A habit I have found to be very useful in fights was counting.
Weird right?
How does the act of counting upwards with one finger to the tenth help the physical act of violence that is a fight?
Well it's simple
Although it was strange, counting the number of enemies in the beginning and subtracting that number by one for every enemy you slay was a surefire countermeasure to not forgetting that one of the enemies was still left in the battlefield.
Although it was good to stay laser focused on the battlefield as any little variable could spell doom and cause you to knock on Death's door instead of Death knocking on yours, unless you were the type to enjoy being stabbed in the back, it did well to make sure that all enemies were accounted for.
This problem however didn't even remotely exist once the number of enemies present on the field surpassed a certain number.
And by a certain number I meant ten because any number above that would have you struggling to focus on the fight.
'It certainly doesn't help the fact that I lost track of the number slain already.'
Once things got past the fifty something mark, it got hectic as new enemies joined their fallen.
Eyes flickering all over the place I backstepped past another zombie bite before twisting my body around to dodge numerous arrows being shot at my body.
Taking advantage of the zombie horde in front of me as my moving very violent meatshield, the undead archers blindly fired arrows into their comrades who simultaneously didn't mind as they all collectively had one goal.
'If only that one goal isn't me.'
Biting my lip until it drew blood I stomped against the ground to make some more distance only to be stopped by the most annoying little bastards to ever exist.
Giant red pill like bodies flying towards me with their bat wings, the middle of their bodies suddenly split apart to reveal a large scythe protruding from their back.
Briefly memorizing their positions in the air as they raised their glowing scythes in the air I ripped out the rusty sword from a zombie's hand and instantly leapt through the air.
Annoying screeches echoing into my mind as they instantaneously dashed forwards, although I would like to have the Nope button of i-frames generated from rolling to instantly shift through dimensions to dodge attacks I sadly didn't have that reality warping technique of dark souler's.
A shame really.
Dodging what I could and blocking what I couldn't with the rusty sword, the result was self explanatory, more death on their side and a sore wrist on mine.
Gritting my teeth I threw the blade straight into the path of a shield bearer forcing their charge to a stop as I glared at my surroundings filled with undead trying to take a bite of my succulent flesh.
'If only that damn Elite didn't exist.'
Glaring into the distance where an armored zombie stood in the distance it seemed to sense my gaze and growled to one of the white figures at its side.
Feeling confused at that action since the zombie hadn't done that before, the next thing I knew, it had disappeared and was now just behind the horde of undead charging at me with malevolent intent
"Holy-!" Cursing aloud, it raised its hands in a swirling motion and began to form a large purple orb in between its horns.
Purple ball of energy crackling loudly the instant that it had condensed into something physical was the very moment that it fired a blazing purple bolt of light that scraped my shoulder when I belatedly tried to dodge.
Almost instantly pain wracked my sense briefly shocking the blood out of my brain as it struggled to comprehend what it was sensing.
But in the same instant that it had comprehended what it was feeling was not worse than the soul melding situation I instantly transferred into a roll.
Slack body gaining strength I tucked my head and gfelt my body tremble against the ground as my legs were brought down against the ground with the sole aim of supporting me.
Letting out a loud shout of shock as I whipped out the Balanced blade from my quick slots I have absolutely no idea how but I instantly sliced the arrow heading for my forehead.
'Quick Slots!'
Recalling something that I had gotten for the sole purpose of testing it I motioned my hand into space where that something was.
'And what better way to test it then in a super crowded battlefield!'
Adrenaline pumping through my veins as my heart tried to escape my chest and run away to somewhere far from here, I stabbed the Orange fluid filled tonic into my arm.
Pushing the plunger down in that same instant strength surged into my limbs as the subtle pain clinging to my left shoulder was removed like a cancerous tumor.
In other words I restored my health and gained a strength boost.
'It feels temporary though'
Instinctively feeling this foreign sensation of time slipping away from my fingers, I nevertheless turned to a point in space close to the magic caster.
It was just pure logic that told me making distance with a long ranged attacker was stupid, you should just hand them your sword if you do that and ask them to stab you.
Pulling out the wooden shield I should probably replace sometime soon, flames covered the surface of my blade as I activated the vine rune at the same time.
Shield morphing around my arm into something alive, its numerous spikes pierced at the enemies I acted upon turning their body into a drain sieve of blood.
Dark crimson rotting blood dripping into the ground with a wet splatter, I grimaced at the horrible smell before ignoring it in favor of pulling out the other item I had bought at the collectors shop.
And going by the name, it was explosive.
"Meet America you undead bastards!"
Throwing the steel armament known to modern people as a grenade, I continued to charge deeper into the crowd of slow reacting but fast acting undead.
Making as much distance between me and it, just as a singular second passed, the place behind me burst into a veil of white light just as several pieces of shrapnel tore at the flesh and undead muscle of my enemies.
