The Rosso Network

The Rosso Dynasty

The Rosso family has long been one of the most influential noble families within the Western Holy Church, its roots entwined with the kingdom of Siltrosso, a land known for its rich history and vast natural resources. Granbell Rosso, the patriarch of the family, was once a devout follower of the goddess Luminous Valentine. However, his faith was not born from love or reverence but from ambition. He saw the Church and its authority as tools to consolidate power and control the politics of both Siltrosso and the surrounding regions.

Granbell's daughter, Mariabell Rosso, inherited his cunning and manipulative tendencies but added her own flair for diplomacy and intrigue. Together, they turned Siltrosso into a hub of shadowy dealings, espionage, and underhanded schemes while maintaining a public image of piety and respectability.

She possesses a Unique Skill called Greed, which allows her to manipulate and control the desires of others. By amplifying their deepest ambitions and hungers, she can bend people to her will, turning even the most loyal allies into her pawns.

Siltrosso's Strengths and Agenda

Siltrosso is a militarized kingdom with a strong economic base. Its wealth stems from its mines, which produce rare magical ores, and its sprawling agricultural lands, which supply food to neighboring countries. However, the kingdom's true strength lies in its intelligence network, funded and orchestrated by the Rosso family. Spies from Siltrosso are embedded in nearly every major nation, including Tempest and the Holy Empire of Lubelius.

Granbell's ultimate goal is absolute dominance—not just over the Church, but over all nations aligned with it. He believes Luminous Valentine is growing weak in her influence, and her alliance with Rimuru, a monster, is proof of her failure as a god. To him, she has become a liability that must be removed.

Granbell and Mariabell despise Luminous for several reasons:

Loss of Favor: Granbell, once a high-ranking member of Luminous' inner circle, was sidelined when Luminous discovered his manipulative nature and lack of genuine faith. This perceived humiliation has fueled his desire for revenge.

Disdain for Monsters: Granbell considers monsters an abomination and a threat to human supremacy. Rimuru's rise as a demon lord and his alliance with Luminous further inflamed his hatred.

Power Struggle: The Rosso family has long sought to control the Western Holy Church from the shadows. Luminous' direct involvement in Church affairs limits their influence, making her an obstacle to their plans.

Granbell believes that faith in Luminous can be weaponized against her. By corrupting the Church from within, he plans to erode her influence while using the faithful as pawns.

While Granbell focuses on military and political manipulation, Mariabell handles the social and diplomatic side of their plans.

Manipulating Nobles: Mariabell uses her charm and intellect to win over influential nobles, offering them wealth and power in exchange for loyalty to the Rosso cause.

Espionage: Mariabell oversees the intelligence network, gathering information on Tempest's internal workings and military capabilities. She also spreads false intelligence to confuse and divide Tempest's allies.

Diplomatic Sabotage: Mariabell actively works to weaken Tempest's alliances by sowing discord between Rimuru and other nations. She plants spies to create misunderstandings and stoke conflicts.

Granbell uncovered the existence of a body hidden deep beneath Luminous' home, a secret that the goddess has fiercely guarded for centuries.

The Hidden Body: This mysterious body lies within a sealed chamber beneath the Holy Empire of Lubelius, protected by ancient magic and divine barriers created by Luminous herself. The body's identity and purpose remain unknown to most, but it is rumored to hold great power that Granbell intends to use against Rimuru and Luminous.

Using his vast intelligence network and forbidden research, Granbell managed to locate the chamber and decipher the layers of protective spells surrounding it. He deduced that the body is crucial to Luminous' existence and that destroying or controlling it would give him leverage over the goddess.

Granbell and Mariabell recognize Rimuru as a significant obstacle to their plans. While Granbell views Rimuru as a nuisance, Mariabell sees him as a wild card—a being who defies the rules of the world and poses a threat to their carefully crafted schemes.

Spreading Discord: Using her intelligence network, Mariabell spreads false rumors of Rimuru's expansionist ambitions, turning nations against Tempest.

Undermining Alliances: The Rosso family sends emissaries to Rimuru's allies, offering bribes and spreading misinformation to fracture his relationships with other nations.

Assassination Attempts: Granbell authorizes covert missions to assassinate Rimuru's key generals, such as Benimaru and Shion, believing that weakening Tempest's leadership will destabilize the nation.

Rimuru's Countermeasures

Rimuru's extensive spy network, including the miniature spies created from his body, allows him to monitor the Rosso family's activities. Unbeknownst to Granbell, Tempest has already intercepted several of his messages and uncovered parts of his plan.

Luminous' Resolve

Luminous, though aware of the Rosso family's treachery, allows them to proceed to a point, intending to crush them decisively when they overstep. Her confidence stems from her alliance with Rimuru, whom she trusts to counter Granbell's schemes.

In the end, the Rosso family's schemes will culminate in their downfall, leaving Siltrosso vulnerable to retribution from both Luminous and Rimuru. Their arrogance and obsession with power will prove to be their undoing, as the world rallies against their treachery.