jane)Do you really want to divorce me?
JANE:(Disgustingly angry) Haven't I suffered enough in your hands,do you want to kill me before you let me go?take a very good look at me ,I look so tattered and my so called husband is chief hudson.
HUDSON:(Thinking)why did I not kill you a long time ago?why?at least if I had killed you,you wouldn't be here asking me to divorce you and my wealth will be safe but now I am sure you will wreck me to the very last,what do I do now?
AMELIA:Sir, if you don't mind I will ask you some questions and you will have to be honest with your answers.
HUDSON:()No response).
MELISA:What is he thinking about? He is scared his wealth is about to be taken away from him, and he is regretting why he haven't killed Jane ,at least if he had his wealth will be safe right?
HUDSON:(Snaps back to reality, surprised at lisa)what are you talking about?how can I kill my wife?I am not that kind of person.
MELISA:Of cause ,I wasn't expecting you to except but that is the truth, men are heartless,that I know ,they don't have conscience that I know,but being inhumane, i am not sure about that,you beat her like you are wrestling with your fellow man ,punching her countless times with so much force ,what do that mean?you want her dead that is why you as re acting so inhumane towards herso the wealth she brought to you won't be taken away but take a look while you were planning yours evil plan,God was planning his as well. If you are worried about the wealth she said will take just half and leave the rest for you as you can see despite your heartless behavior towards her she is still so kind, if I were her I will wreck you if everything not living a dime for you but if I told she wouldn't budge, so be grateful.
HUDSON:(Surprised)Where does your gut come from?do you know I could come after yo later?
MELISA:(Not surprised)Of cause, I mean what do I expect from a devilish soul like you?but the funny thing is that you can't harm me no matter how you try, physically I got mymy bodyguards to fight for me, spiritually I got my God to fight my battle while I hold my peace,and even without my guards my father in heaven always find away to help me out and you know the surprising thing, while growing up had and I still have rivals who would stop at nothing to make sure they see me dead but hey I am standing in front of you not harmed in anyway instead i have grown not only in money but in sense as well,they tried making life miserable all to no avail and i guess it is because of them i am about getting married to second sir clinton, but no worries i will treat his fuck up ,so my dear mr hudson you are welcome to try your luck ,you never can tell you might succeed in bringing me down rven though it is impossible rubbish.
AMELIA:(Tired of the drama unfolding in front of her)Okay, that is enough,sir you will answer my questions right?
AMELIA:Mr hudson ,Mrs Jane here said something about you mistreating her,what do you have to say and be loud enough everything is being recorded.
HUDSON:(Exclaims) everything is being recorded!
AMELIA:(Surprised)Ye , anything the matter?
HUDSON:(Stand-up) Give me that phone, in fact delete that record now.
MELISA:(Signal to tom and jack to stop him).
JACK:(Fiercely)Sir, sit down and do as you are asked to do now.
HUDSON:(Firmly)And if I refuse?
TOM:You do it by force, so save yourself the trouble and do as instructed.
(HUDSON had no choice than do as he was asked ).
AMELIA:So back to my question.
HUDSON:I got anger issues that is why I loose my anger so easily and she never ng my wife I pour all of it in on her it wasn't deliberate.
AMELIA:Okay,you got anger issues that is why any little mistake from her makes you pounce to n her right?
MELISA:(With a smirk on her face)I laugh in Japanese style,can you hear yourself like did you think before saying the rubbish you just said?You said it was a mistake right?
HUDSON:Yes(not knowing what she will do next).
MELISA:(With a smirk)Let's find out(To jane)Jane, did he ever apologize for pounce ng on you?
JANE:No, he has never apologized,he never say sorry only laughing at my weakness and wishing me death.
MELISA:(Not surprised)You see, you are actually a murderer (To leah)When are they appearing in court ?
AMELIA:On monday,if it is okay with Jane.
JANE:I am okay with it.
HUDSON:(Angrily)I am not okay with it.
MELISA:(Mockingly)Your opinion doesn't count.
HUDSON:Then I won't appear in court.
