Mind of a Maniac Part 1

Cordayl and Esquimo are trudging through a desolate forest. Esquimo can tell Cordayl is in a funk, so he suggests they call it a day and make camp.

"No, thank you. I want to keep going if you don't mind." Cordayl dryly replies.

"Of course, I don't mind, but my feet do." Esquimo chuckles.

"I'll carry you then," Cordayl responds, continuing to walk.

"Lad, what's the rush? The sun is already setting. Let's settle down and continue bright and early," Esquimo says.

"Esquimo, I can see in the dark. Let's just keep going. We've already wasted enough time," Cordayl remarks.

"What do you mean by that?" Esquimo asks, hearing the tone of the statement.

"What do I.. Esquimo, you know what I mean. This was supposed to be a simple journey. From point A to point B. We had a clear objective. Find the witch, recover my memory. Since we started, we have not achieved either of those goals. At one point, we were going in the opposite direction!" Cordayl states.

"Esquimo, I am tired. I'm tired of running into people I know but don't know. I'm tired of these flashbacks that feel like someone else's memories. I'm tired of not knowing what or who I am. You told me you would help me, and so far, you aren't living up to your word." Cordayl says, staring down at Esquimo.

Esquimo is a little taken aback by Cordayl's words. But before he can respond, an elderly man walks past them.

His voice is barely above a whisper as he ghoulishly shouts, "Intruders! Intruders!"

Cordayl and Esquimo just stare at this tall, frail old man as he disappears into the forest.

"Who the hell was that?" Cordayl ask.

"That was one of my sentry men. His time is coming up, but he is still useful." A tall, dark figure says from behind them, scaring the shit out of both of them.

"And who the hell are you?" Cordayl ask.

"My name is Alfonze. I own the grounds you are on. May I ask why you are trespassing?"

"Apologies, we were just passing through, we were about to make camp, but it seems my young friend was correct to ask me to keep moving. We'll be out of your territory by the morning," Esquimo tells Alfonze

Alfonze can't keep his eyes off Cordayl, to the point that Cordayl starts feeling uncomfortable.

"If you are tired, you are more than welcome to stay at my manor for the night," Alfonze offers.

"I think we'll pass-"

"Well, if you are offering, a mattress would be nice for once." Esquimo smiles.

Cordayl leans down. "Esquimo, just sleep on my back. This guy seems kind of weird."

"Don't be so judgmental, lad. Who knows, maybe a good night's rest will refresh my GPS and help me remember a shortcut to the witch." Esquimo smartly responds.

Cordayl understands he deserved that and watches as Esquimo stands beside the creepy stranger. "Coming?" Alfonze asks.

Cordayl doesn't want to but knows better than to leave Esquimo alone with this guy, so he follows.

The stranger smiles, and a random cloud forms at their feet, transporting them toward a giant, dark, well-lit mansion.

Once at the mansion, the beautiful, dark double doors open up without a knock, and they are greeted by two butlers.

Cordayl notices both butlers seem spaced out and have ghoulish, raspy voices. Same as the elder they ran across in the woods.

"Are you gentleman hungry?" The creepy man asks.

"I could eat," Esquimo admits.

"Splendid. I'll have my staff whip up a quick meal for us now." The man says, guiding them to the living area.

Cordayl notices the weird supernatural relics, random skulls, and dark-natured art decorating the walls, but he quietly sits beside Esquimo, across from Alfonze.

"Do you mind if I ask where you are going, Cordayl?" The man asks.

"How do you know my name?" Cordayl questions.

"I sleep under the roof of a mansion, not a rock. Only the deaf and blind do not know who you are." The man smirks.

"Good point," Cordayl responds. "Well, I'm looking for something." Cordayl tries to dodge a direct answer.

"I wonder what that is, " the man says, staring at Cordayl.

"Let's call it a peace of mind," Cordayl says, returning eye contact. The man's constant smiling at him makes Cordayl feel uneasy. Turning to Esquimo, he asks for the time.

"It's time to eat," Alfonze says, standing up and motioning for them to follow.

They walk down a long hallway, lit by candles. Cordayl leans down and ask Esquimo "Yo you think Alfonze is a vampire?"

"I doubt it. The last one was said to have died a few decades ago." Esquimo replies.

"Can I ask you a question?" Alfonze asks.

"Of course," Esquimo responds.

"If a square doesn't fit in a circle, would it be best to try another angle?" Alfonze asks.

"The hell kinda ques-"

"I've never thought of it like that. Yes, that might work, I guess." Esquimo says.

"It might indeed." The host says, this time his smirk coming off more devilish.

The trio enters the dining hall and sees a beautiful dark wooden table full of food. Cordayl and Esquimo's mouths water as they slowly walk towards their seats, their eyes continuing to gaze at the food.

Taking their seats, the host gladly tells them to dig in, and Esquimo doesn't hesitate to start grubbing out. Cordayl, skeptical, tastes the food first, but after detecting no poisons, he also starts eating.

The host slowly eats his meal, enjoying the dishes with a glass of wine. Esquimo has some, too, but Cordayl declines.

Once their bellies are full, the butlers and maids come and clear the tables as the three of them sit back and digest their meals.

There is a heavy silence in the room, and it starts to get awkward, so Esquimo tries to break it.

"So, how did you acquire such a lavish mansion?" he asks.

