The Child in the Relationship

{Music Recommendation: Only Time ~ Enya}

Even though Mila had decided to pretend that whatever happened last night never actually happened, and instead blame it on the wine making her see things, her mind didn't fully agree with her.

At the moment, she was done washing up and sat on the couch with her eyes glued to her browser page. Her search history looked like:

How do you know if you've had sex?

Does soreness of the vagina mean you can no longer be a virgin?

If I sleep with a stranger, am I a bad person?

Can someone get their virginity back after losing it by mistake?

Mila was determined to exhaust the internet for answers. Her eyes darted from one article to another, searching for something that didn't exist.

There was nothing. She couldn't find any explanation for what happened to her the previous night. Why had she begged a random man to sleep with her? And why had she betrayed Ken?

"Mila?" Ashley tapped the couch to get the girl's attention. "Girl, you're always in your own world."

Mila cleared her throat and sat up. "Sorry."

Ashley waved her hand dismissively. "There's nothing in the refrigerator and nothing to make dinner with. Let's walk down to the store and get something."

"I…" Mila pressed her lips together, ashamed of what she was about to admit. "I don't have any money right now. I'm sorry."

Ashley rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Go get dressed. I didn't ask you for money." Shaking her head, she added, "I'll be waiting outside for you."

Mila stood up from the couch, her mind flooded with problems. She needed to work to save up again, pay back Ashley, figure out how to reconcile with Ken, and finally explain to him what happened.

She picked out a comfortable gown from her box and raised it to put it on when her hand hit the laundry basket by her leg.

A pale blue shirt with a familiar cologne fell to the floor. Mila froze when she saw it, gripping the dress in her hand tightly.

"That's the shirt you returned home with, right?" Ashley asked, folding her arms across her chest. She had come back into the room after waiting for Mila outside.

Mila kicked the shirt away from her side. "No! I don't remember," she muttered, walking into the bathroom and locking the door.

Ashley sighed and shook her head tiredly. Picking up the shirt, she carefully folded it and placed it inside the wardrobe.

"When you're done, meet me outside and this time, be quick," Ashley called out before leaving the room.

Inside the bathroom, Mila held the dress close to her chest. She couldn't believe she still recognized the cologne. Who was she fooling? Her mind vividly remembered last night. She was just ashamed of how much she had enjoyed it and wanted to erase it. She wasn't that kind of girl!

She was a good girl from a principled family. Her family had rules, and they respected them. She wasn't a whore. Mila nodded to herself as she got dressed. She just needed time to forget everything.

It didn't take the two young women five minutes to reach the convenience store, as it was just in front of their apartment.

"Um… Ashley, can I ask you something?" Mila asked once they arrived at the store.

Ashley nodded. "Shoot."

Mila looked around, rubbing her hands anxiously on her dress. "You said something about… contra…" She cleared her throat. As much as she wanted to forget, she also wanted to be cautious. "Like the—"

Ashley furrowed her brows, wondering what was so hard for Mila to say. She tapped her on the shoulder. "Just sit here. By the time I'm done buying, you must have remembered what you want to ask." She pointed to a white plastic chair under an umbrella.

"Sure," Mila replied with a small smile and obediently went to sit on the chair. She needed to ask someone for help. It would have been her sister, but Lacie? Telling Lacie she had sex randomly? No.

Mila was so deep in thought that she didn't notice Ken walk into the store until he walked out. The moment she saw him, she hid her face, scared to meet him and look into his eyes, knowing she had betrayed his trust and her body.

On second thought, Mila decided to approach Ken. This wasn't just anyone it was Ken. Her Ken. The love of her life. They'd been together since forever, and this might be her only chance to talk to him alone without Stephanie.

Ashley stepped out of the store. "Let's go. I got us sandwiches." She raised a paper bag in one hand and held heavy plastic bags in the other.

"Hold on, Ashley. I'll be right back," Mila muttered, running after Ken.

"Ken," she called, and when he turned, she swallowed hard.