MELISA:I got people who will make you appear in court , moreover when the court summons you ,refuse and see.
HUDSON: Don't you think eare forgetting something?
MELISA:I don't think so, oh !you being an influential person , money works after all we are in Nigeria right ,but in this case your money is useless to you.I am a celebrity, too and since we got a solid evidence against you we will win for sure,and as leah here you could try to bribe her but she is a woman with a heart not Without a heart like you. So accept your fate.You are done here so get out now.
HUDSON:(Stand up and left).
AMELIA:(On her feet)I have to be on my way now, miss Jane, don't worry about him okay as long as your father is lives he will see you through, after all he made meet your saviour lisa so be rest assured he will give your freedom back okay.
JANE:(Happily)I know and thanks.
AMELIA:It's nothing ,I am just doing my job (To mike and mia) I will you guys some other time okay.
MIA AND MIKE:(Happily) Thanks a lot .
AMELIA:You are welcome (hugs lisa) I will give you a call(exit leah).
MIKE:(Excitedly)I am really happy my mom is happy with all thanks to you ,thanks for making her smile,it has been long since she lost smile but hey take a look my mom is happy thank you a lot.
MELISA:(Camly)I understand you but save this for the day she finally gets her freedom and I can assure you I will do all there is to do to get her freedom back.
MIA:(Cutely)We know and believe you will get her freedom back, and since our God is a life we got nothing to worry about right?
MELISA:(Smiles)You are very right.(To jane)So where will you be staying because I am about to discharge you.
JANE:(Surprise) Discharge!
MELISA:Yes, discharge (With a smile) are you worried about the bills? It has been taken care of by me okay so answer my question.
JANE:(Sadly)Thanks. But as for where I will be staying I don't know .
MELISA: How about your parents ?
JANE:They are not based here, they are based in the states.
MELISA:Then you can move in with me but I will have to talk to my fiance first.
JANE: Okay, but don't you think this is too much.
MELISA: Don't start, I am doing what I am supposed to be doing,I will go talk to him, while a nurse will come discharge you okay.
JANE:Okay(exit lisa).
(On her way to her office she met bianca so she ordered her to discharge the patient in ward 20 and the proceeded to go call clinton and see if he will agree to allow Jane and her kid stay over till she is divorced from hudson).
(Clinton was sited already waiting for her).
MELISA:(Walks in, surprised) Good morning babe afternoon babe!
CLINTON: Afternoon dear,how is work going?
MELISA:(Curiously) Work is going fine and you went to work the s morning so what brought you here?
CLINTON:(Smiling)Take a chill pill,I am okay,I was done with the work on my table so I decided to go home but said I should see you first before going home.
MELISA:(Forciy a smile)That was so sweet of you.
CLINTON:Thanks.have you eaten?
MELISA:Not yet ,but no worries aunt Sarah gave me some food from home so I will eat once I am done attending to a particular patient.
CLINTON:Okay, if you say so.
MELISA:I want you to grant me a favor.
CLINTON:Okay, I am all ears
(Lisa narrated everything to him).
CLINTON:If that is the case then they are welcome.
MELISA:(Happily hugs and kisses him)Thanks dear you are the best.
CLINTON:(Smiling) Anything for you.
MELISA:(Happily) I will go tell her and I will see you when I get back okay(hugs him,bid him goodbye and left).
MELISA:(Walks in smiling). Hey guys!
(Everyone turned to look at her).
MICHEAL:(Curiously) Auntie,did he accept us?
MELISA:(With a smile)Yes, he accepted.
MIA AND MIKE:(Happily) Yay!
MELISA:You will stay with me till you are divorced from hudson and gotten yourself a house okay.
JANE:(Happily)Thanks you so much Lisa, I have never seen anyone with such a big and kind heart, you are one in a million.
MELISA: (Blushing)Thanks for the compliments. Since you are discharged you will have to wait for me to eat then we head home okay.
JANE:Okay(lisa left).
