NARRATOR:Joe got well after a week and lisha chang-ed for the better,. She bought the goodnews to lisa the day she was to come take him home.
MELISA:Come in.
ALISHA: (Walks in) .
MELISA:(Happily)see who we have here(stands up to hug her) . You forgot about me right?
ALISHA:(Smilling) hiw can i fotget the petson that lifted me from grass to grace, it is not possible(Sits).
MELISA:(Smilling) so what's up? How have you been?
ALISHA:I am fine, i have not beeb able to see you becau- se of work. I own a boutique,saloon, house on rent, and lots more all thanks to you, and my husband he had changed fir the better he us now the man i married. I am really greateful to you.
MELISA:Its nothing, i am glad i could help. Joe can go home he is okay now but he shoudn't stress himself or do anything that requires him bending.
ALISHA:Okay, i will do as you have said. Let me have your phone number.
MELISA: okay.0.. 9..0..5..9..
8..6..83. . 4 got it?
ALISHA:yes, i got it i will call you.
MELISA:No problem.
JOSHUA:(sitting pressing phone) .
MELISA AND ALISHA:(walks in) Hi joe!
JOSHUA:Good morning mu-m and good morning aunt melisa.
MELISA:Morning dear, how was VE
NARRATOR:Joe got well after a week and lisha chang-ed for the better,. She bought the goodnews to lisa the day she was to come take him home.
MELISA:Come in.
ALISHA: (Walks in) .
MELISA:(Happily)see who we have here(stands up to hug her) . You forgot about me right?
ALISHA:(Smilling) hiw can i fotget the petson that lifted me from grass to grace, it is not possible(Sits).
MELISA:(Smilling) so what's up? How have you been?
ALISHA:I am fine, i have not beeb able to see you becau- se of work. I own a boutique,saloon, house on rent, and lots more all thanks to you, and my husband he had changed fir the better he us now the man i married. I am really greateful to you.
MELISA:Its nothing, i am glad i could help. Joe can go home he is okay now but he shoudn't stress himself or do anything that requires him bending.
ALISHA:Okay, i will do as you have said. Let me have your phone number.
MELISA: okay.0.. 9..0..5..9..
8..6..83. . 4 got it?
ALISHA:yes, i got it i will call you.
MELISA:No problem.
JOSHUA:(sitting pressing phone) .
MELISA AND ALISHA:(walks in) Hi joe!
JOSHUA:Good morning mu-m and good morning aunt melisa.
MELISA:Morning dear, how are you feeling?
JOSHUA:I am fine and than-ks for what you did for my m-
um i really appreciate.
MELISA:(sits beside him) its nothing, i am glad i was able to help.
JOSHUA:seems like you love helping whoever needs help , you are one unique doctor.
ALISHA:You can say that ag-ain.
MELISA:Thanks for the com-pliment . I got goodnews for you ,you are going home tod-ay.
JOSHUA:(exitedly) yay! mo-m lets go.
ALISHA:okay(to lisa) we will see later.
MELISA:okay(exit lisha and joe).
Its ten pm and lisa just got back from work to meet tilda watching a movie on her lapt-op.
MELISA: (knocks).
MATILDA:(keeps her laptop , stands up to go open the do-or)
MELISA:(walks in) i wasn't e-xpecting you to still be awake by this time.
MATILDA:I was waoting for y-ou to be back since i wasn't feeling sleeping (closes the door and sits opposite her) so what's up?
MELISA:Nothing is up, the only thing up is that i am tired.
MATILDA:No problem,just go in and freshen up. Then com-e downstairs for dinner or should tiana serve you in yo-ur room.
MELISA:She should serve it in my room.
MELISA:Thanks you are a o-ne in a million .
MATILDA:Anything for you.
MELISA:I will be in my room.
MATILDA:Okay(exit melisa).
Tiana is seen serving breakf-ast while lisa and tilda are sitted at the dinning waiting for tiana to be done serving the food.
TIANA:(Done serving the fo-od) .
MELISA AND TILDA:(Sits and starts eating).
MATILDA:(Holding a spoon) We will go shopping today whether the devil likes it or n-ot.
MELISA:No problem.
Melisa and matilda are seen shopping when they came a-cross chief clinton.
MATILDA:How many pack of chocolate should i take?
MELISA:Three will be okay. CLINTON:(Surprised) sorry to ask but do you have kids at home that you are buying thr-ee packs of chocolate.
MELISA:No, i dont have kids i am the one that takes the c-hocolate because i love it and it goes a very ling way in kee-ping my temperament intact.
CLINTON:That is good to know.
MELISA:Ahm! You are chief clinton right?
CLINTON:Yes,i am clinton.
MATILDA:Is rare to see a man as wealthy as you to dress this casual and then go for shopping himself.
MELISA:That is true.
CLINTON:That is true but i just felt like it.
MELISA:That is good to kno-w.
CLINTON:Can i have your number pls?
MATILDA:(Immediately) yes, you can.
CLINTON:Okay(gives her his phone) .
MATILDA:(Collects it and inputs lisa's number and gives it to him).
CLINTON:(Collects his pho-ne back)thanks.
MATILDA:You are welcome.
CLINTON:I will call you(and with that he left).
MELISA:(To tilda) why did you do that?
MATILDA:(Smilling) i did that because you wouldn't have give him your number yours-elf. Sis,God has finally answ-ered our prayers.
MELISA:Don't be faster than your shadow, i mean he just asked for my number and nothing more.
MATILDA:Stop acting like yo-u don't know what next after a guy collects your number. See lets go to the reception and know how much we have shopped today.
MELISA:(Smilling) its my su-permarket remember.
MATILDA:(Remembers) ye-ah! Forgive my manners.
EVE:Goodmorning ma's
MELISA AND MATILDA: Mo-rning how is the business going?
EVE:Business is going perfe-ctly fine, we are making alot of profit this year.
MELISA:I see. Seems like increase in salary is coming your way.
EVE:(Happily) Thanks ma.
MELISA:You are welcome but you will have to show me the records of this year.
EVE:(Bringing the register out the drawer) No problem ma(gives her the register).
MELISA:(Going through the register) This is really impres-sive, surely there will be an lncrease in your salary because you are doing a fant-astic job.
EVE:(exitedly) Thanks ma.
MELISA:You are welcome. (Brings out money from her bag and gives to her) This us for our goods.
EVE:(Collects it) okay ma.
(Exit lisa and tilda).
(Melisa is seen going through her files on her laptop when her phone rang).
MELISA:(Going through her files) this is awesome lucia is doing so well i... (Phone ring-s). Who could it be? (Picks up the phone)Hello!
CLINTON:Good evening pretty, how are you doing?
MELISA:I am fine, is this clin-ton?
CLINTON:Yed, it is clinton; are you busy tomorrow by five in the evening?
MELISA:I am a busy lady, i hardly stay at home but i think i will be free on wednesday.
CLINTON:Okay, i wanted to go out and catch some fun.
MELISA:Okay no problem i will be ready.
CLINTON: Okay, i will be wai-ting;see you and sweet drea-ms.
MELISA: You too (hang up) .
Oh my father i have a bad feeling abot this, pls guide and protect me.
MATILDA:Who should God protect you from?
MELISA:He called.
MATILDA:(Smilling, sits besi-de her)what did he say, did he ask you out, does he want you two to on a date, what did he say?
MELISA:(Calmly) take a chill pill i will tell you. He wants us to go out and catch some fun and that is all.
MATILDA:(Happily) finally, you now have your own man, seriously sis, i am happy for you.
MELISA:(sadly)you aren't thinking abot me, like do i like this guy, do i want him? Sis i don't like him;my spirit doesn't accept him ;i am only doing this for my mom and brother.
