Being Watched

Yet another week passed, and another arrived at Mila's doorstep. Since then, all she ever did was rehearse how to announce her pregnancy to her boss but couldn't ever do it but she had learned new skills in stalking. At the moment, she had upgraded from following him only inside the office to actually following him outside.

Ashley had taught her how to be a stalker!. Mila was trying her best, and the baby inside her tummy was too. They were both stressed.

"Your bump will be visible soon," Ashley said, pulling out a black hoodie and throwing it in Mila's direction. "You might get laid off. You just got a job, and you're already knocked up and not married."

Mila slipped her hands into the extra-large hoodie.

"Today is the weekend, and I heard he'll be making an appearance at the club today. Take the opportunity and tell him. It might be your last opportunity, Mila." She handed her a face mask.

Mila got ready to go again, and maybe fail? As she had been doing these past few weeks. She didn't even realize that days had run by so quickly, mostly because she had kept her mind occupied. Mila barely had any idea what she was even doing at her new job. It was bad timing, her new job plus pregnancy, all bad timing.

But hey! Maybe if she got things sorted out quickly, she might concentrate on her job. Now, how was she supposed to get it sorted out quickly? She asked herself.

It wasn't like telling the baby's father would push the pregnancy onto him. Oh, what a time it would be if men could carry babies just like women. Mila had the most absurd thoughts, and that was because she wanted to push her mind away from what was ahead.

"Good luck," Ashley tapped her on the shoulder.

Mila raised her face. "Where I come from, 'good luck' is like saying 'bad luck.'"

Ashley nodded. "Oh, bad luck then." She smiled.

"That's even worse luck!" Mila sighed, getting up on her feet. "You don't want me to succeed?"

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Girl, leave. Go, go." She pushed Mila out of the house.

Mila inhaled deeply, channeling every last bit of her confidence. She hadn't thought about exactly what to do after telling Zyran Montclair she was pregnant, but that would come later. Right now, she needed someone to share the burden with, and it wasn't her family. They already had enough on their plates.

Covered with a hoodie and a face mask like a celebrity running from paparazzi, Mila walked through the city alley down to the club. She was saving costs, yet to be paid her first salary, Mila was surviving from hand to mouth through Ashley.

When she passed the first block and then the next, she crossed over to the other side of the road. Dipping her hands inside her pocket, Mila walked casually down the street. If she weren't pregnant and her life weren't ruined, she would have taken her time to admire the city. She never had the time to do so, she was either working or cleaning Ken's house. And if she wasn't doing that, she was getting groceries for Ken.

It was always about Ken. Ken. KEN! Mila cried out loudly. She gasped when she heard her own voice, but looking around, she was all alone except for a few cars passing. Of course, they wouldn't hear her.

Mila continued maybe as a distraction, admiring the city would be a good id—


A car honked loudly behind her, jolting Mila to an abrupt stop.

Mila didn't know why she had stopped either; she didn't know anyone with a car. She continued to walk, but the car honked again. This time, someone rushed down from the car and walked up to her.

"Excuse me, miss," the man in a suit said. "My boss would like to talk to you."

Mila pointed at herself, then turned around to avoid making a fool out of herself. Probably, the man was referring to the woman behind her, but when she turned, she saw only empty space.

Realizing it was actually her the man was referring to, Mila gave him a shy smile.

"I'll lead you to his car," the man in the suit gestured.

Mila narrowed her eyes and took a step back. This was a classic kidnapping scene. She wouldn't be a fool to fall for it, no. She shook her head, taking two steps back.

"I'm not going with you, Sir." She bowed, trying to be as polite as ever.

"He won't take no for an answer," the man in black persisted.

Okay! Mila nodded. She was about to be abducted next. She moved her heels on the ground, getting ready to run. Back in school, she wasn't the smartest, but she was athletic. Actually, not like she was perfect, she just always came third runner-up in races. So, she was average.


When the man tried to touch her, Mila turned and made a dash for it. She ran like crazy. In her mind, she had left San Destro and was making it to another city with her race.

A few minutes into her record-breaking sprint, Mila paused to catch her breath. She was wheezing, her hands on her knees. This wasn't what she had planned when she stepped out to stalk her baby's father.

"Excuse me."

Mila's blood chilled to zero degrees when she heard the male voice. She wanted to run again, but this time, a hand caught her hoodie, dragging her back.

"P-please don't abduct me... I have no money," she stammered.

The man chuckled. "I'm sorry if my bodyguard scared you, but I'm not a woman-napper."

Mila slowly turned and saw the most adorable doe-like hazel eyes. The man wasn't very tall or muscular, but he looked cute with his chubby cheeks.

"Hi." He finally let go of Mila's shirt. "I was only trying to be a gentleman, seeing you walk down the street all alone."

Mila knitted her brows. He wasn't making sense. And to prove her point, she moved her eyes to look at other people across the road walking alone down the street.

As if reading Mila's mind, the young man chuckled. "Busted." He smiled and nodded.

"You're right. I saw you, and I like you. So, I decided to get close to you, we can talk better in the car."

Mila still found it hard to believe, but she nodded. "Thank you."

"Um... if you don't mind, I could give you a ride." He pointed at his car, which was just arriving.

Mila realized he had left his car to chase after her. That was a sweet act, but she was pregnant with a stranger's baby at the moment, too occupied to think about what was sweet and what wasn't.

"I really appreciate it, but... I... um... need to go," Mila bowed. "Thank you." She turned away and left.

The young man ruffled his hair and sighed. "When will you finally see me, Milena Dennis?" He turned and walked towards his car, but something caught his eye. A camera flashed from a distance.

Someone was watching the girl.