Damark was again inside a dream, it was the same dream where he found his powers. Everything was dark except for the ground having grid type lines which where shining, luminating the ceiling. The ceiling was somewhat curved, and the floor was very vast.
On the left side of him, he saw a plate which was displaying something. He approached it and saw that it was actually a glass plate which have some script written on it. He focused on it in the dim light.
[Lie to Truth]
Damark was pretty acquainted with the scenary, he focused more on the line and suddenly the line got vanished. The only thing left was the empty glass pane.
He started feeling dizzy and he fainted, but he wasn't unconscious, rather he was not able to hear, see or smell anything. He could feel as if he was feeling the presence of his whole body at once.
But there was something strange about the body, it was actually empty rather than veins, muscles, bones, it felt empty. Only a small portion of his body had something, it was near the back of his neck just like the place where the physician had told him. It was like a small solid ball was floating there, he found it really weired for a ball to be there.
It was when he was feeling it and gazing it through his imagination, then the ball's picture got more clear. It was actually a small neuron with thin dentrites spreading from it like the roots of a tree in different direction. But the dentrites didn't connect anywhere it was limited to that area.
He was feeling it and trying to understand it. His eyes held on the middle of the neuron, all the space around the centre seemed filled with something but that centre was empty like the other body parts.
While looking at the empty void at the centre of the neuron, he felt as if his soul was sucked into the void. He restrained back anyhow and tried to control his soul. He found that the hole was actually minutely getting smalller and smaller with time but it was very slow, it felt like it would take forever for it to fill.
He was retracted back into his normal state in the dream, he saw that the mirror pane nor displayed something:
[Lie to Truth:
Grants the Enhancer of Turning the Visible Truth to Lie as per the desire of the user.
Flaw : Slowly the Existence of the User gets Faded ]
Damark frowned after reading the sentence,
"Visible truth? Existence fade?"
"What are these things?"
The entire place started shaking and a stone plate appeared from the ground just beside the glass pane.
It was empty and didn't have anything.
"Maybe it is for the future."
The floor's light started fading and it became extremely dark.
Damark woke up!
"What a weird dream, I should ask Croser about it, does Enhancer details really come through dreams."
He woke up and did all the necessary activities to get ready. As it was the day of his entry into the world of Bounder.
For the past few weeks, he had been training a lot with Robin for preparation. He had developed somewhat strength and for breaking his own limits he used his Enhancer everytime.
He wore the uniform given to them and walked out of his room looking like a disciplined soldier.
While on his way to the control room, he saw Alfred.
Damark waved at him and said him "Hi!"
But Alfred made his face like a stranger was waving at him, he approached Damark and said, "Huh? Who are you? By any chance do I know you?"
Damark was taken aback by this statement, he said hurriedly, "What do you mean? I am Damark who was the new recruit on the last mission few weeks ago!?"
Alfred's face froze and he looked straight into one direction as if he was a machine.
Then after a moment he replied, "Oh hi damark! I felt as I had forgotten you and you never existed in my memory. Really sorry, maybe I didn't good sleep last night."
Damark talked a bit with him and left. On his way he thought, "It was really strange? How could someone forget about such a vivid memory and also within just a few weeks. It as if the flaw mentioned in the last dream was working. My existence... Was faded from his memory...."
"I should be careful next time while using this power, it's strong but comes with problems"
He had now reached the control room. It was giving the vibes of a high teh room.
He entered the room and saw that Croser and Robin were already having a conversation with each other. While at same time some other young people where sorting out the papers.
When Croser and Robin saw Damark, he gave an emotion of excitement and called him to have a seat.
Croser asked, "Did you sleep well yesterday?"
Damark replied, "Yeah I had a good sleep yesterday but there is something I want to ask you?"
Croser said smilely, "Yes? Do ask."
Damark let out a sigh and asked, "Everyone who works here have Enhancer. So have everyone here gain it through their dream? Where are thrown into an unknown world?"
Croser said laughingly, "Oh yeah! I almost forgot to give you the details. Yes that is true, eveyone here have experienced it through their dreams and everyone will have a different experience. But one thing is common that they will be thrown in the "Body Branch", which is the place which connects the whole body starting from the back of the neck. It acts like the main powerhouse, it also defines how much can one use his Enhancer.