(Melisa ate her foodand In less than an hour she was done eating ,covers the flask,put it in a gift bag,hanged her labcoat,kept her sethethoscope and left for Jane's ward, while on clinton part he couldn't understand the way he was feeling after listening to Lisa earlier,he seemed to be afraid,he couldn't understand lisa and couldn't help it but blurted out).
CLINTON:(Siting in his room going through his files)Who is that woman called lisa?
(Melisa walked in ready to go home).
MELISA:All set let's go.
MICHEAL:Okay(Helps his mom come down from the bed).
MELISA:(Looks at tom and jack and then jane)you know what to do.
(Tom and jack nodded and told mike to step aside).
JACK:This is our job not yours so step aside.
(Mike did as instructed).
(Melisa,Jane,mia and mike walked into the house to meet sarah serving clinton dinner).
MELISA:(Walk up to Clinton hug and kiss him)how was your day?
CLINTON:My day was fine.
MELISA: Good evening aunt sarah.
SARAH: Good evening (looking at the people at the siting room) who are they.
MELISA:Oh, my bad,jack, mia, mike come over here.
(They all went to the dining ).
CLINTON:She is the one you were talking about right?
MELISA:Yep. Ahm, aunt Sarah and babe meet Jane,mia and micheal but you can call him mike,they will be staying with us for now,and auntie,I will gist you later.
MELISA:Jack help her come with me to her room.
(She took them to their various rooms one after the other and then ordered tom to go over to Jane's place and get her and the kids belongings which he did,then she went to her room freshen up and went to check up on jane).
(Mike and mia were keeping her company when lisa knocked).
MICHEAL:Who is it?
MELISA:It's Lisa.
MELISA:(Walks in)How are you feeling now?
JANE:I am getting better. Ahm Lisa, can't I appear in court tomorrow?
MELISA:Of cause you can, why the rush?
JANE:Then tomorrow it is,I am eager to gain my freedom.
MELISA:I understand, I will inform Leah but for now come down stairs for dinner or should I have aunt sarah serve you all food here .
MIA:We would love to eat here.
MELISA:Okay then,I am coming (exit lisa).
(She first went to her room ,grabbed her phone and dialed leah's number).
AMELIA:Hi sis!I was going to call you.
MELISA:Hi!go first.
AMELIA:Okay, I was thinking that hudson and Jane should appear in court tomorrow , I got an appointment for monday.
MELISA: I was going to tell you that Jane wants you to do what you just said.
AMELIA:Then tomorrow it is, bye see in court(hangs up).
(Melisa then went to the kitchen to ask sarah to serve Jane and her kids in her room).
(Sarah was eating when lisa walked in)
MELISA:Aunt,please serve Jane and her kids in their room.
SARAH: Right after you tell me what's up?
(Melisa has no choice so she told her everything and before lisa could realize herself Sarah had swept her into a tight hug).
SARAH: You are one in a million, where did your mom get you from?I am proud of my baby girl,Jane must be really happy.
MELISA:Yeah,she is happy.
SARAH:(Standing up)I will go serve them.
(Sarah dished our some food into three plates, took a bottle of red wine and left for Jane's room,served them and went to meet lisa who was silently eating her meal).
SARAH:All done.
SARAH:No need to say thank you it's my job.So let me guess you are scared of what you will go through in your marriage right?
MELISA:Nope, I am thinking about why will a man want to kill someone that helped him became rich?is that how much ungrateful a man can be?
SARAH:Yes, that how much ungrateful a man can be.You know that is why toiling with a man is not worth the stress and time because once you're done toiling with him he will never appreciate it or accept it as a favor you did for him instead he will see it as your duty to do that.
MELISA:You are right you know.
SARAH:so you attended to only her today?
MELISA:Yes, there were no other serious problem that needed my attention apart from her's,so I spent my whole day making sure she is okay.
SARAH:(Smiling)You are such a sweet soul,I don't know why you have to end up with clinton of all men.
MELISA:I end up with him because of the pressure my mom put on me because it s so clear that he is not for me, we are not compatible at all but I just have to play along till I can no longer play .
