


Melisa walks in with clinton to see an empty siting room.

CLINTON:(Sadly)I guess we came at that wrong time.

MELISA:(Looking at Clinton with a cain expression)no need to worry , I will go ask licia if I deed no one is at home.(Calling licia)licia!licia!

FELICIA:(Coming out from the kitchen)good evening ma.good evening sir.


MELISA:Where is mom,melvin and Linda?

FELICIA:Your mom is in her room while sir and his girlfriend are in sir's room ,should I get them for you?


FELICIA:Okay ma ,but ma what can I offer you both?

MELISA:I don't want anything but you could get red wine for him (looking at clinton)right babe?


FELICIA:Okay I will go get it( exit licia).

MELISA: Won't you sit down (siting down).

CLINTON:Of cause I will sit(sits down).

Felicia came back with a tray containing a glass cup and a red wine.

FELICIA:(Serves him)I will go get them( exit licia).


MELVIN: I(To Linda sadly) I haven't seen my sister for ages now and she doesn't even care ,I really miss her though .

LINDA:(Concerned)I understand how you feel ,no worries she would come around.


LINDA:Come in.

FELICIA:(enters and closes the door behind her)sir and ma'am I came to inform you that Aunt Lisa and sir clinton are back , they are at the siting room.

MELVIN:(Happy)Okay, we are after you(exit licia).


She was just resting when licia knocked


MIRABEL:Is it licia?

FELICIA:Yes, ma .

MIRABEL: What do want?

FELICIA:Ma,Lisa and sir Clinton are here .

Mirabel hearing that she quickly left the bed.

MIRABEL:(Happy)I will be there in two mins .

FELICIA:Okay ma(exit licia).


Melisa and Clinton where discussing when Melvin,Linda and mirabel came downstairs.

CLINTON (Worriedly)do you think your mom and brother will like me?

MELISA:(Surprised)Are you kidding,why not? Of cause they will love you they have no choice.

CLINTON:(Feeling a little better) if you say so.

MELVIN:(Coming downstairs) jewel!(rushes to her and gives her a hug and a kiss on her head) I missed you.

MELISA:(Even though angry with him m couldn't deny the fact that she really missed her twin )I missed you so much.

CLINTON:(Surprised)what are you doing here sis?

LINDA:(Smiling)Big bro,(pointing at melvin)he is my fiancee and he is lisa's brother and melvin (pointing at clinton)he is my big brother.

MELVIN:(Stretches his hands for a handshake)nice to meet you.

CLINTON:(Shakes him)It's my pleasure.

MIRABEL:(Standing looking at them) this calls for a celebration.

MELVIN :(Happy)Yes mom it does call for a celebration.

MIRABEL:(Sitting down) clinton can you sit so we can have a discussion.

CLINTON:Sure(sits opposite mirabel,melvin sits beside his mom,Linda sits beside melvin and lisa sits beside Clinton).

MELVIN:(Calling licia)licia!

FELICIA:(Coming out of the kitchen)yes!(now standing in front of melvin).

MELVIN:Get us a drink to celebrate.

FELICIA:Okay sir(goes to the bar ,get a red wine and six glass cups ,head for the sitting room and served everyone and she left. Everyone chessed to a new and happy beginning).

MIRABEL:My son ,Clinton you are welcome to the family.

CLINTON:(Happily)Thanks ma.

MIRABEL:There is nothing to ask because you are a publis figure and everyone knows everything about you but I do have a request.

CLINTON:(Anxiously)What could that be?

MIRABEL:I want to request you to always be there for Lisa,love and admire like the princess she is ,never ever let her down.

CLINTON:(With a face full of assurance)I promise you to take good care of her , I will be the best husband to her and the best father to our kids.

MIRABEL:(Believes him) that is good to hear.

CLINTON:(To melvin)I hope you take good care of my sister because I don't joke with her.

MELVIN:(Smiling)no worries , your sister is in save hands right babe?

LINDA:(Rests her head on his shoulder)yes,right .big bro you got nothing to worry about Melvin here is the sweetest guy ever l love him and he loves me too okay.

CLINTON:(Satisfied)I can see that.

Felicia finished serving food at the dining called to everyone at the siting room .

FELICIA:(Standing beside the dining table)food is ready.

MIRABEL:Let's all head to the dining for a sumptuous meal.

Everyone stoodup and went to the dining room for dinner. At the dining room the atmosphere was loving everyone chatted like they have known each other for years but only Lisa wasn't happy she only pretended to be happy so she won't draw attention towards herself, even though she doesn't know why she wasn't happy she just wanted to breakup with Clinton so badly because that is what her heart wants and her instincts as well wanted same but she was stucked her hands tied not able to do anything makes her heart ache but not having a say in he life make her heart ache the more she was just frustrated and wanted to leave the house immediately but she had to stay with them picking at her meal but when she couldn't take it anymore she excused herself and went to wait for Clinton in the car ,she just couldn't ignore the fact that her family was celebrating over what makes her sad.


Melisa sited inside the car but the door was opened,so bored she decided to listen to music as it will help calm her nerves .


Melvin quickly knew why Lisa left like that,he knew she isn't happy and he isn't happy seeing her sad,that was the last thing he would wished for right now and knowing he was among those that hurt her makes hum feel really guilty so he decided to go check up on her.

MELVIN:(Stops eating and standing up)pls,excuse me for a second I will be right back.

MIRABEL:(Not noticing anything)Okay(exit melvin).


Melisa is busy listening to her songs when Melvin called out to her.

MELISA:(Raises her head to look at the guy standing in front of her and with a sense of anger in her voice )What are you doing here ,are guys done with the celebration?

MELVIN:(Calmly and sincerely)I know you are hurt and am really sorry for being among those that hurt you.

(Melisa was surprised,seeing her twin among those that hurts her really pained her ,she understands her mom wished the best for,she just wanted a grandchild but she never expected Melvin to be support her knowing fully well she was just trying not to get hurt but with him apologizing she felt a little relieved).

MELISA:(Surprised but coldly)Stop pretending you care for me when in actual fact you don't.

MELVIN:(Calmly)I understand you are angry with me but I also know you know that I am being truthful here, I really care about mom and you know that her bp level isn't so stable so I don't want anything that will make us lose now knowing fully well she is the only person we have in this whole world that is why i surported her puting pressure on you to get married so please do get so mad at me,i really can't bear not being in bad terms with you and you know this last few days was miserable without hearing from you or see you, I can't bear it so please I beg you forgive me ,I promise not to be harsh towards you.

MELISA:(Pausing the music,hugs him immediately) I really did miss you and I forgive you, I really can't be angry with you for so late NG you know that.

MELVIN:(Happily) thanks. But Ahm ! About clinton we really do need to talk so do you mind coming with me to the backyard?

MELISA:I don't mind.

With that they headed for the backyard.


Melvin sits on the swing on so did Lisa.

MELVIN:Sis,we promised not to hid anything from each other right?

MELISA:(Nods positively).

MELVIN:Then you will have to leave no stone unturned in telling me why you dislike clinton so much.

