It was dark, and the sound of the tree roots growing considerably was high. Damark was walking safely jumping over the gaps in between the tree roots. The roots were getting thick as time passed. He was headed towards the right hallway, he was now somewhat clear that the bounder was in the right corridor. But there was something that was still bothering him, "What if the second room is actually second room which we reach after entering the first room."
He pondered over it and decided that he would first check the actual second room to find this out.
He again passed the first room and got near the second room. He pulled down the door knob and entered the dark room, which with the help of his flashlight was lightened up.
The room had an unknown black fog rolling inside the room, it was pretty eerie and horrifying. Yet he knew that it was not real but not accepting something like this which was not real is hard for any normal person who was working as a job person few days ago. He walked deeper into the room and glanced over the tables, he didn't found anything amusing except for the chips bag that was left open.
"So, it really was in the second room of the first room"
He opened the door to leave but was shocked to see that the root had grown much more that before. It was to the point where the earlier empty corridor was now turned into like a jungle. He quickly left the room without wasting any time and entered the first room, the room was nothing special, it seemed normal as the other, no one coud even guess that this room had dangerous thing like bounder. He went deeper into the room and constantly flashed here and there to see if there was something that would attract his attention. Slowly, he entered the second room in the first room. He saw that it was a sort of meeting room. He checked upon the things repeatedly to find something, but then he noticed that there was nothing special.
Suddenly on the right top side of the table, there was a handkerchief which had something glowing from inside of it. He was far to not see it, he looked over to his watch and said, "Covering Equalizer"
The black watch turned into a small goggle, which he wore. It was given to all the members in case they found the bounder, they had to avoid reading the word so to avoid that these words were told to everyone.
" this was the thing that they told to wear to avoid looking at it"
He wore it and moved towards the handkerchief. He was walking close to it but it seemed like the distance kept increasing and he was just imitating to walk on the same position. It felt like the room had become long but he couldn't reach the handkerchief.
The roots of tree had already reached inside the room. When he saw this, he started running but he was still not able to reach the handkerchief.
He was screaming at the top of his lungs.
Everything stopped and the room fell silent. But then again
It didn't stop, it was still rumbling and it seemed as if everything was real...
A root shoot at him and grabbed Damark by his torso. He started struggling but with more struggling, number of roots kept increasing. They started to capture him and make him into a ball.
No reaction
It was becoming very terrifying as now the roots had started to cover the whole room.
Damark was still yelling but it was all futile. Slowly his voice got lower and lower as the roots kept getting more and more. Soon, no voice could be heard, it was complete silence.
"WAKE UP!!!!"
Damark's eyes were closed but slowly and faintly it started opening only to see that there was a person who was shouting at him. He couldn't understand what he was saying but it felt like he was saying 'wake up?'
Only now did he understand that he was just now about to find the Bounder and suddenly he was captured by the roots.
He jerked up and saw that the person that earlier was trying to wake him up was Robin.
He asked hastly, "Where am I?!?? Where is the bounder"
He looked around and saw that he was in some sort of office room.
Robin replied, "As you can see, we are currently inside the same building where we were. Due to your yelling we were somewhat able to find the room and found the bounder. Right now, it is under extraction process."
Damark asked, "What about the big roots?"
Robin nodded and replied, "I pulled out my flame thrower and burned it all, they were actually partially illusion which had 60% illusion and 40% reality. It was pretty hard but with the help of others I was successfully able to control it."
Damark asked, "So? Where did you all vanish to?"
Robin replied, "Whenever you reach a certain point near the bounder, you are transported to some other dimension where the world is same but is more horrifying. It becomes horrifying depending upon the level of bounder."
Damark stood up and said, "that means our mission is successful."
Robin said, "Yeah because of your efforts it had turned out to be successful within 10 days."
Damark frowned, "10 days?? What do you mean? We were only in this building for 1 and half day"
Robin shook his head and replied, "The time passed inside the bounder passes faster compared to outer world and the time passed inside the vicinity of bounder passes slowly compared to outer world. That is why 1 day here is equal to 5 days outside and 5 hour inside the bounder is equal to 1 hour outside."
Damark's eyes widened and he found it really amusing. 'Time dilation'
Who wasn't fascinated by such things?
He helped everyone carry the big box were the handkerchief was kept inside a translucent glass box. It was kept out from everyone so that no one can see it.
Inside the military base, Damark met Croser again here. A total of six people were seating in the roundabout table. They were discussing about what they should do about the bounder.
Croser said, "so? What do you think about the bounder? Does someone have any idea what the story could be related to?"
Robin replied, "We had called the necessary enhancer to come and help with the required problem. They will be reaching here in a minute."
Damark's curiousity piqued and he couldn't keep quiet anymore, "What are we talking about?"
Croser looked at him and smiled, "oh? It's about finding what the story is about so that we can decide who will be entering the bounder..."
Damark nodded as he now understood what was this about.
Suddenly, someone opened the door. It was a person with round specs on, he walked inside the room running and said, "I HAVE FIGURED IT ."
The face of Croser, Robin and others lit up, they shouted in unison, "YESS!! COME ON SIT DOWN"
He sat down, drank a glass of water and said, "I have an ability that helps me understand the inside of anything. I looked into the bounder and found out that it was set in a medieval setting. The world is filled with a fantasy styled system, the stories are very complicated. And beyond that I couldn't understand anything. Ah.. yes also, I found out that a person with an ability to affect illusion should enter it as they should have high mental resistance."
All of them started to ponder, it was really hard for anyone to survive for long in illusion.
Croser remembered that Damark was the first one to find the bounder, so he turned towards him, "Damark? How did you manage to reach the room so quickly without much problem?"
Damark answered, "Oh? I have the ability to turn a lie into truth so I understood that illusion is an lie and a lie could be turned to truth by my ability "
Robin was shocked, "So you are saying that you didn't fight any thing and just kept getting forward?"
Damark replied, "Yes?"
Everyone in the room were dumbfounded. They had the worst experience in their first mission and Damark seemed to go on a vacation.
Croser asked, "Can you change non living things to the way you want?"
Damark said, "well, I never really got time to check?"
Croser replied with excitement, "Perfect!! Try it now here!"
He brought a small pencil and told him to try changing it into a pen.
Damark touched the pencil and mumbled, "This is not a pencil, this is a pen" *LT*
Suddenly, the pencil started vibrating and a big flash appeared!
Suddenly the pencil transformed into a pen!!!
It maybe not even be 10 sec but suddenly the pen converted back to pencil.
Everyone was shocked to this majestical power!
Robin stood up and told, "Damark!!! This shows your potential it can now only be maintained for few seconds but soon!!! It will increase and you should become an important asset!"
Croser was now more curious, "Hey!? Try using this on your own body!"
Damark found it really amusing, he mumbled again, "My strength is comparable to an elephant" *LT*
Suddenly! His biceps started to pump up and he started feeling strong.
He was feeling like he could smash anything.
But *ZOOM*
Everything went back to normal within 10 secs and his hand started paining.
Croser looked worried, he helped him get up.
Now only did everyone understood how strong this ability was but it had way to much flaws, it was for a very less time and if used without preparation you could face backlash.
After discussing, they had finally decided that Damark would be the one who will be entering the bounder to complete it.
This evening, he had called his family and talked with them.
He was getting prepared to enter the bounder.
He was personally trained by Robin during this period.
Finally the day came...