SARAH :That is the spirit.
MELISA:(Finishes her food)I am done I will have to go to bed so I can wake up early .
SARAH:(Pick up the plate slisa uses in eating )Okay, goodnight.
MELISA:You too(exit lisa).
(Melisa woke up early dressed up ,and headed for Jane's room to see her , mike and mia were all set).
MELISA :(Knocks).
JANE:Is that Lisa.
JANE:Come in.
MELISA:(Walks in)Wow !you are all set then lts go down stairs for breakfast.
(Clinton was eating dressed up for work and Sarah was sitted eating too) .
MELISA: Good morning everyone (hugs clinton and sit down).
JANE: Good morning sir,and good morning Aunt sarah.
CLINTON AND SARAH: Good morning, hope you are feeling better today?
JANE:Yes, I am(sits down beside lisa).
MIA AND MIKE: Good morning sir.
CLINTON:(With a smile) Good morning cuties,how was your night?
MIA:Our night was awesome.
(Mike and mia drew out a chair and sat down beside their mom).
(In less than an hour mia, mike,Jane and Lisa were done with their meal,she bid Clinton and sarah goodbye and then left for the court with Jane,mia and mike,they got there with leah and hudson already there,they stood up once to acknowledge the judge after which the court proceeds,at the end of everything Jane won taking over five important companies of hudson which made him sad and Jane happy,the judge adjourned the meeting and everyone left).
Jane was super duper excited.
JANE:(Hugs lisa)Thank you, thank you,thank you for everything I owe you one thanks for granting me my freedom (To amelia) thanks to you too ,thanks for a job well done.
AMELIA:(Happily)it's was nothing I was just doing my job,and congrats on your victory.
MELISA:(Excitedly) Congratulations to you.
JANE:(Excitedly) thanks,I am so happy I finally got my freedom.
AMELIA:I got work to attend to I will give ladies a call.
MELISA: Okay (exit leah).
MICHEAL:(Smiling)Thanks aunt for bringing a smile on my mom's face, she so excited thanks for everything.
MELISA:I am glad I could help.
MIA:When you get married and have kids I will love to mingle with them.
MELISA:No problem okay, you all are like a family to me now so you are welcome to my home anytime, anyday okay.
MIA AND MIKE:(Excitedly) Okay.
MELISA:Jane this call for a celebration so we are going outing to catch some fun.
(That had so much fun, they took pictures of every moment,they visited wonderland,shoprites,tourist centres,game centres and so many more,by the they were done it was 10pm).
(Clinton was waiting Impatiently for them to get back when they walked in).
MELISA:Hi, babe.
CLINTON:(Raising his voice) I have been calling you for ages with you both picking up your calls,where did you keep your phone that you couldn't hear it ring?and where did you go to?
MELISA:(Not surprised)Are you raising your voice at me?
Anyways I we visitors so please don't do this now and as for where I went the three of us went to court and after winning we went out to have fun and lost track of time,I will be in my room(about leaving when he grabbed her wrist Angrily) where did you think you are going?
(Jane ,mia and mike seeing these made them remember hudson).
MELISA:(Try to free herself from his grip but his grip is so strong so she bites his hand and he let go immediately) clinton don't you have shame ,you got visitors in your house and you can't even pretend.
CLINTON: (Furiously)Are you talking to me ?have you lost it?
MELISA:You are the one that has lost it.
CLINTON:(Raises his to hit her but she catches his hand).
MELISA:(Holding his hands not surprised) So if I allow you you will slap me.God knows I will break your hand if you try it,clinton you what exactly is giving you guts do this, interrogating me and even raising your hand to me .the last time you did this I warned you not to try this again but you want to show you are the head of the house, head of house is what will kill you,head of house that behaves like the tail.
CLINTON:(Angrily)So you have the guts to question me and my authority?
MELISA:(Laugh) authority my foot,who are you that someone can't question ,you could question me but I can't question you why?
CLINTON:Did your mother not teach you how to respect and obey your husband to be.
MELISA:You did your dead mother teach you some manners ?no she didn't because if she did you won't be so unreasonable .