MELISA:(Sighs)Okay, honestly speaking I don't behave anything against just my instincts seem not to like him ,my instinct despise him making me feel awkward around him,he is the sweetest guy I have ever seen, he is caring, loving, understanding,he just an amazing soul but each time I try to give him my heart my instinct always come in between telling me i shouldn't dare else i will marry ng the worst mistake of my life, being confused and not knowing what to do I decided not to give him m heart at least not now since going against my instinct is not option because anytime I go against it I seem to always get into a mess and since my hands are tired breakup isn't an option either mom will kill me so I decided to just pull through and watch destiny play itself out.

(Melvin hearing her words makes his heart ache but what can he do?nothing,he knew his sisters instincts isn't wrong ,her instinct is always right but could he do to help ?bring the mater to moms notice but what if she says no ?then he said let's just give it a try).

MELVIN:(Sadly)I will be lieing if I say I don't understand your feelings, I know your instinct is always right but if you should end this relationship mom will be heartbroken and that might make her blood pressure to get unstable ,even at this I think we should tell mom about this ;she knows her daughter and her instincts vare never wrong ,she mightb reconsider what do you think?

MELISA:(Sadly)I really don't know but what if she disagrees of which she will.

MELVIN:Then I will always be there for you ,I will make to always help you out in any situation you find yourself.

(Hearing melvin's words made her heart feel warm and relaxed).

MELISA:(Slightly happy)I am really glad I have you as my brother, you are the best.

(Lisa words made elvins really happy, he had finally got his sister back).

MELVIN:(Happily)Let's go see mom right away.

MELISA:(Worriedly) right now?

MELVIN:(Calmly)Yes ,right now , I know you worried that clinton is there so we won't be able to bring up the matter,so you would tell him you would like to spend the night here,with that he would let you stay and we will talk to mom what di you think.

MELISA:(Smiling) Fantastic ,I never knew you were this intelligent (teasingly).

MELVIN:(Ignoring her statement )let's go(exit Lisa and elvin).


(They were done having dinner, everyone was at the siting room chatting when Lisa and elvin walked in holding hands).

MELVIN:You all are having a good time.

LINDA:(Curiously)Where were you both?

MELISA: (Smiling)Where just catching some fun since we haven't seen for ages.

CLINTON:Since you here we should be on our way home now(To mirabel)thanks for your nice gestures I really appreciate).

MIRABEL:(Smiling)It was nothing,you don't have to say that since you will my son-in-law soon ,so you are literally

my son okay

CLINTON:(Happily)Thanks mom.

MIRABEL:(Still happy)That is more like it.

(Melisa seeing how excited her mom is ,she didn't feel like telling her anything but at the same she was eager to see her reaction even though she already knows how she will react,she was hoping her mom's reaction surprises her).

MELISA:(Cutely) Ahm babe,I really missed home so I will love to spend the night here, I promise to come home tomorrow.

CLINTON:Okay if you say so.

MELISA:(Hugs and kisses him ) thanks for letting me stay and goodnight and one more thing don't miss me too much okay.

CLINTON:(Happily)I will try not to(with that he left after saying good night to everyone).

MELVIN:Ahm, babe can you prepare a simple meal for ,I feel hungry since I didn't eat much at dinner.

LINDA: I thought as much,I will go prepare it(going to the kitchen) it will be ready in an hour.

MELVIN:(Inwardly smiling) okay.

MIRABEL:(Curiously)What do you both want to discuss with me that made get rid of Clinton and Linda?

(Melvin and Lisa wasn't surprised, she is their mom ,she knows them so well).

MELVIN:(Not knowing how to start the topic)mom,sit me and Lisa want to discuss something with you.

MIRABEL:(Without hesitation ,she sits and so did Melvin and lisa)so what dou both want to say?

MELISA:Mom is about my relationship with Clinton.

MIRABEL:(Impatiently)What about your relationship?

MELVIN:She was thinking of ending the relationship since she isn't happy and...

MIRABEL:(Angrily) Don't even dare,so because of your dem instinct you want to throw away the blessing that God gave in you in the form of Clinton,have you lost it? If this is what you wanted to say then forget about it because you are already married to her m and nothing you or anyone can do about it

MELVIN:(Not surprised)But mom, how about her happiness doesn't it matter anymore?

MIRABEL:(Calmly)It dies matter and that is why she is marrying clinton.

MELISA:I don't want this.

MIRABEL:Then why did you accept in the first place?

MELVIN:Mom, is that suppose to be a question ?of cause she accepted because of your pressure on her to get married.

MIRABEL:(To lisa) is that true?


MIRABEL:(Sits beside lisa)Lisa, you are my child and I can't wish you wrong or bad, clintonis the best man for you ,he would take good care of you and your kids when they start coming plus he is a sweet soul so you got no choice than to accept him, even though you don't love him; it can come after marriage okay.

MELISA:I already know you won't agree but I thought you have my interest at heart but unfortunately you don't so what can I do? Nothing. Big bro I am going home.

MELVIN :(Sadly ) Okay,let me see you off.


MELISA:(Sadly)I told you, she won't agree.

MELVIN:(pull her to words him) I know but I thought she would change but even though she didn't don't lose hope you got me and tilda , everything will be fine okay.

MELISA:(Sadly)I know .

MELVIN:I will drop you off.

MELISA:Okay ,(she entered his car and they headed for lisa's home .


Lisa alighted from the car bid him good bye and walk into the house, it was just 8pm so Sarah hasn't gone to bed so she haven't locked the door , giving lisa free way to enter the house without knocking, after lisa entered the house she immediately went to her room but decided to go see clinton first so as to avoid his questions in the morning.


Clinton is till up ,he is going through the documents his secretary sent for him earlier today when lisa knocked.

CLINTON:(Facing his laptop)Come in.

MELISA:(Enters and closes the door behind her ).

CLINTON:(Surprised) I wasn't expecting you to come back today.

MELISA:I know I changed my mind.

CLINTON:(Smiling)So you can't stay a night without me?

MELISA:Yeah, I really can't do without you, spending a night without you by my side will make me feel miserable so l changed my mind.

(She felt like slapping herself because she knew she just lied, she would have loved to stay at her mom's place than stay with him but her mom's behavior towards her had made leave the house and now thinking about the fact that she is stocked with clinton all her life made her feel like taking a flight out of the country and never come back but that will kill her mom so she stoked with clinton for life but she prepared her mind for anything .

CLINTON:(Smiling)That is so sweet to hear.

MELISA:I will go take a shower and get back quickly.

CLINTON:Okay ,I will be waiting.(exit Lisa).


Melisa is done taking her bath, she goes to the closet, selected a sky blue coloured night gown ,put it on headed for clinton's room .


Melisa walked in without knocking.

CLINTON:(Still going through the documents)see who we have here,come here(signaling to her to come sit by his side).

MELISA:(Sits beside him starring at the laptop on his kneel).

CLINTON:(His hands wrapped around her waist) Won't you have dinner before going to bed?

(Melisa was hungry but she lost her appetite right after listening to her mom).

MELISA: Calmly)I ate at mom's place.

CLINTON:Okay then, can I ask you for something?

