The Marketplace

"Kill... Thieves..."

A groan leaked out of the man's mouth as he slowly walked through the halls of the tower.

Slowly moving their gaze to the broken balcony they stared down at the Ramparts which extended along to form a ring all around the island.

Lining the Shores with their bricks, portions of those walls had broken down into states of disrepair as the man watched figures slowly try to climb up the towering walls.

Staring at this sight the man turned backwards to face his comrades in arms.

Wearing white cloaks and silver armor, his comrades were split into two distinct groups.

"Inquis...itors..." A slow groan left his mouth as he stared at the white robed figures adorned with crimson red horns atop their shoulders.

Those renowned Battle Priests slowly turned to the man in response to his delayed call.

"Swee...pers..." A similar groan exited the man's mouth as he turned to stare at the armored men carrying a glowing armament embedded into the flesh of their arms.

These Elite Guards of the Iron Order turned to stare at the man from within their tattered hoods.

"Grr..." The man clutched his head and groaned, the armor on his body grinding against each other in the symphony of metal against metal.

"Pain... Memories..?" Memories surged within the man's head as he desperately tried to recall what those memories were and why they were causing him so much pain.

But like many of the other times before his attempt to recall his memories ended in failure.

Turning to stare at the Giant Bronze sigil hanging up on the wall, similarly adorning the wall were several bloodied weapons stabbed into the crevices between the stones.

And hanging atop these embedded weapons were blood covered sigils of a bronze colored sword atop a shield.

Staring at these weapons that numbered in the hundreds the man groaned at his attempt to recall his past with these bronze medallions, each attempt ending in an even more painful failure.

Turning towards his more recent memories that didn't cause pain, it recalled the one who was similar to him.

Bearing the same smell as his comrades the Man remembered.

"The Thief..."

Not knowing the words coming out of his own mouth the man slowly ambled to the broken balcony and stared down at his army.

"Find... Them... Find... The Thief... And... Kill..."

And his army responded.


The sight that unfolded before my eyes couldn't be called anything else but lively.

Before the doors that Ella had just opened, living, breathing people wandered.

Unlike the very much not lively upper walls, people of all shapes and sizes congregated here with actual uncorrupted blood running through their veins.

Stalls clung to the sides of the walls as several pieces of cloth draped themselves between them, several fixed wooden planks connecting each of the stores to each other.

Stepping on them with confidence despite the extremely doubtful engineering put into these makeshift bridges creation, marketgoers were common here.

Lizards wearing orange masks over their faces haggled with storekeepers of Indian Ancestry all the while incredibly pale women bargained over some form of weapon with a beggarly looking man.

It seemed so incredibly surreal to think that there was an actual marketplace within these walls, and it was oh so otherworldly.

It never really seemed to click until now that I was in another world.

'Probably because the only inhabitants I've met so far seem to consist solely of corpses.'

It was so filled with life that it was...

"Surreal right? If you know anything about us Sevallian's its that we always eventually gather to form a market, no matter the conditions."

Turning to look at me with a slightly smug look mixed in with nostalgia I nodded absentmindedly, still staring at the entire marketplace.

'Even those places that claim to accomodate all cultures can't even meet this standard.'

With so many people of different ethnicities and of a literal different species that no doubt had ethnicities of their own, it was a cultural melting pot waiting to explode.

Culture Clash usually didn't end well for either party, just look at the crusades, or the Vietnam War, or quite literally any other invasion that had occurred in the history of man.

It was a wonder that in a society without any higher military power managing the populace this marketplace hadn't been turned into an arena filled with bloodshed.

'I guess it has to do with the fact that everyone you fight here has an equally high chance of ending your life.'

Glancing to the side at a lizard woman paying for something, the first thing I noticed were the spear on their back and the daggers at their waist followed closely by the fact that their dagger was still dripping with blood.

Not the lively red blood of course, just the coagulated black blood created from corpses.

But the fact still stands since she was still standing.

This lizard woman is combat able.

Watching the dripping blood seep through the floorboards it was soon swiftly absorbed by the numerous pieces of cloth draped everywhere.

'Well I guess now I know why all of these pieces of cloth are very dark.'

Also noting that they all lead to a center basin where the fluids gathered when they weren't overburdened with blood, it seemed that no murder would arise if everyone was equally as capable of murder.

'It certainly helps that no one wants to cause problems for no reason.'

