wtf is going on? (1)

[Author: Gruesome chapter... Disclaimer.

Untill we meet again! *rans off while laughing evilly*]


[Wake up, user]

Alric... no, Roy... no, Jack... no, Elijah was sitting on a throne made up of complete rock, cross legged he was drinking a finely made grape wine that was very expensive.

He was the first person, the first king to have ever sat on this heavenly throne, as this kingdom took many centuries to be made a whole, it took approximately a thousand years to build they said, and is said to be made of a material that had fallen from the heavens itself upon them mortals.

The new royal palace was finally finished, after a thousand years... the countless slaves that built this... they all were sold off after their hands were deattached from their arms, so they could have never built a magnificent piece of work such as these royal palace and the whole kingdom that surrounded the royal palace ever again.

Elijah's father and his mother, Johan zephyr and selah zephyr had wished for the slaves to have been executed after the build was finished, but after they had passed away, Elijah did not like the killing the slaves after they worked so hard to build them this... first their ancestors started the build a thousand years ago and then their offsprings followed, Elijah indeed was a truly kind man.

So at the end he settled to chop their hands and sell them off. A truly kind and generous heart that Elijah had... definitely.

Anyways he was still sitting on that new throne of his drinking the same expensive wine, remaineding himself of the kindness he showed to the salves... "Ah... how merciful I am" Elijah muttered pridefully.

"Should I start calling myself saint Elijah instead of king Elijah?" He laughed at his own 'definitely not' humours joke, his guards forcing a laugh out of their mouth's, and everyone present there also did so.

"Victoria" Elijah called out the beautiful woman's name that was standing right behind his throne, she was his personal assistant that was very obedient and listened to his every command without bating an eye or getting flustered, obeying without asking any questions.

Her hair were long and shades of blonde and her eyes were sharp and piercing and were the color blue, she also had a curvy body with a perfect hour glass physique and a perfectly carved face and nose, and she had pale and soft skin.

She wore an elegant white tunic that did nothing to hide the perfect curves that her body had.

Victoria just stood there staring into elijah's wonderfull eyes that were the color of bright emerald, her ears focused on elijah's voice and she eagerly waited for his order.

"What are you looking at? Victoria... don't you see the empty glass of wine? Or will i need to spell what you need to do out for you?" Elijah complained and Victoria's eyes widened significantly, she had made a mistake, to not know what her lord needed before hand, she had to make up for it.

Instantly taking the bottle of expensive wine in her soft and thin hands from the small table that was made out of expensive dark wood and beautiful patterns were chiseled all over it giving it an luxurious aura.

Elijah just bought his wine glass more closer to her and Victoria poured the expensive wine into elijah's wine glass.

And after finishing that task that her lord had assisted to her, she bowed down to him.

"I apologise my lord, I apologise for the inconvenience I have showed this day, I must selfishly ask for another chance, I asure you that this foolish mistake of mine will never repeat in the coming future" Victoria begged for her lord to forgive her.

Elijah's expression shifted significantly from flustered to surprised, he wondered 'isn't her apology a little to excessive for just a trivial matter such as this one?' Finally he spoke while sipping on the wine. "OK!, ok, it's not that big of a deal, I forgive you, so will you just please just stop bowing down in front me now?" Although his words were comforting, there was not really any emotion behind those comforting words of his, and the way he was drinking the wine while saying it made it appear even more colder then it initially was.

But those words were not meant to be said by a king as himself.

Everyone around him were surprised by the choice of words elijah used.

Getting up from the ground with a surprised expression Victoria requested of her lord. "My lord, please do not use such words, saying please to a mere Nobel such as me while being a royal, the king of this land! That's not appropriate for a king to say and I also apologise if my apology made you feel uncomfortable."

Elijah just sighed and shifted all of his weight on to the right side of the thronehe was sitting on, his head rested in the palm of his right hand, making it seem as though Elijah was suffering from boredom, and infact he truly was suffering from boredom.