CLINTON:MELISA! how dare you talk about my mom like that.
MELISA: Clinton!how dare you talk about my mom in that way,one can't talk to you anyhow but you can talk to me anyhow,see respect is reciprocal,you respect me I respect you,you obey me I obey you that is my rule so if you follow it ,I will also follow it but if you go against it ,I will also go against it and one more thing since you don't have a mother to teach you some manners , aunt sarah will gladly do it because when we get married and you are still as mannerless as you are, babe we will act drama everyday non-stop, Since I know how to act drama I got no problem I am all set but you I am not sure about that so you had better change else this house won't contain the both of us .(to Jane)lets go ,I am tired , I don't have time to waste(passes sarah) aunt teach your son how to respect woman he lacks respect which is really important .(with that she left ).
JANE:(Dumbfounded)I have never seen a woman as brave as you, he was stunned like he was so shocked,he just didn't expect you to be able to stand up for yourself.
MELISA:That is his business ,I am tired and need to sleep.
MICHEAL:Auntie, you are the best.
MIA:(with a smile )yeah, you are the best ,your husband is sure to get scared of you anytime soon.
MELISA :Thanks, you too should go to bed ,you are going to school so you shouldn't be up late okay.
(Melisa freshened up put on her nightgown and lie down then dozed off immediately).
(Melisa woke up to see a flower and a letter beside her,she sat down,took the letter and read it, it was from clinton,he was apologizing for yesterday and saying how much he loves her).
MELISA:(Angrily shreds the paper into tiny pieces)love my foot,what should do with this flower, I really like it.i will keep it here(keeps it on the locker close to her bed).
(She then got up freshen up,dress up in a pink singlet and blue jean bornshot making her look sexy,she then went down stairs for breakfast).
Jane,mia, me ke, Sarah and clinton were already eating so she pull out a chair beside Jane and sit down before greeting)
MELISA: Good morning everyone.goodmorning, babe.
CLINTON:(With a smile) Morning my sunshine how was your night?
MELISA:It was fine thank you.
SARAH AND JANE:Good morning lisa.
MIKE AND MIA: Good morning auntie.
MELISA:(With a smile) Morning cuties,how was your night you should eat fast so you can make it to school early.
MIA AND MIKE:we are already done eating.
MELISA:(Stops eating and calls on tom and jack)Tom!Jack!
TOM AND JACK: Good morning ma, you called for us.
MELISA:Yes, I did. You two should take mia and mike to school,when they get to school give them two thousand each for lunch and one more thing drive carefully got it?
TOM AND JACK:(Nods)Yes, ma.
(Mia and mike hugged Jane and then hugged Lisa ,bid them goodbye before leaving).
JANE:Thanks a lot.
MELISA: Don't start again, you are like a sister to me so stop.saying thank you.
JANE : Alright.
MELISA:(Eating)I am all ears.
CLINTON:Mom,wants us to go see her.
CLINTON:She wants us to fix a date for our wedding.
MELISA:That means my uncle's will be present.
CLINTON:Yes, they will, including your dad.
MELISA:(Stops eating)My dad!
CLINTON:Yes, your dad, your mom told him you were getting married.
MELISA:(Surprised)My mom told my dad I am getting married,okay,you can go ,I am not going with you .
MELISA:What am I going to do there you,dad,mom, and big bro are the ones fixing the date while I just sit and watch when I have important things to do.
CLINTON:(Surprised)It is your wedding you are talking about and you will have to introduce me to your dad?
MELISA:(Drops her spoon)Are you happy now,I lost my appetite, I am not going with you,my mom will introduce you to my dad.
CLINTON:What is wrong with you?you haven't seen your dad in about two years now and you are not going,and you know this is our culture and tradition the bri...
MELISA:(Interrupts him)I know my culture and tradition but I am not interested ,I will only go to that house on our traditional wedding and I will use that medium to see my dad aside from this i go no where.
CLINTON:You are disobeying your mom and I.
