I feel Like I should've died (2)

"How in the Seven Hells did I escape? I feel like I should've died."

"I can answer your questions."

Turning my head to the side strenuously memories instantly surged within my mind.

Stirring the cauldron of wrath rage bubbled up as I instantly pulled out the grenade with the intent of fatally injuring the figure in front of me.

I may be used to the pain due to the fact that I experienced soul torture found quite literally in the pits of hell, but there was a difference between enduring and feeling fine about it.

Enduring meant that I could ignore it if the circumstances called for it, ignoring it meant that it was nothing more than a mild annoyance.

And this pain shooting up my shoulders, spine and thighs wasn't a mild annoyance.

I could definitely endure this pain, but that didn't mean I was a masochist who could tolerate the pain neither did I take pleasure in it, so I would honestly say that my anger towards the figure in front of me was justified.

No one liked suffering, especially if that suffering was applied by someone else, hell if you really think about it, Masochists became who they are because they changed their ideals of it being suffering into pleasure.

But in this case particularly I think I can half heartedly empathise to those strange creatures called masochists.

Pulling the pin a hand clasped around my palm as a calm female voice tried to stop me from my very violent actions.

"Stop that, it's already a miracle that you're alive, don't push your luck."

"After what you did to me it's a miracle I'm not killing you Cherry." Snapping at the Brown Haired woman who went by the name Cherry the pony tailed woman tilted her head.

'Wait a ponytail?' Tilting my own head in confusion she laughed quietly to herself.

"Cherry huh...? It's been a while since someone mistook me for my sister" Not Cherry but looks like Cherry shook her head in dismissal. "No, I am actually Ella Eisengard, her twin sister."

"...Well unless you are able to remove the grenade from my hand we are both going to dead... or at the least very fatally wounded."


Snatching the grenade out of my hands I watched as the grenade flew straight out of the window and into the air exploding into a mildly harmless rain of fire and shrapnel.

"Why the hell are you so eager to kill the both of us!? If you kill me you're also harming yourself!" Shouting so loudly to the point I felt my ears ringing I cringed at the loud noise and replied as calmly as I could to the near hysterical woman.

"I already pulled the pin madame, and honestly speaking, unless you know some sort of magic to stop explosions I really can't repin this type of grenade, it's literally a button for hell's sake."

"I-!" Raising her voice a pitch it seemed my words had some sort of effect on her as she swiftly calmed down. "Hoo..."

"...Are you okay?"

Ignoring my question Ella sat on the edge of this rag bed while taking in deep breaths.

And as she was trying to calm down her tensed nerves I took this time to observe her from my position.

Well what I could observe without pain suddenly suckerpunching my nervous system.

'Brown hair, broadsword, bow, leather armor... they really do fit the part of twins.'

If I were to put them side by side, if it weren't for the fact that they styled their hair differently I don't think I would've been able to tell them apart.

'And now that I look at it, wasn't that sword bronze colored?'

Staring at the silver colored broadsword I finally realized why it was that the Cherry I had met in the prisoner's quarters acted so differently.

'They were literally different people.'

Ella, the one I met in the prisoner's quarters was the one with a withdrawn and guarded personality but was nice enough to give me a map I could use.

Cherry, the more extroverted and talkative one had talked about their past to someone they had just met before immediately trying to kill me

'Twins but they're polar opposites in terms of personality.'

With the one carrying the silver blade being the more introverted of the duo, that still didn't explain why oh why did Cherry try to kill me.

'I'm sure if she didn't give me that weird Copper Guard Insignia I wouldn't even be in this situation.'

Since it wasn't until the Elite Zombie suddenly ordered all of the undead and not dead monsters on the wall to focus on me I was pretty confident that I could kill it in a one on one confrontation.

Not that the Elite Zombie seemed keen on such an occurrence since last I saw them they were surrounded by two new types of enemies I had never seen before.

