Restricted Zone

Damark was not in a conscious state, he tried to maintain sanity. He was attacked by a series of chest pains which made him faint a lot of times. For now, he was awake anyhow and was drinking a glass of water. "What a pain!, wish I could stop the pain. Maybe I should visit a physician today to get at least a sureity that I am not sick from body, I also need to make sure that I don't mention anything about Limbeat symptoms or else I will be confined." He opened his computer and wrote an email, "Respected Boss, I have been having severe health issue for the past few days, so I will be going for checkup today. Please grant me a one day leave."

He picks up his coat jacket and wears it. Checking that all the doors annd the windows were closed he left the room.

It was almost winter and people were wearing sweater or hacker to warm their body. The severity of the pollution had made so that the winter which was not even consider so cold back 20 years ago was now considered very cold. Damark was walking slowly bringing his shoulder and hands close make a compact shape to heat up his body. The snow beneath his shoes were constantly getting pressed, causing the white crystals to change to grey coloured shaped crystals.

Slowly, he approached the nearby physician for a health checkup.

It was pretty common in Kristein to have a physician in 5 km of range, so it didn't cause much of a problem. It was a white building covered with white snow shining like it's the pinnacle of a mount. He entered the building and saw the green walls with tiled surface. The building from inside was equally big from out. It had two passageways, one on the right and the other on the left and a receptionist in the middle of the passages. He went to the receptionist, "Excuse me? I would like to appoint a meeting with a personal physician". The lady receptionist looked over on Damark, and with a blissful smile, she replied "Welcome to Kristein HealthCare and Supports, Yes we can arrange an appointment with Dr. Lucas in 10 mins. Please wait till then. Thank you". Well the lady actually was an assistant robot developed by Weries to work in the place of receptionists. He didn't reply and directly went to the nearby waiting room. It was filled with lots of people, he found an empty seat and sat there. The man in blue jacket near him was talking to his friend. "Hey did you know yesterday the 211 people were confined in a locker room and no relative of them are allowed to meet them". His friend replied, "The government is definitely hiding something important from us, otherwise what was the need of suddenly locking all the people? Earlier too there were cases of Limbeat but they were never confined". The man in blue jacket ageed, while Damark was dumbfounded. "What!? They locked the people ?? Why! What happened?".

Suddenly a robotic voice said," Next patient - Damark Vostol come inside".

Damark saw his name being called and quickly went inside the cabin. He saw a middle aged man with a doctor's appron on. His hair was somewhat white and partially black. Damark approached him and sat on the chair near him. The physician said, "So Mr. Vostol, you facing severe pain near your chest and you are also having bad dreams from couple of days. I see that you were thinking that you are having these symptoms due to a stress but it didn't calm down and today you are here.. Let me check you". The physician pulled up his stethoscope and checked Damark's chest, "Hmm.... I don't see anything wrong here but you are still facing chest pains. Follow me to the 'NeuroXon Room'". Damark asked the him, "What's a NeuroXon Room?". The physician replied, "It's a room with a scanning device which will scan your whole body and also all the synaptic junctions." Damark followed him to the room, where he saw the big bed like machine with a open space from above. The boundaries were somewhat curves. It looked a bit like a MRI scan but it didn't cover the whole body rather it was open. The physician instructed him to lie down on the cushion which was covered by the curved boundaries. When the machine turn on, it shined throughout the room and Damark's whole body was flashed with series of lights. It happened only for 5 seconds but the data and information collected was way too much. Humanity had developed a variety of technologies, this was one of them. The physician was slowly deciphering and concluding the data collected, while Damark was lying down and was thinking "If he found out anything strange then I will be in serious trouble".

Suddenly the physician said him in an annoyed manner, "Hey, wake up and come".

Damark didn't know what he found out but he had no choice but to follow him. The physician sat in his cabin and was holding the picture diagram of the report from the machine, he asked Damark, "Mr. Vostol I have gone through your body reports, but I have not found anything strange just one thing is bothering me that" he pointed his finger towards the back of neck in the printed picture. "Here in this region, I see something one coloured thing I can't understand what this is? It might be a bone growth or maybe something else. But I suggest you to visit an orthopedic doctor, I will write you a prescription please follow it for now."

He started writing somethings and he said again, "The government had sent me a lie detector machine and had told everyone to ask one question to every patient after their time is over, so I would like you to co-operate with me." Suddenly he brought out a small black coloured square box with a red button in the middle. "I want you to hold down the red button and answer to my question."

Damark was a bit nervous as to what question will the physician ask?. He couldn't resist nor deny or else he would be under suspicion, so he did as the physician said.

After holding down the red button, the red button started shining. The physician asked, "Have you come across any symptoms related to Limbeat in recent days?", Damark's eyes widened, he had never expected him to ask such in a question. He didn't want to say the truth or else he would be in great danger. But he was holding the lie detector, and if he lied he would be arrested in crime of 'Deluded Statement'.

The physician said frowning, "What happened? Say yes or no?"

