Bad luck

The white towering building was shining with red lights from inside. The sound of a big siren could be heard if one stood close to it. This was the siren for alerting the soldiers and workers about the discovery of a new Bounder.

Damark and Croser ran as quickly as possible back to the building, they entered the base and entered the control room. Since Damark was new here he followed Croser to the control room.

Many people in grey colour suits were panicking, they were shouting and doing some work on the high-tech computers. Damark entered the room with Croser, Croser was already acquaintance with everyone so he just walked up to a person with some stars on his shoulder, maybe signifying that he was one of the high rankings.

Croser asked him, "Where is the Bounder found?"

The man replied politely following a formal demeanor, "Sir, It is found just now near the Corporate Building of Thrusts".

Croser asked, "Assign a team to investigate about this Thrusts company, and quickly assemble a team, we will be leaving soon."

Croser continued, "Oh yes, this is our new member Damark, he had recently became 'Emergent', so teach him some techniques."

Croser looked over to Damark, "This man standing over here is Robin, he is the most strongest person here after me, he worked earlier in army but due to LimBeat he lost his family, now he works here. Get along with him."

Damark nodded and offered a handshake to Robin saying, "Greetings Sir, I am Damark a new recruit here. I will be in your care."

Robin shaked his hand and replied with a smile.

"Ok, follow me"

Damark bade farewell to Croser and left with Robin. Robin said, "Well maybe it's not the best time to waste time chatting but if you have got any questions then you can ask."

Damark eyes lit up, he asked in a curious tone, "How did you know that Bounder was present in this area? Or maybe somewhere else? As for what I know they get disappeared as soon as someone sees it. So how do you all know?". Robin answered him, "Just like you have Enhancer, there are other people who have different type of Enhancer, one of them is 'Detectibility', they can detect whatever they want, they just need to keep thinking about those things. This job is pretty mind stressing but you know for something to be good we must sacrifice something. That's how we also detected you, the guard mentioned the incident and we asked the team to detect anyone with Enhancer around and thus we found you."

Damark's horizon of knowledge had gone farther away, now he understood how he was tracked.

Damark again asked, "So why is everyone panicking? Isn't just getting the Bounder without reading the text easy? Just evacuate everyone from the building and collect it."

Robin replied with a smirk, "It may seem simple but it isn't, in reality there are a lot of challenges to acquired it."

Damark frowned, "Like what?"

Robin sighed and replied, "Like the Stairs will become infinite if you forget that you were supposed to get the Bounder, you will just want to get out but you will be trapped inside. We don't understand why this happens, but we have some hypothesis that fate of the person who was supposed to acquire it was actually sealed by us, thus the Bounder doesn't want someone else to interfere in it's work."

Damark was somewhat confused as well as got some idea, but he wanted to see through his own eyes what was the challenges.

Robin said again, "Don't think about it much, you will be going on your first mission today. Go dress up quickly"

Damark was not sure to what was Robin saying. He was just guided towards a room with dim lighting. It seems more like a dressing room but made with some depressing thoughts. Suddenly a bunch of clothes materialise out of nowhere infront of him. It was the same dress that every high ranking or soldier were wearing.

He didn't mind having a dress code for this. He quickly dressed up.

It was a dark green coloured dress with a name plate on the right side of the chest. There was a place for hanging something on the shoulders, maybe stars. It came with a watch, there was two buttons on the watch, one was for dialing up the time, and other was pressable. Damark pressed it and the watch started changing its shape, it became a dark semifluid band lying on his hand. The band suddenly started tightening and He felt like the band was absorbing something from him but just after three seconds it retracted and became normal into a band. He touched it but it was still a band. He thought that it would turn into something cool, like a gun but he was disappointed. Sudden the band changed its shape into a Gun just as he pictured in his mind. He was shocked, then he thought that if it turned into a sword that would also be fine. Suddenly the dark fluid turned into a long dark blade, this shocked Damark. He test a little more, and found out that the fluid can only turn into weapons which he had studied of as a kid, meaning that which ever weapon he learns about, he could turn that band into it.

Then he thought of the watch from before and the fluid turned back into the watch from before.

He walked out of the room and saw that a whole battalion of soldiers were already gathered here. He just got blended with the crowd and waited for the next orders.

Many soldiers were in their attention stance so no one riled up a conversation.

Suddenly a person from the side of the room entered, everyone saluted him. Damark didn't know the manners and etiquette so he just followed them. It was Croser dressed in the Black Suit with the Sharp Black Hat. He announced the time for departure and everyone got excited as well as scared about what was about to reveal.

