Cordayl walks around Yarwon on this beautiful day, his mind too clouded to notice.
After a while, he finds a bench at a near-empty park to sit for a minute. His mind hasn't cleared, but seeing a father playing football with his son, teaching him how to run routes, brings him some delight.
"What are the chances I would find you here? At my favorite park." The tall man says, appearing behind Cordayl.
Cordayl hears his tone, and every hair on his body alerts him that a fight is coming, but he sits there calmly, replying, "A small chance, I'd say."
"Not as small as you think." The tall man responds, taking a seat next to Cordayl. Getting comfortable, the man says, "I've known where you've been since you walked into the city. Your presence alone reeks evil. And unfortunately for you, I am the one tasked to rid the world of you."
"Is that right?" Cordayl says, unimpressed by the threat.
"It is right! What you have done is the definition of wrong, and god has chosen me to be the one to redeem your sins! It doesn't get more right than that. I hate having to spill blood on such a beautiful and peaceful day. But I am not one to procrastinate." The man exclaims.
"Then don't." Cordayl and the voice in his head say in unison.
"One moment, " the pastor says. "Hey John, good to see you," the man says, standing up to shake hands with the father, who was playing catch with his son.
"Pastor Will, always good to see you." the man responds.
"Hey, Little John! That slant route is getting good! Keep it up." the pastor says to the son.
"Who's your friend, pastor?" the father asks.
"Just a friend. He's having a rough day, but I'm coaching him through it."
"That's our pastor! Always willing to help anyone in need." the father exclaims.
The pastor smiles. "Thank you, John. Say, why don't you and Little John get some ice cream? My treat, " the pastor says, giving the family some money.
"Why thank you, Pastor. You sure are full of blessings. Have a good day. I hope your day gets better, young man." The father says to Cordayl.
"I'll be fine. Just need to blow off some steam," Cordayl replies with a smirk.
This is the first time Cordayl notices the pastor isn't smiling.
The father and his son walk away, and the pastor motions for Cordayl to follow once they are out of sight.
Walking out to the field, the pastor removes his glasses, deciding to clean them first. "Lets g-" the pastor doesn't get the chance to finish his challenge as Cordayl comes flying in.
As the dust settles, Cordayl's fist lands on a golden energy in the form of a cross.
Cordayl isn't impressed, so he steps into the cross and, with a second push, sends the shield sliding back towards the pastor.
The pastor releases the energy before it can collide with him. He instantly brings the shield back as Cordayl comes crashing down from the sky, forcing the energy down towards the pastor.
Bouncing off the shield, Cordayl continues jumping around, attacking, hoping to slip past the shield, but the pastor's defense is superb.
"Are you shocked, Diablo? That the devil himself can not touch a warrior of god?" The pastor boasts.
"I don't doubt you can kill a man with a shield, but I know you won't kill me with one. I also know shields will break. A lot sooner than my fist will," Cordayl says, resuming his assault on the pastor.
While still unsuccessful in landing a hit, Cordayl can feel the pastor slowing down. It seems the shields are based on his energy, not some super-powered amulet or something.
Cordayl gets his opportunity and instantly takes it. Slipping past the shield with a feint, the pastor watches in fear at how quickly Cordayl closes the distance.
Coming in low, Cordayl scoops an uppercut that tears through the earth as it gains altitude.
Suddenly, a golden sword stabs Cordayl in the back. The impact of the hit knocks the air out of him as he is imprinted into the earth by the pastor's feet.
"Foolish boy. What warrior doesn't have a way to attack as well," The pastor scoffs.
"Look at you, pitifully on the ground by my feet. Your entire existence disgust me and I will enjoy exterminating the foul soul you are. May god give you the mercy that I refuse to," The pastor states, raising the sword high and driving its sharpened point straight into Cordayl's back.
"You are pitiful." The voice in Cordayl's head agrees. "You're laying here about to become a holy kabob by a guy who wears glasses. You're over here pouting because you're 'The Diablo.' Boo, fucking hoo.
"You know how you make people stop calling you the Diablo? You make them scared to open their mouths when they see you! Get up and shut him up! Holy moly, I'm as sick of his little comments as much as I'm sick of you being a pussy. Destroy him!" the voice shouts as the golden blade connects with Cordayl's back.