MATILDA:(Calmly) i am hap-py because melvin and mom are off your neck . But i am also sad and that is because you dont want this , you are being forced to do this which might turnout to be bad later in the future. I feel your pain but no worries i am here for you and i will always be here okay.
MELISA:(Smiling) You know i always thank God for giving me a friend like you, you are the best of the best and that is why i love you so much.
MATILDA:Thanks.but you deserve everything good because you are a good person.
MELISA:Enough of the emot-ional drama, you have to go have some sleep i am feeling sleepy already.
MATILDA:Okay,(standing up) sweeet dreams.
MELISA:You too(exit tilda).
Melisa is seen getting ready for her date.
MELISA:(putting on earrings) sis, pls help me send our address to him.
MATILDA:Okay(carries lisa's phone and send the address to him) i have send it.
MELISA:(Applying make-up) Thanks alot.
MATILDA:You are always welcome.
MELISA:(Done dressing) Ho-w do i look?
MATILDA:You look exceptio-nally beautiful.
(Door bell rings).
MATILDA:(Happy) He is here.i will go attend ti him while you look for a handbag to match.
MELISA:Okay(exit tilda).
MATILDA:(Opens the door) sorry for keeping you waiting.
CLINTON:Its okay, is she in?
MATILDA:Her name is lisa and she is getting ready. Come in.
CLINTON:okay, noted(walks in and sits).
MATILDA:What can i offee you?
CLINTON:Nothing i am fine.
MATILDA:Okay i will go check up on lisa(then lisa is seen coming down.)
MELISA:(Coming downstair-s).
CLINTON:(Stands up, dumb-founded).
MELISA:Is the dress not okay?
CLINTON:No, the dreas fits you perfectly well, just that i ha e never seen such a beauty like you before. Witho-ut make-up you lok beautiful and with make-up you look ravishing.
MELISA:(Blushing) Thanks for the compliment.
CLINTON:(Bringing forth his hand) shall we?
MELISA:Yes, we shall. (Putting her hand in his).
MATILDA:Have fun and clint-on pls don't be mad at her if she is needed at the hospital because she is a doctor.
CLINTON:No problem.
MATILDA:Bye and don't stay out late.
MELISA:I won't(exit lisa and clinton).
CLINTON:So you are a doct-or lisa?
MELISA:Yes,i am.
CLINTON:I hope a call does-n't come in putting an end to our date.
MELISA:No worries, its my day off work and i told rose not to disturb me.
CLINTON:(starts driving)
NARRATOR:Joe got well after a week and lisha chang-ed for the better,. She bought the goodnews to lisa the day she was to come take him home.
MELISA:Come in.
ALISHA: (Walks in) .
MELISA:(Happily)see who we have here(stands up to hug her) . You forgot about me right?
ALISHA:(Smilling) hiw can i fotget the petson that lifted me from grass to grace, it is not possible(Sits).
MELISA:(Smilling) so what's up? How have you been?
ALISHA:I am fine, i have not beeb able to see you becau- se of work. I own a boutique,saloon, house on rent, and lots more all thanks to you, and my husband he had changed fir the better he us now the man i married. I am really greateful to you.
MELISA:Its nothing, i am glad i could help. Joe can go home he is okay now but he shoudn't stress himself or do anything that requires him bending.
ALISHA:Okay, i will do as you have said. Let me have your phone number.
MELISA: okay.0.. 9..0..5..9..
8..6..83. . 4 got it?
ALISHA:yes, i got it i will call you.
MELISA:No problem.
JOSHUA:(sitting pressing phone) .
MELISA AND ALISHA:(walks in) Hi joe!
JOSHUA:Good morning mu-m and good morning aunt melisa.
MELISA:Morning dear, how was VE
NARRATOR:Joe got well after a week and lisha chang-ed for the better,. She bought the goodnews to lisa the day she was to come take him home.
MELISA:Come in.
ALISHA: (Walks in) .
MELISA:(Happily)see who we have here(stands up to hug her) . You forgot about me right?
ALISHA:(Smilling) hiw can i fotget the petson that lifted me from grass to grace, it is not possible(Sits).
MELISA:(Smilling) so what's up? How have you been?
ALISHA:I am fine, i have not beeb able to see you becau- se of work. I own a boutique,saloon, house on rent, and lots more all thanks to you, and my husband he had changed fir the better he us now the man i married. I am really greateful to you.
MELISA:Its nothing, i am glad i could help. Joe can go home he is okay now but he shoudn't stress himself or do anything that requires him bending.
ALISHA:Okay, i will do as you have said. Let me have your phone number.
MELISA: okay.0.. 9..0..5..9..
8..6..83. . 4 got it?
ALISHA:yes, i got it i will call you.
MELISA:No problem.
JOSHUA:(sitting pressing phone) .
MELISA AND ALISHA:(walks in) Hi joe!
JOSHUA:Good morning mu-m and good morning aunt melisa.
MELISA:Morning dear, how are you feeling?
JOSHUA:I am fine and than-ks for what you did for my m-
um i really appreciate.
MELISA:(sits beside him) its nothing, i am glad i was able to help.
JOSHUA:seems like you love helping whoever needs help , you are one unique doctor.
ALISHA:You can say that ag-ain.
MELISA:Thanks for the com-pliment . I got goodnews for you ,you are going home tod-ay.
JOSHUA:(exitedly) yay! mo-m lets go.
ALISHA:okay(to lisa) we will see later.
MELISA:okay(exit lisha and joe).
Its ten pm and lisa just got back from work to meet tilda watching a movie on her lapt-op.
MELISA: (knocks).
MATILDA:(keeps her laptop , stands up to go open the do-or)
MELISA:(walks in) i wasn't e-xpecting you to still be awake by this time.
MATILDA:I was waoting for y-ou to be back since i wasn't feeling sleeping (closes the door and sits opposite her) so what's up?
MELISA:Nothing is up, the only thing up is that i am tired.
MATILDA:No problem,just go in and freshen up. Then com-e downstairs for dinner or should tiana serve you in yo-ur room.
MELISA:She should serve it in my room.
MELISA:Thanks you are a o-ne in a million .
MATILDA:Anything for you.
MELISA:I will be in my room.
MATILDA:Okay(exit melisa).
Tiana is seen serving breakf-ast while lisa and tilda are sitted at the dinning waiting for tiana to be done serving the food.
TIANA:(Done serving the fo-od) .
MELISA AND TILDA:(Sits and starts eating).
MATILDA:(Holding a spoon) We will go shopping today whether the devil likes it or n-ot.
MELISA:No problem.
Melisa and matilda are seen shopping when they came a-cross chief clinton.
MATILDA:How many pack of chocolate should i take?
MELISA:Three will be okay. CLINTON:(Surprised) sorry to ask but do you have kids at home that you are buying thr-ee packs of chocolate.
MELISA:No, i dont have kids i am the one that takes the c-hocolate because i love it and it goes a very ling way in kee-ping my temperament intact.
CLINTON:That is good to know.
MELISA:Ahm! You are chief clinton right?
CLINTON:Yes,i am clinton.
MATILDA:Is rare to see a man as wealthy as you to dress this casual and then go for shopping himself.
MELISA:That is true.
CLINTON:That is true but i just felt like it.
MELISA:That is good to kno-w.
CLINTON:Can i have your number pls?
MATILDA:(Immediately) yes, you can.
CLINTON:Okay(gives her his phone) .
MATILDA:(Collects it and inputs lisa's number and gives it to him).
CLINTON:(Collects his pho-ne back)thanks.
MATILDA:You are welcome.
CLINTON:I will call you(and with that he left).
MELISA:(To tilda) why did you do that?