"H-hello." She waved with a tight smile, mostly because she didn't expect to run into him at the store and also because she didn't know how to act after last night. As much as she tried to pretend nothing had happened, she knew Ken would find out. Ken knew her better than anyone.

If they got back together and had sex, Ken would accuse her of lying and cheating. Mila squeezed her palm tightly, digging her nails into her skin and leaving tiny curved lines.

Ken adjusted the bag on his shoulder, eyeing Mila with a mix of confusion and annoyance. "Are you following me?" he asked bluntly.

"N-no," Mila stammered, pointing toward the store. "I came with a friend."

Ashley, who was a few steps behind, paused mid-bite into her sandwich, giving Ken a once-over before returning to her food.

"Friend," Ken repeated, his brows knitting slightly. "I had no idea you had friends; I thought I was the only person you knew and trusted in this city. Was that a lie too?"

"No!" Mila exclaimed, raising her hands defensively. "You're the only person I trust here, Ken. That's the truth."

Ken gave her a skeptical look. Mila continued hastily, "That's Ashley...Lacie's friend. After I left work that day, Zoe and the landlord had a fight, and I was kicked out. I had to call Lacie for help."

Ken's frown deepened. "You called Lacie? And let me guess, you told her about us?"

Mila hesitated, biting her lip. "I—"

"You did, didn't you?" Ken cut her off, his voice sharp. "You made me out to be the villain again, didn't you?"

"It's not what you think, Ken," Mila pleaded, her voice cracking. "I was scared and alone. I didn't know where else to go. I needed someone to talk to."

Ken groaned, shifting on his feet as the plastic bag in his hand crinkled. "That's so typical of you, Mila. You never handle things like an adult. You panic, bite your nails, call your sister, or run to me for help!"

He kicked at the ground in frustration, then adjusted his glasses, his movements jerky. Taking a step closer, he pointed a finger at her.

"And that's where Steph comes in," he said bitterly. "She's an adult- a woman. She knows how to handle situations like these without crying or running to her family for help."

A soft wind blew past them, ruffling Mila's hair. She used her fingers to tuck the strands of her hair behind her ear.

"So what do you expect me to do?" Ken continued, "Be with a woman that handles things or a girl that wants to be a baby forever?"

Mila shrank under his words, curling her toes in her flats to keep herself grounded.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I shouldn't have told Lacie, but I needed somewhere to sleep that night. If that's the reason you left me, then it's not fair. You promised to teach me everything I didn't know."

Ken stared at her for a moment, his expression softening slightly. He reached out and gently cupped her cheek. "I did say that," he admitted, his voice low. "But right now, I'm in a mess. Steph is having my baby, and I can't keep living in regret. It's complicated, Mila."

Mila nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I understand, but… what about us? What about our plans- our marriage?"

Ken ran a hand through his hair, looking torn. He opened his mouth as if to say something harsh but stopped himself.

"Mila," he began, his tone cautious. "You know I love you, right? But right now, I need space. Maybe… if we're meant to be, we'll find our way back to each other."

He patted her shoulder lightly before turning and walking away.

Mila's chest tightened as she watched him flag down a taxi. Panic surged through her, and before she could stop herself, she ran after him.

"Ken, wait!" she called, her voice breaking. "Please don't leave without me!"

But it was too late. The taxi pulled away, and Ken didn't look back. Not even once.

Mila stood frozen, her breath hitching. She had so much more to say, but the moment was gone.

Ashley approached her, tapping her on the back. "Time to go home, lover girl," she said, holding out a sandwich. "What was it you wanted to ask me earlier?"

Her mind still spinning, Mila shook her head. "Nothing," she muttered.

Ashley shrugged, sucking grease off her fingers.

Mila lingered for a moment, staring at the spot where Ken had stood just minutes ago. A heavy sigh escaped her lips.

Why couldn't she just have her moment? Her fantasy? A simple, happy life? Why did everything have to be so complicated?

"Mila!" Ashley's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "Let's go! Come on!"

Shaking off the wave of negativity, Mila followed Ashley back home, her heart heavier than ever.