MELISA:(Anxiously)I am all ears.

CLINTON: Don't you think is high time you move to room permanently?

Melisa sighs in relief, she had thought he wanted to ask her something about her give NG him access to her body but hearing this instead ,she felt a little happy.

MELISA: I will have Sarah move my thingshere tomorrow morning,okay now?

CLINTON:(Happily)finally I don't have to stay so far from you.

MELISA:(Feeling sleepy) I have to lie down .

CLINTON:(Helps her lie down and covers her with a blanket).

MELISA:(Sleepingly)Good night babe.

(With that she finally dozed off with clinton admiring her).

CLINTON: (To himself)I do love you and I hope to give you the best of life.

(Clinton use to be a womanizer but his sister had talked to him and made hiim promise her not to ever go back to that life ,since he had promised her he stopped because his sister meant the world to him, but seeing a lady like lisa he really wanted to be faithful to her no matter what).


(Melisa woke up feeling better than yesterday ,just that she felt really hungry).

MELISA:(About coming down from the bed when the door opens and Clinton enters holding a tray containing porridge yam and a glass cup filled with water).

CLINTON:(Smiling) Good morning babe!how was your night?

MELISA:My night was awesome.

CLINTON:(Siting beside her) I bought breakfast for you but first go brush your teeth then you can eat.

(Without answering him,rushes out of the bed and dashes into the bathroom and some minutes later she was out).

MELISA (Smiling, taking the food from Clinton).

CLINTON:(Gives her the food) don't you want me to feed you?

MELISA:Nope, I am not a baby ,even though I am your baby please let me eat myself today okay.

CLINTON:(Smiling)If you insist.

MELISA:(Happily)I insist.

CLINTON:(Admiring her and smiling).

MELISA:(eating but notices his look)Why the stare?

CLINTON:(You look so beautifulthis morning,you are the best thing that has ever happened to me).

MELISA:(Blushing)That is good to know,Ahm!are you not going to work today?

CLINTON:No,I am not going to work today. How about you?

MELISA:(Still eating)I am not sure ,but today I am not to go to work today but they might be an emergency.

CLINTON:(Sadly) I was looking forward to spending today with you.

MELISA:Okay, we can actually spend time together.

CLINTON:(Surprised)And your hospital?

MELISA:No worries I will have some handle everything today got it?

CLINTON:(Smiling,moves closer to her and give her a peck on her chin)That was sweet of you.

MELISA:(Takes her last spoon of food) Anything for you (standing up).

CLINTON:Where to?

MELISA:I want to drop the plates anything wrong with that?

CLINTON:(Jokingly)Yes everything is with it .


CLINTON:Because you are my woman and my woman ought not to stress herself so no worries I will take it to the kitchen.


CLINTON:(Interrupts)No but.

MELISA:(Sighs)If you say so.

CLINTON:(Collects the try from her and standing up)Get ready we are going out to have some fun.

MELISA:Okay(exit clinton ).

(Melisa picks up her phone and dial rose's number)

ROSE: Good morning Lisa.

MELISA: Good morning,how was your night?

ROSE:It was okay and yours?

MELISA: Awesome, I called to tell you that you shouldn't disturb me throughout today no matter the case,you danniel and other doctors are there to take care of things.

ROSE:Okay, I will try my best to handle things.

MELISA :That is more like it. see you later(hang up).


Matilda is on a day off and since she hasn't heard from lisa in a long while she decided to give her call.

MATILDA:(Dials lisa's number).

(Lisa was about entering the bathroom when her phone starts ringing ,she picks it up and seeing the caller name made her smile).

MELISA:Long time no see sis!

MATILDA:I am really sorry for not reaching out to you for over two weeks now,I have been busy lately,so please don't get mad at me.

MELISA:(Smiling)I understand you,moreover can I get mad at my one and only sister?no right, all you got to do is to make up.

MATILDA:(Sighs in relief)Are you busy today?

MELISA:Yep, I am going out with Clinton but I won't be busy tomorrow.

MATILDA: Tomorrow then.

MELISA:Love you!

MATILDA:Love you more (hang up).

(Melisa put down the phone and entered the bathroom and in less than hour she came out and went over to her make-up table ,apply her body cream,then went to her closet and selected a black long skirt with a crop top ,the skirt and the shirt goes together,she puts them on,applied alight make-up,selected a black pair of flat soled slippers, selected a black handbag, and headed for the sitting room).


Clinton is sitted with his laptop on his lap typing when lisa came downstairs).

MELISA: Aren't we going out again?

CLINTON:(Looking at her smiling)If cause we ,just needed to take care of something of which I am done so I will go prepare while you wait for me ,I won't take too much time okay


CLINTON:(Passes her to go upstairs but he stops gives her a peck before going upstairs).

MELISA:(Goes into the kitchen.


(Sarah was washing the dirty dishes when lisa walked in).

SARAH:(Notices her presence turns) Good morning ma.

MELISA:Good morning and stop addressing me as ma ,you are old enough to be my mom,so address me as lisa got it.

SARAH:Okay, Lisa.

MELISA:(Smiling)More like it.

Ahm,Aunt sarah can I ask you something?

SARAH:You want to know how long I have working here so you could ask me about clinton right?

MELISA:(Surprised)How did you know?

SARAH:(Calmly) I noticed you really don't like Clinton,I guess your parents are pressuring you to get married right and that is why you got to stick to clinton right?

MELISA:(Sighs)You are right,I don't know but I feel like I can trust you, aunt clinton seem to be a great guy but my instinct won't let me give him my heart,my instinct says he is a terrible petson but in reality he such a sweet guy.

SARAH:(Stops washing, and rinse her hands) let's sit ( pointing to the high stool close to them,they both sit)Lisa you know you are a very nice girl,you are different from all other girls clinton has bee bringing home, he choose to settle down with you because he knows you perfect for him and will bring nothing than blessing to him not because he loves you.

(Sarah stopped and looks at lisa's expression and continued ).

Sarah I can sense you are confused.

MELISA:(Confused)Yes,I am.

SARAH:I have a daughter and won't wish her I'll and since I see you as a daughter I will share this secret with you.You see I have been working for the alexander's family when I was eighteen years,and now I am forty-three ,so I have been working here for over twenty years now,that shows that I took care of clinton he became a grown man. You see clinton being the only son of his parents and the next of kin, his parents gave him everything he wanted,but still disciplined him though but a man will always be a man,he is an intelligent guy,that is why he progresses a lot but he use to be a womanizer,he brought different girls home but that was after he lost his parents,he saw there was no one there was no one to caution him so he did as he like ,I tried my best to talk to him all to no avail but after his sister linda got back frim the states ,she made him promise her he will stop and since linda is the only one he got in this world he did as she said.

MELISA:(Surprised)So you mean to say he use to be a womanizer but he stopped,why than did you say he doesn't love me?

SARAH:I said that because men can't just change over night, especially when the character is a part of them, although he can if he wants to but since your instinct are against him that means he is just pretending,he would show you his true colors probably after marriage .

MELISA:(Curiously)if that is the case why is he acting all caring and sweet.