THe white robe and some short guy with an oversized right arm carrying something I wasn't able to see in the short time I glanced at them.

But nevertheless, the point of the matter was, if I didn't receive that Copper Order Insignia, Elite Zombie wouldn't have noticed me, no undead army, I would be able to reach the bridge, I would then be able to enter the Shattered shrines much faster.

'Or was it called the fragmented shrines?' Trying to recall the name mentioned in the journal of that religious nut, Ella finally spoke pulling me out of my own thoughts.

"...I belong to the Silver Navy, and unlike my Sister who joined the Copper Guard, I was the Captain... Well I guess she's also now the Captain."

Turning to look at Ella while ignoring the burning sensation I felt in my hands she continued while resting her back against the wall, arm against her forehead.

"We had a brother, the both of us, his name was Eric, and unlike us he joined the Golden Guard... But after doing so I guess he didn't need us anymore so he cut contacts after making it big."

"I mean, since he's protecting the King you really can't much higher can you?" Laughing depreciatingly Ella slumped over. "Well we didn't like that, so we joined the Silver and Copper orders to have a higher chance of seeing him."

"...You might be thinking why didn't we just join the Royal Guard but after our brother joined they stopped doing open registrations and kind of only took in new blood from the Silvers and Coppers..."

"So to raise our chances of entering the Golden Order to see our stupid Brother again we split up and I joined the Navy while she Joined the City Guard."

"I guess we had the same talent that allowed our brother to join the Golden Order in the first place so we climbed up the ranks very fast, but when we did it..." She waved her hand at the stone walls littered in moss and cracks. "And this weird time thing happened and monsters started to appear amongst the dead."

"Well I guess she was already losing her way? After the Captain of the City Guard lost his life trying to contain the infected of the Prison to the island atop the walls that fell soon after, she went..."

"Coo coo crazy?"

She shot me a look at my words before letting out a long sigh.

"I guess that sums it up nicely doesn't it? She honestly thinks that killing someone who's already dead would make it so that she has a higher chance of meeting him again."

Silence befell the two of us once again, but this time it wasn't an awkward silence, it was more so the silence that occurred when one was occupied by their own thoughts.

"I... I knew a friend, she had a brother in the special forces, but because of some special circumstances he was dispatched to some rock on the other side of the planet and she couldn't meet him again."

Ella turned to my voice before turning away. "And let me guess, she went crazy trying to meet him again?"

"She eventually did end up meeting him in the hospital... but that was the last time I ever saw her... she joined him soon after."

"Oh... Well I guess that's just swell isn't it."

Tilting her head downwards Ella's brown eyes lingered on the silver edge of the Broadsword. "So you're saying that unless I stop her from killing more in hopes of killing that man she'll die with her only choice of meeting our brother is in Hell?"

"Well that's not what I was trying to say... but yeah, it's a very self destructive road she's going, not to be prickly, but she's obsessed."

Over someone who may not even be alive was the last part that was left unsaid, something that Ella seemed to understand as she turned towards me staring straight into my own pair of eyes with her brown ones.

"Hey... I saw you facing off against what remained of the Iron and Bronze Guard, you were pretty strong out there..."

"Do you think I can help? Didn't you see that I was about to just die until you got me out of there?"


"...Well I'm certainly not going to be able to go anywhere if that damned Elite sets its sights on me again, and I certainly don't want to waste time searching for another way out of this place, which I don't suppose you would tell me?"

"I can give you a map of this entire island if you help me."

"Yeah I figures, do you think it will remember me if I get rid of the Insignia that your sister gave me? Or will we just have to face the army straight on?"

"I can't thank you enough."

"Save the thanks until you stop your psycho sister from killing some poor saps"

Pushing my aching body off the ground several cracks popped from my bones as the soreness assaulted my now well rested body.

"At least tell me you have a plan to kill the Elite Zombie so that your sister loses the target of her obsession, she'll definitely be more open to conversation then."

