wtf is going on?

[Wake up, user]

Alric... no, Roy was walking his sheep's in a wast and green land, it was the perfect sun set today, the sky was painted shades of blue and red from the gorgeous sun set... it felt as though the universe itself was rewarding Roy for walking hundreds of his sheep's though the green fields.

He was scared that a titan might appear, after all they were not quite rare to find, but he knew that non would come, even though if they would, it would be at the time of night.

But ignoring the titans, the sunshine warmed his skin, it felt really good.

"If only I could see a sun set like this every day..." Roy was happy to see the beautiful sun set... but he was also sad because he knew that he would not see any more like this in a long time.

Roy sat there on a rock ruffling his sheep's over grown hair while eagerly watching the emerging rainbow in a distance.

"Wooow" Roy's eyes widened with joy as he looked at the blurry and not fully visible rainbow, it had not rained in a while.

He was happy, he needed rain, after all his crops were getting dryer, and large amounts of water was really expensive and he could not even afford to rent a caravan to load all the water if he had bought it.

The rainbow soon ad disappeared even before it could have be fully visible. Roy did not care that much, because he had to get home soon, it was getting night.

He then soon started walking the sheep's back, watching the sun set even further into the other side, the sheep's making sounds and more and more darkness started to them.

Soon enough, Roy had Finnished pushing all the sheep's in there staves.

Coming back to his small and not so fancy house, he started making himself something to eat, but all he could see was mushrooms that he picked from the mountains, so he decided to make a mushroom stew.

After eating the home made meal, his stomach was barely even full.

Wanting to take a little breather, Roy climbing the stairs and entered his room, then he walked to the door of the balcony and slowly opened it, he placed a chair in the short but not to short balcony, then he sat on the chair.

Taking in a deep breath he saw the wast expanse of the night, the simmering stars and the cold air of the night.

"What an astonishing view... wonderful" Roy muttered under his breath, closing his eyes he felt the cold air of the night assaulting him.

He rubbed his sides trying to warm himself up, but it did so little to do so.

But just when he was about to get up and go back into his room, he saw a star... a falling star. But it was bigger then he expected.

He remembered his mother and father, they used to tell him that if you make a wish in front of a falling star, it comes true.

But he had little memories of them... he was six when both of his parents had died in an accident, he was eight years old now, infact it was his birthday today but he did not bother to celebrate it, he did not even have money for a cake.

Seeing the beautiful falling star he wished...

"I want to get rich" that was his wish... to get rich, he craved money the most, every poor person did, and those who had money, they did not care about it as long as they had enough of it.

He had heard his parents say the richer you are the more unhappy are, that was a lie, made up by the poor people to find some happiness in there state. Money was everything and it could buy anything... most of the anything that is.

Roy felt a weird sense... like something was not right, not right at all.

It was surprising to see only nineteen of the moons in a bright night like this one... the twentieth moon, and also the biggest one of them all was no where in sight.

Roy did not really care about it, there were already nineteen beautiful moons he could see, one less would not matter at all.

Roy was happy for no reason today, absolutely no reason. He was feeling quite peaceful.

The sky got brighter...

And brighter

Brighter and brighter.

Roy's skin burned, his flesh cooking in the heat, but it was to fast for him to feel anything.

Everything went white, Everything burned, Everything melted, Everything collapsed.

[Wake up]


[Wake up, user]

Alric... no, Roy... no, Jack was a rich merchant, he used to sell and buy lots of gem stones.

Jack was in his shop, waiting for a customer or two.

Today was one of the days where he did not get any profit because there were no customers to sell his gem stones to.

He taped his fingers continuesly on the luxurious counter that seemed to be made out of a rare kind of wood, it was white and black like yen and yang.

Jack was getting bored from waiting for any potential customers.

But soon his wait was over, a young and beautiful lady with red hair came into the shop.

She was a mis fit ofc, red heads were not really welcomed anywhere.

But she could be a potential customer, so jack put on a perfect smile on his face.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome, what might have bought a beautiful young lady as yourself to this humble merchants shop?" Jack tried to butter up the lady to sell his gemes at a much higher price, after all she looked quite rich.

"You're quiet young yourself" the female knew what Jack was doing and copied him.

Jack sighed inwardly, he knew this woman would try to bargen his soul out of him but he was ready to put up a fight himself. "I sure am" Jack replied.

The woman just raised her eyebrow hearing that blunt answer.

Then she started to browsing through his gem stone collections that were safely behind something called glass, it was a new product that was getting quite a bit of hype now a days, so Jack decided to install one of those glass panels in his shop, ofcorse it cost him way to much but at the end of the day it was still worth it.

"This... how much is it?" The woman just pointed her finger to a blue gem stone, bit it was not a normal gem stone, not in ant way.