MATILDA:(Smilling) i did that because you wouldn't have give him your number yours-elf. Sis,God has finally answ-ered our prayers.
MELISA:Don't be faster than your shadow, i mean he just asked for my number and nothing more.
MATILDA:Stop acting like yo-u don't know what next after a guy collects your number. See lets go to the reception and know how much we have shopped today.
MELISA:(Smilling) its my su-permarket remember.
MATILDA:(Remembers) ye-ah! Forgive my manners.
EVE:Goodmorning ma's
MELISA AND MATILDA: Mo-rning how is the business going?
EVE:Business is going perfe-ctly fine, we are making alot of profit this year.
MELISA:I see. Seems like increase in salary is coming your way.
EVE:(Happily) Thanks ma.
MELISA:You are welcome but you will have to show me the records of this year.
EVE:(Bringing the register out the drawer) No problem ma(gives her the register).
MELISA:(Going through the register) This is really impres-sive, surely there will be an lncrease in your salary because you are doing a fant-astic job.
EVE:(exitedly) Thanks ma.
MELISA:You are welcome. (Brings out money from her bag and gives to her) This us for our goods.
EVE:(Collects it) okay ma.
(Exit lisa and tilda).
(Melisa is seen going through her files on her laptop when her phone rang).
MELISA:(Going through her files) this is awesome lucia is doing so well i... (Phone ring-s). Who could it be? (Picks up the phone)Hello!
CLINTON:Good evening pretty, how are you doing?
MELISA:I am fine, is this clin-ton?
CLINTON:Yed, it is clinton; are you busy tomorrow by five in the evening?
MELISA:I am a busy lady, i hardly stay at home but i think i will be free on wednesday.
CLINTON:Okay, i wanted to go out and catch some fun.
MELISA:Okay no problem i will be ready.
CLINTON: Okay, i will be wai-ting;see you and sweet drea-ms.
MELISA: You too (hang up) .
Oh my father i have a bad feeling abot this, pls guide and protect me.
MATILDA:Who should God protect you from?
MELISA:He called.
MATILDA:(Smilling, sits besi-de her)what did he say, did he ask you out, does he want you two to on a date, what did he say?
MELISA:(Calmly) take a chill pill i will tell you. He wants us to go out and catch some fun and that is all.
MATILDA:(Happily) finally, you now have your own man, seriously sis, i am happy for you.
MELISA:(sadly)you aren't thinking abot me, like do i like this guy, do i want him? Sis i don't like him;my spirit doesn't accept him ;i am only doing this for my mom and brother.
MATILDA:(Calmly) i am hap-py because melvin and mom are off your neck . But i am also sad and that is because you dont want this , you are being forced to do this which might turnout to be bad later in the future. I feel your pain but no worries i am here for you and i will always be here okay.
MELISA:(Smiling) You know i always thank God for giving me a friend like you, you are the best of the best and that is why i love you so much.
MATILDA:Thanks.but you deserve everything good because you are a good person.
MELISA:Enough of the emot-ional drama, you have to go have some sleep i am feeling sleepy already.
MATILDA:Okay,(standing up) sweeet dreams.
MELISA:You too(exit tilda).
Melisa is seen getting ready for her date.
MELISA:(putting on earrings) sis, pls help me send our address to him.
MATILDA:Okay(carries lisa's phone and send the address to him) i have send it.
MELISA:(Applying make-up) Thanks alot.
MATILDA:You are always welcome.
MELISA:(Done dressing) Ho-w do i look?
MATILDA:You look exceptio-nally beautiful.
(Door bell rings).
MATILDA:(Happy) He is here.i will go attend ti him while you look for a handbag to match.
MELISA:Okay(exit tilda).
MATILDA:(Opens the door) sorry for keeping you waiting.
CLINTON:Its okay, is she in?
MATILDA:Her name is lisa and she is getting ready. Come in.
CLINTON:okay, noted(walks in and sits).
MATILDA:What can i offee you?
CLINTON:Nothing i am fine.
MATILDA:Okay i will go check up on lisa(then lisa is seen coming down.)
MELISA:(Coming downstair-s).
CLINTON:(Stands up, dumb-founded).
MELISA:Is the dress not okay?
CLINTON:No, the dreas fits you perfectly well, just that i ha e never seen such a beauty like you before. Witho-ut make-up you lok beautiful and with make-up you look ravishing.
MELISA:(Blushing) Thanks for the compliment.
CLINTON:(Bringing forth his hand) shall we?
MELISA:Yes, we shall. (Putting her hand in his).
MATILDA:Have fun and clint-on pls don't be mad at her if she is needed at the hospital because she is a doctor.
CLINTON:No problem.
MATILDA:Bye and don't stay out late.
MELISA:I won't(exit lisa and clinton).
CLINTON:So you are a doct-or lisa?
MELISA:Yes,i am.
CLINTON:I hope a call does-n't come in putting an end to our date.
MELISA:No worries, its my day off work and i told rose not to disturb me.
CLINTON:(starts driving).
NARRATOR:We had alot of fun, we went shopping, then to a fancy resturant, where we gisted and talked about ourselves.
CLINTON: Tilda is your sister right?
MELISA:Yes, she is my sister but not my blood sister.
CLINTON:(Surprised) you mean she is nit relarwd to you by blood.
MELISA:(Not surprised) yes.
CLINTON:Wow, anybody would think she is your sister because you both share the bond that exist between sister and you both behave like twins.
WAITER:(Interupts) what can i offer you ma and sir(gives them their menu card.
MELISA AND CLINTON:(Goes through the card).
TOGETHER:I think sharwa-ma and red wine will do.
WAITER:Okay(bow and left).
CLINTON:What a pleasant coincidence.
MELISA:Right.back to what i was saying, tilda and me have childhood friends since we were babies , we were birn on the same day, hourand hospital and also our parents were friends,we went to the ssam mursery, primary and secondary and same university;as you can see we were meant to be together for life.
ClINTON:You can say that again.
WAITER:(Approaches them with their orders and serve them).
WAITER:You are welcome.(he left).
CLINTON:How about your family?
MELISA: family are here but they live at G.R.A,I have a brother who is my twin.But for my dad he left my mom and he is now based in the us.
CLINTON:You don't talk to him right?
MELISA:(Eating)I do talk to him but not always since I am always busy. Enough of me , how about you ?
CLINTON: There is nothing to know about me except for me being an orphan ,I only have a sister by the name Linda ,she is all I have in this world and she means everyt-hing to me ,I can do anything for her,she is the main reason I worked so hard to make money so that she won't suffer since I couldn't save my parents I decided to make sure she is save always.
MELISA:(Touched) accept my condolence .
CLINTON:(eating)Thanks and you are one unique person ,you are beautiful, understanding,loving and kind; you are every man dream woman,in summary I want you to be my woman and I promise you won't regret it.
MELISA:(Soliloquizing)it's not like I have a choice at least that will make my mom and brother happy.
CLINTON:Lisa!Lisa!(taps her).
MELISA:(comes back to reality)yes!
CLINTON:What were you thinking about?
MELISA:(Immediately)nothing,just thinking of I should say yes or no and I decided to say yes.
CLINTON:(Excitedly) Thanks for accepting me I promise you won't regret it.
MELISA:(Forcing a smile)I hope so (glances at her watch) OMG! It's 9pm already I have to be going home.
CLINTON:I will take you home:
MELISA: Thanks.
CLINTON:No need to say thanks after all I am in your man.
MELISA:Even at that thanks.
CLINTON:(Smiling)If you insist.
MELISA:I insist.
CLINTON:(calls the waiter and pays for their orders and they left)
MELISA: Thanks for today I really had fun and I appreciate.
CLINTON:I am happy you had fun.But when do I see you again?