SARAH:(Smiles)You are so innocent, you see that is how some men are ,they don't marry a woman because the love you but because of what they will gain,take you for example,you are a wealthy woman,and I am sure you worked for everything you have today,you are one of the best doctor this country has,you got other properties to your name and even an ongoing project of an oil firm now tell me who won't want you to be theirs, you being this rich and independent at this age shows that you are an ambitious, intelligent and unique young woman because if yo look around you only cont few women whi us independent like youso years nton marrying you will not only boost his status ,it will also double his progress ,as you can advise him when he find anything difficult so as you can see he is just behaving like this to keep you till marrige because once you get married to you he owns you,then you will know if he truly love you.Lisa , knowing if a man loves you is when you are married to him not when yoy are dating him, but guess what he really can't harm you because you are financially stable,but you have to prepare your mund physically, mentally, spiritually and physiologically ,you have to be strong for yourself, never give him the chance to control your life,I didn't say you shouldn't obey him;of cause obey him but once his character change forget about obedience and fight for freedom and that of your kids whan you finally have one and most importantly pray without ceasung because only your father in heaven can see you through this okay.

MELISA:(Sadly)I have heard you but I really wish I can end this because after listening to you,my heart can never give him chance, but all the same I am really glad I found answers to my question at least I now no why I feel the way I am feeling all thanks to you.

SARAH:(Smiling)I am glad I could help.

(Clinton Coming down stairs dressed in a black jacket,trouser,with t-shirt whish he wore inside with a pair of black shoes and holding a briefcase).

CLINTON:(Standing at the kitchen door)babe, I am really sorry ,we will have to postpone this outing till maybe tomorrow,I have to take care of something urgently,I hope you are not angry).

(Melisa was happy as he said that but she didn't show it).

MELISA:(Sadly) I understand ,you should start going so you won't be late.

CLINTON: (Happily)Thanks for your understanding.

MELISA:You are welcome (exit clinton).

SARAH:I know you are happy you are not going out with him anymore.

MELISA:Why not?I really do hate him more than before.

SARAH:I understand but don't let him find out else you will be in trouble since your mom is supporting him.

MELISA:I know I wasn't going to tell him anything.

SARAH:More you won't because you are an intelligent girl.

MELISA:(Smiles)Thanks for the compliment.(Standing up)I want to go see a friend I will see you when I get back.

SARAH:(Smiling)Okay,and stay safe.

MELISA:I will(exit lisa ).


Melisa wanted to go to lisa's house but decided to call first.

MELISA:(Dial tilda's number).

MATILDA:Hello sis!

MELISA:(Sadly)Can I still come over?

MATILDA:(Curiously)Yes, you can come over.

MELISA:(Sadly)I am on my way(Starts the car and Musa opening the gate she drives out, hanging up).


(Matilda is at the backyard waiting Impatiently waiting for lisa,but then lisa drove in,tilda hearing a car sound she knew it was Lisa she stands up and goes to see Lisa, on getting to the garage lisa immediately came out of the car and hugged tilda tightly with tears running down her face) .

MATILDA:(Surprised, confused and curious at the same time.hugs her back).


Tilda and lisa headed for the backyard,where she sit and lisa sat close to her resting her head on her shoulder).

MATILDA:(Curiously)What happened,why are you crying, who made you cry?

MELISA:(Sobbing)Tilda, now am sure I gotten myself into something I might not survive and even though I survive I will be broken.He is a devil.

MATILDA:(Confused)Sis, what are you saying,who is a devil and what did you get yourself into ?

MELISA:(Still sobbing) clinton is the devil,I shouldn't have gotten into a relationship with him.

MATILDA:(Still confused) what are you talking about?

(Melisa narrated everything to her but tilda didn't know if she should cry or laugh she was just feel of pity for lisa).

MELISA:This is why my instinct always kick against him, because indeed he is a terrible person.

MATILDA:(Pitifully)I understand everything now but why don't you think of talking to mom.

MELISA:(Laughs amidst her tears) Mom, I have tried talking to her but she didn't want to hear anything about me breaking up and if I decide to do it against her will it will kill her because she was really excited when I introduced clinton to her and it happen to be that clinton is the brother of linda make it impossible to breakup with him.

MATILDA:(Pitifully)I am really sorry I can't do anything to help you ,the only thing you can do is to hold onto your God.

MELISA:(Wipes her tears)If cause that is the only thing I can do,I can't imagine how life will be in that marriage, sis, thinking about it makes my heart ache, I am seriously pained but I can't do anything to ease myself of the pain.

MATILDA:(Comforting her) I understand but you still have me, big bro and Sarah so you got nothing to worry about.

MELISA:(Sadly)I wish I could.

MATILDA:(Calmly) It is just a matter of time ,you will get over it .

After sometime of consoling lisa , Tilda decided that they should go out to have fun which they did and iby the time they were done outing it was 6pm already and tilda was glad that going outing helped cheered Lisa up ,it was more like she was never sad and at the sight of this tilda was really happy,lisa dropped her off at her house bidded her goodbye and headed for home.


Clinton is at the sitting room waiting Impatiently for lisa, immediately he heard the sound of a car he peeped through the window and saw it was lisa,he went back to sit, then lisa walked in to see him siting at the siting room but the sight of him suddenly made her changed her mood to that of anger,so she decided to walk pass him without looking orvsaying any thing to him.

CLINTON:(Worriedly angry) where are you coming from?

(Lisa didn't want to answer him in the first place but have to because she didn't want to argue with him).

MELISA:(Calmly)I went outing with a friend.

CLINTON:(Slightly angry)A male or female?


CLINTON:(Calmly)Do I know her.

MELISA (Angrily)What is wrong with you ,why are you interrogating me like as if I am a criminal?who are you to question me?

CLINTON:(Angrily)I am your fiancee so I have every right to question you,and you want to tell me that she bought all these things you are holding for you.

MELISA: (Rudely) anything wrong with that?

(Then she realizes the what his question meant).

MELISA:(Surprised)Wait a minute ,are you insinuating that I went out with a guy and I am lying to you?

CLINTON:(Not moved)What do you want me think? When I have been calling you and you were not answering and then you came home by this time with all these.

MELISA:(Not surprised)well, I owe you no explanation,I have told you what you need to know (about walking out on him when he grab her wrist).

CLINTON:(Angrily)Were you going to walk out on me? Don't ever try that again,you haven't answeredy question do I know this female friend of yours ?that is if there is.

MELISA:(Pulled out of his grip with force)You don't know her, and since you think I am lying to you I will tell you what you want to hear, I was with a guy, we were having such a good time that I didn't want any disturbance so I refused answering your calls and he was the one that bought this things for me ,now you have heard what you want to hear can l go now?

CLINTON:(Surprised) I am surprised at you,(now angry) you went out with a guy and coming home by this time and you have the guts to tell the rubbish without any remorse ,so you are not scared, don't you know i can kill you here and now and no one will cough about it.