"Ma'am I think you did not recognise it, it's a titans core or a piece of it that is." Titans were really rare to find in this lands, there were absolutely non, but there were to many of them where humans did not live... the other continents was the place with no humans but only the titans.

"Is that so? Now I want it even more" the woman said with a smirk.

Dumb... absolutely dumb... Jack could not believe it, she just admitted to wanting the thing she is buying. 'Well? I guess it's my lucky day' ah... how Jack was starting to show his true merchant blood, he was now planning to sell the core at a grate price.

"Then you have the right person madame, I will give you a ten percent offer on this item since you want it that much. It would be a total of eight thousand gold coins only!" That was so merchantish of him... he tried to swindle her of her coins, the average merchant move.

The woman just made a poker face.

"You can check the entire kingdom and you would not find any titans core this cheap" Jack took his chances, after all she did not recognise the gem stone as a titans care when she first laid her eyes upon it.

The woman just stared at him "make it seven thousand gold coins" the woman bargained.

"Seven thousand and five hundred gold coins" Jack did not back of.

The woman then thought for a moment and and soon she replied, "Deal"

Jack wanted to smirk, but he chose to not, not jet at least, maybe when the woman is gone.

"Deal" Jack agreed to the price.

It was all part of his plan. First, he said she was getting ten percent off on the item, but she wasn't. Then, he said it cost eight thousand gold coins, but it was really only worth five thousand gold coins.

She tried to get it for a cheaper price, offering seven thousand gold coins.

Jack then pretended to lower the price a lot, making it look like he was doing her a favor.

But she was paying more than it was worth for. In the end of the day, he sold something worth five thousand gold coins for seven thousand five hundred gold coins, making a big profit.

She then handed him seven platinum coins and five hundred gold coins, just did not say anything, he had one regret and that was not selling her that core for a higher price... because she had platinum coins and those were quite rare and only the rich had them.

He then took the seven platinum coins with ease but struggled to pick up the pouch with five hundred gold coins in it.

After keeping the money in his locker, he came back and carefully packed the piece of the titans core for her and handed it to her.

The woman took the item she purchased and shortly after that she exited the store gracefully.

Jack was happy because of how much profit he made this day.

After waiting for any other customers for an entire hour, seeing non, he closed his shop.

He then decided to take a walk around the city.

He started walking straight towards the gigantic orb that is said to be have fallen from the heavens itself. Ofcorse Jack knew that this information was fake, something that fell from heaven? Who were they kidding.

But then again, it was far bigger then he could ever imagine, it was so big that the entire kingdom was under its shade, but it was creaked to, broken into many smaller pieces.

Jack was smart, he might have an idea of what this was... maybe a fallen star? No one knew where they fell at, But again he did not knew for sure.

Coming closer to the enormous mountain like rock he touched the surface of it... and turned his head to the side... there they were, the people who worshiped the rock Like it was a God or something related to God.

They were just bunch of violent people.

But even the ones who did not worship this rock? Mountain? Say that if you make a wish near it, it would come true... he did not really believed it but it did not hurt to try, after all he had a wish, a grate one that is. Maybe it was foolish to wish for something so big but it did not hurt to just dream about it.

"I wish to be a king... I wish to rule" Jack wished to rule... to be a ruler, it was a foolish wish for only a merchant but still, it was his wish.

He was feeling quite peaceful today.

After making a simple wish he turned around... he knew it would not come true but deep down he wished it would, after all being a ruler would be fun.

He then turned around facing opposite to the wast rock that was bigger then any mountain he had laid his eyes upon. He then started to stretch his body to relax a little.

But little did he know... someone ran towards him covering his face and stabed him in the stomach.

Jack let out a loud gasp, almost losing all of his air... he tried to fight back but the man... woman? They slided the dagger cutting open his flesh and letting his guts spill out of his stomach, blood flew like a fountain out of Jack's goresome injury. He was losing his blood at a horrifying speed, it this continued then he will die soon. Not able to stand anymore Jack fell on the ground and then was barely able to sir up straight against the orb... his blood painting the rock like surface crimson red.

The culprit of this all simply rushed to his body... Jack's eyes widened in horror, he was not able to move anymore... what was going to happen now.

The culprit bended down next to him and started checking for anything valuable in his clothing... soon he found a single platinum coin the culprits hands shoke, he had hit the jackpot.

After checking more and finding nothing... the culprit ran away before anyone could come to the crime seen.

Jack couldn't speak or move... he could just watch and he did just that, he watched the his murderer... or soon to be his murderer because he wasn't dead yet, he saw them take his money... he saw that it was just a robbery.

He felt relieved that it was not something bigger like assassination? Who would even assassinate him? Someone who he swindled?... Jack wanted to laugh but couldn't... so he just closed his eyes 'fuck... I want to live' he thought in his head and just in a matter of seconds... he passed away.

[Wake up]