MELISA: Maybe tomorrow then you will have to wait till next week Wednesday to see me again .
CLINTON:(Sadly) next week,it sounds like next month.
MELISA:I am sorry but that is what you will be going through.
CLINTON:No problem.
MELISA:Then see you tomorrow.
CLINTON:(Kisses her) goodnight.
MELISA:(Alights from the car and bid him goodbye until he is out of the house then walks into the house only to see tilda in the sitting room pretending to be watching a movie on her laptop).
MATILDA (Smiling mischievously) welcome sis(standing up and going to give her a welcome hug).
MELISA:(Hugs her) thanks and no need to pretend ;you were watching me through the window right?
MATILDA:No, I was watching a movie on my laptop.
MELISA: Don't bother lying because I know you enough to know that whenever you are smiling weirdly that means you saw something you want to happen.
MATILDA:(Reluctantly)Okay you caught me. I saw you kiss him;does that mean you both are dating?
MELISA:(Sadly)Yes, but I am not happy, I don't really know about this ,I feel like I am making the worst mistake of my life.
MATILDA:Why would you say so when the guy in question is giving?he is humble , respectful, cute and rich;babe he is every girls dream man .
MELISA:I don't know but that is what my instinct is saying and you know that my instinct is never wrong.
MATILDA:(raising her voice)Yes,your instincts is never wrong but will you say no to him and continue facing the torment from your mom and brother?(Calmly) see sis, you really don't have a choice here;but if you insist on problem.
MELISA:(Sadly)I will continue the relationship is not like I have a choice.
MATILDA:(Calmly) that is the spirit and if there is any time in the future things get complicated I will always be there to ease you of your burden okay
MELISA: Thanks a lot.
MATILDA:What are sisters for?
MELISA:(Standing up)I will be in my room.
MATILDA: Goodnight and sweet dreams.
MELISA:You too(exit Lisa).
MATILDA:(Soliloquizing)I hope he is the right man for her, because she deserves to be with the best man as she is the a good wife material and if he is Mr wrong oh God pls give her the strength to pull through.
She goes into the bathroom and teja a shower then dress up in her nightgown and lie down to sleep but her phone rang almost immediately.
MELISA :(Answers the call) good evenin g Melvin why did you call?
MELVIN:(surprised)did you just call me by my name?
MELISA:(Rudely)yes I did call you by your name,guy why did you call?
MELVIN:Wait has come over you?
MELISA:(still rude)You came over me okay guy are you telling me why you called or should I hang up the call?
MELVIN:I called to ask how my jewel is doing?
MELISA:(Angrily)a jewel you don't care about in fact don't ever call me jewel my name is melisaand i guess you are dine talking.
MELISA:(hang up on him) rubbish.(keeps her phone,switch of the light and lie down to sleep).
Melisa is seen on a call with clinton and Matilda is seen watching a movie on her laptop.
MELISA: Good evening babe!
CLINTON: Evening my jewel,how was today?
MELISA:Today was splendid and yours?
CLINTON:Mine was awesome and hearing your voice made it even more awesome.
MELISA: (Smiling ) you are making me blush).
CLINTON:I love it when you are blushing it makes you look so cute and beautiful.
MELISA:Thanks for the compliment.
CLINTON:Nowro the main reason I called.can you come over to my place at least spend a night with me pls.
MATILDA:(Whispering)Say yes.
MELISA: Okay I will come ,send the address to me .
CLINTON: (happily)Right away (sending it)sent it .
MELISA :That was fast.
CLINTON:I am happy that is why .
MELISA:I can feel how happy you are,Ihave to go prepare so later.(hang up).
MATILDA:Be careful not to sleep with him.
MELISA:I know and...
MELISA:I will go check who it is?(walk up to the door and open it and, seeing who it is killed her happiness)
MELVIN:Hi!Can I come in .
MELISA: (Reluctantly)Of cause.
MELVIN:(Walks in).
MATILDA(Surprised)Sit(pointing to the couch).
MATILDA:What can I offer you?
MELVIN: Nothing I am fine.
MATILDA:If you say so. What brought you here?
MELVIN: I came to see lisa.
MELISA: (Rudely) I thought as much
MELVIN:So what is my offense this time around?
MELVIN:You sounded angry and rude yesterday so i came to see what happened to you.
MELISA:You are not serious.
See you are the one that happened to me. All thanks to you and Mom I am stepping into fire even when I know it will hurt my legs.
MELISA:Use you tongue and count your teeth.I will go prepare for my sleep over.And as for you I don't have any thing to say to you.(Walks out on them).
MELVIN:Can you explain what is going on because I don't understand what is going on.
MATILDA:Lisa now has a boy friend by name sir clinton ;he is the one she is going to spend the night with. But she feels like she is making the worst mistake of her life ;she feels like she is stepping into fire.
MELVIN:But sir clinton's character is giving so what is she talking about?
MATILDA: Exactly,but on a second thought you and I know her instinct never lie but she still go on with the relationship because mom and you won't listen to her.
MELVIN:She had better not break up with him .But you really have to make her understand that we have her interest at heart ;she can't continue rejecting suitors when she is not getting younger. This for her well being.
MATILDA:I understand,I will try my best in making her understand as well .
MELVIN:Okay then I will be on my way .
MATILDA:Okay bye(exit Melvin).
MELISA:(Coming downstairs wearing an up shoulder red shining gown holding her luggage).
MATILDA:You are looking dem gorgeous .
MELISA:Thanks .
MATILDA:(Calling tiana)Tiana!
MATILDA: Take the box Lisa is holding and take it to her car.
CHRISTIANA: (Did as instructed).
MATILDA:Take care of yourself okay .
MELISA: Okay , I will.(opening the door)see you maybe tomorrow.
MATILDA:No problem ,just take care of yourself and make sure you call everyday.
MELISA: No problem.
MATILDA:see ya!(exit Lisa).
MELISA:(Presses the door bell ).
LINDA:(Opens the door)Hey ,Lisa what's up ?wait a minute are you clinton's girlfriend?
MELISA: Yes,and you are?
LINDA:I am his sister. Forgive my manners,come in.
MELISA:(Walks in).
LINDA:This is a pleasant surprise.
MELISA:You can say that again ,but is he in?
LINDA:Yes, he is in.calling clinton big bro!
CLINTON:(Coming downstairs )yes!
LINDA:There he is.
CLINTON:(Happily)My angel is here.(hugs her) welcome to my world.
MELISA:This your world is awesome .
CLINTON: Thanks.calling Sarah)Sarah!Sarah!
SARAH:Yes sir!
CLINTON:Take her luggage to her room .
SARAH:okay(did as instructed).
CLINTON: (Pointing at linda)this is my jewel,my one and only sister ,Linda.
MELISA:We know ourselves, she is my twin brother girlfriend.
CLINTON:Wow what a pleasan coincidence.I would love to meet your brother.
LINDA: Honestly speaking you got good eyes for good things.She is a very good wife material.she every girls dream.
CLINTON: You can say that again.
LINDA: I will be going to see my prince charming.
MELISA:Pls don't tell him anything ,I want this to be a surprise to him okay.
LINDA:No problem ,I won't tell him anything,so nothing to worry about (goes upstairs).
CLINTON:Are you good at playing chess?
MELISA: Of cause,chess is my favourite game .
CLINTON:So that means you can beat me right?
MELISA:(Smiling)of cause.
CLINTON: How many percent sure?
MELISA: Hundred percent sure.
CLINTON:Okay how about this ,I will send Sarah to go get five thousand naira suya and if you win I get all of it and if I win I get all of it.
MELISA:Such a sumptuous idea ,I love it.
CLINTON: Okay then (calling Sarah).