Watching a particularly irate man try pulling out his sword only to get several arrows dot the area around him, I watched said man hobble away with slightly more darkened pants.

I also found out another use for the numerous cloths besides for blood.

'I should probably make a point to hurry past them.'

Still following behind Ella, I continued to stare in wonder at the marketplace that continued to extend on for a couple hundred more meters without even taking into account the upper and lower layers

And now that I thought about it, for a place that had a dedicated system for draining fluids from their bodies so that it isn't gathered all over the place, it smelled rather decent.

Nose twitching I smelt the air and noted that it was incredibly refreshing and even had the smell of cooked meat in some places.

As if your nose had just been unclogged was the only comparison I could draw it to.

'Are those pieces of cloth magic?' Not noticing the smell of rotten blood and flesh that seemed to have penetrated every nook and cranny of this island, strangely enough it seemed as if that smell hadn't even touched this place.

'If not they have a very strong perfume.'

But it probably was magic in the end, perfume is a luxury item which lowers in supply in apocalyptic scenarios, who was out there trying to get laid when undead were trying to get you slain?

"We're here."

Blinking at the sudden voice whispering into my ear I tore myself from the sight of this marketplace and stared at the place in front of me.

And the first thing I noticed as we got nearer to the place was an instantaneous blast of heat.

Rivalling the heat formed from my spontaneous combustion, the level of heat continued to climb higher and higher as hot air continued to be pumped out of this stone alcove.

And unlike many of the other stores that were seemingly everywhere in these walls, this store was quite literally within these walls.

Most of the stalls manned by actual living people here consisted of rags, wooden scraps and whatever material people could've gotten their hands on forming a very diverse yet similar design all over.

But wherever Ella was leading me was different, proper you could say.

*Clang Clang!

My ears perked up at the sound of metal against metal ringing sonorously in the air.

Turning to the source, it came from within the hole in the wall store adorned with a sign bearing a symbol of a hammer atop an anvil.

'Yeah I think I know where I'm heading.'

Rhythmically ringing loudly, I noted many people avoided this general area as if it was infected with the plague.

But that wasn't to say that Everyone was avoiding it as a few shady figures lurked around the outskirts of the store.

"Old Lizard, I'm here like you asked!"

Opening the door and entering while shouting loudly over the din of metal ringing I took this chance to swiftly follow and observe the innards of this store.

And it was like what I had imagined.

All around weapons of all shapes and sizes littered the store atop racks made of wood.

Swords, spears, bows, hammers and even the odd whip, everywhere I looked at least one weapon was adorning the place I looked at.

'It's a weird design choice to use a shield as a chair.'

Staring at the spiked seat I pitied the poor fool who would absentmindedly sit on it.

'On second thought some people might enjoy it.'

Who knows? The world was a mysterious place filled with mysterious people with mysterious intentions that I have no intention of exploring.

It's a I respect you but please stay away from me type of thing

Turning away from the weird looking chair, at some point the clang of metal against metal permeating the entire storefront had stopped allowing me to realize where it had been coming from in the first place.

Body moving from atop a rock protruding from the floor, a lizard man of short stature turned to look at us.

Eyes peering from behind their orange goggles the blacksmith adjusted their orange mask and tightly gripped the large hammer in their hands still glowing from the heat.

"Ella Eisengard, did your parents not teach you that it's rude to interrupt someone when they're working?"

"Lay off of the metal old lizard, I'm one of your only suppliers, and you called me here in the first place."

"..." Silently gazing at us even as they adjusted their bag I noted that they were carrying some sort of radiator atop their back.

"Fine then, tell me, who's the little manling you brought with you this time?"

"That's the thing, I'm here to cash in on that favor."

Despite not being able to clearly see their face underneath their mask, I could sense the solemness that suddenly came from their straightened posture.

"...Are you sure?"


"...Fine, manling."

Turning to me, I pointed at myself in surprise. "Me?"

"Yes you Manling, tell me." They took off their goggles to reveal the startling blue eyes that seemed to appear on every Lizard's face. "Are you ready for this?"

"...Well if I knew what we were talking about I might agree."

"...You didn't tell him?" Turning to look at Ella in surprise he spoke.


Taking the silence as the answer he needed to hear the lizard sighed.

"Leaving all the heavy lifting to me once again huh?" Murmuring to himself the lizard turned to me.

"Now prepare yourself because I'm going to be telling you a story."

