Harold Black, a soldier from the modern era, finds himself transported years into the future after an accident on a highway kills him and his ex-wife. In this future, humans have grown beyond the confines of their world using the power within their souls, and the worth of any Soul is entirely dependent on the power it wields.
Here, Soul Reapers are the driving force of human expansion, carving their way through various alien worlds and burning through the Essence of their Souls to acquire more power.
With newfound abilities beyond his imagination and a Fractured Soul marked for destruction by The World, Harry tries to figure out the reason behind his journey and a means of getting back home to his son.
Hello everyone, and welcome to my new story! This story is going to have many elements of fantasy, kenjutsu, and adventure in it. I'm working towards building a massive universe with a very diverse set of creatures in it and the MC is going to slowly travel across this wide universe, interacting with, killing, fighting and befriending these creatures. At heart, the MC is a realist who doesn't believe in the ideas of heroism, that is the reason why he is portrayed as an antihero. The world is not going to give him any chance to be kind to others, so survival is going to be the anthem of his heart. As I've said in chapter three, my main motivations for this story are Cowboy Bebop, Shadow Slave and my single favourite manga of all time, Vagabond. So expect to see various elements from these media sources intertwining in the novel. The theme of this novel is Dark Fantasy where the main focus will be on the Soul and training to wield the power held within it. I hope you all join us on the journey and enjoy yourselves every step of the way. If you have any questions, then please add them in the comments below and I'll be more than happy to answer them at soonest convenience.