



Damark slowly opens his eyes from deep slumber, he sees that the ceiling isn't the one which he is used to. He suddenly realises that he was kidnapped by some man in black suit.

He tries to get up but was suddenly hit by a transparent layer of glass. "Huh? Where am I?" He looks down on his legs and sees that he is inside a capsule.

"Hey? You boy? Are you wake now?" Says a lady with specs and white apron on. "Oh yes, you are awake, wait let me call the captain." She left Damark alone in this room. He started looking around and saw that he was inside a room which was type of futuristic, it had grey coloured ceiling and the ground was made up of metal. It was tighted packed like they were trying to hide from something.

Suddenly the man in the black suit again appeared from one of the gate of the room.

"So mister Damark Vostol.. how are you feeling now? Do you have any questions for me?

Oh where are my manners?

Let me introduce myself, I am the captain of this unit C-3 under the jurisdiction of Kristein Switcher Services, Croser Lucrate. I am responsible for all the issues and decisions in this unit."

Damark saw him with confused eyes, "unit?, c-3?" He thought inwardly.

He ignored that and asked, "Why did you kidnap me and bring me here? And why am I inside a capsule?"

Croser looked at him and with a worried smile he said, "Do you have any idea what have you done in the restricted Zone from earlier? You just asked for the confidential details from a poor soldier. Do you know what would that powers do to you?"

Damark was shocked to know that Croser had already known what he was doing, "But, how do you know that I was the one who did that?"

Croser said with a smirk, "We are 'Switchers', I had my ways to crack down who was behind all this".

"Well it doesn't matter now, now we all know who was behind this."

Damark was panicked and he started resisting to move, "Let me out of here!"

"I am the boss of this unit!" LT

Croser's eyes didn't flicker a bit and he reply, "Calm down, young man! We will not hurt you, right now you are inside the Beric Capsule, you can't use any of your powers. Don't try to act smart."

Damark was dumbfounded, "Then at least give me a better explanation to why am I here! I want to go back home, I don't want to get involved in these stuffs!!!"

Croser looked at him with pitful eyes and he moved his hands behind his back, bringing a paper in his hand, "If you want to leave then you have to sign this paper to mark your loyalty!"

Damark didn't understand what was the captain saying, he took the paper and started reading it. The paper said that he would be working for them in secrecy and will not tell anyone about this. His family will be under special care by the government and they will be provided with resources. He will be given with lots of information along with money five times his current salary. Damark was a bit tempted by the offer, but he didn't know what work does this service do that they are willing to offer such benefits. "I need to see what you all do, to make sure that I don't regret my decision." Croser said, "I knew this would happen, fine follow me."

The lady pressed a button near the capsule and the capsule started following the captain. Damark was still trapped inside the capsule but better than nothing.

He inspected the surroundings while seating in the capsule, it was a sort of military base, they had many reports and supplies going on. But the most strange thing was some people were sleeping but the work beside them was happening on its own. It was as if Damark had entered a new world, were magic was actually real. He wanted to ask Croser but he couldn't as he was moving very quickly. Suddenly the steps stopped and he looked at a wall. Damark said, "What happened? Why did we stop?"

Croser didn't reply, he kept staring at the wall. After some time suddenly the work was sliced into square plates of more than 30 pieces, it started falling down. Damark was shocked, he couldn't speak a single word. What in the world was this?

When all the square plates fell down, the white light that was acting in the place of the wall suddenly disappeared and the real thing started fading in.

It was a very humongous open filed with lot of trees and junk material thrown here and there. It was as if he had entered a very old and abandoned area which was untouched for more than 20 years, there was algae and moss covering all over the rocks here and there. If someone said that this place represented the condition after human disappeared it would still be an understatement.

Damark's Capsule slowly followed Croser, as he moved into the open area. He came close to Damark and said, "Hmm.. here we are in the "Junkyard of Mysticals", this is a place which still entails fear into our mind."

Damark was curious and he asked,"Why is that so? What does this place have connection to the work that I will be doing".

Croser glanced at him and then looked away, "Come close, I will show you something". As Damark was about to reach close to Croser, he suddenly disappeared into fog just like the last time. Damark starting looking here and there but he was no where to found.

"Wasn't it cool?" A voice came from the left. He looked to the left but there was no one there.