MELISA:(Not moved)Call it whatever you want I am not going with y ou.
CLINTON:I know it is because of yesterday you talking like this but please rethink your decision.
MELISA:(Screaming at the top of her voice)I go no where with you (runs upstairs).
(Clinton was about going after her when sarah stopped him).
SARAH:No need going after her ,her answer will still be the same ,she is the kind of person that when she says byes it is yes and when she says no it is no so save yourself the stress.
CLINTON:(Sadly)That is true , I will go get ready (Exit clinton).
JANE:She isn't happy with the marriage that is why she doesn't want to go with him right?
SARAH:(Sighs)Yes,you are right.She wants to go out of it but she can't because of her mom.
JANE:(Sadly)I understand, I will go talk to her.(Standing up).
SARAH:Okay(exit jane).
JANE :(Knocks).
MELISA:Come in.
JANE: (walks in)hi lisa how bare you doing?
MELISA:I am not fine I don't want to get married to him,but my mom will never agree,and if I go against her she will die and I don't want that.
JANE:(Curiously)She is a hbp patient,she likes clinton so much, if I break up with him she won't be able to digest the news.
JANE:No worries you will be fine.
MELISA:Yes,I will not be saw the way he behaved with me Yesterday and you tell me I will be fine?
How can I be fine?
JANE:(Confidently)You will be fine because you are a courageous and fearless .
MELISA:That is true, I guess I will be fine after all.
JANE:(With a smile)that is the spirit.
Mirabel is so happy Impatiently waiting for Lisa and clinton's arrival only for clinton to arrive without lisa.
MIRABEL:(Curiously)Where is lisa.
CLINTON:She got a call from the hospital.
MIRABEL:That is not true,it's her introduction the Lisa I know won't miss it for anything so tell me, did she refuse to come with you.
CLINTON:(Sighs) Yes, she refused to come for reasons best known to her ,even after telling her her dad was going to be present she still didn't give a dem , I tried my best to persuade her into coming all in no avail.
MIRABEL:No ,worries I take of things in her absence
(Mirabel introduced Clinton to Alex,who was happy to see who is going to be his in law ).
ALEX:(Curiously)Where is Lisa?
MIRABEL:She got a call from the hospital so she couldn't make it here.
ALEX;(Partially convinced) if you say s,so clinton you are welcome to the family ,I am happy that you are going to be my son- in-law .
CLINTON:Thank you sir.
(Mirabel left alex and clinton discussing and left to give lisa a call lisa, while Lisa was at home playing a game of ludo with Jane when her phone rang).
MELISA:(Answers the call with looking at the caller ID).
MIRABEL:(Angrily)Lisa, what has gotten into you?
MELISA: Goodday mom.
MIRABEL:(Angrily) what has good about today,my jewel introduction is today and she refused to attend it.
MELISA:Mom,if I am your jewel really then call off the wedding because I am not interested.
MIRABEL:(Firmly) Shut up!you are getting married to him whether you like it or not,he is good for you.your dad wanted to see youbut you never came ,you made me lie to him.
MELISA:You should have told him the truth, because when the traditional wedding is taking place he is sure to come and I am sure to see him,if he asks me why I didn't attend the introduction I will tell him the truth even though it will change nothing.
MIRABEL:I hope you are not giving clinton a hard time?
MELISA:(Calmly)You know what mom,I don't want to be rude to you so kindly hang up or I will hang up.
MIRABEL:(Surprised)Have you lost your manners?
MELISA:See you at the wedding (hang up).
MIRABEL:She has really grown ,but that is none of my business,she will get married to clinton.
MELISA:(Drops her phone)You know sometimes I wonder if my mom livese at all.
JANE:(Calmly)If you ask me ,she do love you,she wants the best for you that is why she wants you to get married to clinton,she doesn't know that he is a wolf in sheep clothing,and it is hard to believe that sir clinton is not who he show everyone he is,if you a random human out there the person won't take you seriously because the clinton they know is a good man,so you shouldn't blame your mom.
MELISA:You are right, I guess I am in for the worst nightmare of my life.
