Spontaneous Combustion isn't fun

'Hoo... Hopefully this doesn't have any addictive properties.'

Pushing in the plunger as the needle transferred the self replenishing orange fluid I felt the pain in my hands and legs subside.

If only for a moment.

'...Bleeding hell.'

Trying to suppress the urge to curse loudly at the pain I was feeling, I guess it wasn't for nothing that the worst way to die was by burning.

Ever since the soreness in my spine and shoulder blades had disappeared as time went on and I was able to walk normally it seemed that Fun decided that this amount of suffering wasn't enough and decided to permanently start burning my external limbs.

They weren't permanently burning per se, but I felt as if thousands of red fire ants were gnawing at my bones every single time I looked at my hands, especially since they briefly sparked when rubbed wrong.

'Reminder to use the tonic once more since this doesn't just seem to be simple phantom pain, magic phantom pain perhaps?'

Shaking my head I wondered about the logic of this even as I watched the Glass tube somehow refill its contents even as the burning sensation returned albeit belatedly.

'I think it's getting weaker as well.'

Idly playing around with the Tonic in my hands as my feet stepped into the stone ground I thought to myself about this extremely temporary pain killer while wondering when my limbs would stop burning.

On the plus side I was now in a constant state of strengthening and could now instantly burn my limbs for a pillar of fire from my limbs, this had the very obvious downside of limbs being sacrificed but fire hands!


I absentmindedly wiped the blood from my cheekbones as I turned to Ella who gestured at me.

Currently walking within the Walls of the Ramparts, a network of tunnels continuously stretched on for who knows how far.

And much like its wall top counterparts, these halls were littered with endless hordes of undead patrolling the innards of the walls.

But compared to the undead Hell above that had all of these gathered together in an absurdly large army, it was a wonder how these once living guards had even fallen to the Disease known as the malaise.

"Stop dawdling and hurry up if you've made up your mind to follow me."

"Sorry about that, I was just thinking about how we are to proceed from here on out now that we're hesitant allies."

"...It's fine."

Shaking her head she walked forwards bow in hands as she drew arrows out of her quiver that seemingly replenished itself automatically and continuously loosed her arrows.

Whistling through the air they dug deep into the skulls of the undead in front.

Even being able to hit the extremely flitty and erratically moving red beans arrows punched straight through their red carapaces and poked out of their backs instantly killing them

And of the few undead that she was unable to shoot down from a distance she holstered her bow and unsheathed her blade with swift movements.

Kicking the butt of the blade with the back of her heel she simultaneously grabbed the hilt, took it out of its hooked sheath and maneuvered it so fluidly that I even doubted that it was even made of heavy metal

But after seeing it effortlessly cleave through bone and substitute the flat of its blade for a shield I threw that thought out of my mind.

She was just that strong and skilled.

Flinging the large blade as if it was nothing more than those training sticks the monks in mountain temples used it instantly turned the undead into two different parts.

Even the fact that we were in a confined space didn't seem to stop Ella with how wildly she was swinging the large blade roughly a meter and fifty centimeters in length with 30 cm in width, roughly head sized.

It was large and unwieldy enough that you should honestly just wonder why the forger who created the broadsword didn't just make a shield instead.

'It does seem very effective as a shield though.'

Watching her block the arrows shot from an undead archer wearing the Robin Hood get up she swiftly kicked the butt of the blade and thrust forwards.

Pulling back the blade covered in blood and bone dust she flicked her wrist causing all of the accumulated gunk to instantly fly off.

"Just curious, how did you even do that?"


Mimicking the movement of flicking her blade I spoke "How did you flick your blade and cause all of the blood on it to suddenly fall off?"

"Ah..." Staring at the shiny silver surface of the blade she placed it onto the little slot on her back and let it slide into its sheath. "It's a learned skill, you wouldn't be able to learn it."

"Try me."


Pulling out her bow once more, she took out an arrow and placed it into the strings tensing the string as she prepared to fire at any unfortunate undead who came before her as we went wherever she was leading us.

"Until you tell me where we are going I'm just going to keep on pestering you."