SARAH:Yes sir(runs out of the kitchen)
CLINTON:(Brings out money from his pocket and give it to her)Here you go.
SARAH:(Collects it).
CLINTON:I want you to use the money to get us five thousand naira suya.
SARAH: okay sir!(exit Sarah).
CLINTON: Come with me to the library.
MELISA:Wow you have a library in this house ?that is awesome.
CLINTON:I built i and filled it with all sorts of books including novels because of my sister,she loves novels.
MELISA:That is cool,I also love reading anything be it novels, magazines any thing as far as it is educative and interesting.
CLINTON:That is good to know.So reading is your hobby right?
MELISA:Yes it isone of my hobbies.
CLINTON:What other hobby do you have?(going to the library).
MELISA:I love playing games like chess,ludo,and dancing.
CLINTON: That is cool, can't wait for our wedding so that I can see your talent.
MELISA: Till that day.
CLINTON:(Walks in and so did Lisa).
MELISA:Wow(looking around)this is fantastically beautiful.
CLINTON:I know right.So sit let's start playing.
MELISA:(sits on the couch at the middle of the room and so did clinton they started playing and at the end of three minutes Lisa had won three times and Clinton has won only once making it three :one with two lisa leading.
MELISA:(Happily smiling) I am l wining infact I am going to be the winner.
CLINTON:( Come in).
SARAH:(Walks in holding the suya in her hands)Here you go sir.
CLINTON:(Collects it and drops it on the table)Thanks.
SARAH:You are welcome sir! CLINTON:One more thing get us a bottle of red wine.with two glass cups.
SARAH: Okay sir ( exit Sarah).
MELISA:Let's continue playing I can't wait to consume that suya.
CLINTON:(Surprised at her confidence)I am beginning to get scared.
MELISA:(Happily)You better be,but play this is our last one.
(They started playing and in less than ten mins lisa won again making her the winner of the game.
MELISA:(Smiling)down goes your king and I win again (Clapping for herself).Now give me my suya.
CLINTON :(Gives her the suya then Sarah walk in with the wine and glass cups).
MELISA (Collects the suya).
SARAH (Walks in)Here you go(gives it to clinton).
MELISA:(Collects the drink and the cup) perfect timing (pours the drink into the two cups)thanks you can go.
SARAH:You are welcome (exit Sarah).
MELISA:(Eating the suya)oh my God! this is delicious someone is missing out.
CLINTON:Like seriously?
MELISA:Are you jealous?any ways this is what you get for challenging a champion like me .
CLINTON:So you won't give me even one.
MELISA:No I won't.
CLINTON:Even though you know that you can't finish this by yourself.
MELISA:(Pick a meat and give it to him).
CLINTON:(Opens his mouth to eat but lisa put it in her mouth).
MELISA:(Laughs)you really think you would taste of this,you are not getting a teste of this,the only way you will taste this is if I am not able to finish it okay.
CLINTON:(Sadly)Yes ma!
MELISA:(Touched by his expression)Okay,in as much as I don't want you to taste this I don't like it when my prince charming is sad so take this)
( Picks up one meat again with her hand going to his mouth)
CLINTON:Are you for real this time or you are joking?
MELISA:(Smiling) I am serious this time,so open up.
CLINTON:Are you sure.
MELISA:(Smiling)Common I am serious swear down.
CLINTON:(Opens his mouth and eats it).
MELISA:Told you i was serious.
CLINTON:(Sipping his wine), not my fault.
MELISA:(Takes one and gives the rest to him)I am filled .
CLINTON:(Collects it) I hate to say this but I told you.
MELISA:One more word and I will go give it to Sarah.
CLINTON:Okay,I won't say anything else.
MELISA:More like it.You continue eating while I grab a novel to read, once you are done we will do a race like let's see if you can run faster than me.
CLINTON:(With his mouth full) okay.
MELISA:(Stands up and goes towards the shelf and starts searching for the perfect novel to read,after a minute she found a novel that catches her eyes but her hand couldn't get to it so she takes a stool and climbs it but gallsband luckily she falls into a clinton arms).
CLINTON:(Helps her to stand)Hope you are not hurt?
MELISA:No, I am not and thanks for coming to my rescue but how did you know I was about falling?
CLINTON:I was done eating ,so I decided to come tell you when I saw you were going to fall,so it was a coincidence and luck was on your side.
MELISA:So my superhero can you help me with that novel?(pointing at it).
CLINTON: Of cause( brings down the novel and gives it to her) .
MELISA:(Collects it)Thanks .
I will read it tomorrow.(keeps the novel on the table and runs out).
CLINTON:(She is so playful )
(And with that he goes after her and after an hour of running after her he catches her by the waist and then draw her towards himself) You got so many talents.I don't know what I did for God to bless me witha jewel like you ,you are a perfect example of a priceless jewel.
I love you so much that words can't express how much I love you.
MELISA:(Blushing)That was sweet and....
CLINTON:(Interrupts her with a long kiss) four minutes later they stopped to catch their breath.
MELISA:I love you too and Ahm! What are we doing next?
CLINTON :We are watching a movie next.
MELISA:(Curiously)I hope it is interesting because I don't like movies that are not interesting.
CLINTON:(His hands around her waist)No worries you will love it.
MELISA:If you say so
Clinton and Lisa enters his room and closes the door behind them.
CLINTON:(Grabs his laptop and sits on the bed and so did Lisa).
MELISA: Don't you think something is missing?
CLINTON: I don't think anything is missing (suddenly remembers)yes popcorn is missing, I will go tell Sarah to get it now.
MELISA:No worries, I will go get it.
CLINTON:If you say so, don't keep us Waiting.
Sarah is seen Washing the dirty dishes when she noticed someone presence and she turned to see who it was.
SARAH:Lisa right?
SARAH:How can I help you with something?
MELISA:Yes, I need two packs of popcorn.
(She leaves what she was doing and look up and open a cupboard and brings out a black polythene containing corn,a tin of powered milk and a tin of sugar,she then goes to where the popcorn popper is and measured four cups of corn and pour it into the machine and after few minutes the popcorn starts popping out,she then uses a spatula to transfer the popcorn from the machine to two different packs and then add sugar and shakes it so the sugar would circulate andthen gives it to lisa)Here you go.
MELISA:(Collects it)Thanks.
SARAH:You are welcome (exit Lisa and Sarah continues washing the dishes).
MELISA:(Walks in and gives the one pack of popcorn to him)here you go.
CLINTON:(Collects it)thanks.
MELISA:You are welcome.
(So they sat down,watched their movie while eating their popcorn,they watched two more movies but before the last movie could come to an end Lisa already dozed off on clinton's shoulder ).
CLINTON:(Looks at his shoulder to find Lisa sleeping,he watches her for two minutes before taking her to her room,lie her down and cover her with a blanket,kisses her forehead, switches of the light and exit clinton).
Melisa wakes up to see herself in her room.
MELISA:(Opens her eyes and stretches)Where am I?
CLINTON:(Walks in holding a tray containing bread,tea and scrambled eggs). good morning damsel,how was your night?
MELISA:My night was awesome and yours?
CLINTON:(Sitting beside her) my night was beautiful.I know you want to know what room is this right?
CLINTON:This your room.
MELISA:I thought as much.
CLINTON: I brought you breakfast.
MELISA : Thanks,you are the best but I gat to brush first.
CLINTON:No problem I will be waiting .
MELISA: Waiting?why,is there no work for you today?
CLINTON:I am the boss so I decide when to go to work.
MELISA:Oh!goes into the bathroom and comes out few mins later to see Clinton waiting for her)So you were serious when you said you will wait for me?
CLINTON:Yep!And now you are here you will sit while I feed you.
MELISA: (smiling Curiously) why would you feed me ?I got hands.
