[Name: Alric Lyra
Class: -
Skills: -
Access: [8]
Abilities: [Leap] [Take] -
Ability description: [Take]: This ability allows the user to take or send anything they want into the Abyss. Once something is taken or sent, it remains there indefinitely with no time limit. This works even when the user is not present in the Abyss. The item stays untouched by time or change until the user decides to retrieve it or call it back. The number of objects the user can do this with depends on the user's access level.
Alric was speechless yet again.
He had opened the whispers just to confirm his calculations of his access points were correct or not... but... "Interesting," Alric muttered under his breath with an excited look.
"A new ability..." He was infinitely curious as to what the extent of this new ability of his would be.
So, before wandering off into nowhere, Alric decided to test it out and not wait a week to use it for the first time, unlike his first ability, Leap.
He already knew what this ability could do. It was like Melissa's pouch but without the pouch part.
But he just remembered something. In a hurry, he checked his surroundings, and after finally finding them, he took a breath of relief.
It seemed like his long knife and his dagger were not launched far after his impact from the ground... but again, it just proves that he hit the ground.
He stood silently at the exact spot where he had apparently 'died', his face looked colorless and grim.
Trying to distract himself from overthinking, he lifted his right hand, which was holding his long knife, and looked at the details of it.
"Take," he muttered, his voice a low purr.
It was as if he knew how to use this power from when he was born, as if it was natural to him.
Nothing happened at first, but after a second... darkness shrouded the long and rectangular knife. It looked as if dark light was surrounding it.
But Alric knew... shadows and darkness are very much distinct from each other...
shadows are simply the absence of light, but on the other side, darkness is nothing...
there is nothing in darkness, as darkness is absolutely nothing, but at the same time, darkness is something.
In just a few seconds, the darkness that was shrouding the long knife vanished, the elegant blade nowhere in sight.
But Alric knew where it might have been.
Name: Alric Lyra
Class: -
Skills: -
Access: [8]
Abilities: [Leap] [Take]
Alric focused on [Take], and another image similar to the one he was witnessing appeared in his mind.
[Take]: This ability allows the user to take or send anything they want into the Abyss. Once something is taken or sent, it remains there indefinitely with no time limit. This works even when the user is not present in the Abyss. The item stays untouched by time or change until the user decides to retrieve it or call it back. The number of objects the user can do this with depends on the user's access level.
Items: [Long emerald knife] -
Witnessing that it worked, Alric was very excited. He was already brainstorming various ideas on how to implement this new ability he had just received into battle.
Wanting to test it again, Alric lifted the black obsidian dagger and used [Take]. Soon, darkness, which was also nothingness, embraced the dagger, and it was gone now.
Items: [Long emerald knife] [Obsidian dagger] -
Getting greedy, Alric picked up a rock from the ground and used [Take] since he had no other weapons to speak of.
But... suddenly, instead of darkness surrounding the rock, a simple message formed in his mind.
[Limit reached]
"Hmmmm..." Alric hummed with a faint sense of disappointment. "Two is the max, I guess,"
Alric was indeed disappointed that two was the maximum limit for now.
But wait... he had eight access points... and eight divided by four is two... was he onto something?
In fact, education was truly a luxury only the rich could afford; not even the middle class could do so. And he was royalty... so undoubtedly he had been personally tutored by the kingdom's best tutors. And thus his knowledge was vast... he had even learned division... which only a few had the luxury to do.
"Soo... that means, if my Access points reach up to fifty," Alric started thinking deeply... with a not-so-believable goal. Even thirty access was a big deal... then again, Melissa said she had sixty access...
Finally, after calculating for a minute, "Twelve point five!... wait, point five?" He spoke out the answer. 'The Relic is probably going to make it twelve,' he thought.
He threw the rock that he was holding in his hand away.
Alric took a deep breath and let out a flustered sigh soon after.
"Damnation," he muttered a curse under his breath.
He still had the same problem... "Where do I go now..." He was utterly lost... he did not know where to go... for all he knew, he could have been in the heart of the forest.
A new question popped up in his head... was he in a forest anymore? It did not look like it, so he realized... "I'm screwed..." He muttered.
Observing his surroundings more closely, they looked more like a jungle than a forest, with all the overgrown vegetation, moss, and fungus. "Am I in a different biome!?" Almost letting out a loud shout, Alric froze... he was definitely not equipped to deal with this.
The trees were larger in size, the air filled with moisture, there was no fog, everything was clear, the moss, the vast trees, and the surprisingly short grass. The grass grew up to Alric's abdomen, surprisingly short for his surroundings.
It was hard to breathe for some reason, but since it was not too hard, Alric decided to let it go.
He could hear water flowing somewhere around him; it sounded much like a river.
But the land looked much harder to traverse than the forest.
Indeed, he was in a completely different place from when he was first swallowed. He was in a different biome.
It seemed like a tropical rainforest to Alric.
"Wondrous..." Alric muttered softly under his breath. Alric's eyes widened, his expression softened. He had no other words to describe the magnificent scenery he was witnessing at the moment. It was practically preposterous to believe that something could be this beautiful.
He was definitely jealous of the titans now.
But he knew. In the wild... the more beautiful its aesthetics, the more deadly it is.
Alric took a step in the direction from where the sound of flowing water was coming from. Then he took another, and another... the more he walked, the louder the sound of water flowing grew.
He walked and walked, his focus on the flowing sound grew.
Alric traversed the vast landscape, climbed the enormous roots of the gigantic trees that lifted from the ground, and slid down them.
It was indeed hard to do so.
And after half an hour... he slowly took a step ahead, revealing a beautiful and vast river, its depth unknown to him, but just from the sheer size of the enormous river, he knew that it would be hundreds and hundreds of meters deep.
Alric could not see the other side of the river with his mortal eyes, making it seem like a sea... or even an ocean.
But how did he know it was a river? It was simple... just about five hundred meters from where he was standing... there was nothing.
Alric started walking in the direction where the river flowed.
And soon he was there... at the edge.
Trillions and quadrillions of gallons of water dropped down, forming an enormous waterfall.
It was indeed truly proportionous to even believe this.
But Alric was witnessing it with his own two eyes. He saw.
Witnessing the transcendent and unparalleled beauty of nature... soothed him.
Alric was feeling oddly peaceful and calm for someone in his situation.
Alric approached the edge of the cliff, the cliff where the water rushed down from... Alric bent and witnessed it...
The endless land... the forest... the fog... he saw it all.
The drop from the cliff would be a guaranteed death as the cliff stretched down for kilometers and kilometers.
It was a truly primordial and vast landscape.
The world itself was weird to look at from where Alric stood... it moved down like an endless slope.
Alric stepped away from the edge, the fear of falling down eating at him. The breeze was picking up as well; he had to get away from the cliff for now.
Alric was definitely sure that the place he stood on was unexplored. If it wasn't, then it would have been quite a famous story by now.
Letting out a long sigh, Alric started walking back... in the opposite direction from the flow of the river.
A question ate at him... 'Why did I not see any living creatures until now?' That was Alric's question.
A part of him was paranoid, and a part of him was relieved.
Something enormous jumped out of the river.
Time slowed down... Alric's instincts screamed of danger, his eyes widened to there limits.