Help! Anybody! Somebody!

Down the hallway, a girl in a pale blue shirt and a tutu strode aimlessly without a destination, but she was looking for an escape. Anywhere at all, she wanted to disappear., hide somewhere and maybe think.

Mila didn't look odd in the crowd; to be fair, she blended in just fine. At each door she passed, she'd see a girl leaving the room with a smile on her face. And the popular word of the day was:

"Call me."

Mila held her hands over her ears; she needed to think. She needed a quiet place to sit down and think about what happened last night. She remembered walking inside the club and then drinking wine—

"The wine!" Mila exclaimed. That was it. And what about this pain between her thighs? She felt sore every time she walked, but she didn't want to stop walking until she was far away from here. She didn't want to think about what might have happened with the stranger until she was out of this godforsaken place.

Help! Mila screamed in her head, which was threatening to split due to the bomb of a headache.

Somebody. Anybody. Help! She screamed in her head. It was moments like this that Ken was supposed to swoop in and save her. Where was he? Her Ken. Was he with Stephanie? Were they planning their baby shower?

"Mila!" Ashley shouted, waving her hands, but the girl wouldn't look up, so she ran in her direction. "I finally found you- oh my God! You're shivering."

The moment Mila saw a familiar face, she crumpled in Ashley's arms and closed her eyes.

"Please take me home," Mila whispered, grasping Ashley's hand tightly.

Ashley removed her jacket and covered Mila's face. "I'm taking you home. I'm so sorry about last night." With great effort, she pulled Mila out of the hallway and straight to the car they'd driven the previous night.

Ashley's apartment was a few kilometers away from Mila's former workplace. The young woman lived alone in a comfortable two-bedroom apartment. Her design and taste were feminine and beautiful, but Mila didn't have time to check it out properly; she had a lot on her mind at the moment.

"Sit right here; I'll make a warm bath for you. It seems you caught a cold," Ashley said, helping Mila relax on the couch.

Mila groaned. Each second that passed, she felt the headache increase even more. Her head was threatening to split.

"It's a hangover and the cold," Ashley spoke from the bathroom. "If I had known you don't drink, I wouldn't have made you work so hard." She returned with a towel and handed it over to Mila.

"You can bathe yourself, right?"

Mila nodded. She struggled to lift her arm and then grabbed the towel. When she stood up, she fell back on the couch again.

"Geez!" Ashley sighed. "This won't do. Let me help." She got on her knees and first removed the tutu, then she reached for the shirt.

Ashley felt the texture of the shirt and then looked at Mila. She clearly had confusion written all over her face. "Girl, where did you find this?"

"I—" Mila opened her eyes. "It's- I need to pee."

Ashley stood up. "Sure, sure." She unbuttoned the rest of the shirt and helped Mila out of it, then placed it on the couch.

"Oh my God! Lacie is going to kill me," Ashley cried out when she saw Mila's body and the bite marks that left red spots on her skin, including the mark around her neck. It was definitely a choke mark. "Who did this- I mean, who did you fuck last night?!"

Ashley didn't wait for her to reply; she helped the girl stand and took her straight to the bathroom.

Mila finished peeing, and when she stood up and saw her body, she gasped.

"What happened to—" She turned around; even her bottom had a palm mark. "Why?"

Ashley folded her arms across her chest, watching Mila from the bathroom door. "I'm asking the same thing. What in the BDSM shit did you do last night? You look small and simple. Didn't know you're a wild one."

"I—" Mila opened her mouth to explain, but she just didn't know what to say. What was she going to explain when she had no idea what happened.

Ashley exhaled. "The saying is true; the small ones take the largest pipes. It's not about size."

"I didn't—" Mila blinked. A memory flashed in her mind. It was her voice; she was moaning.

'Ken...I'll do it...'

"No!" Mila gasped, her hands over her mouth. "It can't be!" She stared at her reflection in the mirror, horrified. She couldn't have possibly allowed a random stranger to sleep with her.

No...her body belonged to Ken. They promised to wait...she promised to wait...he gave her a ring.

"My ring," Mila raised her finger. The engagement ring was no longer there. "Where is my ring?"

Ashley raised her shoulder slightly. "I don't know...what ring? And hold on, before we talk about a ring. Who did you fuck with last night, and was it the same person that gave the shirt? Wait- was that how you got the job too?"

"I got the job?" Mila asked, touching her temples. The headache started again, making her knees wobble.

Ashley nodded. "You did. I mean, I wasn't expecting that, but you sold everything in one night! You're one tenacious girl. Not just that, you also gave your cookie supper."

"I got the job," Mila muttered. She turned her eyes away from the mirror and entered the bathtub of warm water. She needed a long rest and sleep to process whatever it was that happened to her.

Ashley watched the girl and noticed the confusion on her face. "Look, girl, I don't judge people. I don't care what you do to survive, as long as you win in the end. Which you did; you got the job. I'll brief you when you're done resting." She sucked her teeth.

"And you don't have to tell me about your wild night. I'm just kidding; you're not a child or a virgin, are you? Tch."

Mila pressed her legs together. Yes, she is a virgin. Well, was...and she had no memory of how she lost her virginity or what the man looked like.

"It happens here in the big city. Having a wild night, so don't feel ashamed. Just wash up. I'll go get something for your hangover, didn't go raw with the man last night, did you?"

Mila raised her face. "Raw- I- I don't—" She couldn't even remember!

"That's my girl! You should never go raw with a man you don't know. But if you did, be sure to take a contraceptive." Ashley nodded. "Take your time; I'll be right back."

Leaving the bathroom, Ashley walked back and picked the shirt up.

"Z.C Montclair," she muttered. "Did she really fuck The same Zyran Montclair I'm thinking?" Ashley stared at the bathroom for a second and then chuckled.

"That would be absurd. She might have picked it up somewhere." The young woman nodded and dropped the shirt before leaving the house.

Inside the bathroom, Mila pulled her knees closer to her chest. She lost her virginity to a stranger and got a job the same night. Could this be a coincidence or just her karma for not running back to Ken to beg him? Just one night alone in San-Destro, her life was already a mess.

Mila scooped water and poured it on her face. "I wish this is all a nightmare and it never happened. When I'm done bathing, I'll be awake, and this nightmare will be forgotten," she nodded, slipping under the bathtub, keeping her face afloat.