"I'm so happy Zy decided to party today!" Lucas raised his hands and grunted. It was an excited sound; he ruffled his dreadlocks, clearly the most excited in the room.
"I'd thought that after the wine launching, he wouldn't join us, but then again... Zy is back!" Lucas raised a glass of whiskey and cheered alone.
Rosie crossed her legs, twirling the bubble gum she was chewing with her two fingers. Her eyes stared at nothing in particular, then she said,
"I'm sure I've seen her face somewhere before," she twitched her lips. "That Swan girl now working in the main office....it's her or not? The girl with Zyran's shirt." The girl muttered what has been bothering her since the past few weeks.
Lucas rolled his eyes. "You're still mad you didn't get to see her drink the entire wine you bought? You're a sadistic soul, Rosie."
"Never denied," Rosita shrugged, slurping her bubble gum back into her mouth. Then she turned, glaring at Roman.
"It was because of the sexy doctor. If you didn't buy her entire drinks, I'd have had more fun."
Roman raised his brows. "Buy?" He shook his head. "I was going to, but then I didn't."
"Then who did?" Rosita chimed, turning to look at everyone in the room suspiciously. Then she gave up. "Well, whoever did it ruined my fun that night," she kicked her legs in the air and sighed.
Lucas clapped his hands, trying to bring back life into the room. "I'm very happy Zy decided to give us another banging party!!! I brought more girls... tall, slim," he turned to look at Zyran, who was resting his head on a pillow with his eyes closed.
"Guess what, Zy? Candy is coming too!!" He shot playful guns with his fingers and winked.
Zyran finally opened his eyes. "Candy? Did she say anything about that night?" He spoke slowly but with a husky yet flat voice.
"Mhm..." Lucas nodded. "She didn't give a lot of reviews, she only asked to meet with you again. So I don't know?" He shrugged, his lips curling into a mischievous, knowing smile.
"Haven't been talking but gets hyped up once Candy is mentioned, eh?" He chuckled, giving Zyran a little dance to hype him up.
Roman stared at his phone for a moment, then raised his hand. "You all leave without me, I have something to attend to in the hospital." He stood up, picked up his jacket and car key, and left.
"Glad I'm not smart enough to be a doctor," Lucas pressed his hands together and moved them upwards. "I'll be going to the club to get the party started!!!" He danced, rocking his hips back and forth before leaving the room.
Rosita shook her head after her brother had left. "A club rat, he is really a stupid club rat." She sighed, turning to look at Zyran, who had returned to closing his eyes.
"And staying with you is like staying all alone," she sighed and left with her bag.
Zyran opened his eyes when he heard the last person leave the room. He sat up properly, slipped out a brown cigarette from the box on the table, and placed it on his lips.
Candy wasn't the girl he slept with that night. Actually, he'd already found the blonde girl, and she now worked in his company. Was it a coincidence? That was the question that churned in Zyran's mind for days.
The first time he met the girl was at work when she had assumed the same position of crawling on all fours. At first, Zyran didn't recognize her, but then, when he got to his office, he remembered how the girl had walked, as a matter of fact, crawled inside his room to cause only troubles for him.
Zyran was sure it was the same girl. If not anything, he had the best, clearest memory, and that had been his hell as well as his redemption too. Having a good memory wasn't so beautiful, alright.
If word got out that he slept with a drunk virgin, his name would be all over the news and his opponents would be havinga field day. Nobody was ever going to be on his side, and Zyran wasn't even on his own side.
He lit the cigarette, dragged it deeply, then puffed out the smoke, letting it fill the room.
It wasn't that Zyran didn't know that night that he should stop. He just couldn't get himself to stop. For some reason, he wanted to be inside of her, like he belonged there. He wanted to be the one who claimed her, who takes her first. Why? A twisted obsession?
It was a strange feeling he couldn't explain. Being inside of the girl made him feel complete, and he had never needed anyone to feel complete before.
Not that he had never... he shouldn't. He wasn't supposed to. Then why didn't he resist the fucking whore that clearly wasn't a whore?
"I'm fucked," Zyran muttered, pushing the butt of the cigarette into the ashtray in front of him.
Zyran dragged another smoke, then puffed. He'd watched the girl while she was in his office, and he noticed just one thing, she was really strange. The first week at work, she acted almost normal, then came the following week. For some reason, every time Zyran checked the company's surveillance camera, she was hiding, looking around, sneaking up and down the elevator.
One thing was common with all her movements, she was stalking him!
Zyran tapped the cigarette butt again. Something about her stalking him made him feel very uneasy. It wasn't that people never tried to stalk him, no, infact people always did.
Reporters, police, his own grandfather, rival companies everyone wanted to know his next move, trying to invade his privacy at all times, but Zyran had figured out how to live with that and let those crowds stay locked in one place. He gave them what they wanted to see.
But not this blonde girl... She was always clumsy with her stalking. Either getting caught by security or forgetting her way around the company. One time, she had been lost on the second floor, where the wine inventory was kept. Zyran had to pass her location to security to go get her out.
"Who are you?" Zyran asked nobody, his eyes watching the dull ash from his cigarette. He was always amazed at how fire suddenly becomes ash. And Zyran knew just how possible it was for just one news story to ruin someone's whole life.
He had been there, done that, and lived that. One thing he knew for sure was that if the girl was sent by someone, then it was better he paid her off, but that would be insane. How much could she have been offered to give her first time to a total stranger? All that tightness just for what?....
Zyran groaned, rubbing his arm where the girl had bitten him. He was getting aroused again, his mind was thinking about her again. About being inside her. He was right when he said the girl wasn't normal; she was really a vessel of something evil. Everytime he thought of her, he becomes aroused.
P.S.: Zyran doesn't believe in anything superstitious.
Ever since he slept with the girl, he'd only see her face while trying to get down with other girls. And when he shook his head and saw the girl under him wasn't the blonde virgin, he got irritated and stopped.
A vessel of evil. Zyran nodded in agreement with his own deduction.
It was the only thing he could come up with, since he couldn't get rid of the vivid image in his head.
Her soft skin, similar to warm beige coloured sand near a beach, complemented her lustrous golden hair and almond-shaped eyes with grey orbs that held a perpetual hint of vulnerability, like a scared rabbit or no...a forgotten pint-sized crackers. And her tiny, stubby nose fitting her small round face.
She wasn't perfect but she was...different.
Then her lips...her lips...
Zyran couldn't get to kiss her or taste those lips. He loved to hear her moan. Her lips were not perfect no, her upper lips looked a little fuller with an innocent tug which gave it a cupid shape. While her lower lips looked full, and Zyran wished her had kissed her.
"Fuck," he cursed, feeling irritated. This was the reason he hadn't summoned the girl for questioning. Every time he remembered how tight she was and how he fit into her so well, Zyran felt the urge to bring her back and repeat the process. And this was messed up for him.
It was going to end tonight. Zyran stood up, crushing the butt of his cigarette into the ashtray. He was hosting this party because he needed a release, to get rid of the girl's face, body, and eyes from his head. Everything would go back to normal after tonight.
Zyran nodded to himself. Picking up his own car key, he left the room.