Demon Lord Xalvador, the Phantom of the Abyss, was not a conqueror who relied on brute force. He did not need to unleash armies or battle head-on. Instead, he thrived in the shadows, bending the world to his will with careful manipulation, subterfuge, and whispers.
His goal was twofold:
Lubelius, the Holy Empire, ruled by Hinata Sakaguchi, who had been granted tremendous power by Luminous Valentine, one of the Keepers. Beside her stood Ghunter and Louis, loyal and powerful figures who would never allow their kingdom to fall easily.
The Forgotten Dragon City, ruled by Midray, who had been empowered by Milim Nava, another Keeper.
Both were impossible to take by force alone.
But Xalvador did not need force.
He would undermine them from within, turning their people, their allies, and even their own beliefs against them.
Lubelius was a fortress of faith, its people devoted to the divine will of Luminous and their warrior-queen, Hinata Sakaguchi.
A direct invasion was suicide—Hinata alone was an unstoppable force, and with Ghunter and Louis, the defenses of Lubelius were airtight.
However, power alone was not enough to rule.
Faith. Loyalty. Trust.
These were the foundations upon which Lubelius stood.
Xalvador would shake them all.
Xalvador knew that outright rebellion was impossible in Lubelius, but doubt… doubt was a slow, creeping poison.
Disguised as a wandering scholar, he infiltrated Lubelius.
He spoke in hushed tones in taverns, in markets, and among the merchants.
"Hinata is powerful, but does she rule with compassion or with force?"
"Is the church truly devoted to Luminous… or is it devoted to power?"
"Do you think Lubelius can stand forever when the world is changing?"
At first, these words were ignored.
But doubt, once planted, grows on its own.
The High Priests of Lubelius were powerful, but they were still men.
Power. Greed. Fear.
These were weaknesses Xalvador could exploit.
Under a false identity, he approached several influential bishops—men who desired greater control over Lubelius' governance.
Xalvador (disguised):
"Queen Hinata is strong, but strength alone does not rule a nation. You, the priests, are the true shepherds of the people. Shouldn't your voices guide the empire?"
The bishops hesitated, but the idea had been planted.
Xalvador did not need to tell them what to do. Their own ambitions would lead them down the path he desired.
Xalvador knew that Hinata, Ghunter, and Louis would not fall for simple deception. They were too strong-willed, too aware of manipulation.
So instead, he orchestrated a fabricated crisis—one that would force them to take action.
Using his agents, Xalvador hired mercenaries to pose as foreign rebels, stirring unrest in the outer territories of Lubelius.
False assassination attempts against priests were staged.
Small uprisings were incited in remote villages.
Political divisions were exacerbated between the military and the church.
Rumors spread like wildfire that Hinata was losing control.
The bishops and nobles of Lubelius demanded answers.
Would Hinata rule with an iron fist?
Or would she yield to the clergy's guidance?
It was a trap with no easy answer.
Hinata was not blind to what was happening.
She gathered Ghunter and Louis and immediately launched an investigation.
Within days, she discovered the false rebels were manipulated by an outside force.
Hinata, along with her two strongest allies, tracked down Xalvador's informants and captured them.
Under interrogation, the truth was revealed—Xalvador was behind the deception.
Hinata (coldly):
"A Demon Lord thinks he can walk into my kingdom and turn it against me?"
"We should purge these traitors and hunt Xalvador down immediately."
"No… he's not the type to fight head-on. He wants us to make the wrong move."
Hinata clenched her fists.
She would not let Xalvador take her country.
So she made a bold move—she gathered the people of Lubelius and revealed the entire scheme publicly.
Hinata (to the people):
"A demon hides among you. A trickster who seeks to break our faith and turn us against each other. But I will not allow Lubelius to be torn apart by whispers!"
The people rallied behind her.
Xalvador's entire plan was undone in one stroke.
Seeing that he had lost the battle of manipulation, Xalvador vanished from Lubelius like a ghost.
Lubelius remained unconquered.
Unlike Lubelius, the Forgotten Dragon City was a land of warriors.
Midray, their king, was empowered by Milim and held unshakable loyalty from his people.
Xalvador knew he could not manipulate them through words alone.
So instead, he chose a different strategy.
Xalvador did not hide this time.
He walked directly into Midray's throne room, unarmed.
The dragon warriors snarled at his presence, but Midray raised a hand.
"A Demon Lord walks into my city? Either you are a fool… or you think yourself my equal."
Xalvador smiled.
"Neither. I am here to propose a contest."
Midray's eyes narrowed.
"Your people respect strength above all. So I will offer you this—if I can best three of your greatest warriors in a battle of skill, you will listen to my offer. If I fail, I leave."
Midray smirked.
He had no reason to refuse.
Xalvador fought three of Midray's best warriors—but not with brute force.
Instead, he used his shadowy techniques to:
Confuse them.
Outmaneuver them.
Disarm them without killing.
Midray watched in fascination.
After defeating all three warriors, Xalvador turned to Midray.
"Now, will you listen?"
Midray, intrigued, nodded.
Xalvador did not ask to rule the Forgotten Dragon City.
Instead, he proposed a pact.
"I do not seek to take your throne. I seek an alliance. The world is changing, Midray. Even Milim will not rule forever. If you stand alone, you will be left behind. But if you stand with me, we can reshape this world together."
Midray hesitated.
But Xalvador had proven himself.
And so, a pact was formed.
Lubelius remained intact, but Xalvador's failed attempt only made Hinata stronger.
The Forgotten Dragon City was not conquered, but Xalvador secured an alliance.
Xalvador had not taken two lands, but he had left his mark on both.
And in the end…
The shadows always remain.