CLINTON:I know, but you are my baby and daddy wants to feed his baby girl today.
CLINTON:(Interrupts)no but(takes a read with eggs in it give to her and she eats it from his hands)
Melisa is done eating.
CLINTON:Are you okay or I should order Sarah to get you more.
MELISA:I am okay.
CLINTON:(Moves closer to her)you know even without make -up you still shine like the morning sun.
MELISA (Blushing)thanks for the compliment.
CLINTON:(Kisses her lips then her neck).
MELISA:Stop it ,I got to to get ready for work.
CLINTON:(Surprised)work? I thought you would spend this week with me alone.
MELISA:Of cause I will spend this week with you but I really don't like where this going and if I get a call I am needed at the hospital I will have to go and I am not only a doctor I am also a business woman,I own a boutique, supermarket,a beauty salon,shops on rent, houses on rent and I also have an ongoing firm ,i am still building it,will be ready in three months.
CLINTON:(Surprised)wow!that is good of you,it's good to know that my baby girl is one of the few independent women I have seen,Ahm! Do you mind if I support your ongoing building with three million naira?
MELISA:Yes,I do mind.
CLINTON:( Surprised) why?
MELISA:I want to build it myself.
CLINTON: That is good to hear ,so are you staying I promise not to do anything stupid.
MELISA:Okay,if you say so.
CLINTON:(Happily)Ahm! Do you mind going outing with me?
MELISA:No,I don't mind.
CLINTON:Then get ready while I go get ready.
MELISA:Okay(exitclinton)I had better call tilda before she gets angry (Dials her number).
MATILDA:(Answers the call) What's up how is your week going?
MELISA: Awesome.
MATILDA:So I guess your staying with him changed something right?
MELISA:(Sighs)sis, nothing changed,my instinct hasn't changed even a bit instead it is getting worse by the day ,t makes me feel terrible whenever I am around him; like whenever l look at him I see a mean soul but in reality he is such a sweet soul ,I feel like I am killing myself by myself.Sis, I am doing this for mom and big bro I will try and continue playing along because as it stands I got no choice.
MATILDA:(Concerned) Exactly sis,I wish I could do something but my hands are tied but no worries I gat your back okay.
MELISA:Of cause I know that since I have you I gat no problem .
MELISA:II got to go,I am at the office and I am about going for a meeting so we will talk later,love you!
MELISA:I Love you too (hangup).
MELISA is seen decked up in a beautiful royal blue long gown with a blue coloured earrings,handbag,shoes and a little silver crown to match making look as adorable as a princesses.
CLINTON:(Walks without looking at her)are you ready (looks at her) OMG you look so much like a princess,you look beautiful.
MELISA: (Smiling)thanks.
CLINTON:So shall we?(put forth his hand and she puts her hands in his and they left).
(They had so much fun they visited places like tourist centres,shoprite,waterfall,takes pictures to remember that day and lastly they went shopping and then they went home).
MELISA:(Laughing)I really had fun.
CLINTON:I am glad you had fun(moves closer to her)you know you really look sexy and I really can't take my eyes of you I feel like doing something (kissing her).
MELISA:(Stops him)Are you being serious right now?babe we can't do anything till you propose.
CLINTON:(Surprised) why?because you don't trust me right?
MELISA:Maybe but I really can't do anything with you pls understand.
CLINTON:No problem,I understand.
MELISA:This is why I love you,you are understanding.
I will be going home tomorrow I need to resume work .
CLINTON:But you can work from here can't you ?
MELISA:Yes I can but don't you think I have overstayed my welcome?
CLINTON:(Surprised)Overstayed your welcome when you will be my wife soon and this house will be yours too?why don't you say that you didn't enjoy your weekend with me and that is why you badly want to go home?
MELISA: Don't say that,I loved my weekend with you I just want to go home .
CLINTON:Only on one condition.
MELISA:Which is?
CLINTON:You will spend all of next week with me without any excuse of going home.
MELISA:Okay, I accept your condition but you know that I will go to work right?
CLINTON:Of cause, you will be going to work from here.
MELISA:Then I got no problem.
CLINTON:(Happy)I can't wait for nextweek to get here.
MELISA:(Thinking)he looks so in love with me, he literally can't do without me but if this is the case then why does my instincts paint him black? Only one way to fix nd out ,getting married to him,that is the only way I will know who truly he is because as they say only marriage can bring out the real character of a man,oh my father in heaven ,I am really scared ,what if he turns out to be a beast?pls my father see me true.
CLINTON:Spending a day without you is going to be hell (he notices she isn't listening to him so he taps her).
MELISA:(Snaps out of her thinking).
CLINTON:What were you thinking about?
MELISA:Just thinking about how you will since I won't be by your side.
CLINTON:You already know it will be miserable without you.
MELISA:(Blushing) so I am this important to you?
CLINTON:Why not ,you mean the world to me,I read can't do without you,I love you so so so much words can't express how much I love you.
MELISA:(Smiling)Awhuh! That was really sweet to hear ,I must confess you got a very sweet tongue.
CLINTON:Thanks,So you will go take a shower right?
MELISA:Of cause .
MIRABEL, linda and melvn are seen at the dinning table eating.
MIRABEL:I haven't heard from my jewel for two weeks now, what is going on?
MELVIN:She is angry with you and me and in other to know why you will have to talk to her yourself.
MIRABEL: Okay I will call her once I am done eating .
Melisa is done taking her bath,she then lie done to get a little rest since she was really tired but then her phone rang.
MELISA :(phone rings and she answers it) Good morning mom!
MIRABEL:Morning dear,how have you been?
MELISA:(Rudely) like you care.
MIRABEL:(Surprised)why would you say such a thing? Of cause you care for you ,you are the apple of my eyes.
MELISA:(Brushing it off) for your information mom, I have gotten you a son-in-law .
MIRABEL:(Excitedly) Finally!what is his name,what do he do for a living,what family does he come from?
MELISA:Mom,one question at a time,his name is Clinton alexander.
MIRABEL:(Even more exited) wait a minute ,you mean you are dating sir clinton.
MELISA:(Not happy)Yep.
MIRABEL:(Happily)I have always known you were destined to marry somebody like Clinton, he is such a good guy,what a perfect man for you.
MELISA:Mom you are right but I can't help but feel like I making a huge mistake,I feel...
MIRABEL:(Angrily)Must you ruin every good thing coming your way?see,this one is staying you are going to get married to him whether the devil likes it or not so you better start thinking of introducing him to me,we fix a date for your wedding and then the wedding preparations begin.
MELISA (Not surprised)I have heard you.
+And with that she hung up,now lying on her bed thinking aloud,what was I expecting?I should know by now that my mom is selfish,she is only thinking of her selfish desires and with that she dozed off.And clinton done taking a shower he decided to go get Lisa so they can have dinner together only to find her sleeping).
CLINTON:(Enters lisa's room)she is already sleeping without eating (walk up to where she lied down and taps her lightly).
MELISA:(Waking upand stretching,and after seeing Clinton by her side she asked, is dinner ready already?)
CLINTON:Yes ,dinner is ready and I came to get you so we can eat together but you were sleeping and not eating before going to bed isn't good so decided to wake you up and sorry for disturbing your sleep.
MELISA:I am the to say thank you for waking me up to have dinner that was so sweet of yo( and with that she pecks him on his cheek and then standing up let's go I am garnished).
CLINTON:(Stands up) let's go before you faint.
Clinton brings out the chair for her to sit.
MELISA:(Smiles at him before Sitting).
(They are their food in silence).
MELISA:(Standing up)I am done eating.
CLINTON:(Stand-up) Me too but can you sleep in my room tonight?(he asked with a cute smile)I promise I won't do anything stupid .
