A sermon is being held in the morning in this beautiful hall. The choir is singing their hymn in bliss, lifting the spirits of everyone in attendance. The hymn concludes, and the pastor rises to speak to the congregation.
"Thank you. I don't know about you all, but I am surely feeling my spirit lift through the roof today." He says, getting agreement from the crowd.
While his speech continues, a phone starts to ring. The pastor notices and calmly tells the congregation to silence their phones and all distractions during worship.
The ringing continues and everyone looks confused as to where the source of the disturbance is coming from, the pastor gets a little agitated. "Alright, I'm trying to keep calm, but that ringing needs to stop now."
The pastor's assistant taps him on the shoulder. "Sir, it's your phone."
"Well, cancel the call. I am working right now. I'll call them back later." The pastor whispers.
"Sir, it's your other phone." the assistant informs him.
The pastor straightens up. Asking one of his fellow members to continue the lesson, the pastor excuses himself.
The pastor dabs his forehead with his handerchief before answering the phone. "I'm sorry for making you wait. I got caught up at work."
"It's fine." A deep voice tells him. "I'm glad I caught you in the middle of a sermon. So that means you are in good spirits today?"
"Great spirits, sir! Today is one of those days I can tell will be a blessed one." The pastor says with a smile.
"Love to hear it. How would you like to share your faith with a lost soul later today?"
The pastor's smile widens till it touches his ears. "I would love nothing more than to serve my purpose to the lord."
The day starts with Cordayl and Esquimo parting ways with the royal twins at their palace. The sister runs into her father's arms as a butler drops a heavy bag of money in a smiling Esquimo's hands.
The twin brother limps past Cordayl but turns his head to say. "I see no need to thank you for your assistance. But I promise it won't be good for you if we ever meet again." He states before walking away.
"Yeah, you're welcome," Cordayl replies. Shaking his head, Cordayl asks Esquimo if he is ready to go, and the two start to leave. Before they get far, the twin sister shouts out Cordayl's name, freezing him in his steps.
Turning around, he is damn near tackled by the sister, who is squeezing the air out of him. She looks up at him, and Cordayl can't help but take in her beauty, as he shyly looks away.
"I just wanted to thank you for saving me last night. I know you are on a journey, but if you ever need a place to stay, my bed is yours."
"Your dad is right there." Cordayl nervously reminds her, but she doesn't care as she grabs his head and forces him to kiss her one last time.
The kiss ends and Cordayl's glance bounces between her and her father and brother to gauge their reaction about the steamy embrace.
"I impatiently wait for the day we meet again," she states, gazing into his eyes.
Cordayl kinda sits there dazed until Esquimo nudges him out of it. As they walk away, Esquimo can't help but tease him. "My my, you sure have a way with the ladies. What is that? The 11th lady to ask for your union?"
"I honestly don't know what it is. I think they all might just be crazy at this point." Cordayl says bewildered.
Esquimo chuckles. "Well, lad, if you don't oppose, I know of a good bath house in this city."
"I think we deserve a good bath," Cordayl says, smelling his armpits.
The scene transitions to Cordayl and Esquimo sinking into delight as the warm waters of the bathhouse welcome their tired bodies.
Cordayl and Esquimo are sitting in the shade, away from everyone, so that they can enjoy the waters with as little attention as possible.
Cordayl gets bored and tells Esquimo that he is going to explore the grounds a little bit more. Throwing his towel over his head, he leaves.
Walking through the bathhouse halls, Cordayl walks past several guests and females, who giggle and smile as he passes.
Cordayl sees all kinds of steam rooms and grooming centers, but what catches his eyes the most is an ad for an advanced masseuse that claims to unlock memories through muscle relaxation.
Intrigued for apparent reasons, Cordayl decides to check it out.
Thinking he has found the room, Cordayl opens the door, and a light fog escapes.
Stepping into the room, Cordayl announces himself. Seeing nobody, he takes a few more steps into the room before the door is shut. The door isn't slammed, but the click of the door closing still gets his attention.
Cordayl sees a stunning brown woman come from around the corner, moisturizing her hands.
"May I ask your name?" the lady asks.
"I'm Cord.. uroy. And you are?" Cordayl lies, making sure his locks are covered before he extends his hand.
"I am Diamond," she responds, taking his hand in hers and holding it. Examining it closely—his palms, wrist, fingers, and knuckles, she states. "So you are a warrior."
"More or less," Cordayl responds.
"I see. Well, I take it you want a massage. If you don't mind disrobing and laying on the table for me." Madam Massea instructs.