JANE:No worries you got friend,sister and brother who care about you ,we will always be there for you,just give us a call when in need and we will come to your rescue okay.
MELISA:(Hugs jane)thanks, you just lifted my soul.
JANE :What are friends for?
(Clinton got home late but was happy, getting home lisa and Jane were going through a magazine looking for a perfect house to get when clinton walked in).
MELISA:How do you see this one (pointing at a duplex).
JANE:It's okay but I want something bigger and beautiful.
MELISA:Then this...
CLINTON:(Walks in).
MELISA:(Standup to go hug him)welcome babe!So when is the date of the wedding?
CLINTON:Tenth of next month.
MELISA:Okay, that was fast,how about the withe wedding?
CLINTON:21st of next month.
MELISA:And the court wedding?
CLINTON:You want us to do Court wedding ?
MELISA:(With a smile)of cause, to me that is the most important wedding.
CLINTON:I am not interested.
MELISA:You don't need to sponsor it , I will sponsor it ,just your presence needed.
CLINTON:Are you being serious right now?
MELISA:Do Iook like I am joking?
CLINTON:What is the need of a court wedding?
MELISA:You and I know why a cort wedding is important but since you are pretty not to know I will tell you, it is essential because I could divorce and teach you the lesson of your life ,if you misbehave with me anyway, that's.
CLINTON:Are you telly me that?
MELISA:I know you think I won't tell you so that you will attend it but clinton I am not asking you attend it I am ordering you to , because if you refuse I won't attend our traditional and white wedding, I will gladly relocate to any country of my choice and I know my dad will be mad at me but once I tell him what you have been doing to me for the last few days my dad will understand and will call off the weddin as foryom her opinion doesn't matter here because my dad's wordsis final got it?
CLINTON:How sure are you he will listen to you?
MELISA:My dad understands me, he knows when I am lying and when I am telling the truth he has never gone against my happiness and you think he will make life miserable for his jewel because of who you are?my dad isn't a poor man is way wealthier than you do do as I say say we get married do as you wish you end up losing me choose one,I will be waiting for your answer ,you got today and tomorrow to give me an answer. (about telling jane they should go upstairs when he stopped her).
CLINTON:(Helplessly) I agree .
MELISA:(Turns to him)That was pretty fast,but all the same you made an excellent choice.Thanks for agreeing to the court wedding will take place after our white wedding okay.
CLINTON:(Sadly)Okay. I will go freshen up,then come downstairs for dinner.
MELISA:Yeah !I already fished out the food,I prepared it myself and it is your favorite.
CLINTON:(Going upstairs) Thanks(exit clinton).
JANE:(With a smile)That was a clever one,but he seem sad.
MELISA:I don't care if he is sad or not ,what matters is that I got what I wanted.
JANE:True though.We need to start the wedding preparations because there is no time.
MELISA:(With a smile)That is right,I will call my fashion designer right away.
JANE:you haven't chosen a cloud yet.
MELISA:(Picks up her phone no worries)my sis ,tilda will take care of that(Calls tilda) Hi sis,I need you to come over to my house right now.
MATILDA:Okay, but is everything alright?
MELISA:Yeah, everything is good,just need you to help plan my wedding ,the wedding date has been fixed.
MATILDA:(Happily)I am happy for you,I am on my way(Hang up).
MELISA:She will be here in no time.I got two colours in mind which are royal blue and wine color,what ever color she chooses we use.
(In less than an hour tilda arrived at lisa's home).
MATILDA:(Walks in ) Hi sis!
Who is she?
MELISA:It's a long story but to cut it short,she was amy patient who happened to be in a violent marriage,I helped her get a divorce and she is staying with me till she gets a house of her own.
MATILDA: Sorry for everything,I am tilda, it's nice to meet you.
JANE:I am Jane, it's my pleasure.
MATILDA:So you got kids right?
JANE:Yes,I got two kids a boy and a girl.talking f mia and mike it's time for them to come home.
MELISA:You worry too much ,tom and jack must have gone to bring them home .