Cordayl doesn't have an answer, but he doesn't have time to think of one, as Cordayl 2 goes on the offensive.
As aggressive as Cordayl 2 is attacking, Cordayl is ducking and dodging, not receiving a single hit as the two engage in combat.
Cordayl 2 amps up his assault and starts to land hits on Cordayl, sending him flipping away to regain his composure. Cordayl feels the damage, but his resolve isn't broken, as he reengages with himself.
Cordayl 2 likes that Cordayl tries to take the offensive, but that is his specialty, as he evades Cordayl's attacks and lands some heavy counterattacks.
Cordayl decides to use a different strategy. After a quick bout in which he turns Cordayl 2's back away from the mountain, he takes off running towards the stone skyscraper, trying to buy time and gain an advantage in the fight.
Cordayl starts climbing up the mountain. Cordayl 2 leaps onto the mountain face and manipulates gravity to stand on the mountain sideways. "See, you don't even remember how to control our power completely. You are truly unworthy of carrying our heritage." Cordayl 2 shouts as he restarts the fight.
The two have a good exchange of fists, but with Cordayl getting the upper hand by sweeping Cordayl 2's feet out and kicking him down the mountain, he has an opportunity to reach the mouth of the mountain base.
Finally climbing up to the flat ground, Cordayl can see a giant door deep in the mouth of the lion. Cordayl steps towards the huge double doors, but then Cordayl 2 comes crashing down, standing between him and the doors.
"This is where those paltry memories lie. I locked them up nice and tight so that they would never get out," Cordayl 2 mugs.
Eyes full of malice, a pure black aura surrounds the fist of Cordayl 2.
Cordayl 2 calmly says "Ancestor's emotion, anger."
Disappearing, Cordayl 2 reemerges with his fist implanted in Cordayl's gut.
Cordayl's eyes bulge with the pain of the impact as he rolls farther and farther away from the door.
Cordayl stands to his feet, coughing and coughing, and sees the feet of Cordayl 2.
"You don't need these memories, you want them. And for no other reason than wanting them. But if it's pain and disappointment you want, then I will give it to you," Cordayl 2 says, slamming another angered fist into Cordayl's back.
Cordayl feels the weight of the strike but it doesn't flatten him. Cordayl does spits out blood upon the impact, though.
"I have to remember," Cordayl states from the ground.
"And why is that?" Cordayl 2 says, intensifying the gravity.
"Because it isn't fair to you," Cordayl says. "Everything you said was right.
"I was so angry at the world that I just wanted it to feel the pain I felt all those years ago. I met and accepted the family that accepted me, thinking I had another chance at life, but when they were taken from me, the anger returned hotter than ever.
"I was afraid, though. I knew that such a rage wouldn't stop at just finding my justice but wouldn't be satisfied until it saw the world burn down.
"So, I created you. My ego made of anger. The manifesto of my rage. But I knew what unleashing you would result. Ashamed I hid you. I kept you away, silencing you, until those moments I knew that only you could save me. I threw away being a warrior for being a coward only because I deemed it the best chance at normalcy.
"I never intended this type of division. You, protecting me, me running from you. You hating me, and me hating you. But that was the result. I created this fissure because I couldn't live with the only and biggest loss of my life, so I tried to create a new one where the loss didn't exist. And even though you hate me for it, here you are, still trying to protect me from the pain of those days.
"I left all of that with you. I don't remember anything. But you do. You know what is beyond those doors, and you are here trying to stop me from retrieving that hurt."
Cordayl stands to his feet. "You are still protecting me, but I am here to tell you it isn't necessary. I did all of this ready and willing to accept the good and the bad. It's in the past now, and I can't change that. Just like I can't change any of our past. All I can do is accept responsibility.
"But I need to know what it is I am accepting. I've seen the footage, but it looks like a stranger doing it. If I am to accept my fate, I need to accept it, knowing I deserve it. And while I can admit that my resolve has no answer to your anger, I can't leave here without knowing the full story. Without knowing the truth," Cordayl tells himself.
Cordayl 2 looks down upon hearing these words. Still contemplating the argument of Cordayl, his anger returns and he grips the throat of Cordayl, with all the anger still present in his eyes.
Cordayl stares at himself intently, refusing to continue the fight and hoping that Cordayl 2 will understand, but then his eyes water, seeing the figure behind this angry version of himself.
As Cordayl 2 is gripping and squeezing the throat of Cordayl, a hand reaches from behind him and gently coaxes him into releasing the throat of Cordayl.
Cordayl 2 glares at the random hand, and his eyes water when he sees that the man who is interfering is none other than his father, Cordon.
Cordon smiles at Cordayl 2, telling him to let go. Cordayl 2 listens, and tears spill from his eyes upon seeing his father.
Cordayl watches the embrace, and his tears are uncontrollable as he watches his father console the second Cordayl.
Cordon consoles his son with inaudible words to Cordayl 2, but when Cordon motions for him to join in, Cordayl does so without hesitation.
Feeling his father's embrace again, Cordayl cries, releasing all of his frustrations and pains, enjoying the feeling of holding and being in his father's arms again.
As the two Cordayls cry and enjoy their father's presence, the two Cordayls start to glow and combine into one.
Once the fusion is complete, the scene is complete, with Cordon hugging Cordayl with both arms around him.
Cordayl is face deep in his father's chest. He tries to stop the tears but can't, feeling his father's embrace.
"It's okay, Cordayl," Cordon tells him.
"No, father, it is not," Cordayl says, pulling away. "Father, I have shamed you in ways I do not even remember. I have failed to be the heir you have prepared me to be. I couldn't even help you on that infamous day, and I have been living a lie-" Cordayl says, breaking down in his father's chest again.
"Shh, Cordayl," Cordon tells his son. "What makes you think I, or anyone of our tribe, are ashamed of you?"
"Because I am ashamed of me. I've literally been fighting with myself, and only now do I realize how weak I have been. You raised me better than this, and I have been spitting on those teachings for the last decade of my life." Cordayl admits shamefully.
"My son." Cordon raises Cordayl's head. "You have only been adapting with the waves of the ocean. I indeed raised you to be a warrior. But your life has led you down a path different from that of a traditional Melatonin Warrior.
"You have had to deal with an isolation no Melatonin warrior has ever had to endure, and because of that, no one can judge you. You only judge yourself. And that is a turmoil you will have to deal with. But your family, your tribe, and your ancestors do not.
"We feel for you, Cordayl. Because your journey is unlike any that we have ever had to live. We do not hate you, my son. We support you. More than anything, because none of us can be here with you or for you. The pressure that you feel is of your own burden, but we do not put it onto you.
"You are our last and only representation on this plain, and we are so proud of you, my son. What I have done is merely a temporary truce within yourself so that you can find the answers you need.
"But the past is the past, and tomorrow, you will have to walk into the future. I am always with you, son, but your journey is truly your own. Just know that you are loved, as you have always been," Cordon tells him.
Cordayl looks at his father once again before hugging him tight. "Thank you, father."
Cordon cusps his son's face one more time before fading away, leaving Cordayl face-to-face with the doors, withholding his answers.
Cordayl smiles and wipes his face before taking a deep breath and walking to the doors.
Pushing with all his might, Cordayl feels the heavy double doors budge but not move much. Despite his efforts, He can't get the doors to open at all.
Then, to Cordayl's surprise, the manifestation of his anger comes back. Cordayl 2 doesn't smile but does give his assistance, as each Cordayl pushes a door with all their strength, forcing the doors wide open.
Cordayl falls into the open space, eyes wide, as everything he had forgotten comes rushing back into his mind at blinding speeds.