"This is me Croser, in the state of Enhancement." Again a voice came from the right. This time when Damark looked to the right, Croser pipes up suddenly out of thin air. Damark's eyes widened as this was really new for him.

"What did you do ? It was the same thing that you didn't the last time."

Croser replied, "This was the same type of power that you have, we have coined it "Enhancer". As it enhanced the potential of a human. I acquired it exactly just like you acquired it through the 'Object'."

Damark broke the speech by saying, "Wait!! First tell me what is this Object!??".

Croser said with curious eyes, "You didn't know? Well, you see the junk materials in this place all of them are Obejcts that we have collected from all around the country. Objects are like normal things, it just have a special engraving on it, having a single glowing line. Anyone who reads it, becomes affected by Limbeat. After one reads the line, the object gets disappeared. Did you find anything strange like this?". Damark fell in thoughts and said, "Oh yes! I found a broken piece of mirror in my office and behind the back of it was written a line. Later when I got home, I saw a video which told me that it was a story and I found the book next day and was subjected to a series of torturous pains."

Croser rubbed his chin, "I see, so you were the 'Emergent' from the story. We know that a man suddenly started saying things on the internet and told about Objects, just the next day 211 people were found affected inside the library, reading the same book....".

Damark was shocked, "So, you mean they didn't find the object but since they were told about the object they were affected???"

Croser replied calmly, "No not exactly, some people actually found the object and then they watched the video. What we have seen is that anyone who is told about the Object and if there are multiple objects with the same line then many people can get affected until all the objects get disappeared. "

Croser continued, "Oh yes, These objects are actually called as "Bounders". They trap the person inside a story. According to our research, almost all bounders have the line saying about the title of a story. The story may or may not be existing before the appearance of engraving and whoever reads the story after learning about the Bounder's line, they are trapped by it."

Damark pondered and said, "How did you get the Enhancer? Were you too able to come out of the story?". Croser looked at him and said, "Yes, That's how everyone working here have been able to gain it."

Damark eye's lit up with surprise and composer that he was not the only one who had this condition. "But why are you all collecting the Bounders?"

Croser looked at one bounder and said, "We have enhacer and we know that we can complete the story but that is not true for random people in the public."

Damark nodded and Croser continued, "This thing can't be made public because there are many people who will fight over such things and will try to seize everything. They don't understand what problems can these enhancers bring."

Damark frowned and asked,"Problems? What problem could this amazing thing can have?"

Croser replied, "It may seem amazing but in reality it is a very dangerous thing. One of our member kept on exploiting this power and one day we found that his spinal cord was cut from his neck from the inside without a single scratch. Later we discovered that the power centre lies in the backside of our neck, which powers the ability. Once we use it to the extreme, it starts tearing."

Damark asked, "But what was he using these powers on?"

Croser rolled his eyes and said,"We sent him in a story using Bounder and there he had to use Enhancer for over hundred times and he died."

Damark eye's showed an expression of grieve and he asked, "But how did you know that this had happened?"

Croser replied, "Do you think that there are only one type of Enhancer? One of our member has a special Enhancer which allows him to look into the past of the dead boy."

Damarked was shocked..

"What is your Enhancer then?"

Croser said, "Although we are refrained from telling other directing about the Enhancer but I will tell indirectly. It allows me to become one of the particle like the air, I become invisible as well as undetectable."

Damark wanted to ask more, but Croser waved his hand and started walking.

He walked over to the end of the open area and pointed his finger into the ground. Suddenly the grass that was covering up the area disappeared and it became into a transparent glass, through it one could see a very big room with over hundred of people lying inside capsules with their eyes closed. Croser looked over them, and said to Damark, "These are the people who are trapped inside the story, they will not die until they don't give up. We are collecting Bounders to stop the number of people from increasing."

He looked over to Damark with heroic eyes and said.."Help us in this mission to save the public and make the world a better place."

Damark got a bit emotional and he was sure that this job was risky as well as worthy, so there was no reason to decline it. "Yes I will!" He said with a smile.

The capsule that enclosed Damark opened up and he got down. Croser again brought out the paper from his back and told him to sign it. Damark signed it happily and just after signing it, the paper turned into a ring with sharp corners. It was a purple coloured ring with his name engraved on it. The ring automatically tighten to his finger.

Suddenly, the siren started ringing!


Both Damark and Croser looked over to the main base. It was a warning that a new Bounder had been found.