MELISA:(Contemplating if to say yes or no)Okay,I will.
CLINTON:(Happily,he raps his hands around her waist)
Let's go to bed.
MELISA:Okay(They both headed to his room).
(Clinton let go of her and she then sit on his bed).
CLINTON:(Sits beside her and raps his hand around her shoulder)you know I can't wait for you to be my so you can stay by my side forever.(lies down with lisa's head on his chest).
MELISA:(Not wanting to say anything but have to just to make sure he doesn't feed her uneasiness around him) me too.
CLINTON:So when are you taking me to see your family?
MELISA:(Not surprised at the question)When do you want us go ?
CLINTON(With a bit of happiness in his voice)This Saturday if you are okay with it.
MELISA:Then Saturday it is.
CLINTON:You don't seem happy why?
MELISA ':(Surprised)Of cause I am happy .
CLINTON:If you say so.
(With that Lisa dozed off and he lie her down properly on the bed and covered her with a blanket and then lied down and rest lisa's head on his chest,covered himself and then dozed off).
Lisa's ringing phone woke her up.
MELISA:(Siting up she answers the call) what's up?
ROSE:(With an urgent voice) Lisa, there is an emergency you have to be here immediately.
MELISA:On my way(hangs up).
(She rushed out of the bed to the bathroom ,showered,and quickly dressed up then rushed down stairs and heading towards the door).
CLINTON: Won't you wait for breakfast?
MELISA:(Turns to see Clinton with tray containing a plate of indomie ,fried egg and tea) Good morning babe!I really can't wait for breakfast I got to go it is urgent (with that she left).
MELISA:(Rushed into the hospital and headed for the emergency room immediately).
Rose and Daniel telling a woman who is in labor to calm down that Lisa will soon be here.
MELISA:What is going on here?
ROSE AND DANIEL:(Runs) Thanks my goodness you came.
MELISA:That doesn't answer my question.
DANNIEL:She doesn't want us to help her out ,all she wants is you .
MELISA:(Walks up to where the woman is lying down breathing in and out).why don't you want you want then to deliver you.
PATIENT:I trust you only,I believe if you deliver me of my baby I will survive since no one has ever died in your hands.
MELISA:(Not surprised) Thanks for believing in me,but now you will have to believe that you will make it out here alive.
PATIENT:I believe I will make it because with you me surviving is sure.
MELISA:Okay,that is the spirit(and with that she prayed and then commerce the delivery section and in an hour she was delivered of a set of twins).
MELISA:(To rose) Clean the babies up and get her and the babies to a private ward.
MELISA:(sighs and exited).
KEN:(Rushes toward Lisa the moment she got out of the theatre)How is my wife doctor?
MELISA:(Smiling)Your wife and babies are fine, she was delivered of a set of twins a boy and a girl,she is at ward 15 you can go see them.
KEN:(Out of excitement hugs lisa) thank you for making sure that she made it.
MELISA (Happily)You should be thanking God,he is the one that gave her the strength to pull through and me ,I am just a pencil in his hands but all the same you are welcome.sirry to ask but are they your first ?
KEN:Yes,they are my first kids.
MELISA:(Happily) Congratulations I am happy for you and your name?
KEN: I am ken winnifred.
MELISA:You should always be there for her. Because you have no idea what it took for her to give you those kids,pls be like this forever.
KEN:(Happily)I will do as you say.
MELISA:You can go see them now.
KEN:(He immediately left).
MELISA:He is such a sweet guy.
(Melisa attended to more patients,it was early a hectic day for her ).
Clinton iss seen ready to go see lisa with a foodflask in his hands but he decided to call her first.
CLINTON:(Brings out his phone from his pocket and dialed lisa's number but it was ringing with her not answering and he tried more times with the same outcome)I should go see things with for myself ( he enters his car and headed for the hospital).
(Melisa is seen coming out of the theatre and a guy running towards her).
KEVIN:(Worriedly)How is my wife.
MELISA:(Smiling)She is perfectly fine.
KEVIN:(Excitedly)Thank you .
MELISA:(Happily)You are welcome.
KEVIN:I was really scared for her thanks for making sure she made it out alive you just made my day. Thanks.
MELISA:It's okay ,wait in the reception for ten minutes and then head for ward 13 okay.
MELISA:Have you paid the bills?
KEVIN:Yes, I have.
MELISA:Okay then see you later(sights Clinton).
(She rushes towards him happily and then hugs him ) what's up?why are you here? wasn't expecting you to be here (looks at his hands)what are you holding?
CLINTON: It's breakfast for you (raising it and giving it to her)you left the house without having breakfast and I am not sure you have taken anything yet,so i decided to get you something .
MELISA:(Collects it and smiling to him) Awhuh!that was really sweet of you ,you are the best(pecks him)let's go to my office (grabbing his hands )let's go.
MELISA:(looks at him)what is the problem ?
CLINTON:Ahm I tried calling you but you were not answering, why were you not answering your calls?I called you five times all to know avail.
MELISA:(Calmly)I am sorry I didn't answer your call ,I was in the theatre and I left my phone in the office because I didn't need any distractions . I am so sorry okay?
CLINTON:No problem,I understand you are a doctor and distractions isn't good especially when you are performing a surgery.
MELISA:(Sigh in belief)Thanks for understanding me.
CLINTON:It is nothing, we can head to your office now.
They both walked in and Clinton closed the door behind him. Melisa sat down at the head of the table while clinton waits at the visitor chair.
MELISA:(Sits ,put the bag down,brings the food out and then opens the food)wow! It looks delicious ( Starts eating)did you prepare the food yourself?
CLINTON:(Seriously) Of cause.
MELISA:(Surprised)Are you being serious right now?
CLINTON:(Still serious)I am serious.
MELISA:(Seeing how serious he is decides to believe him ).
CLINTON:(Not surprised)You can ask Sarah .
MELISA:I believe you ,you are a good cook ,but how come you never you never told me?
CLINTON:Sorry my bad.
Lisa is done eating.
MELISA:(Coverung the flask and outing it back in the little bag).
CLINTON:Are you done today?
LINA:(Knocks at the door).
MELISA:Come in.
LINA:(enters and closes the door behind her)good day ma.
MELISA: Good day, how can I help you?
LINA:(To Clinton)good day sir!
CLINTON:Good day.
LINA:Ma'am you are needed at ward three Immediately.
MELISA:I am after you .
LINA:Okay ma(exit lina).
CLINTON:(Sadly)I guess you are coming home late right?
MELISA:Yep(standing up,gives him a kiss)I will see you at home(exit Lisa).
Melisa walked in and closed the door behind her. She walk up to where the patient was lying down and putting her sethethoscope into her ears and putting it on the patienttheart she listened to her heart beat and with a sigh of relief shebsaid she was fine .
MELISA:(With a sigh of relief)she is fine she just need to rest more and one more thing don't allow anyone to come in here till after ten pm she would have gotten enough rest by then okay?
LINA:(Obediently) Okay doctor(exit lisa).
By the time she was done attending to her patients it was eleven pm and she was really tired so she decided to head home .
On getting home she walked in and locked the door behind her and then headed for her room upstairs but as she was about climbing up the stairs the light in the sitting room suddenly went on exposing clinton who was still standing close to the switch.
MELISA:(Turned)Hey babe!I wasn't expecting you to be awake by this time.
CLINTON:(Slightly angry but not showing it)is this how you Will be coming home late ?even when we get married you will be coming home by this time ? How do you think you will cope especially when kids start coming in.
MELISA:(For some reasons she didn't feel surprised)babe are you angry with me ?and about when we get married I will reduce the days I go to work but even at that I would cope so you got nothing to worry about.
