Warmth. That registered first - not artificial heat, but living warmth pressed against him. Soft curves molded to his body, a head tucked under his chin. His hand rested on bare skin - Quet's lower back. Her top had ridden up in sleep.
She stirred, nuzzling into his neck. "Más..."
His hand drifted lower, following the curve of her spine. She arched into the touch, a pleased rumble vibrating against his chest.
He complied, fingers trailing past the small of her back. Her lips found his throat.
"Mucho mejor." Teeth grazed his skin. "Though you're surprisingly alert for someone who spent an hour arguing with 'cloud shapes' on the ceiling last night."
"I heal fast."
"That what you're calling it?" Her breath ghosted across his collarbone. "Because I distinctly remember you naming one Harold."
"Harold was a very distinctive cloud."
"It was a water stain."
"A cloud-shaped water stain."
She snorted against his neck. "And the dragon?"
"Artistic interpretation."
Morning light painted gold through gauzy curtains. His hand resumed its exploration of her back, earning something between a purr and a moan.
"We need to move," she murmured into his neck.
"I mean it."
"You sound convinced."
"Status check." She nipped his collarbone. "Then dungeon."
The word should have sparked anxiety. Instead, calm settled over him like an old friend.
"Five minutes," he said.
Her laugh vibrated against his skin. "Ten."
A cart rattled past outside. Quet shifted, pressing closer.
"Ay, Dios." She rolled her hips. "Someone's happy to see me."
Heat pooled south. "Goddess..."
"No need for titles." Another deliberate roll. "Natural response. Though..." Her teeth found his earlobe. "Quite the response."
"Just making observations." She ground against him. "Para la ciencia, you understand."
His grip tightened on her waist. She purred approval.
"Careful, mi sol. That path leads to missing the dungeon entirely."
"You're not selling the dungeon's case here."
Joy rang in her laughter. "Tempter. But no." She pushed up. "Status first. Dungeon second."
"And third?"
Green eyes sparkled. "Third is for winners."
She slid off him. "Roll over."
He complied. The mattress dipped as she straddled his back.
"Now..." Her finger traced his status marks. "Let's see what- mierda."
"No, just..." She shifted closer. "Different."
Her finger moved across his skin, stopping occasionally. Each pause stretched longer than the last.
"Different good?"
More silence. More pauses. Finally, she sat back.
"You..." She cleared her throat. "Remember last night when I said your status was interesting?"
"Parts of last night are fuzzy."
"Tch. Lightweight." She tapped between his shoulder blades. "Your status isn't just interesting."
"Let's just say if certain gods saw these… they'd either try to steal you or eliminate you."
Name: Cyrus Valentine
Race: High Human
Level: 1
Strength: I-0
Endurance: I-0
Dexterity: I-0
Agility: I-0
Magic: I-0
[Llamarada Celestial]
Base Abilities:
Fire manipulation and generation
Heat resistance
Flame propulsion for mobility
Command Words:
"Fuego" (Fire) - Basic flame control
"Ascenso" (Rise) - Enhanced flame propulsion
"Corona" (Crown) - Intensified flame output
Ultimate Techniques:
[Flecha Divina]
A unique finishing magic that manifests after using both "Fuego" and "Corona" commands. Allows the creation of a concentrated flame arrow that carries divine authority.
Chant: "Sagrada Flecha, Corazón Ardiente, Llama Eterna, Flecha Divina!"
Requires successful use of both "Fuego" and "Corona" before casting
Forms pure flame into an arrow shape
Extreme penetrating power
Slower projectile speed but overwhelming destructive force
Narrow effective range
Long wind-up time
Can't be used as an opening move
Requires significant Mind reserves
Single-use in most combat situations
[Elección del Rey]
A unique skill that accelerates growth of user and allies while fighting and enhances abilities based on the user's strength of will and determination to protect what they value. The intensity of these effects corresponds directly with the depth of the user's resolve and conviction in their chosen path. Grants immunity to divine influences and charm effects as a side effect.
[Destello negro]
A rare skill that represents the pinnacle of synchronization between an adventurer's physical strikes and magical energy. When the user achieves perfect timing between a physical attack and magical energy application (within a fraction of a second), it creates a spatial distortion that dramatically amplifies the attack's power.
"High Human." She traced a symbol on his back. "Tell me, mi sol, what do you know about your bloodline?"
"Not much to tell."
"There's always something to tell." Her finger paused between his shoulders. "High Humans aren't just another race. They were reyes - kings, heroes."
"You've met others?"
"No." Another pause. "That's what makes this interesting."
"How so?"
"Roll over."
He complied. Quet straddled his waist, her expression caught between fascination and something deeper.