"Well, I guess I was doing the same thing as you. I was wondering around, cold and homeless, when I just happened to find this magnificent abode. After meeting with the owner, we had a long conversation about life, and next thing you know, he signed over ownership," Alfonze concludes.

"So you meet a random guy who finds you so likable that he gives you a whole mansion after the first conversation?" Cordayl responds unbelievingly.

"Let's just say I have a great way with words. Almost magical." Alfonze smirks.

"Or maybe a great way with an axe." Cordayl retorts.

"Cordayl!" Esquimo exclaims. Alfonze lets out a ghostly laugh that catches them both off guard.

"I'm not a killer Cordayl. I have never lifted a finger against another being. I simply possess the gift of gab," he replies. "And as proof, the man who sold me the house still lives here. He was the man who opened the door for us when we arrived."

"I thought that was a butler?" Cordayl responds, shocked.

"No, no, he is the past owner."

"But I saw him help clear the table," Cordayl says.

"He's just bored in his old age. He likes to stay active any way he can," Alfonze responds. "Anyway, do you mind if I ask a question?"

"It's only fair," Cordayl says.

"If two wrongs don't make a right, then multiplying two negatives shouldn't make them positive, right? " Alfonze asks.

"Bro, where did that come from?" Cordayl ask.

"I can see why you would think that. Interesting," Esquimo responds.

"Isn't it?" Alfonze smirks taking another sip of his wine.

Cordayl shakes his head and then tries to stifle a yawn. Alfonse notices this and asks if they want to retire for the night. Cordayl and Esquimo both say yes, and the host stands to lead them to their rooms.

They stop at the first door, and Alfonze opens the door for Esquimo, revealing a big ass guest room. Esquimo's eyes turn to stars, seeing the nicely decorated bedroom.

"This is beautiful," Esquimo admires.

"Thank you. Please get comfortable. Two maids will be here soon to help you bathe," Alfonze informs him

Esquimo's mouth drops in happiness. Cordayl responds, "The man is aged, not handicapped."

"Hush, lad," Esquimo shuts him up. "Thank you, I happily await their arrival," Esquimo smiles, skipping into his bedroom.

Cordayl shakes his head before he and the host walk a short distance up the hallway to where his guest bedroom is. Alfonze opens the door for him, and his room is on par with what he saw in Esquimo's room.

"Thank you," Cordayl says, entering the room.

"The maids will be here to assist you as well." Alfonze tells him.

"No, thank you," Cordayl responds.

"As you wish." Before Cordayl can close the door, the host stops him. "Can I ask you one last question?" Alfonze asks.

"Shoot," Cordayl says unenthused.

"Can you read a picture book?" The host asks.

Cordayl looks at him with the blankest stare a man can create before telling him goodnight and closing the door in his face.

Alfonze chuckles as he walks away, "It's been a minute since I've had such a worthy adversary. I guess I'll have to go with plan B." He smirks as he walks away.

After closing the door in the host's face, Cordayl waits by the door for a minute.

Cracking the door just enough to see down one way of the hall, Cordayl pushes it open a little more to look down the opposite way. Even with the coast clear, Cordayl still takes a lot of caution to sneak down to Esquimo's room as quietly as possible.

Cordayl knocks twice, but when he doesn't get an answer, he decides to enter anyway.

Creeping into the room, he sees Esquimo in the tub with two women, one rubbing his back and the other rubbing his feet.

Cordayl silently slides behind him and whispers, "Yo, Esquimo."

Esquimo jumps in the tub, causing the woman rubbing his shoulders to let out an "Oh, my."

Regaining his composure, Esquimo ask "Yes lad, what is it?"

"I think we should leave," Cordayl says, still whispering.

"I beg to differ, lad," Esquimo says, sinking further into the woman's chest.

"I'm serious," Cordayl responds. "I don't trust this guy."

"You don't trust most people, laddie," Esquimo says.

"True… but this guy is weird as fuck. His aura is creepy, and he keeps asking all these dumb questions."

"Since cows and zebras are black and white, does that make them related?" the woman rubbing Esquimo's feet asks.

Esquimo ponders the question, but Cordayl looks at her as if she were as dumb as a wall full of doorknobs. "See what I mean! It's not even just him! Everyone here makes no sense. We gotta go," Cordayl tells Esquimo.

"Okay, lad. Just let me finish washing up. It's been a while since I've gotten my feet rubbed," Esquimo says, getting cozy in the bathtub.

"Yeah, yeah, come get me as soon as you're ready," Cordayl says, leaving the room.

Esquimo sighs in relaxation and enjoys the pampering while he can. The maid behind him randomly asks, "If a cow can jump over the moon, does that mean it can easily jump over a barn?"

Esquimo, so in bliss, barely hears the question and answers, "I suppose it can."

Then he gasps deeply, and the color slowly fades from his eyes. He hears the voice of Alfonze in his head. Worse, It feels as if his mind is being viciously assaulted.

He feels the essence of the host running through his mind and memories, accessing parts of his history that were sacred, precious, and off-limits. He screams, but the maid behind him quickly stifles it.

"Calm down, Esquimo. I know it feels uncomfortable at first, but just relax. You're mine now. And once I have Cordayl, I will be unstoppable," Alfonze says through the maid with a devilish laugh.