The pastor's attack shakes the field upon impact. He waits for some of the dust to clear so that he can confirm his kill, but instead, he sees Cordayl's jet-black aura.
The point of the blade sits perfectly still as if it were on stone.
Cordayl stands up, his dreadlocks covering his face. But when Cordayl lifts his head and the pastor gets a glimpse of his eyes, a chill runs through the man's body from toe to scalp.
The pastor jumps back in defense, but Cordayl is standing right behind him.
The pastor swings his sword, and Cordayl catches it with ease. The pastor tries to snatch his blade away, but Cordayl doesn't let go. The pastor dismisses the blade briefly and lets it reemerge from a different angle.
Cordayl easily dodges the attacks and catches the pastor off guard when he throws a punch himself.
The pastor barely has time to bring about his shield to avoid a direct hit. The punch is strong enough to send the shield and the pastor flying through the field. The pastor skids off the ground several times before catching his balance and slowing to a stop.
The pastor's breathing is heavier due to both the impact of the hit and the fact that he is fighting fear. The pastor has never faced anyone who has legitimately made him question his victory.
In every battle, he felt that the Lord chose him to be victorious and that winning was guaranteed. Now, after just one look at Cordayl, seeing the look of pure evil in his eyes and feeling his strength, he wonders if his foe is truly of this world.
Taking a deep breath, the pastor closes his eyes and says a quick prayer, asking for the strength to defeat his enemy.
Concluding his prayer, before he can open his eyes, standing directly in front of him, Cordayl says, "Amen."
The fear returns to the pastor's body making him instantly react, striking at Cordayl who disappears like a smoke cloud.
"Your god didn't hear you," Cordayl mocks him. "You were shaking and trembling again as soon as you finished praying."
"You watch your mouth, demon!" The pastor shouts. "You have no idea of the strength and might of my lord."
"True, but I know every good prayer starts while on your knees," Cordayl reminds him, intensifying the gravity on the field.
The pastor feels the weight drop on him and freezes in pain as every muscle in his being fights to keep him standing up. Cordayl has no plan of easing up, though, and you can see the wave of weight hit the field as the excessive push drops the pastor on his hands and knees.
Cordayl stands over the pastor and demeans him, "Look at you pitifully kneeling at my feet. If you prayed now, would your god take the pain away?"
The pastor grits and struggles but manages to throw up several shields to try and ease the invisible pressure he feels.
This only makes Cordayl intensify the weight even more, smashing through the shields like glass and slamming the pastor into the field. With what little strength he has left, the pastor screams an angry "FUCK YOU!" at Cordayl.
Cordayl smirks and cancels the gravity. The pastor rolls over in exhaustion, chest heaving up and down.
"I stopped the effect, by the way," Cordayl states, letting out a sigh as he calms himself down.
"I'm not. Done yet, " the pastor coughs, forcing himself to sit up.
Cordayl sighs "Yes you are. You can't even-" turning back towards the pastor, Cordayl is suddenly splashed in the face by some random liquid.
Cordayl makes a straight face in disappointment. Licking his lips, he ask the pastor "What kind of poison is this?"
"Holy water," the pastor says, collapsing onto his back. Continuing to breathe hard, he asks, "Is it burning your insides?"
"Nah, it just taste kind of funny." Cordayl says, walking away.
Looking up, Cordayl sees a mob of townspeople holding various weapons, from shovels to pitchforks to leafblowers.
The mob starts to shout out slurs and names, demanding Cordayl leave the town and leave their pastor alone.
The pastor laughs as best he can. "And you thought you won because you beat me. My organization already has your tombstone made, so it's just a matter of time. But you will continue to be hated even years beyond your dying breath." he laughs and chokes.
Cordayl's head drops a little as the laughter of the pastor and the rush of the oncoming mob mix as they close in on him.
Suddenly, the field is crushed by a blanket of gravity, leaving everyone around Cordayl sunken into the earth.
As the silence disappears with the groaning of the townspeople feeling the relief of normal gravity, Cordayl turns his head towards the pastor "You better pray we never meet again. Next time I won't be so merciful." then he disappears leaving everyone to pick themselves up.
Cordayl gets back to the spa, where Esquimo is snoring on his lawn chair. Cordayl jumps into the sky and does a massive cannonball, splashing the hell out of Esquimo.