Cordayl and Yesseia are standing across from each other, while Esquimo stands far away, watching from a cliff edge.
The two stare at each other, eyes locked on each other's souls as the tension builds.
In the blink of an eye, the two collide fist, sending winds crashing through the surrounding area.
Esquimo quickly jumps back as a strong gust of wind ramps up the mountainside.
The two stand with their fist connected for a little longer before disengaging. Yesseia removes her top, choosing to fight in her sports bra, as she ties her hair back. Cordayl rips his hoodie off and ties his locks up.
The two square up again and circle each other as they wait for their opportunity to strike.
Yesseia dives in first, and the two tango in an impressive martial arts exchange. Cordayl's quick defense allows him to perfectly counter Yesseia and send her skidding away with a strong kick.
Yesseia brushes the kick-off with a smile. "That's the first hit I've felt in years." She says.
Cordayl smirks as his voice intertwines with the voice in his head. "First of many." as he motions for her to come on.
Yesseia disappears, coming down from the earth with an axe kick. Cordayl is caught off guard by her speed but manages to block the kick at the last second. The strength of the kick forces him to bend backward and steady himself with his free hand as he is forced into this limbo position. Yesseia sweeps his hand out from under him and spins with the momentum to try to land an elbow hit on Cordayl.
Cordayl goes with the motion and uses his foot to deflect the hit and blast away from Yesseia so that he can get some separation, but Yesseia is on his ass, not letting up at all.
The two continue to lay into each other as Yesseia doesn't let up one bit. She succeeds with a faint and lands a clean punch to Cordayl's face, sending him flying away.
Cordayl soars through the air, momentarily stunned at what just happened. "I hope you are warmed up because she is dangerous," the voice tells him. Cordayl blinks the words away and lands yards away on his feet.
Cordayl is the one smiling this time. "Do you feel it yet?" he asks.
Yesseia understands but cooly responds, "Nah, this just reminds me of my early days, but I can't say I am all that convinced this is supposed to be the moment I've been waiting for."
"Funny, I was thinking the same thing," Cordayl says from behind her. Yesseia isn't shocked, as she turns quickly to attack.
Cordayl is wide awake now, becoming more of the aggressor in the exchange. He's landing more hits on Yesseia than before, and this angers her as she starts to rev up herself.
Esquimo, watching from his viewpoint, puts his eyeglass away. "I can't even keep up with them anymore." he shakes his head.
The two break apart again, their breathing ragged as they glare at each other. "I can do this all day," Yesseia tells him.
Cordayl grows tired of her confidence as he responds, "Ohh, really?" and magnifies the gravity. To Cordayl's surprise, Yesseia lifts her head through the added weight.
Then she cracks her neck before lunging at Cordayl.
Cordayl is amazed at her strength, but his next wave of gravity holds her down.
Cordayl watches her struggle, but then a bolt of lightning hits her. He watches her transform into her warrior mode, and the moment Cordayl sees her eyes, he knows he's fucked. "Ohh shit." Cordayl and the voice say in unison as they watch Yesseia fly through their gravity field like an electric arrow.
Yesseia is moving so fast that Cordayl's body is moving off pure instinct because his eyes can barely keep up. But this can scarcely be seen as defense because Cordayl can only block Yesseia's attack right before impact.
The hits aren't fully connecting, but they feel like they are.
Yesseia doesn't let up for a second as she finally lands a clean hit in Cordayl's gut.
The hit damn near makes Cordayl's eyes pop out as he can feel the strength of Yesseia's full power.
Cordayl crashes through the forest and roughly rolls to a stop on his back. Gasping for air, Cordayl opens his eyes to see Yesseia's foot aiming for his chest, ready to treat it like a whoopee cushion.
As Cordayl watches this foot fall towards him like a piano, he gets an eery look in his eyes as Yesseia's foot comes crashing down. A cloud of dust results from the stomp and Yesseia can be seen standing over Cordayl, wanting to see the look of defeat on his face.
She realizes her foot stopped inches above her target and looks down to see the eyes of a monster. Then, the gravity is reversed, blasting Yesseia away from Cordayl.
Yesseia lands on her feet and squares up as she prepares for Cordayl. Their whole battle, she had fought him with no problem, but just now, she saw something in his eyes that wasn't there in the beginning. And it scared the shit out of her.
Yesseia watches Cordayl as he slowly stands to his feet, still a shadow in the cloud of dust. Then the shadow vanishes, and Cordayl's all-black aura is behind Yesseia, about to deliver a devastating punch.
Yesseia counters the punch with a punch of her own, but the speed doesn't compare to the power behind Cordayl's jab.
Yesseia is blown backward but quickly recovers and tears through the terrain to attack Cordayl, who is all with the shits right now.
Yesseia notices the complete difference in his focus and aura as they battle. Cordayl isn't making any more cocky remarks, and his eyes do not leave Yesseia once. If she turned invisible, she was sure he would still see through her.
Cordayl's viciousness finally overcomes Yesseia's relentlessness, and he lands a devastating punch to her chest that drives her down hard into the earth. Hard enough to make her bounce off the ground her body just cracked.
Cordayl doesn't stop there as he kicks her rebounding body into the air as hard as he can.
Yesseia soars through the air, her body frozen in pain as she rockets into the atmosphere. Then she suddenly feels her body being pulled down back to the earth at a neck-breaking speed.
