Making Plans

Peach was the first to break the silence after Grandpa Alvaro had made the announcement. "Is Zyran really getting married? To her... wait, you- the new girl at work?"

The girl's voice sounded like her pride was injured, like it wasn't possible for a girl under her to be part of her family. It was a dent. Mila was a dent.

Everyone now turned their attention to Mila, who was trying so hard to disappear.

"Father-in-law, if Zyran is getting married, then please let Jaime return. It's been seven years already. I'm sure he feels bad and has repented," Clara chipped in her two cents.

The next to speak was Zyran's mother. "Papa, should we be having a wedding right now? Or funding the orphanage home? It doesn't seem like the girl and Zyran are well-acquainted to be married."

"Father," Andreas began, "I hope this isn't a way to cast me and my family aside once again."