Cordayl does as she asks while she washes her hands. Without looking at him, she corrects Cordayl, telling him to lie on his stomach first.
"Your ad said something about being able to unlock memories?" Cordayl ask, as he lies down.
Turning on some music, Diamond moves to Cordayl. She warms up her hands before dipping them into an oil.
"Looking to relive some past battles of glory?" Diamond ask.
"I don't know, I've recently lost some memories, and I really need them back."
Rubbing them together to warm the oil up more, she starts to rub Cordayl's back, feeling the muscles his figure possesses. As she continues the massage, she gets visions of Cordayl's many battles. "You said more or less, but I can feel the countless fights you have been through. How old are you Corduroy ?"
"19, " Cordayl answers.
"Young, with the battle experience of a general," Diamond acknowledges.
"Well, if you haven't already guessed, I am a psychic. I can see and relay the mind's images through touch, but it is a taxing experience on me and one I do not share cheaply," Diamond tells him.
"I have the money. Please, anything you can do to help me would be appreciated," Cordayl tells her.
Diamond continues to rub his back, seeing more visions of not only his battles but also the pain he has endured, having to get back on his feet over and over again.
"Okay, Corduroy, I will help you. Turn over, please," she accepts.
Cordayl rolls over, and the mist in the room thickens as Diamond continues her massage.
Seeing this handsome young face up close, she can't help but notice his firm eye contact as he watches her every move. "Close your eyes, please, " she asks. Cordayl does as he is told, and Diamond begins to relax his body by giving him another massage.
She makes her way up to his head and tells him to think of the question he wants answered as she rubs his temples.
The only question on Cordayl's mind is who is he. For as long as he has been awake, he has heard so many people refer to him as the Diablo. But he knows he is more than that.
As this question rings into Diamond's head, she dives into his mind to search for his answer. "You want to know who you are. I see a heritage of love and strength… A father who is the leader… And you, his prince… I see kindness… So quick to help those in need… Stepping up to bullies and thieves… My, quite the charmer are we?" Diamond chuckles. "I also see a protector… Someone unwilling to lose a friend… Someone unwilling to lose."
Then Diamond's face tightens, as expression turns serious. "I see battle… A fierce warrior feared by this world… I see loneliness and isolation. You have been by yourself for a long time… I see anger, so much anger… But its deeper than that…I see pain… Your pain and the pain you have caused… So much pain, too much… I see…"
The images of Cordayl's battle against the Youtound Kingdom flashes before her eyes. She sees the ones who challenged him fall and the cries of those caught in the wreckage. The fall of its king and, ultimately, the abyss of the black hole that consumed the entire kingdom.
"I see… The Diablo," Diamond finishes in a whisper. Her constant rubbing of his temples causes the towel to fall off of his head, exposing his dark locks.
Cordayl opens his eyes and sits up. "So that's it, huh? I am the Diablo," Cordayl says, disappointed. Cordayl hops off of the table and grabs the towel to cover his hair again..
Diamond reads his body language and feels more sad than terrified. "I can try to explore more if you would like, " she says.
"No, it's fine," Cordayl tells her. Paying her, he thanks her for her help and walks out of the room.
Cordayl walks through the hall with his head down. He can see images of the good memories. His father, and people whose names he can't remember, but he feels happy seeing them.
But those haunting scenes of blood and screaming quickly take over the good and leave him feeling worse.
"What's wrong with being the Diablo? We've been called worse?" The voice in his head asks.
"Shut up," Cordayl responds.
"Ahh, I forgot, the big softie doesn't like being the bad guy." the voice laughs at him.
"Shut up," Cordayl says out loud.
Not paying attention, he bumps into a man in the hallway. The impact with the taller man knocks the towel off of his head. The man he ran into catches it before he has a chance.
Cordayl notices the white gloves that hold the towel, and the message from the cowboy rings clear in his head.
Cordayl looks up at the tall man who hands him his towel with a smile. "Shut up? I wasn't even speaking, young man."
"Sorry, I was talking to myself. Happens often." Cordayl explains.
"Are you alright, my child? You look like you are having a rough day," the tall man asks.
"I'm fine," Cordayl responds. "I just need some fresh air."
"Of course. Well, I hope your day improves, my son. See you later, " the tall man says, still smiling.
Cordayl doesn't respond. He slightly turns his head and gets one last look at the man before continuing his walk back to the pool.
Cordayl gets back to the pool, where Esquimo sits with a towel on his face, getting pampered by two ladies.
"I'll be back. I'm gonna go for a walk."
"All right, laddie. I'll be here when you get back," Esquimo replies.