Cordayl watches as Yesseia slams into the ground, shaking the mountain Esquimo is standing on.
Yesseia crawls out of the hole she created. Standing on her feet, her shoulder is out of socket and blood covers half of her face. As she tries to catch her breath, she poses like Rock Lee after Gaara crippled him.
Cordayl walks up to her slowly and can tell she has no more fight in her, but Cordayl won't disrespect her by not finishing the fight. Once he's within range, Yesseia yells with all her might and propels through the air to deliver her final blow.
Cordayl doesn't move and takes the punch in full force.
Looking up, Yesseia sees Cordayl staring at her, blood coming out of his mouth, but his eyes have changed. They show a softness again.
"You win," Cordayl smiles.
"Liar," Yesseia smirks, as she loses consciousness.
Yesseia awakens in her room, scaring her maid in the process. She asks her how long she has been sleeping, and the maid tells her 4 days.
This information shocks Yesseia to the fullest. She has never been that exhausted after a fight.
Yesseia asks who dropped her off, and the maid responds that the handsome boy with long hair and the polite older man did. Yesseia asks where they are now, and the maid says they are in her living room.
"I see. And how long did Cordayl sleep." Yesseia asks.
"For a day. Then woke up and ate half of the kitchen." The maid chuckles.
"I see," Yesseia says, lying back down on the bed. Yesseia puts her hand into the air. Staring at the bruises on her skin, she winces when she tries to make a fist before letting her hand fall to the mattress.
Smiling, she says to herself, "I really lost." Accepting defeat, she asks her maid to prepare her a bath while she stretches. The maid obliges and then leaves the room.
"The madam is up. She should be out soon, " the maid tells Cordayl and Esquimo, who are chilling in the common area.
Esquimo reads his book, but Cordayl's attention is on the TV.
"Yo Esquimo, you hearing this bullshit on the tv?"
"Not really. What are they talking about?"
"They're saying I attacked that superhero punk we ran into a few days ago."
"You two did fight, right?" Esquimo ask.
"Yeah, but they are twisting up the story like I was the aggressor. He literally chased me and threw the first punch."
"Fake news, Lad. Let it go."
"Fake news with some good-ass footage. Who was recording?" Cordayl ask.
When Yesseia finally enters the common area, she is wearing a robe with lingerie underneath.
Cordayl spins around quickly to avoid sneaking a peak. Esquimo on the other hand is mesmerized. Cordayl snatches him up in a headlock to keep him from perving any longer.
"Yo, Yesseia, what are you doing? Go put some clothes on!" Cordayl asked her.
"No need to be shy. You saw my heart when we fought. What is flesh compared to that? Esquimo, mind if I have a moment with Cordayl?" Yesseia asks.
"Certainly," Esquimo says, elbowing Cordayl in the ribs and slipping out of his grasp.
Cordayl grabs Esquimo's arm, "Esquimo, wait, take me with you." he whispers.
"Why, lad? I thought you said you wanted to talk to her. Seems like the perfect time to me." Esquimo smiles, breaking free again and making it to the door.
Yesseia is standing behind Cordayl, who is nervous as hell. Yesseia slices Cordayl's shirt open from the back, but the shirt doesn't fall off his torso. "Turn around, Cordayl."
Cordayl takes a few deep breaths, his heart beating like a subwoofer. He spins around and looks Yesseia straight in the face.
Seeing the bruises he is responsible for, Yesseia can see the shame in his eyes. "Don't." She tells him.
Cordayl clinches his jaw in understanding. Gently touching her face, Yesseia is the one nervous now as she has to look away. Cordayl examines the rest of her body for the damages he has caused.
Noticing a particularly dark bruise on her side, Cordayl places his hand on it.
The unexpected feel of both Cordayl's hand and the soreness of the wound gives Yesseia a mixed feeling of pleasure and pain, and she lets out a soft moan. Cordayl apologizes and takes a step back.
As Cordayl steps back, his shirt slides down, and Yesseia can see the giant bruise her final hit gave him. A new feeling of guilt rushes over her as she puts her hand on the injury.
Feeling Cordayl's injury, she unconsciously starts rubbing his chest. Realizing what she is doing, she gets nervous and ducks her head, unintentionally laying it in his chest.
Her eyes pop open when she realizes what she is doing, then her face blushes, and she buries her face in Cordayl's bruise as she feels his arms wrap around her.
"Yesseia, what are we doing?" Cordayl ask.
"I don't know." She chuckles. "I just remember my father telling me that I wasn't allowed to be with no boy who couldn't beat me in a fistfight. Since you were the first, and we are adults, I thought this would be the best way to submit to you." Yesseia admits.
Cordayl is speechless at first, "I'm flattered, but…"
"You have a girlfriend," Yesseia answers for him.
"No!" Cordayl quickly responds. "I'm just, not the most experienced in that field of combat." Cordayl blushes.
Yesseia smiles. "Me neither, but whenever you're ready, we can learn together." she offers.
Cordayl looks at the top of her head. Amazed and shocked at how calm he feels.
Yesseia looks up and touches Cordayl's cheek. "How did you get this scar?"
"I had a good father as well," Cordayl smirks.
Yesseia laughs and kisses him. "Thank you for the good fight."
"My pleasure." Cordayl smiles as he leans in for another kiss.