For you, like you saw that day you potential. It will rise once the Body Branch spreads it's reach. It will differ for everyone, someone will have his body branch spreading to his brain first or someone may have it spreaded to his heart first."
Damark nodded and listened carefully.
Robin added, "Also, you don't have to worry about it now because you haven't had your awakening till now."
Damark asked, "How can I have an awakening?"
Robin replied, "Well.. we still don't know, it is found that going into the Bounders repeatedly may awaken you."
Croser replied, "Like my Body Branch is actually connect to three placed which means I can have three different Enhancer and also my main Enhancer's potential will increase."
Damark was intrigued, "Who has the highest number of connected body branch till now?"
Croser said, "It is not officially disclosed but we have an idea that a person in our neighbouring country, 'Dosen', there is a person with 56 body branches. He had almost completed 78 Bounders. And he is somewhat at the very pinnacle of this world right now. Though he has many flaws."
Robin said, "Ah.. yes flaws.. in your body branch you may have felt that there are many empty regions. If you let it suck you in, you will be devoured and the effect of your flaw will increase. We don't have enough research to say how can we fix this flaws but we are trying."
Damark now understood what had happened before.
"I really need to be very careful." He thought to himself.
A young man that was working earlier approached Croser and whispered something in his ears.
Croser looked at Damark and said, "Should we get started?"
Damark nodded with excitement and they all left the control room. He was following Croser and Robin to an Underground stairway which led to a room. It was somewhat dark and almost felt like a mine.
They reached the room and when Croser opened it, they first sight that Damark saw was the big window on the side of the room, it was compact and only had a window with a study table and a chair with a sleeping capsule.
Croser waited for Damark to enter the room, and said, "Behind this Window is the biggest library of his Country, whatever title of the book you read, you just need to type it down on the keyboard which we will give and the book will automatically come to you. After that read the book and as soon as you start feeling dizzy just close the book and throw it into the window. Rest will be handled by us."
Damark was somewhat relieved that he had been chosen for this holy act.
Croser clapped his hands and two young man wearing the same goggles came down the stairs into the room with the big translucent glass box.
They kept it on the study table and asked Damark to open it.
He opened it and saw that the handkerchief was still lying there inside the box in between a red cushion. He picked it up with gentle care and kept the box aside.
Everyone left except for Robin and Croser.
He flattened the handkerchief and read the line.
[The Imperial Palace]
As soon as he read the line, the handkerchief started fading like it was made up of sand that was flowing out of the hand.
He had the title of the book in his mind, thus when he looked down on the table, he saw that a keyboard was lying there. He started pressing the buttons without thinking much.
The clutching of the keyboard where echoing in the room. He pressed the last button, "E"
Suddenly the window which was closed earlier opened and he saw the biggest Library in his life. There was book shelves all around going upto the very end of the room, it was so deep that it stretched to the point where light couldn't reach. There was a big pillar which had book shelves covering the whole pillar. It was almost impossible to count all the books. Suddenly one of the book, started flapping and flew towards the window. Damark had never expected just a thing to happen it was as if he was seeing magical world for the first time.
He picked up the book and opened it.
[The Imperial Palace]
[The boy always yearned to be a knight. But he belonged to a family of tailors. The family worked day and night to make cloths for their king. But the king never favoured them inspite he charged them heavy taxes. The boy always bad mouthed them but suddenly one day one of the knight heard him and beaten him to death. The boy swore to become a knight and replace the king. But the fate was something else, the palace was in uproar due to the sudden assassination of the king. One of the knight gave the name of the boy as a possible suspect and he was arrested for treason. He was asked to prove his loyalty through a series of tests. The first test was...] Suddenly the dizziness started coming up and Damark knew that it was time.
He closed the book and threw it into the library through the window. He held his head trying to control his headache. But it was futile and he was unconscious.
Robin and Croser knew one thing that this story will take a while to complete, thus they helped unconscious Damark to get into the capsule bed.
Croser said to Robin, "Let's hope that he is able to complete this story. I have tried to gain more info about this and found that a man had to go through a lot of mental challenges in the story, though it was considered a philosophical book but the story was pretty tough."
Robin shook his head hoping that Damark would be able to complete it.