MELISA:(Rudely) l can't be scared of my fellow human , I m only afraid of one person and that is God,and you said you could kill me right, but think it this way why will I watch you strangle me without doing anything do you think I am easily bullied, I don't tolerate rubbish especially when it is coming from a guy okay so if you want to strangle me go ahead and let's see who end up ten feet below the ground (about walking out of him but stop)and one more thing don't ever try this again , because if you do I won't let it slide so easily so be careful with me nonsense(about walking out on him).

CLINTON:(Angrily)Don't dare to walk out on me).

MELISA:(Goes closer to him) Watch to me as i do it, and hey if you think because I look gentle and soft and you think you can take advantage of it thrn you have someone else coming your way,and a gin i an not as kind as you think and I think you will like the orther side of so please don't try this again(Walks out on him).

(Clinton couldn't believe his eyes ,he thought Lisa is the kind of woman you can control but with this that happened she isn't that kind of woman but that changes nothing once we are married she will have to do as he said and with that thought he smiled at himself).

**AT LISA'S ROOM** (Melisa thought has always been a strong woman but she cried over her relationship with clinton because she is being forced into the relationship).

MELISA:(Enters her room and locked the door behind her and lie down o her bed with her phone on her chest)

Why did he do that,I guess he is being jealous but he just made it clear that he doesn't trust,lisa is this what you will have to go through in the so called marriage? what ever it is I will face it full chest,he can do what he likes I don't care).

(As she was about going to take a shower,there came a knock on the door).

MELISA:Who is it?

SARAH:It's me.

MELISA:(Opens the door for her and locked it once she is inside).

SARAH:(Smiling)You surprised me and even clinton too, you turn out to be more stronger than I thought ,if it were some other women they would have surrender the moment he git angry but you only made him angrier,thumbs up.

MELISA:(Smiling)Thanks for the encouragement,you know watching my dad changed from the sweetest husband on earth to the worst husband on earth,he maltreated my mom,there is nothing he didn't do to hurt her,is it to hit her,is it to cheat on her ,is it to pour insult on her what did he not do to her and on my mom side she was helpless and couldn't do anything so me and melvin my twin brother went to seek help from a friend of my mom who is a lawyer ,she decided to help us but the only help she could render to us was to divorce my mom a dad ,I and elvin was really close to our dad so when they were going to get a divorce we werenot happy but we were happy was going to get feeedom and her peace of of mind back because she had almost lost her mind but the moment thay gt divorced my dad gave her a compensation of five hundred million dollars witnessing all these i made up mind never to allow any man to take me for granted be it my fiancee,or husband whoever it might be.

SARAH:(Surprised)So your parents are divorced?


SARAH :And your dad ?

MELISA:He currently based in the us I usually go spend time with him but because of my work I have not been able to go see him.

SARAH:(Calmly)So you are in good terms with him?

MELISA:Of cause,I am the apple of his eyes even though he is married to his mistress I still go see him.

SARAH:How about your brother?

MELISA:My brother isn't in good terms with him because of how he treated our mom.

SARAH:(Curiously)How is it that you are in good terms with him and your twin isn't ?

Did you support him?

MELISA:Why would I ?he got reasons , probably because of I am intelligent, ambitious and unique ,he once said he was happy to have me as his child and will never let go of me,he do love my brother but there was a huge difference between the two of us and even at that elvin still cherish me ,he treats me like a princess, and did I tell you few months after my parents divorced was my birthday,my dad gifted me with the hospital i am presently working,and he gave my brother a sum of fifty million naira as his birthday gift.

SARAH:Wow!Your dad must be really wealthy my dad was the governor of this state.

SARAH:(Surprised)You mean chief Alex is your dad?


SARAH:So I guess he will be there for marriage right?

MELISA:Of cause but I really can't stand my dad ignoring my mom ,he seems to despise her so much and that made me wonder why he married her but with what you told me earlier today I do have answer to that .

SARAH:Your mom has moved on right?

MELISA:Yep, she has moved on a long time ago.

SARAH:Then you have no worries,she won't take it as anything to worry about.

MELISA: That is true ,I guess I am just overthinking.

SARAH:Yes ,you are overthinking it. Don't forget what I told you ,pray without ceasung okay.

MELISA:I didn't and won't forget it.

SARAH:(Standing up, hugs her) that is the spirit and if you ever need my help don't think it before asking okay.

MELISA:(Happily)No problem.

SARAH:I will have to go now.

MELISA:Okay, goodnight.

SARAH:(Unlocking the door)You too sleep tight(exit sarah).

Lisa bathed ,put on her nightgown and then prayed before sleeping.


Lisa woke up to see Clinton sited beside her with a tray containing breakfast.

MELISA:(Wakes and,stretches, yawning and rudely)What the hell are you doing in my room?

CLINTON:(Calmly) Good morning babe.

MELISA:(Almost shouting)What is good about this morning ,starting my day with you literally ruined my whole day;so what are you doing here?

CLINTON:(Calmly) I bought you breakfast .

MELISA:(Angrily) Before I close and open my eyes you and this food should be out of here else I will do something that you won't like so please get out this minute.

CLINTON:(Still calm)Are you still angry about yesterday?

MELISA:(Smiles)Is that supposed to be a question?(pointing at the door)Get out before I lose it out!

CLINTON:(Sweetly)I am sorry , I was just angry,you got me worried so please forgive me.

MELISA:I forgive you when I want to ,so please get out.

(He still refuse to go out).

CLINTON:(Sadly) can you stop this.

MELISA:Since you are not ready to leave I will(stands up and about going to the bathroom when he grab her waist).

CLINTON:Do you think I will lat you go so easily.

MELISA: (Angrily)Can you stop this I need to get ready for work.

CLINTON:(Smiling)I will right after you are done eating.

MELISA:(Bites him and that makes him loosen his grip )I won't eat your food .

(With that she stepped into bathroom ,coming out Clinton was still there, she ignored him, goes to the closet ,selected a red gown that is her kneel length,put it on,goes to her shoe rack and selected a black pair of heels, selected a black hand bag and left without acknowledging clinton's presence .

CLINTON:(To himself)God knows you will pay for every stress you cause me, I wonder what is giving you the guts to do as you like, anyways enjoy as it last wait till we get married ,then you will know why i am called chief clinton, I won't cheat on you but you will pay for insulting me .


(Melisa geting to the sitting room decided to say hi to sarah before heading to the office)


Sarah is seen preparing breakfast when Lisa walked in.

MELISA: Good morning aut Sarah.

SARAH:(Smiling) Good morning dear ,how was your night?

MELISA:It was awesome but this morning wasn't.

SARAH:Let me guess it's because of Clinton brought you breakfast on bed right?

MELISA: Exactly, seeing his face this morning got me really mad.

SARAH:I understand, but you shouldn't have acted like that, you just making your punishment worst when you finally get married to him.

MELISA:(Calmly)Thanks for your concern, but you have nothing to worry about,clinton will do right now or when we are married get me worried again .

SARAH:I can see my lisa has prepared her mind for anything coming her way,that is good of you .

MELISA:Thanks,I will leave for work now.

SARAH: Without eating?

MELISA:No worries I will eat when I get to work.

SARAH:(Firmly)I don't believe you,I will fetch some food in a flask for you ,that way I will be sure you are something.