Turning their already ugly mugs into even uglier ones, I smiled to myself all the while keeping an eye on the white figure just ahead of me.
'And it seems that it's renewable as well.'
Looking at the cooldown that appeared in the form of numbers around the quickslot of the grenade I intuitively understood that I was going to be able to reuse this explosive weapon of destruction that a friend of mine loved to death.
'I still don't get how he didn't die from eating Plastic C4'
Blankly recalling an old friend of mine, I felt a pain on my cheek and recalled where I was.
'I'm in a fight in the present, stop recalling the past Slade.'
Eyes tracking my surroundings I swung the blazing balanced blade.
Green blade of fire arcing through the air, the numerous rings on its pommel jingled loudly as the one handed blade cut through all that stood in its way.
Cauterizing and grilling the rotten flesh, the smell of cooked meat wafted into the air as another bolt of purple energy flew through the air.
Cursing at the surge of electricity that instantly fried his external nerves and made him all jittery I nevertheless kept a tight hold on my sword.
Diving into my surroundings I spun around with my sword slicing out organs and burning them from the inside.
Blood spurting like a fountain from every wound I made, I felt the cold blood splatter onto my body as soon enough as I made sure to tear anyone I came across a new breathing hole.
Flames briefly cauterizing their wounds, the blood seeped through the cracks and ejected out of their bodies like a gunshot.
Moving my wooden shield to my face the wildly thrashing shield instantly reacted to my will and thrust a large spike into the skull of the zombie flying its way.
Rotten jaw being penetrated by the spike, although I would like to use the blaze rune on the shield to burn the zombie and stop it from moving ever again, logic told me that was a very bad idea
'I also wanted to test this!'
Opening my inventory in the brief respite that the shield had brought me I instantly threw out the third thing I had gotten from the Collector.
And since bringing out a chair only to get it destroyed in the next second was stupid and so was placing this item into the middle of a crowd of undead monsters was similarly stupid, after seeing the grenade I had a hunch.
'The chair actually might regenerate.'
More things to test when I'm not being assaulted from all sides by a mob of undead more than willing to turn me into an all you can eat buffet.
'Go Sinew Slicer!'
Throwing out the triple pronged item and watching it plop onto the ground to none the wiser, I felt joy at the fact that my gamble had paid off since I now didn't need to pay off the collector for another one.
'I probably can afford it though'
Watching the sinew slicer fall onto the ground, the instant that it landed its three prongs dug into the stone beneath while raising its weapon.
A pair of saw blades that by some sort of magic or technology were able to send arcing blades of metal that instantly tore what it's names suggested and more.
Say goodbye to your muscle sinews.
Blood erupting like a fountain from the wounds, the fellow murderer in arms began to tear apart the numerous undead around me
Zombie's raising their arms they were cut off as I thrust my blade into their skulls killing them instantly.
Kicking at the shields of the Shield bearers they stumbled backwards and collided into the undead behind them forming some space around me.
Another purple bolt of crackling lightning struck my back the brief moment that I lost eye contact with that damned thing.
Turning to glare at the white robe, the only thing I saw in front of me was a zombie and the white robe teleporting.
'In hindsight I should know that's why I can't reach him.'
Feeling frustrated at that fact I hacked off the zombies head before headbutting the head into another shieldbearer's head in head to head to head action.
Thrusting my sword into the head of a shield bearer I reached into my inventory and pulled out several wooden chips from within.
'Time to put you little guys to use.'
Activating the Vine rune, green vine tattoos glowed on my arms before extending to the chips and causing them to sprout.
Throwing them into the crowd with no regards of aiming since there really was no use I didn't linger long enough to stare at the results instead opting to look for the white robe before they could do some more damage.
I had enough of the horned bastard
Stabbing the regenerated tonic into my arm and throwing another grenade into the crowd I scanned the horde for my target.
And as I did I was now able to realize one thing.
I was surrounded.
And not by just a bit.
Adrenaline pumping my veins everywhere I looked there were two things and two things only.
Undead and even more undead.
Red fliers arcing towards me, the undead archers I haven't been able to reach before now pulled back the strings of their bows, shieldbearers mingling with their zombie green brethren a white mosquito flit around the battle gnawing at my sanity.
'...I really should run away from here.'
Staring at the horde of undead alongside the Elite Zombie flanked by another one of these annoying little white KKK looking ass hats I was perfectly sure that unless I could get that damned general I was going to have to fight through their army to get to him.
And seeing as I was no one man army I was not getting anywhere near.
Glancing back to the entrance of the Ramparts, a resounding growl snatched back my attention.
'And now I have to make sure that I can lose them before they can stop me, Fun.'
Cursing a God in my mind I instantly burst into a dash.