Damark was getting nervous, he closed his eye in fear. And suddenly the pain in his chest increased and he felt like his own thoughts in his mind were getting in an arrangement and wanted to tell him something.

[Do you ... Want .... Use.... Lie...truth...]

It was not clear, but he definitely felt some unknown and sudden display of words. He said inwards, "YES!".

Suddenly, he felt like his mind was going to burst and he was filled with unknown information. He tried to recall what he had just learnt, he found out that he has learnt something as 'Lie to Truth', he just needed to say 'LT' in mind after saying his sentence to the person, and that lie would become truth for everyone nearby (including non-living things).

This all happened in a flash, the physician placed his hand on Damark waking him up.

Damark said, "Oh, I was just thinking that I had really experienced it or not."

He added on, "No, I didn't come across any symptoms of Limbeat recently." He after completing the sentence thought "LT".

The lie detector machine beeped and displayed "TRUTH". The physician said, "You can leave now."

Damark quickly left the hospital, as he was not sure what has just happened. He ran as far as he could and finally stopping near a sideway between two buildings.

"What is this? I remember I saw the same line in my dream and now this has become reality? Even affecting others?"

He wanted to try it once more. He looked around and saw a security guard which was standing near a barrigate protecting the place from outsiders. He went up to him and asked "Why is the road closed?", the guard in an annoyed manner said, "Leave as quickly as possible, special investigation is going on in this area." Damark was now ready to try his new learnt information, "Hey? Did you forget I also worked here as a guard, the higher ups had told me to go through don't stop me",


The guard frozed and looked at him, with a gentle smile he said, "Oh!! Sorry for stopping you, you can go inside." He waved his hand guiding him inside.

Damark was now sure to what had happened with him. He didn't hesitate and went inside the area passing the barrigate. It was a building which was investigated like some crime had occured, Damark avoided going near the building as he just wanted to know that what was happening. He sneakly approached the building and he saw a guard patrolling the area. Damark approached him and asked him, "Answer to me! What is happening here, why is the government officials here??"


The guard's face froze and after a while, he replied in a robotic manner, "This area has been marked as Restricted Zone - Grade C, Presence of Unknown Objects have been found. No one is allowed to enter the area."

Damark's curiousity piqued and he inquired, "Grade C? Restricted Zone? What are these things?"

The guard frowned, "hey!!!! What are you doing here!??"

Damark noticed that after using the technique once, it worked for 45 seconds and after that it stopped, he immediately verbalised the word


The guard again froze and said, "Any area found with unwanted Objects are marked as restriction zone, the grade is given based on the size and power of the Object."

Damark asked again, "What is this object that you keep saying?"


Suddenly, he heard a group of guards around seven were coming in this direction, Damark was scared and he started finding a hiding spot leaving behind the speaking guard which he asked the question to.

Damark hid near a big drum box which was in shade, he saw the group of guards reaching near the other guard. "Hey? What are you doing ? Why are you speaking to the air about rhe Objects? Do you want to get fired?"

The guard regained his consciousness and said, "huh? What do you mean? I was just patrolling the area? I was not speaking anything."

All guard members frowned "huh? Go quickly have a check up with Sir Croser."

The guard ran as though a serious issue had been arosed. Damark thought, "I think I should leave, I have acquired enough information." He sneakly approached back to the barrigate without anyone noticing him. The guard was still standing there like nothing has changed. Damark approached him and said, "Thank You for your service, I will be leaving" LT.

The guard didn't mind him leaving rather he saluted him as if he was his senior.

Damark smirked and left the area. "I was almost caught today, but anyway I have learnt a lot of things".

He stalled around reaching near a park, he saw many kids playing in the park smiling. He thought "Maybe I should go and have a rest in the park bench." A wooden bench was present near him which he went close to and sat there.

"Past few days have been pretty stressful but I have gist of everything now, surely the government have discovered the use this things called 'objects' and is trying to hide this from the public, that is the reason they are confining anyone found affected with Limbeat. Good thing that I didn't get caught."

He heard the bushes bustling near him, he turned his head around to look what was there. Only to see a man wearing a black suit and a black sharp hat covering his face looking at him. Damark felt chills down his spine, he didn't want to approach him so he stood up and slowly started leaving. The man stalked him with the same speed and gradually increasing his speed occassionally to cover the gap between them. Damark was now nervous as to why was he being stalked suddenly, he surely didn't mess up something. The man started running towards him now, Damark didn't know what was happening, his survival instincts kicked in and he started running away to avoid him. He looked behind and saw that no one was running towards him, "finally he left..." Sigh

A monotonous voice replied, "Where do you think you are going?"

Damark slowly turned his head covered in sweat, he saw the man standing there nonchalantly.

"Why are you following me???? What have I done to you?"

The man instantly turned into fog and became vanished. He suddeny appeared next to Damark, and said, "Not here". He beat Damark into his neck and grabbed him by his hand. He looked straight in a direction and turned into fog.

Both of them disappeared like they were never here.