"High Humans died out ages ago. The ones who survived..." She drew a line down his chest. "Their blood thinned. Mixed with other races until the power faded."
"But mine didn't."
"Exactamente." Her nail traced his collarbone. "Pure blood. Pure power."
"That why you chose me?"
"Tch. Give me some credit." She flicked his nose. "I chose you because you're you. The bloodline is just... bonus content."
"Speaking of content." He nodded toward his status marks. "You going to explain why you're acting like you found buried treasure?"
"Ay, so impatient." She settled more comfortably on his hips. "Fine. Let's start with your magic."
"What about it?"
"Most magic is rigid. Fixed forms, fixed effects." She gestured vaguely. "Yours adapts. Changes. Like it's alive."
"And that's good?"
"That's rare." She tapped his chest. "But these skills... mierda."
"That bad?"
"Bad?" She threw back her head and laughed. "Oh no, mi hijo. That's terrifying."
"You're not selling it."
"Elección del Rey." Her voice dropped lower. "Royal's Choice. A skill that marks you as chosen."
"Good question." She shrugged. "Could be fate. Could be the dungeon itself. Could be..." Her eyes narrowed. "Well. Let's not speculate."
"And the other one?"
"Destello negro." A grin split her face. "That one I've heard stories about. Perfect timing between magic and strikes. One mistake and it fails."
"Sounds complicated."
"Most would call it impossible." She poked his chest. "But you... you might actually pull it off."
Silence stretched between them. Morning light caught her hair, her eyes, her smile.
"So what's the plan?"
"First?" She rolled off him. "Breakfast. Then we test those gifts of yours."
"The dungeon?"
"Naturalmente." She padded toward the door. "Unless you'd rather spend another day arguing with ceiling stains?"
"Harold was a legitimate cloud formation."
"Harold was water damage." She paused in the doorway. "Coming?"
He gestured vaguely downward. "Give me a minute."
Her laughter echoed down the hall. "Pobrecito. Cold shower's that way. Don't take too long - mama's making huevos rancheros."
The bathroom mirror showed subtle changes. Sharper angles. Clearer eyes. Something else he couldn't quite name.
He found her in the kitchen, spices perfuming the air.
"Feel better?"
"Much." He leaned against the counter. "Need help?"
"Plates. Top shelf." She didn't turn from the stove. "Then we'll talk strategy."
"For the dungeon?"
"No, for your next debate with Harold." She glanced over her shoulder. "Por supuesto for the dungeon."
The eggs disappeared between them, sauce staining the white plates red. Steam curled from coffee dark enough to paint shadows. Cyrus watched Quet demolish her third helping, her fork scraping patterns through the remaining sauce.
"Perfecto." She licked her fork clean. "Though your face when you hit that habanero..."
"Could've warned me."
"And miss that squeak? Never." She pushed her plate back. "Now. About the dungeon."
"Here we go."
"Oye." She pointed her fork at him. "Less sass, more listening. Ground rules."
"I know how dungeons work."
"Do you?" Her eyes narrowed. "Tell me then, señor experto - what's the breeding rate of Goblins on the third floor?"
"Thought so." She tapped the fork against her plate. "Rule one - no playing hero. You're new."
"Says the goddess who wrestles for fun."
"Says the goddess who's lived centuries." She leaned forward. "Rule two - upper floors only. No rushing ahead because you're bored."
"That's specific."
"I know your type."
"My type?"
"Mm." She propped her chin on her hand. "The kind who sees limits as suggestions."
"You'd know all about that."
"Exactamente. Why do you think I'm setting these rules?" Her smile turned sharp. "Rule three - you come back. No matter what."
The playfulness had vanished from her voice. Cyrus set his coffee down.
"Smart." She stood, gathering plates. "Big difference."
He joined her at the sink, falling into an easy rhythm - she washed, he dried. Their elbows bumped occasionally, comfortable silence broken only by clinking dishes.
"Here." She pressed something into his palm as he set the last plate aside.
Emerald beads caught sunlight, strung on simple cord. They felt warm, like they'd been sitting in sun.
"Protection charm?"
"Smart boy." She curled his fingers around the necklace. "Never take it off."
"Not even to shower?"
"Especially not to shower. Who knows what trouble you'll find there."
"Speaking from experience?"
"Wouldn't you like to know." She flicked water at him. "Put it on."
The beads settled against his chest. Something pulsed through them - not quite magic, not quite divine.
"How's it feel?"
"Like being watched."
"Good." She dried her hands. "Because I am."
"Maternal." She swatted him with the towel. "Now go. Before I change my mind."
He headed for the door. Behind him, dishes clinked as Quet put them away.