After dusting of some dust from her elegant white tunic, Victoria moved to her position, to the back of the throne almost just beside Elijah.

Elijah was awfully feeling to peaceful today, but he chose to ignore it, he had better matters to deal with.

"He is late" Elijah informed with a flustered look.

"Indeed he is my lord, but what can he do? After all he is one of the most influential individuals in our kingdom." Seeing Elijah suffering out of boredom, victory tried to strike a conversation with him.

"You are right Victoria, he has indeed a gate influence over the people of our kingdom, after all, he is my youngest brother." Elijah took the bait and started a conversation with her.

Victoria chuckled before saying "indeed, indeed, without a doubt he is your brother." And just as she said that the doors of the kings chamber shook as they opened to reveal a tall, young, handsome man, the guards let him in and he walked straight towards the king... his brother, he then waved a hand in the air with a cheerful smile saying hello with his body language.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome, my dearest younger brother. Keep in mind this is not a family gathering, its a professional meeting" Elijah informed and his younger brother, Jonathan zephyr, replied. "Indeed, my older brother, I must keep in mind that this is a professional meeting and not a normal chit chat between us"

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Elijah's expression because serious and he asked, "how is the progress on the plan going on?"

Jonathan's cheerful smile vanished to, as if it was never there in the first place. "Ah... that... yes regarding that matter... we have a little problem"

Elijah raised one of his eyebrows, "hmmmm..." He hmmed for a moment trying to evaluate or more like predict Jonathan's next word, but still not being a hundred percent sure, he asked "and what might this problem be exactly? And you referring to it as little? Is it a little problem? Or a much bigger one?" He asked a series of questions.

Jonathan shook his head, "oh... that?... infact little is truly an understatement for the problem we have, it's quite big."

"And what exactly is it again?" Elijah asked again.

"Well, what can I say, we are going to go broke... quite literally infact, your idea of making a new currency from... paper? That new thing... has gone quite wrong, people do not believe in that, and merchants to are rejecting the currency saying that they will not except anything but coins, public thinks that this is a scam. So we have stopped processing the paper currency because it's mostly useless now, it has no value if people don't see it as valuable."

Elijah sighed deeply regretted his actions. "Quiet troublesome indeed... how much money have we lost in this?" Elijah asked Jonathan and Jonathan replied to elijah's question instantly.

"Well... with all the money we have gave those money hungry merchants to promote the new currency, I would say approximately around fivety five thousand gold coins, in similar terms it would be fivety five platinum coins"

Elijah rubbed his forehead, he was quite flustered, and it was all his fault. "Definitely something not good, definitely. A good thing you stoped producing the paper currency, I think we are going to be sticking to coins for now, quite expensive to make you know."

"Ah... indeed they are quite expensive to make" Jonathan supported Elijah on the matter. "But you see... there is a much... much, much, much more bigger problem at hand for us"

Elijah raised an eyebrow, "and what might that big, big, problem be? I don't think I have made a bigger mistake then the paper currency thing."

"Oh I asure you, its not a problem you made... infact the problem is you itself, getting to the point, the problem is, that... I want to be the king, and you are the king" Jonathan shook and Elijah chuckled and soon started to laugh. "And what might be so funny?" Jonathan asked.

Barely managing to speak Elijah spoke "ha I will let that slide for now, and indeed you surely can be the king... after I die that is" Elijah started to laugh even more.

A cheerful smile appeared on Jonathan's face, with mischief mixed in it. "Then I shall do as you say, wait for you to die"

Elijah raised an eyebrow and spoke "your getting quite bold brother"

Jonathan was the one who laughed this time "I surely am, am I not? I have been quite brave since I was born."

From behind the throne Victoria chuckled silently... and nodded towards Jonathan.

Elijah did not see this as Victoria was behind him.

Jonathan then asked "brother... how was the wine I sent you as a gift?" Elijah's mind raced many questions, and one of them was... 'Why is he asking me that?' But it was too late, he did not realise in time.