According to the sources, the Bounder was present in the 3rd floor of the second room of the building. They didn't know what the word 'second room' signified, was it the room second from the stairs or was it the room second from the main entrance. This was a mystery so they didn't worry about it much as there were other tools available to decipher this.

All the soldiers were ordered to enter the big army truck. It almost felt like they were preparing for some sort of war. The environment was very tense, everyone was worried. But Damark didn't understand why was everyone worried? It's not like they will lose their lives.. Right..?

Suddenly, the door to enter the truck opened and everyone entered the truck. It was pretty dark here but presence of people made it less scary.

It seemed like there was some sort of ranking based on dress colour: soldiers wore deep green coloured suit, their leader wore grey coloured suit and commander wore black coloured suits.

Suddenly, the truck's engine turned on and everyone started having conversation like usual. Here eveyone was interested in talking with Damark, as he was the new specimen that just entered their battalion without a notice.

One of the soldier asked, "Hey I am Alfred, what's your name? Never seen you here how did you end up here?"

Damark replied with a smile, "I am Damark, recently I became 'Emergent' so I was recruited today."

Alfred replied, "Oh... Bad luck..."

Damark frowned,"What do you mean bad luck?"

Alfred said, "You see, having mission to find Bounder on the first day is like the worst first day anyone could ask for."

Damark didn't understand why did they mean so?, "Why are you all scared of finding Bounder?? It's not like you will lose your life."

Alfred sighed and replied, "It's worse than losing life, you torment too much if you aren't lucky enough. Up until now we have been facing a lot of problem while approaching the Bounders, mind would suddenly start playing tricks on us and we would lose our control."

"We would act like we have seen a monster, I had experienced it once and it felt like I was in hell, if Lieutenant handed woken me up I would have become mentally sick."

Damark was a little terrified after listening to their experience. But he still wanted to see what would happen, he had seen hundreds of people suffering so it didn't matter much if he suffered a little for hundreds of people.

Noises could be heard from outside, it seemed like they had reached the destination. The door slowly opened and everyone prepared to leave. Alfred also didn't talk much to Damark, they all just left.

Many people were still evaculating the building, some soldiers helped the citizens to walk out. While other prepared to enter the building.

Croser was standing infront of the building discuissing with Robin. Damark wanted to approach them but it would concern everyone about his relation with them. He waited for the right moment.

After arranging and unloading big machines, setting up camps and arranging soldiers into one line it was all ready. Croser was standing on high ground looking like an imposing character. He was different from the time he talked with Damark. He shouted, "Switchers!!! We will be engaging onto the building in the next moment prepfare your Will and don't falter. You are doing everything for the people of this country don't let their blessings go down! Some maybe having their first mission" he looked at Damark, "but, you should remember that the building with Bounder is very different from a building with no bounder. All you need to do is always remember why you are here, never forget that !!!"

He ended the speech with a powerful impact on all the soldiers. Their morale was boosted and they could roll down anything at this moment.

Slowly, the group of 15 people along with Damark entered the building. It was dark as lights were turned off, every corner involved its own horror in it.

Robin was actually leading them, he waved the sign that ground floor was safe and they moved to the 1st floor.

1st floor was nothing special it looked exactly same like the ground floor except for office rooms. They walked in the corridor looking and intercepting their surroundings as they move forward.

Damark didn't know what made them so scared but he had gest of what was fearing them. So he followed them with being fully aware.

They didn't face any problems in the first floor, it was peaceful.

They were climbing the stairs to the 2nd floor, but it was really strange they had been climbing for 15 mins but they hadn't reached the 2nd floor. He tapped on the shoulder of the soldier infront of him, but the soldier didn't turn. Damark found it strange, so he tapped it again but still there was no reply.

He didn't understand what was happening, so he called him "hey!?"

But they were simply walking, he stopped for a second and looked to the right where the corridor went along the way. Then he looked infront of him, he found that everyone was gone...

But where?

He quickly climbed up but there was no one there. Damark started getting a little scared, he called for them but he could only hear one voice and that was his own voice echoed back.

He walked down the corridor in search of something useful. But there was nothing only chair and table.

Suddenly, he head started aching 'No! Not now!'

He tolerated it and moved forward, he believed this was the thing that others were talking about. He kept walking up the stairs but now.. the stairs were rather red and not grey like before.

He understood that this was the reason that everyone was so scared of it. They actually got lost..