"Hey Ella, I wasn't kidding."




"I'm desperately trying to ignore the pain of my hands trying to spontaneously combust, please entertain me"

Silently enduring my tirade of speech Ella silently pulled the strings back and loosed it into the red skull of the Sleeping red scythe bean hanging on the ceiling.

"Just know that I'm still following you just because our goals align, I want to leave this place and you want to kill the Elite Zombie, just accept this little whim of mine would you?"


"You do want to kill the Elite Zombie don't you? Or do you want me to help you convince your sister? Wasn't it implied that we won't be able to convince her until that Elite is dead?"

"Fine! Just shut up for a second you psycho"

"You finally answered, also why am l a psycho? You missed one." Activating the vine rune I threw a wooden chip causing it to instantly whiz past her head and explode into the head of the shield bearer exiting the hole in the wall behind her.


"You know in hindsight I guess I can understand why you see me as a psycho."


"I'm not usually like this, it's just that the Blaze Rune has suddenly started burning my limbs and I'm very antsy about spontaneously combusting as a result."

"...Don't you know how to use mana? Use it to regulate your rune." Staring at me, soon enough we came across a large wall of similar build to the one that had the green door placed atop it.

With no protrusions to make things easier for climbers I briefly wondered how these builders were able to make things so smooth before swiftly following it up with how inconvenient it was to just have a random next floor with no stairs in sight.

"...Although I don't know what Mana is, should I get something to make a ladder or-"

Shutting halfway, I watched in stupefaction as the woman carrying a weapon half my size jumped upwards before literally stepping on air.

She was stepping on air.

Blankly staring at the sight that seemed to defy physics, she stood atop the very tall wall while staring down at me.

"You know the mana I was talking about? It's an energy that you should feel inside you moving when you activate the runes, it's also a magical force that allowed me to do this, I also used mana to form a film between my blade and the other stuff so that it slides off easily."

Looking down on me, she had an extremely smug grin on their face as they crouched down to get closer to me.

Not that it did much since she was still much higher than what I could reach conventionally.

"...How in the Seven Hells did you get up there?"

"You do it by forming a barrier around your feet with the very mana I was talking about." Uncharacteristically smug she continued 

"It took me several weeks to learn the skill so stay there as I find some ropes to pick-"

"So a double jump then? But placing an invisible block in the air" Leaping up besides her like a ghost as she just turned around, Ella stared at me with an indiscernible look in her face.

And I wasn't some sort of professional reader of faces, but even at this point I could feel the subtlety brewing anger underneath that blank gaze.

"I'm sorry."

Bowing to her the only reply I received was the series of footsteps getting more distant.

'...I think I pissed her off.' Recalling how I felt when encountering talent I felt slightly nostalgic.

'But wasn't that a bit to... easy?' Tilting my head I stopped the sensation and occurrence of my arms burning up spontaneously while swiftly following the slightly angry Ella who may or may not be doubting all of her efforts up until now.

'It probably helps that it seems to be extremely connected to my soul though.'

Shaking my head, I felt chills crawl across my body for... the third time?

Maybe it was the fourth or the second but who's really keeping count, God?

In all hindsight that may be true.

Anyways, the manipulation of this mana as Ella had stated was much easier than I had thought.

And it was all due to one thing.

Me being made aware of my soul through time shenanigans stuffing every single moment of my life into one moment which seemed to spread into an eternity.

Three times mind you.

Three. Times.

'F*ck You Fun.'

Mentally pulling up the middle finger to the God of fun who certainly seemed to have fun playing with my soul, I was partially thankful for the fact that I was now extremely aware to all things related to the soul.

Most probably due to the torture as it was stated by many survivors of torture that they have an unhealthy obsession/ fear of things they experienced in their torture.

Trauma was an old friend that seemed to have lessened their punches last I saw them however.

"We've made it, be quiet and keep your head down." Ella said, pausing in front of a completely intact wooden door, a rarity in this place filled with rotting things.

"What?" Tilting my head, Ella ignored my question as actions spoke louder than words as she opened the wooden door.