Jonathan took a step closer to the kings throne... Elijah tried to move but he did not prevail... it was as if he was frozen... his body was paralysed... he was poisoned.

Barely finding enough strength to use his voice he tried to shout "guards! Move! Seize this man at once!" His voice could be heard but the guards did not react, instead, they let out a soft chuckle as they were laughing at his pitiful state.

He realized it... seeing no option he turned to his last option. "Victoria! Protect me!"

He could not see her before she was behind him, he could not even move.

Jonathan got even closer to him and his heart felt like it would explode.

A soft chuckle could be heard from behind him, and soon Victoria's voice followed as she wrapped her arms around him from behind with a mischievous smile. "Sorry my lord, but no can do"

Elijah's whole world came crumbling down upon him, they all were in this together, but he realized it too late.

Jonathan was now right in front of him, towering over his paralysed figure, and soon he unsheathed his sword, pointing it directly at his heart.

Elijah could not do anything but expect his fate now "well played, little brother. I am proud of you."

Jonathan chuckled softly, "I thought you would curse at me"

Elijah wanted to smile but couldn't, his whole body was paralysed, only his muffled voice was coming out out of his unmoving lips. "Why would I?"

[Wake up user]

"I don't know... I am sorry brother" Jonathan started to hum... and sing? "Happy birthday to you brother" Elijahs mind raised again, 'what is this? Was this a bloody prank he played? No it can't be... it was too real' all kinds of questions ran wild in his head and soon the guards too followed Jonathan and started singing "happy birthday to you" there voice echoed... and Victoria started to sing to.

Soon Jonathan stopped singing and so did the rest of the people present there.

Deep down Elijah wanted this to be a prank but he knew his brother well, it was not one of his pranks.

"OK! OK! Sorry for giving you false hope" Jonathan spoke and Elijah just said nothing.

Even his vocal cords were slowly getting paralysed now.

'Fuck that bastard' Elijah swore at him in his mind... but he did not really meant it. He loved his younger brother, and he knew that he loved him too, he knew how he must be feeling right now.

"Good bye... my dearest brother" as he spoke that, his sword flashed and with all of his might... Jonathan beheaded his older brother... no, the king.

Time seemed to have slowed down significantly.

A single drop of tears fell from Jonathan's eyes and landed on the lavish red carpet of the royal palace, he was smiling but that smile was just merely a mask. His true emotions hidden to but only him... and his brother

Elijah could feel his true emotions.

[Wake up!]

Elijah saw the world bending and shifting in front of his eyes, and he knew why... he was decapitated by his own blood brother.

Elijah's head flew to the left side of him, landed roughly on the hard rock like floor and started rolling, he could not feel any pain, as his body was paralysed and that he had now no body to speak of.

His headless body shook violently but still remaining on the throne, a soft cut could be seen on the throne exactly where his head was missing from. But that mark was not in vision anymore... blood shot like fountains from where his head was missing, and painted the entire throne in his red blood.

It was a clean decapitation.

And he was not dead yet, he was still alive... only for a little while that is... once his brain stops getting oxygen, he is gone for good.

Light shined upon his headless body from the glass tomb at was on the ceiling...

It looked like a scene straight out of a slaughter house not for animals but humans.

His bodyless head could still see... turned out that you are still alive for a little while after your decapitated...

His head just laid there... on the hard rock like floor... and his body just sat there... on the bloodied throne...

There, his decapitated head saw it, a bird... they were quite rare to see, oh how the universe had blessed him before his death.

Seeing a beautiful dark bird... he made a wish 'I want to be free' he wanted freedom... like that bird which just flew by... away from all the politics... Of course he did not spoke that out loud... in fact, he was physically incapable of doing so, so he just made that wish in his head.

Oh how wonderful the world was...

Soon he ran out of the little oxygen he had and all of a sudden... his vision went dark

[Wake up user]

His consciousness faded.

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And finally... he died

[Wake up user!]

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[WAKE UP!!!]