SARAH:(Interrupts her) There is no but.

MELISA:Okay, if you insist.

SARAH:I insist,(She takes a flask,fetch some food into it and then give it to lisa)here you go.

MELISA:(Collects it)Thanks.

SARAH:It's nothing.

MELISA:Okay then see you when I get back from work.

SARAH: Okay (exit lisa).

Melisa was busy through out but she took a little break once she felt hungry,and after eating she continued and by the time she was free it was 11:40pm ,she goes to her office hang her labcoat and her sethethoscope,took her bag and the flask sarah had given her then leave for homeless leaving every other thing in roses hands.


Melisa got home 12pm sharp she went inside and locked the door behind her and headed for her room when the sitting room light suddenly went on.

MELISA:(Turns to see clinton) Good evening.

CLINTON:I called you countless times but you were not answering.

MELISA:Sorry, I was really busy through out today,(brings out her phone and scroll up)wow, twenty missed calls.

(Sarah ,melvin,tilda and clinton had called)

CLINTON:So you were busy through out today,dies that mean you didn't eat anything?

MELISA:I did eat but I didn't go through my phone, I am really sorry.

CLINTON:Babe ,this work of yours is going to get between us,like take look at the time you are coming back home.

(Lisa wasn't going to resign before and not now she learnt

who he truly is).

MELISA:I have told you before I can never let go of my job not now ,not ever.

CLINTON:If you say so.

MELISA:I say so.

(With that she went to the kitchen and keep the flask in the sink ,bid clinton goodnight and went to her room,freshen up ,put on her nightgown and then lie down to sleep, she dozed off immediately she lied down because she was really tired).


Melisa woke up to see clinton sitted beside with as usual with a tray containing breakfast for her.

MELISA:(Wakes up ,wipes her eyes,then stretches) Good morning babe.

CLINTON:(Smiling) Good morning dear ,how was your night?

MELISA:My night was awesome and yours?

CLINTON:It was beautiful.

MELISA: I will go brush.

CLINTON:I will be waiting.

(Melisa went into the bathroom brushed,came out collected the food from and ate it).

MELISA:I am done eating.

CLINTON:(Collects the tray from her)I will go drop it and get ready for work and I guess you are also going to work right?

MELISA:Yep, I am going but not one ,I am still tired from yesterday's work so I want to rest a little before going.

CLINTON :Okay then see you when I get back(Pecks her and left).

MELISA:Big bro and Tilda has called yesterday countless times with me not picking their I had better call them back(picks up her phone and dials elvin's number).


(Melvin was worried that Lisa didn't answer his calls he thought she was still angry with him so he decided to go check up on her but then his phone rang).

MELVIN:(Answers the call) Good morning princess, how was your night?

MELISA:My night was awesome,big bro I am really sorry I didn't answer your call when you called, I was in the theatre,and was busy through out so I didn't have time to go through my phone, I am really sorry for getting you worried.

MELVIN:(Sighs out in relief)I had thought you were still angry with me that was why you didn't answer your calls but now you said whyi I am relieved and no worries I understand the nature of your job.

MELISA:(Let out a smile)This why I love you you are so understanding,so how is mom?

MELVIN:Mom is for me ,she send her regards.

MELISA:And linda?

MELVIN:She is fine but she is still sleeping.

MELISA:We will talk later.

MElVIN:Sis,can I take you out today?

MELISA:Please postpone it I am busy till maybe saturday .

MELVIN:Okay,I can't wait to spend time with you just like the way we use to do when we were kids.

MELISA:(Smiling)I can't wait either,so bye for now.

MELVIN:Love you.

MELISA:Love you to(hangs up)my goodness,let me call Tilda(dials her number).

(Matilda has decided to go check on lisa since she didn't answer her call,she thought something must have gone wrong , yesterday wasn't a work day for her but her day off work so why didn't she pick up her calls,she was really worried,so she got dressed,got into her car and headed for lisa's home).

MATILDA:(Worriedly)I hope that idiot hasn't done anything to her(phone rings).

MATILDA:(looked at the caller name,put on her bluetooth and answer the call)Sis,what happened why were you not picking your calls,did that bastard do anything to you, what happened?I need answers.

MELISA:(Calmly)Take a chill pill okay, I am fine just that I...

MATILDA:(Interrupts her)I am half way to your house already so wait till get there then we can talk,got it?.

(Melisa wasn't surprised as tilda said that, tilda has always been like this ,so caring, each time lisa doesn't answer her calls she go see her immediately ).

MELISA:If you say so , I will be waiting (Hangs up).


(Matilda arrived at lisa's place, with lisa already waiting for her at backyard not far from the gate, immediately tilda drove in she sighted lisa and sighed in relief)

MATILDA:(Sighs)My goodness she is okay(she parks the car at the garage and step out of the car and goes to meet lisa).

MELISA:(Smiling)welcome sis(Hugs her).

MATILDA:Come sit and start talking.

(They sat and lisa narrated everything to her).

MATILDA:(Angrily)How dare he try to bully you?

MELISA:(Calmly)Sis,take chill pill , I am fine and as for Clinton I can deal with him ,you got absolutely nothing to worry about.

MATILDA:(Calmly)If you say so but try as much as possible to go through your phone once you are out of the theatre.

MELISA:I will.

MATILDA:Are you just waking up?

MELISA:(Looking at her nightgown)Yep, I was really tired when I got back from work yesterday .

MATILDA:So you are not going to work today right?

MELISA:Of cause I am going to work, but later.

MATILDA:If you say so,I just came to see things for myself, I was worried about you ,but seeing that you are alright, I am fine. So I will be on my way now ,I got work to do.

MELISA:Thanks sis, you are the best. I will come see you one of this days.

MATILDA:I will be waiting (hugs her and left).

MELISA:What a caring friend, she left work just to come see me that is so sweet of her.

(Melisa went into the house, to her room changed and went to the kitchen to spend some time with sarah.


(Sarah was preparing breakfast when Lisa entered the kitchen ).

SARAH:(Noticing her presence) Finally you decided to wake up .

MELISA: Good morning Aunt Sarah.

SARAH: Good morning dear,how was your night?

MELISA:alMy night was be beautiful and yours?

SARAH:My night was good.

MELISA:Back to your statement,I have been awake all along,I was with my friend and sister a while ago,she just left,she was in a hurry else I would have loved introduced her to you.

SARAH: Maybe some other time.

MELISA:Yeah! Maybe some other time.

SARAH:(Done cooking)That reminds me ,you have forgiven clinton right?

MELISA:Is not like I have a choice ,do I?

SARAH:I understand,so you aren't scared of the future are you?

MELISA:(Confidently)Nope I am not scared and I was never scared but the thought of getting married to a mean soul like him makes my heart ache.

SARAH:(Happy)I understand ,and I happy that you have made up your mind ,that is the spirit .

MELISA:Thanks,I will go get dressed for work .

SARAH:Okay, but you will have to come take your food before going and if you don't I will be mad at you.

MELISA:Okay, I promise I will get the food before going to work I;I don't want to get my aunt sarah angry.

