The Walls... And their problems

Observing the bronze colored amulet, I not so carefully placed it into my inventory.

And thankfully, after observing my inventory screen and more specifically the equipment screen present on both screens yet not the Dead cells one for some strange one, I finally found something that I could actually use.

Placing it in the amulet slot besides the plus one health dead cells collar, I was granted... Drum roolll pleeasseee... Plus one strength and some extra interactions with people in the know.

Which when looking at things from an outsiders perspective really didn't mean much since well...

I stared at the numerous undead populating the walls where people had once patrolled, guarding the pathway to a bridge set up in the distance.

'There really isn't many people alive to talk to.'

Glancing at the bridge, I observed the large bridge made of blackstone with several arches supporting it above the crashing waves of the sea.

Colored black, the long stone bridge connecting this island to the next was apparently my only path

And wouldn't you know it? The path to the floating islands that I now knew were the fractured shrines involved the bridge, so I guess that was my goal for the time being.

'And I'm not swimming in those waters.'

Although the thought had crossed my mind more than once, the moment that I saw a bird instantly get vaporized the moment it tried to do so I knew for a fact that I wasn't going to try and enter there in this life time.

Unless I found out I was immortal somehow however, I was going nowhere to the vaporization sea of death that had just claimed the life of another bird.

Seeing nothing of the bird remained as it tried flying over I had the strong feeling that if someone didn't go through one of those connecting points that the collector had off handedly mentioned, then that would happen.

'That green door was also a connecting point right? I should check out where it would lead when I get the time.'

Thinking back to the time I was in the prisoner's quarters wandering getting no closer to an exit, I recalled the green door I had spotted from atop a strangely jutting out cliff like wall.

It was weird architecture in hindsight, no normal human was meant to climb up that thing.

'Anyways, onto the task at hand.'

Golden hour still going strong, I unsheathed my blade from space itself and began to walk forwards towards the many enemies still following their instincts from when they were alive.

Patrolling the walls were the most common group of enemies in their usual configuration that haven't even changed ever since I've seen them.

With at the least one shield bearer, two zombies flanked said shield bearer holding whatever they got their hands on whether those be a rusty sword or a wooden club, following right behind them was an undead archer.

The one thing that they all had in common?

They were all quite literally dead.

Shambling rotten bodies walking about, I caught sight of the group that Cherry had shot down from afar, one of their unliving bodies carrying an arrow that split its skull.

The not so poor thing looked as if a gust of wind could- ah it just happened.

Staring blankly at the zombie that had been hit by the rapidly billowing red flag which caused it to fall into a hole I wondered how in the hell these guys were alive.

Then I realized they weren't.

'Jokes aside Slade we really need to get going.'

Pinching my forearm, I walked forwards alerting the first of many groups coming my way.

Shield Bearer's catching sight of me first it growled loudly with what remained of its vocal cords alerting the ears of whatever remained in the heads of their undead compatriots.

And although I do not understand the logistics of a skeleton hearing noise despite it having no visible hearing organs to speak for, I wouldn't be questioning it.

I could literally light my blade on fire without oil while throwing out self growing wooden spikes without fertilizer, I was the last person to be talking about logic, especially since this was a magical world.

'Now come at-'


A loud baritone growl suddenly echoed from atop the walls causing me to flinch and causing the undead who were initially charging at me to freeze.

Stiffly turning my head to the source of the voice, I was surprised to find out that the source of the voice was much farther than I had thought.

Like much further than I thought.

'How in the hell can I see it and how in the hell can it see me?'

Staring directly into the black eyes of the rotting green face of a zombie who knows how many kilometers away from me, the Zombie clad in armor stared at me from a distance.

It was stupidly far away and was at a distance where any other monster would've appeared like an ant, a distance where you couldn't just notice someone.

But as it stands, that zombie did just that.

Stood on top of a tower, the zombie's rotting face grinned at me as it raised its hands to reveal something.

Flanked by two white cloaked figures who carried large horns on their backs, the devil pointed horns arced upwards as the shadows cast by their hoods hid their faces.

But that wasn't the point.

The point was that despite the distance between me and the zombie it could see me... and I had a suspicion why.

[Elite Zombie]

'Yeah I thought so.'

Staring at the elite zombie who I had my suspicions were more intelligent than their non elite counterparts slowly raised their hand and revealed something in their palm.

Flesh having rotted away at the portions uncovered by armor, the hand still performed its duty and unfurled its many fingers to reveal...

A certain insignia I had just received from a friend made on a whim.

'...I don't think I appreciate your present anymore Cherry.'


And it seems that the zombie didn't concur with that fact as its deep bass growl covered the entire ramparts.

Clenching its palms again, only one finger was left unfurled.

Bones creaking and cracking as the rotten flesh strained against the dried bone, I smiled as all the undead currently visible on the wall followed the elite zombies finger leading it all the way...


To me.

Eye subtly twitching as silence reigned atop the ramparts, the next thing I knew everything burst into a flurry of activity.