"Mi sol?"
"Try not to name any monsters Harold."
"No promises."
Her laughter followed him out. The beads warmed against his skin with each step toward Babel Tower.
The dungeon entrance yawned below, darkness swallowing the spiral stairs. Cyrus adjusted his grip on the staff - simple dark wood, worn smooth from practice. Good for keeping distance, better for cracking skulls.
A cart rattled past on the street above. Voices filtered down - adventurers gathering for morning expeditions. The emerald beads pulsed once, like a reminder.
First step down rang hollow. Second echoed deeper. Third promised adventure.
Time to work.
The air changed as he descended - cooler, damper, heavy with age. His boots scraped stone worn smooth by countless adventurers before him.
Light faded gradually, replaced by the dungeon's own phosphorescence. Blue-white glow that turned everything slightly unreal. The kind of light that made shadows move.
The staff spun between his fingers - an old habit from another life. Muscle memory that didn't match his mind.
A scraping sound echoed ahead. Claws on stone.
Cyrus smiled.
A patch of wall bulged outward, stone cracking like an egg. Green flesh burst through the gap - a goblin, all teeth and malice.
Cyrus pivoted, staff singing through empty air. The goblin's skull caved with a wet crack. Its body hit the floor, already dissolving into ash.
"That's it?" He pocketed the magic stone, rolling his shoulders.
Three more goblins emerged, spreading out in a loose arc. Smart little bastards.
"Better." His staff traced lazy circles. "Let's play."
The first goblin charged straight in. Amateur move. Cyrus's staff caught it under the jaw, snapping its head back. As it staggered, he spun past its guard and brought the weapon down hard.
Something sharp grazed his arm. The second goblin, using its buddy as distraction. Blood welled from shallow cuts.
"Cute." Cyrus drove his knee into its gut, following up with an overhead strike that split its skull. "Who taught you teamwork?"
The third tried running. Its head bounced off stone walls, body already fading to ash.
"No one likes a coward." He collected their stones, checking his arm. Barely a scratch. "Next?"
They came in waves after that. Goblins with their crude claws. Kobolds snapping and snarling. Each group a little smarter, a little more coordinated.
His staff never stopped moving. High guard to low sweep. Thrust to spin to strike. Not the fancy shit from dojos - this was street fighting with a stick. Brutal. Efficient.
A particularly ugly goblin rushed him, arms spread wide. Cyrus stepped in close, staff cracking against its kneecap. As it dropped, he planted the weapon in its throat.
"Getting sloppy." The body crumbled. "Anyone else?"
Four kobolds materialized, boxing him in. Their eyes held actual intelligence. Finally.
"Now we're talking." He settled his weight, staff held loose. "Don't disappoint me."
They moved like pack hunters, attacks flowing into each other. Cyrus ducked the first set of claws, deflected the second with his staff. The third caught air as he spun away. Number four scored his ribs, drawing blood.
"There it is!" The pain felt sharp. Clean. His grin stretched wider. "Show me more."
Back and forth they went, trading strikes in the narrow corridor. One kobold's neck snapped under his staff. Another lost its jaw to an upward swing. The third died screaming, chest caved in.
The last backed away, hackles raised. Smart dog.
"Bit late for second thoughts." Cyrus advanced, letting his staff drag against stone. "Finish what you started."
It lunged, desperate and sloppy. His staff met its spine halfway. The crack echoed.
More came. More died. Time blurred into a rhythm of strike and counter, collect and move. His body knew this dance from somewhere. Another life, maybe. Didn't matter now.
The walls erupted. Twelve goblins poured out, filling the corridor with green flesh and hate.
"Fuck yes." Power thrummed under his skin, begging for release. "Let's try something fun."
The word tasted like smoke on his tongue:
Gold fire roared from his palm, turning the corridor into hell. Goblins screamed. Flesh melted. The air stank of burnt meat.
"Well shit." He stared at his smoking hand. "That's new."
His knees gave out. The staff clattered away as vertigo hit hard. Stone felt cool against his back as he slid down.
"Right." Black spots danced at the edges of his vision. "Magic's a bitch."
But he kept grinning, even as exhaustion dragged at his limbs. The dungeon walls did funny things, twisting like a bad trip. Still worth it.
"Tch." Blood dripped from various cuts. Nothing serious. "Guess I should've asked about mana limits."
Still. As his head slowly started to get clear, he couldn't stop grinning. The emerald beads pulsed against his chest, steady as a heartbeat.
Worth it.
A/N: Do you prefer the way Cyrus is in this chapter? Before I was going for someone nonchalant but that just made his dialogue more robotic than anything else. Should I keep it like this? Or go back to how he was?