SARAH:(Smiling)I am glad you listen to me.

MELISA:You are my elder plus I see you like my mom so I as a daughter I have to listen to my mom right?


MELISA:I go now(exit lisa).

(Less than an hour later Lisa is done dressing up, she came downstairs and then to the kitchen to pick up her food before going to work. Although,by the time she got to the kitchen Sarah wasn't in the kitchen so lisa just grabbed the flask and left for work).


(As Melisa entered the hospital a woman was rushed in, so she quickly went to her office kept the flask on the desk,put on her labcoat and sethethoscope and headed in the direction the nurses took the woman).


(Melisa walked to see that the nurse in charge had put the woman on drip already and looking at the woman lying on the bed, one could tell she must have gone through lot like suffered a lot which was evident from how pale she looked,and her face was coverd with hand prints,seem like she must have fought with someone,seeing the woman like this pained lisa, as a result she made up her mind to help the woman get well and help her in any way she can when she must have regained consciousness but then she sighted the handsome young tall guy about eighteen years of age sitted beside the woman lying on the bed watching the nurse fix the drip,one could tell that the young guy was the woman's son).

BIANCA:(Done fixing the drip) Doctor! Doctor!

MELISA:(Snaps out of her thinking) yes ,are you done?

BIANCA:Yes, I am done.

MELISA:Okay. (Go closer to the woman to check her heart beat, after two minutes sh smiled, the woman heart beat was stable meaning she will be fine in no time).

MICHAEL:(Worriedly)doctor will my mom be fine?

MELISA:(Smiling)Yes, she will be fine ,she just need to rest and she will be fine.

MICHAEL:(Relief)Thank God.

MELISA:(To bianca)You may leave now ,come back later to check on her.

BIANCA:Okay, doctor(exit bianca).

MELISA:(Smiling)Hey, what is your name?

MICHAEL:(With a hint of sadness)I am micheal,but you can call me Mike.

MELISA:(Sits close to him still smiling) okay mike what happened to your mom?she looks like someone that have gone through a lot like gin e through hell.

MICHAEL:(Sadly)I know right,(mia rushed in).

MIA:(Worriedly)Big bro, is mom going to be fine?

MICHAEL:(Sadly)Yes ,the doctor here said she will be fine in no time.

MELISA:(Smiling)Hey,cutie what is your name?

MIA:I(Sadly)I am mia .

MELISA:(Still smiling)What a beautiful name for a beauty like you.

MIA:(Smile,but it vanished almost immediately)thanks.

(Melisa noticing that knew there was something wrong for sure and was determined to know what was wrong).

MELISA:(With a bright smile) I was asking your your brother what happened to your mom?

(Micheal answered before mia could say anything).

MICHAEL:It's personal.

MELISA:(With a friendly and cool tone) I understand but you can confide in me ,and you never can tell I could be if help to her.

(Micheal hearing those last words of Lisa, he took a look a look at his mom who lied lon the bed like a lifeless soul and then looked at Lisa, the last thing he wanted was for his mom going through what has ended her at hospital again so he decided to tell Lisa everything, he narrated everything to Lisa leaving no stone unturned).

Melisa s was shocked after listening to mike,she knew men is heartless but not to the extent of being reckless ,and inflicting so much pain , misery and injury on a woman, she was short of words for a moment).

MELISA:(Shocked)You mean your mom has to go through this every time?

MIA:(Sadly)Yes, we really do feel her pain and knowing that she is still in the marriage because of us makes our hearts ache even though it's not like he will agree to divorce her but still.(Almost crying) pls aunt help our mom if you can.

MICHEAL:(Sadly)Yes,help our mom, and if our dad happen to come here he will be mad at us for coming here please you will ha...

HUDSON:(Barges in, angrily) where are those two little brats( seeing them) here you are.

(Micheal and mia hid at the back of lisa , immediately he walked in).


HUDSON:(Angrily)Why are you Stammering? I told you two not to step out of the house but you decided to go against me right?I will make sure to teach you the lesson of your miserable lives.

MELISA:(Confidently)Not while I am here.(to mike) are you with your phone?


MELISA:Give it to me.

MICHEAL:(Gives it to her).

MELISA:(Collects it and texted rose to com e to ward three with police officers immediately).

HUDSON:(Angrily)Who are you to med in my affairs ? Get out of my way let me teach those disobedient brats some lessons).

MELISA:(Angrily)What sort of am man are you, how can you be so wicked, heartless,foolish and careless at same time, don't you have any conscience?(Smiles)Lisa what are you saying?the man in front of you doesn't have a heart so how do you expect him to have a conscience.

HUDSON:(Really angry) Are you in anyway calling me a devil.

MELISA:(Smiling) I am really glad you know what you are.

HUDSON:(Angrily) how dare you?(Raises his hand to hit lisa but she catches his hand)were you going to hit me? You are lucky you didn't touch me else you won't be able to recognize your stupid self the next second.

HUDSON:(Furiously) you are something else.

MELISA:(Ignore his statement)mike ,give me your phone,I need to put this devil in his place.

(Micheal hearing that he was exited wondering what she will do).

MICHEAL:(Gives her his phone).

MELISA:(Collects it and texted rose to get her body guards come to ward three Immediately).

HUDSON:(Almost laughing)You want arrest me right?you are wasting your time.

MELISA:I am not as foolish as you so forget about arrest, I have people whose job is to teach mannerless fools like some manners,if I should lay my hands on you I won't let go till you can breath no more, so is better if a professional handle you.

(Just then jack and tom walked in with rose behind them).

ROSE:Here they are lisa.

MELISA:Thanks,I owe you one,you can leave.

ROSE: You are welcome)exit rose).

MELISA:(To tom and jack)He is the devil I want you to deal with,give him the beating of his life and till I saystop don't stop got it?

JACK AND TOM:(Firmly) Okay ma.

HUDSON:(Swallowed hard)You are not doing this are you?

MELISA:Are you shocked? anyways you too can start.

(Tom and jack pounced on hudson immediately and an hour into the beating Lisa told them to stop,but it was kind of too late ,they had beaten him to the extent he can't even move muscle, he was literally the shadow of himself he looked really ridiculous and Lisa, mia and mike couldn't help it but laugh their eyes out while on hudson's part the sight of lisa, mia and mike laughing at him made him really furious,he himself was surprised at Lisa courage and audacity ,how could a woman have such courage?he was really curious to know but couldn't find answer to his question).

MICHEAL:(Mockingly)How does the beating feel, cool right?

MELISA:(Mockingly)I guess he must feeling how your mom was feeling when he was hitting her like he was fighting with his fellow man, useless fool, you disgust,you irritate me, I just hate your presence it want me throw up how disgusting you are rubbish,how much i feel like killing you with my bare hands,ah!).

MIA:(Angrily)Dad you are the worst ,you are a disgrace to manhood, you ought to be ashamed of yourself ,now we got aunt lisa here is sure to divorce you ,you can't do anything.

MELISA:(To tom)get nurse bianca .

TOM:Okay ma. ( he left to go call bianca and some minutes later he got back with bianca behind him).