CLINTON:(Surprised) I thought you would say you would resign after getting married after all I am capable enough to take gooeld care of you and our kids when they start coming in,so what is the need?
MELISA:(Still not surprised)I can't resign because I am getting married to you,if you are worried about me not giving you enough attention and not performing my wifely duties well then you don't have a problem because I Will do everything I can to do everything I ought to do,but resigning don't even think of it.
CLINTON:(Walks up to her and wrapping his hands around her waist)Babe,I understand you are an independent woman but it's marriage we are talking about and it might be more stressful than you think,taking care of me,satisfying my sexual desire,taking of kids plus your job ,it will be so tiring.
MELISA:I understand you but Sarah is here to help me out with the kitchen ds and as for you I can handle you so no worries okay.
CLINTON:(Not satisfied with how the discussion ended,let out a smile)If you say so.
MELISA:(Smiling )I say so and if you don't mind I will head to the room to fresneh up and come down for dinner.
CLINTON:No problem ,I will be waiting for you.
MELISA:(Quickly kissed him and then run upstairs).
Melisa is done bathing ,she quickly dressed up in her nightgown and headed for the dinning where Clinton was waiting for her.
Melisa comes down stairs and Clinton looks up hearing her footsteps.
CLINTON:You really look sexy.
MELISA:(Smiling) Thanks for the compliment.(finally at the dining table she pull out a chair andsits down next to clinton,they ate in silence and after an hour they had finished eating so they headed to their respective rooms after wishing themselves goodnight.
Melisa was tired last night after a good night rest she felt really good and not hoping to go to work today she decided to sleep more but decided to brush her teeth before continuing her sleep ,with that she pull off the blanket on her body and headed for the bathroom and after brushing she stepped outside only to find clinton Siting in her bed and on the table beside laid a tray containing a plate of indomie ,fried egg and tea and heas already changed into a blue tshirt ,a dak blue jacket ,a dark blue trouser and a black pair of shoes making him look handsome and elegant.
MELISA:(Curiously) Good morning babe, I can see you are going to work today.
CLINTON:(Noticed she wasn't happy about him going to work)good morning babe ,how was your night?
MELISA: (Frowning)It was fine.
CLINTON:(Smiling) Aren't you going to work today?
MELISA:(Immediately)No I am not going to work today it's my day off work.
CLINTON:I see,I really do need to go to work it's urgent but I will be back as early as three or two pm or even earlier.
MELISA:(Relieve)Okay then I will be waiting .
CLINTON:(Walk up to her smiling)thanks for your understanding and before I forget (makes her sit down on the bed,carries the food on the table and sits beside her ,take some food with a fork )open up
MELISA:(Opens her mouth and eats the food)
After few minutes she was fine eating and Clinton kisses her and took the food and left).
Melisa who said she wanted to sleep more no longer feel sleepy so she decided to call tilda so they check out her ongoing project together.
MELISA:(pick up her phone and dials tilda number)
MATLDA: Good morning sis! What's up?why call so early?
MELISA:Are you busy today, like are you going to work today ?
MATILDA:Of cause today Tuesday remember and I have a lot on my table right now so I am indeed busy .
MELISA:(Frowning)Okay then I will see you later then (hung up).what am I going to do today,should I go check it out alone like I have a choice.
She gets up and goes into the bathroom and coming out some minutes later ,she headed for the closet pick a redup shoulder gown that is her kneel length and dressed up in less than hour and putting on a light makeup and picking up a black handbag and a pair of black flatsoled shoe she headed for the door,entered her car and drove out. After going out to check out her project that will be finished in less tha two months,she then headed to her salon,there she attended to a few customers and then the time was one pm but still headed home and getting into house and going up stairs close nton walked in closing the door behind him and looking up seeing her he called out to her.
MELISA:( Turns to see Clinton standing at the side,she stops going up and heads for him and hugs him)welcome babe!how was work?
CLINTON:Work was fine and how was your day today?
MELISA:Today was fine.
CLINTON:I have a surprise for you.
MELISA:(Curiously) Where is it?
CLINTON: It's not here it's somewhere else and since you are all set I will go take a shower,dress up and then we will go to the place.
MELISA:(Curiously) Pls give me hint on where you are taking me to at least .
CLINTON:I am taking you to a a very famous restaurant ,okay now.
MELISA:(Not satisfied)what are we going to do there?
CLINTON:(Calmly) Can't tell you ,if I do tell you then it won't be a surprise anymore (With that he left leaving Lisa to guess why they were going there, but she couldn't come out with anything so she gave up and decided to get ti the lace first and see things for herself.A few minutes later clinton came downstairs wearing a corporate wear.
CLINTON:(Standing beside Lisa)shall we.
MELISA:(Immediately) yep (exited Lisa and Clinton).
Melisa coming out from the car and closing the door waiting her and giving his hands to hers they hold their hands together and after entering the placcr, it was stunningly impressive making lisa admire the place greatly).
CLINTON:(Walks up to a a table as if reserved for them already,pulls out a chair for lisa and she sat down).
MELISA:(Smiling this place is beautiful).
CLINTON:I am happy you like it (beckon to the waiter who walk up to their table).
WAITER:(Bowing)welcome t lace resturant(gives them the menu).
MELISA AND CLINTON:(After a few checking) red wine and fried meat will be okay.
WAITER:Okay mam and sir I will be right back(now and then left).
MELISA AND CLINTON:(Looks at themselves).
CLINTON:We ordered for same food
MELISA:(Smiling)it was a coincidence.
CLINTON:Right ,but seems like we are meant to be together ,see you can read my mind.
MELISA:(Smiles,but inwardly it was as if her instincts shouted at him you are such a good player,leaving Lisa confused why do I feel like he isn't honest about his character and behaviour then the waiter approached the table with their orders and served them, interrupting her thoughts) Thanks.
WAITER:(Smiles) you are welcome (exit waiter).
CLINTON:Are you okay?(noticing her sadness).
MELISA:(Forcing a smile)I am good okay.
CLINTON: Okay if you say so.
Few minutes into eating clinton took out a little red box out of his jacket pocket when Lisa wasn't looking and then he kneels down)
MELISA:(Surprised)babe what are you doing ?stand up.
CLINTON:(Not listening to her)Lisa since I met you it has been from one joy to another,you coming to my life us the greatest and happiest decision I have ever made and bringing out the' ring will you marry me?' pls don't say no I promise to be the best husband in the world ,I will make sure you don't regret this.
MELISA:(Surprise not knowing what to sayand putting forth her hand)yes!yes!yes! I will marry you .
CLINTON :(Excitedly ,he puts the ring in her finger and then hugs her and pecks her) thanks for making me the most happiest man on earth, I promise you won't regret this.
MELISA:(Inwardly her heart refused to accept Clinton or his words but because her hands are tied there is nothing she can do other than to hope on God.).
CLINTON:(Freeing her from his embrace and siting down)we could go see your family now go see your mom now if you don't mind.
MELISA:(Hearing those words made her remember her mother's words and snapping back to reality)I don't mind .
CLINTON:(Stops eating)then let's go right away.
MELISA:(Looking at the eager happy man in front of her and then stops eating, standing up) let's go.
CLINTON:(Beckons to the waiter to come over which he did).
WAITER:Can I help you with anything sir?
CLINTON:No ,what is our bill?
WAITER:Thirty thousand naira sir.
CLINTON:(Brings out a bundle of cash and gives it to him )here you go.
WAITER:(Surprisingly Happy) I said thirty thousand sir.
CLINTON:(I wasn't deaf)take it and keep the rest for yourself.
WAITER:(Collects it happily) thank you sir.
CLINTON:(Happily)You are welcome (to lisa)let's go.
MELISA:(Links her hands to his and they left).