MELISA:I want you take care of this idiot ,pls be as harsh as you can, he doesn't even deserve to live okay.

(Bianca,was busy wondering why she had gotten hudson beaten up).

BIANCA:(Helping nudson to get on his feet)Okay ma(Exit bianca and hudson).

MIA:(Happily hugs lisa)Thanks for teaching him a little lesson.

MELISA:(Sadly)It's nothing.

MICHEAL:(Worriedl, talking to his mom who isn't awake)Mom, please wake up ,we found you a helper, alife changer, the one that will free you from this bondage you call marriage and give you freedom(Tears running down his face)at least me and mia are happy that finally you don't have to get humiliated, beaten up, insulted, or being forced on by dad,so please get up you are getting your babies really worried).

Melisa was deeply touched by mike's words, and only hoped she killed that bastard hudson).

MELISA:(Comforting have him)no worries dear your mom will be fine ,she is still asleep due to the level of stress she has gone through , she is to sleep for at least four hours,but it's just three hours ;just an hour to go though she can wake up any moment from now so be patient got it?

MICHEAL:(Wipes his tears )Okay.

(Just then Jane got opened her eyes)Where am I?

MICHEAL:You are at the hospital, you were brought here by your kids, they were really worried about you.

(Jane hearing those words quickly remembered what transpired between her and hudson ,she had only gone out to get some stuffs for the kitchen without telling him on getting home she caught him with a anither woman on their matrimonial bed, which got really angry si she pounced om the lady and oyshed her out the house, tje lady habing left , he pounced on her saying she was disrespectful,rude and mean, he'd had finished beating her when she tried saying something and before she couldday it hevslapped her which made her faint but he was unconcerned about her leaving her to die , it was mia and mike who has been trying to stop their dad from hitting her quickly go the gateman and they brought her here, at the thought of this tears find their way down her cheeks). MIA:(Not surprised)Mom, stop crying today marks the end of your tears Okay.

(Jane hearing that couldn't help but smile).

MELISA:(Noticing she didn't believe mia)She isn't lying , I will do everything in my power to make sure I bring you out of this bondage called marriage and how to deal with that bastard.

(Jane hearing that ,smiled and was eager to her lisa out, so she asked mike to help her sit which he did after adjusting the pillow so she can sit well).

JANE:(Eagerly)How do you intend to help me?

(Melisa seeing her eagerness was happy, so she sat beside the woman and smiled).

MELISA:What is your name please?

JANE:I am Jane by name.

MELISA:Okay,so mrs Jane can you tell me something,was your husband like this from the beginning,and where you forced to marry him?

JANE:(Smiles)No he wasn't like this and I wasn't forced to marry him, he met me,liked me ,we became friends, the boyfriend and girlfriend then he became my fiancee and then my husband,the first year of our marriage was fun and sweet,but he changed into something else once he got into the second year of our marriage,he...

MELISA:(Calmly) Don't go further,your kids already told me everything about the so called marriage. So if I ask you what is your wishes right now,what will you sa?

JANE;(Sadly)I will hasve always wished for goodlife for my kids,but I can't give them that life because hudson won't let me work and don't give enough for our keep despite being wealthy secondly,I wish there was something I could do to change him back to the person he use to be.

Melisa understood her first wish and would help her fulfil it but not her second wish.

MELISA (Curiously)Are you saying you want to stay in such a marriage despite everything?

JANE:(Sadly) what can I say? I am one of the reasons he is one of the richest man we have in this country,he use to be poor,that was when we were doing our courtship,so I talked to my uncle who lived abroad to look into his case and he did and helped him, he was supposed to go meet uncle there in us but he didn't haveoney for his trip so I gave him the money,since I was working as a manager in an oil firm with a salary of about five hundred thousand,I gave him the money and he traveled out of the country becoming back as a millionaire,as he got back,he married me and then

asked i resigned but I refused at first but he insisted that I can't have a husband like him and still be work when he can take care of me ,so I resigned not because of what hebsaid but because i loved him but here I am that same man who claimed to loved me is the one making me go through hell.

MELISA:You can get times two of what you gave him if you did court wedding,have kids for him and has an evidence against him .

JANE:We did court wedding, we have kids together but I don't .....

MIA:(Interrupts her)Mo , sorry for interrupting you but me and mike has evidence against him, we had bought a camera and place one in you and dad's room and one in the palour and those that didn't happen in either the room and siting room we have it on our phones since we are on holidays.

MICHEAL:We did it because we know if you wanted to divorce dad you will need an evidence against him,even though we haven't find anyone yet we continued praying and hoping that God will get us someone to help you and we are glad that God answered our prayers.

MELISA:(Surprised)That was thoughtful of you both.so we are set to deal with that stupid soul,and do you have a lawyer ,if not I could have my lawyer handle your case a nd with that evidence you are sure to get what you want.

And again(To jack)My cheque.

JACK:(Brings out the cheque from his pocket and gave it to lisa).

MELISA:(Collects it,fills it and gave it to Jane)here you go and please don't say no you need this money more than i do because you can't go back to that bastard so you need it so you can get yourself a house and a start a business you know can give you much money so you can invest it Into orther businesses that is how I got this rich.

JANE:(Collects it happily and read the amount)OMG, nine hundred million dollars all for us?

MELISA:(Smiling) yes .

MIA AND MIKE:(Happily hugs her) thank you so much aunty.

MELISA:(Happy)It was nothing.(To mia)mia how old are you ?

MIA:(With a smile) I am fifteen.

MELISA:Do you want to have a husband that is like your dad?


MELISA:What do you have to do so as not to end up with such am man?

MIA:You really can't be sure if who you will get married to but to be on a save side you have to be financially stable , courageous , and bold and prayerful since only God can see you through.

MELISA:(Not surprised)That wonderful ,but how told you, actually I heard it from a woman who was advising another woman in the television, so I promised myself not to ever allow a man intimidate me because they are not worthy the stress.

MELISA:(Claps for her)You got yourself a cheque of a million naira.( She writes the cheque and gives it to her).

MIA:(Excitedly collects) thanks .

MELISA:You are welcome .

(To mike)now to the man of the house what plans do you have for your future?

MICHEAL:I want to work hard become wealthy,take care of my sis and mom,then get married to the woman I love, I will make sure to be the best husband and father, I won't be like my dad never,I will never raise my hands to my wife because I love her.i won't be like dad, that is a promise .

MELISA: (Clapping amisdst her laugh)Awesome kids you got her you know.

JANE:(Impressed) I know right .,they are the best kids ever.

MELISA:(Fills a cheque and gives it to mike)Here you go, you earn yourself aillion naira.

MICHEAL:(Excitedly collects it and hugs her)Thanks Aunt you are the best.

MELISA:(Smiling)That was sweet but it was nothing okay, I need to go give a call to my lawyer before someone book her up(Standing up,to jack)Get anything they want to eat got it?

JACK:Yes, ma.

MELISA:Jane, pls don't refusee okay, I got you covered, I will come check on you later alright.

JANE:Thanks for everything I won't say no.

MELISA:You are welcome (Exit lisa).